Democrats work to keep losing

Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

For feminists, that's a good question.

For blacks, it depends. Those who wish to be violent, lawless thugs, welfare parasites, criminal gangsters, and such, will still be at home under the Democrats. Those who choose to be worthwhile, productive members of society, who wish to work at honest jobs and support themselves and their families in an honorable manner—those who seek to live according to the dream expressed by Martin Luther King, of being judged by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin—will find themselves very welcome and very much at home among us Republicans.

And you've demonstrated perfectly why you can't even get 10% of the black vote. Because you refer to them as violent, lawless thugs, welfare parasites, and criminal gangsters. The "worthwhile, productive members of society, who wish to work at honest jobs and support themselves and their families in an honorable manner" don't vote for you either.
BUt not all blacks are violent lawless thugs. Many are not. We know this. They do have a higher percentage that seem to be lawless however, in relation to the percent of the population they are. It's just true. When I worked in the prison there were several black convict workers who, if I could have, I would have rather worked with them than the officers on staff.
If the Dem party loses even a fraction of the women vote they are toast in national elections. Demwits flap their big mouths about a war on women then out themselves as the ones waging the war on women, LMAO :laugh:

But do you really think women are associating all these journalists and news commentators with the Democratic Party nearly as much as they associate Roy Moore and Donald Trump with the Republican Party?

The GOP attack ads highlighting Dem women abusers will run 24/7 :muahaha:

What attack ads? Did that help you with Bill Clinton?
bill ran on sex appeal

and that was 20 years ago, if the leftist media defended him today the counter media would point that out as well.

Rush made a good point today, younger millennial female voters have ZERO tolerance for the kind of stuff Bill pulled 20 years ago.

Yes but how many of those younger millennial female voters are actually female. Some may have just "felt" female when they registered.
Thanks to Conyers, Identity politics finally is splitting the Democrats

These people just don't get it, we are sick of them.

November 30, 2017
Thanks to Conyers, Identity politics finally is splitting the Democrats
By Thomas Lifson
The strategy of the Democratic Party for the last two generations finally threatens to unravel before our eyes. Blacks and feminists are in conflict over the abusive behavior of John Conyers toward subordinate females.

Normally, Democrats sweep under the rug the obvious clashes among the interest of the various identity groups – for example, the homosexual lobby and the courting of Muslims, whose religion calls for the death penalty for homosexuals. With the support of the MSM, they get away with it by demonizing Republicans as the real enemy. However, we are in the midst of a form of hysteria driven by long repressed anger. Women have been abused in the workplace in the media and political bastions of Democrats for as long as anyone can remember. The party even united behind supporting the obvious abuse that Bill Clinton practiced in Arkansas and brought with him to the White House, where the Oval Office itself was defiled by inducing a young intern to deliver sexual acts along with pizza. That was an indignity that power-seeking feminists supported with absurd doctrines like "one free grope." It made the ongoing abuse all the more painful for the women sacrificed for the cause. They didn't matter – until they did, after Trump became the target and the hopes of impeaching him for sexual improprieties opened the door to tales of misbehavior of others being publicized, so as to set precedents that could be used against the POTUS................more

Really? This is very funny.
How many women did Conyers harassed or assaulted? About 5 I think.
How many women did Clinton sexually assaulted? About 4 not sure.
How many women did Trump grope, abused or harassed? About 12 or 13. We can never tell how many pussy did he grabbed.
How many women and a kid did Moore sexually harassed or assaulted? About 5.
On top of that this lousy president endorsed Moore.
Trump is a Republican and so is pedophile Moore. Am I right or wrong?
All Americans that voted for this hypocrite asshole president fell on deaf ears.
Thanks to Conyers, Identity politics finally is splitting the Democrats

These people just don't get it, we are sick of them.

November 30, 2017
Thanks to Conyers, Identity politics finally is splitting the Democrats
By Thomas Lifson
The strategy of the Democratic Party for the last two generations finally threatens to unravel before our eyes. Blacks and feminists are in conflict over the abusive behavior of John Conyers toward subordinate females.

Normally, Democrats sweep under the rug the obvious clashes among the interest of the various identity groups – for example, the homosexual lobby and the courting of Muslims, whose religion calls for the death penalty for homosexuals. With the support of the MSM, they get away with it by demonizing Republicans as the real enemy. However, we are in the midst of a form of hysteria driven by long repressed anger. Women have been abused in the workplace in the media and political bastions of Democrats for as long as anyone can remember. The party even united behind supporting the obvious abuse that Bill Clinton practiced in Arkansas and brought with him to the White House, where the Oval Office itself was defiled by inducing a young intern to deliver sexual acts along with pizza. That was an indignity that power-seeking feminists supported with absurd doctrines like "one free grope." It made the ongoing abuse all the more painful for the women sacrificed for the cause. They didn't matter – until they did, after Trump became the target and the hopes of impeaching him for sexual improprieties opened the door to tales of misbehavior of others being publicized, so as to set precedents that could be used against the POTUS................more

Really? This is very funny.
How many women did Conyers harassed or assaulted? About 5 I think.
How many women did Clinton sexually assaulted? About 4 not sure.
How many women did Trump grope, abused or harassed? About 12 or 13. We can never tell how many pussy did he grabbed.
How many women and a kid did Moore sexually harassed or assaulted? About 5.
On top of that this lousy president endorsed Moore.
Trump is a Republican and so is pedophile Moore. Am I right or wrong?
All Americans that voted for this hypocrite asshole president fell on deaf ears.

WTF, are you keeping score.
Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

For feminists, that's a good question.

For blacks, it depends. Those who wish to be violent, lawless thugs, welfare parasites, criminal gangsters, and such, will still be at home under the Democrats. Those who choose to be worthwhile, productive members of society, who wish to work at honest jobs and support themselves and their families in an honorable manner—those who seek to live according to the dream expressed by Martin Luther King, of being judged by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin—will find themselves very welcome and very much at home among us Republicans.

Spot On. In my years of observation, hateful bigot African Americans are always Democrats. African American Republicans are usually real chill and good folks. Just what i've observed anyway.
Republicans have done a great job of pushing away minorities. I'm sure they (minorities) wish they had more of a choice with regard to their political affiliation, but the right has embraced openly racist people, such as many of those who post here. You wouldn't catch me joining the party that gives a voice to the Black Panthers. Hell, one of the main reasons I don't like dems is because they're low-key hostile to white people, but nowhere near how hostile the right acts to anyone who isn't white.
Republicans have done a great job of pushing away minorities. I'm sure they (minorities) wish they had more of a choice with regard to their political affiliation, but the right has embraced openly racist people, such as many of those who post here. You wouldn't catch me joining the party that gives a voice to the Black Panthers. Hell, one of the main reasons I don't like dems is because they're low-key hostile to white people, but nowhere near how hostile the right acts to anyone who isn't white.

Sadly, most African American Democrats are hateful racists. It's a sad mentality the Democratic Party has worked very hard to foster. But in stark contrast, African American Republicans are good peaceful people. That's the current reality.
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Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

or young people

or people who care about science

or people who care about education

and not just feminists... but most women.... unless you're an uber religious type

your "president" got 3 million fewer votes. maybe we should get rid of the electoral college and gerrymandering actually have one person one vote.

oh right.. the GOP hates that
Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

or young people

or people who care about science

or people who care about education

and not just feminists... but most women.... unless you're an uber religious type

your "president" got 3 million fewer votes. maybe we should get rid of the electoral college and gerrymandering actually have one person one vote.

oh right.. the GOP hates that
Way to nail every tired old soundbite generalization of those evil cons who hate everything.
Its almost as if you put absolutely zero of your own thought into it.
Matt Lauer lost his job.
Charlie Rose lost his job.
Mark Halperin lost his job.
Glenn Thrush lost his job.
Billy Bush lost his job.
Harvey Weinstein lost his job.
Kevin Spacey lost his job.
But in politics...
Moore still running.
Trump still President.
Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

or young people

or people who care about science

or people who care about education

and not just feminists... but most women.... unless you're an uber religious type

your "president" got 3 million fewer votes. maybe we should get rid of the electoral college and gerrymandering actually have one person one vote.

oh right.. the GOP hates that

Oh boy, I feel another Democrat wanker 'The Republican Party is Dead' prediction coming on. My God, don't y'all ever get tired of lying and being proven wrong? Guess not. :cuckoo:
Matt Lauer lost his job.
Charlie Rose lost his job.
Mark Halperin lost his job.
Glenn Thrush lost his job.
Billy Bush lost his job.
Harvey Weinstein lost his job.
Kevin Spacey lost his job.
But in politics...
Moore still running.
Trump still President.

Don't forget about the dead woman found in Joe Scarborough's office. WTF's up with that?! :eek-52:
Matt Lauer lost his job.
Charlie Rose lost his job.
Mark Halperin lost his job.
Glenn Thrush lost his job.
Billy Bush lost his job.
Harvey Weinstein lost his job.
Kevin Spacey lost his job.
But in politics...
Moore still running.
Trump still President.

Don't forget about the dead woman found in Joe Scarborough's office. WTF's up with that?! :eek-52:
Hillary must have killed them all right?
Way to run from my post and deflect your ass off.
Once Americans see how badly they are screwed with this tax bill for the rich, the losers will be the GOP in the midterms next year. You can take that to the bank,
Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

For feminists, that's a good question.

For blacks, it depends. Those who wish to be violent, lawless thugs, welfare parasites, criminal gangsters, and such, will still be at home under the Democrats. Those who choose to be worthwhile, productive members of society, who wish to work at honest jobs and support themselves and their families in an honorable manner—those who seek to live according to the dream expressed by Martin Luther King, of being judged by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin—will find themselves very welcome and very much at home among us Republicans.

Like President Barack Hussein Obama? ]

Still despised by white conservatives because of his color.
Where are blacks and feminists going to go? The Republicans sure don't give them a reason to cross over to their court.

or young people

or people who care about science

or people who care about education

and not just feminists... but most women.... unless you're an uber religious type

your "president" got 3 million fewer votes. maybe we should get rid of the electoral college and gerrymandering actually have one person one vote.

oh right.. the GOP hates that
Way to nail every tired old soundbite generalization of those evil cons who hate everything.
Its almost as if you put absolutely zero of your own thought into it.

says someone who has no response to actual fact so ACTUALLY relies on the same old rightwingnut trumptard soundbites.

perhaps you should actually get informed and think.

but thanks so much for playing. We know trumptards aren't smart enough to form an actual thought.
Meanwhile the Trump whores refuse to see the giant elephant in the room.

On Trump's Deteriorating Mental State
WTF is that teen beat crap. Quite a link there.:laugh:

how about Psychology Today?

"The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump"

or are idiots who vote for Donald smarter than the people whose job it is to understand mental health?
That rag should concentrate on Trump Derangement Syndrome as it has become a national mental health issue. See you have a bad case of it.

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