Democrats work to keep losing

Matt Lauer lost his job.
Charlie Rose lost his job.
Mark Halperin lost his job.
Glenn Thrush lost his job.
Billy Bush lost his job.
Harvey Weinstein lost his job.
Kevin Spacey lost his job.
But in politics...
Moore still running.
Trump still President.

Don't forget about the dead woman found in Joe Scarborough's office. WTF's up with that?! :eek-52:
Hillary must have killed them all right?
Way to run from my post and deflect your ass off.

Actually, it's you who's doing some bizarre deflecting. You're way off-topic. But regardless, what about that dead woman in Scarborough's office? Crazy chit, no?
Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.
Why is it that they need pandering to?

If white people can vote Democrat, blacks and feminists can sure as hell vote Republican.
Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

For feminists, that's a good question.

For blacks, it depends. Those who wish to be violent, lawless thugs, welfare parasites, criminal gangsters, and such, will still be at home under the Democrats. Those who choose to be worthwhile, productive members of society, who wish to work at honest jobs and support themselves and their families in an honorable manner—those who seek to live according to the dream expressed by Martin Luther King, of being judged by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin—will find themselves very welcome and very much at home among us Republicans.

And you've demonstrated perfectly why you can't even get 10% of the black vote. Because you refer to them as violent, lawless thugs, welfare parasites, and criminal gangsters. The "worthwhile, productive members of society, who wish to work at honest jobs and support themselves and their families in an honorable manner" don't vote for you either.
Democrats refer to white people as FAR worse, and yet white liberals still vote Democrat heavily....
Republicans have done a great job of pushing away minorities. I'm sure they (minorities) wish they had more of a choice with regard to their political affiliation, but the right has embraced openly racist people, such as many of those who post here. You wouldn't catch me joining the party that gives a voice to the Black Panthers. Hell, one of the main reasons I don't like dems is because they're low-key hostile to white people, but nowhere near how hostile the right acts to anyone who isn't white.
They are not low key in their hostility to white people.

It is no mystery why all these anti-white professors keep popping up all over the country and barely ever get fired.
Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

or young people

or people who care about science

or people who care about education

and not just feminists... but most women.... unless you're an uber religious type

your "president" got 3 million fewer votes. maybe we should get rid of the electoral college and gerrymandering actually have one person one vote.

oh right.. the GOP hates that
Way to nail every tired old soundbite generalization of those evil cons who hate everything.
Its almost as if you put absolutely zero of your own thought into it.

says someone who has no response to actual fact so ACTUALLY relies on the same old rightwingnut trumptard soundbites.

perhaps you should actually get informed and think.

but thanks so much for playing. We know trumptards aren't smart enough to form an actual thought.
You are regularly getting your ass handed to you on here by Trump supporters of all stripes....
Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

For feminists, that's a good question.

For blacks, it depends. Those who wish to be violent, lawless thugs, welfare parasites, criminal gangsters, and such, will still be at home under the Democrats. Those who choose to be worthwhile, productive members of society, who wish to work at honest jobs and support themselves and their families in an honorable manner—those who seek to live according to the dream expressed by Martin Luther King, of being judged by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin—will find themselves very welcome and very much at home among us Republicans.

Like President Barack Hussein Obama? ]

Still despised by white conservatives because of his color.
Another lying pos....
Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

or young people

or people who care about science

or people who care about education

and not just feminists... but most women.... unless you're an uber religious type

your "president" got 3 million fewer votes. maybe we should get rid of the electoral college and gerrymandering actually have one person one vote.

oh right.. the GOP hates that
Way to nail every tired old soundbite generalization of those evil cons who hate everything.
Its almost as if you put absolutely zero of your own thought into it.

says someone who has no response to actual fact so ACTUALLY relies on the same old rightwingnut trumptard soundbites.

perhaps you should actually get informed and think.

but thanks so much for playing. We know trumptards aren't smart enough to form an actual thought.
You are regularly getting your ass handed to you on here by Trump supporters of all stripes....

trump supporters here hand what to what?

Bad policy and stupidity sure , but nothing of value.
Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

or young people

or people who care about science

or people who care about education

and not just feminists... but most women.... unless you're an uber religious type

your "president" got 3 million fewer votes. maybe we should get rid of the electoral college and gerrymandering actually have one person one vote.

oh right.. the GOP hates that
Way to nail every tired old soundbite generalization of those evil cons who hate everything.
Its almost as if you put absolutely zero of your own thought into it.

says someone who has no response to actual fact so ACTUALLY relies on the same old rightwingnut trumptard soundbites.

perhaps you should actually get informed and think.

but thanks so much for playing. We know trumptards aren't smart enough to form an actual thought.
You are regularly getting your ass handed to you on here by Trump supporters of all stripes....

trump supporters here hand what to what?

Bad policy and stupidity sure , but nothing of value.
The liberals are imploding all over the country, and you keep your blinders on full. lol

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