Democrats worship big government

your long-winded rants are more for your own edification; they certainly arent for me. i have noticed people of your ilk seemed to be overly impressed with yourselves for no apparent reason. i'm only hostile to brainwashed people; and you seem brainwashed and completely in denial. I could not care less whether you consider yourself fragile or not. Good for you; doesnt make me take anything you post seriously.
the trouble with people like you is you seem to feel you can dictate the parameters of every argument. you say people waived their right to bear arms in cities, even used the word. have you polled all of them? you people tend to have an appallingly high tolerance for bloodshed in your liberal enclaves and dont seem to mind since you and many like you most likely live far away from where the gun violence occurs.
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it

Then the democrats you know do not belong in the democratic party.

Because you just did a fine job of defining the liberal agenda the democratic party serves.
Have you ever stopped to consider the notion that what you perceive about Democrats is wrong in some ways?

It's not that far fetched of an idea.

What I find consistantly are people who've been told what you've heard, and get quite angered when asked for examples.

If they do provide examples, it'll include mostly isolated instances.

When pressed aout the examples, I usally get the accusations of being a liberal.

I'm hoping one day that someone will have the patience and reason to complete a conversation about these mythological traits, tha both sides are supposed to have
Judge rules Chicago gun ban is unconstitutional -
Jan 6, 2014 - A federal judge ruled Monday that Chicago's ban on virtually all sales and transfers of firearms is unconstitutional.

you use moronic catdh-phrases like "significant intent" and "increased potentioal for libility caused by collateral damage". it is crystal-clear you're a melon-headed Progressive who is blind to the carbage your failed ideology causes. i HAVE to be sure seen right-wingers with your attitudes; they tend to agree with Progressives on issues such as these because the share the same overblown ego-driven type of personality
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it

Then the democrats you know do not belong in the democratic party.

Because you just did a fine job of defining the liberal agenda the democratic party serves.
Have you ever stopped to consider the notion that what you perceive about Democrats is wrong in some ways?

It's not that far fetched of an idea.

What I find consistantly are people who've been told what you've heard, and get quite angered when asked for examples.

If they do provide examples, it'll include mostly isolated instances.

When pressed aout the examples, I usally get the accusations of being a liberal.

I'm hoping one day that someone will have the patience and reason to complete a conversation about these mythological traits, tha both sides are supposed to have

another poster here recognizes that what you are denying is crystal clear. you can be patient as you want. i dont have to suffer fools, and you appear to be one
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
Carley's sucking at the tit, but I doubt you can notice that.
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it

Then the democrats you know do not belong in the democratic party.

Because you just did a fine job of defining the liberal agenda the democratic party serves.

and the evidence of this is enormous. he's clearly in denial
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
Carley's sucking at the tit, but I doubt you can notice that.

maybe it takes a sucker to recognize one leftard?
the trouble with people like you is you seem to feel you can dictate the parameters of every argument. you say people waived their right to bear arms in cities, even used the word. have you polled all of them? you people tend to have an appallingly high tolerance for bloodshed in your liberal enclaves and dont seem to mind since you and many like you most likely live far away from where the gun violence occurs.
I have lot's of friends from new York City and Chicago. And no, I haven't polled them, but if you're looking for a way out, do what you gotta do.

I als don't know anybody, anywhere, that has an appallingly high tolerance for bloodshed. I don't know any gang members or criminals, or at least not currently
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I always dismiss threads that tie political ideology with worship, faith and theology. I was disappointed in the thread that claimed right wingers 'worshiping' the market. I think that's the cheapest, sleaziest way to score cheap, sleazy political points.

But you said "Hy do the Left need bogeymen to fear-monger people with". Bad grammar and syntax aside, don't you find that Right wingers do the very same thing?
the trouble with people like you is you seem to feel you can dictate the parameters of every argument. you say people waived their right to bear arms in cities, even used the word. have you polled all of them? you people tend to have an appallingly high tolerance for bloodshed in your liberal enclaves and dont seem to mind since you and many like you most likely live far away from where the gun violence occurs.
I have lot's of friends from new York City and Chicago. And no, I haven't polled them, but if you're looking for a way out, do what you gotta do.

I als don't know anybody, anywhere, that has an appallingly high tolerance for bloodshed. I don't know any gang members or criminals, or at least not currently

i dont need to "look for a way out" genius; you used this same reasoning on me in your first reply to me
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it

Then the democrats you know do not belong in the democratic party.

Because you just did a fine job of defining the liberal agenda the democratic party serves.

and the evidence of this is enormous. he's clearly in denial
Enormous?.....awesome!....can I see just a tiny bit of it?
if you portend to believe "black lives matter" but ignore SIX-THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED Black lives ended early by violence and rush down to demonstrate/riot over about 100 killed by cops and/or White people; um yea you have an appallingly high tolerance for bloodshed
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it

Then the democrats you know do not belong in the democratic party.

Because you just did a fine job of defining the liberal agenda the democratic party serves.

and the evidence of this is enormous. he's clearly in denial
Enormous?.....awesome!....can I see just a tiny bit of it?

i doubt it; you're far too brainwashed to actually see
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I always dismiss threads that tie political ideology with worship, faith and theology. I was disappointed in the thread that claimed right wingers 'worshiping' the market. I think that's the cheapest, sleaziest way to score cheap, sleazy political points.

But you said "Hy do the Left need bogeymen to fear-monger people with". Bad grammar and syntax aside, don't you find that Right wingers do the very same thing?

no i dont dummy; but everybody has their yardstick
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it

Then the democrats you know do not belong in the democratic party.

Because you just did a fine job of defining the liberal agenda the democratic party serves.

and the evidence of this is enormous. he's clearly in denial
Enormous?.....awesome!....can I see just a tiny bit of it?

i doubt it; you're far too brainwashed to actually see
C'mon, just one little tiny example of your enormous pile of evidence.

Just a smidge, tha can't be hard
"in areas where guns are a necessity"

who decided that?

No, I don't decide that. The voters and legislators within any given area do.

Are you saing there are no places where guns are a necessity? or are the a necessity everywhere?

i'm saying you arent the one to decide that. YOU said it dummy; what is your method of determining that?

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