Democrats worship big government

Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it

That is total horseshit dude.
Big Government Leaves Our Nation Poor in Money and Spirit
Discovering the root cause of bad goverance.
December 23, 2015
Walter Williams


American immorality and contempt for liberty lie at the root of most of the political economic problems our nation faces. They explain the fiscal problems we face, such as growing national debt and budget deficits at the federal, state and local levels of government. Our immorality and contempt for liberty are reflected most in our widespread belief that government ought to forcibly use one American to serve the purposes of another American. Let's examine it.

Suppose there is an elderly widow in your neighborhood. She does not have the strength to mow her lawn, clean her windows and perform other household tasks. Plus she does not have the financial means to hire someone to perform them. Here is my question: Would you support a government mandate that forces one of your neighbors to mow the widow's lawn, clean her windows and perform other household tasks? Moreover, if the person so ordered failed to obey the government mandate, would you approve of some sort of sanction, such as a fine, property confiscation or imprisonment? I believe and hope that most of my fellow Americans would find such a mandate repulsive. They would rightfully condemn it as a form of slavery, which can also be described as the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another.

Would there be the same condemnation if, instead of forcing one of your neighbors to actually perform the household tasks, your neighbor were forced to fork over $50 of his weekly earnings to the widow? That way, she could hire someone to perform the tasks that she is unable to do. Would that mandate differ from one under which your neighbor is forced to actually perform the household tasks? I'd answer no. Just the mechanism differs for forcibly using one person to serve the purposes of another.

Most Americans would want to help this widow, but they would find anything that openly smacks of servitude or slavery deeply offensive.


Big Government Leaves Our Nation Poor in Money and Spirit

I totally agree with that. I've noticed that there is a contempt for individual liberty from both sides. This liberty is essential for democracy. We come together and vote but before we do that we have to be free to make those decisions on how we are to vote independently With as little force or coercion as possible from the government. We even have to be free of the influences of society as much as possible.
Yep, we love the government, by the people, for the people.

Is that what you call Obama and the Dims ramming healthcare policies down our throats that the majority opposes? Is that what you call Obama disobeying the immigration laws that are on the books? Is that what you call Obama using EOs to impose environmental regulations on the country that the majority opposes?
"Democrats worship big government"

Most republicans worship ridiculous lies, this thread premise being one of many examples.

Actually dude (condescending tone) anytime anyone attempts to reduce the size of government the "liberal" left fights like all hell to stop that. One day we are going to have as many government employees as we do citizens. Try to do anything at all at that point without violating a law somewhere.
Yep, we love the government, by the people, for the people.
If you really think we have a government of, by, and for the people you are terribly ignorant.

What we do have is a government of, by, and for the oligarchy.
Big Government Leaves Our Nation Poor in Money and Spirit
Discovering the root cause of bad goverance.
December 23, 2015
Walter Williams


American immorality and contempt for liberty lie at the root of most of the political economic problems our nation faces. They explain the fiscal problems we face, such as growing national debt and budget deficits at the federal, state and local levels of government. Our immorality and contempt for liberty are reflected most in our widespread belief that government ought to forcibly use one American to serve the purposes of another American. Let's examine it.

Suppose there is an elderly widow in your neighborhood. She does not have the strength to mow her lawn, clean her windows and perform other household tasks. Plus she does not have the financial means to hire someone to perform them. Here is my question: Would you support a government mandate that forces one of your neighbors to mow the widow's lawn, clean her windows and perform other household tasks? Moreover, if the person so ordered failed to obey the government mandate, would you approve of some sort of sanction, such as a fine, property confiscation or imprisonment? I believe and hope that most of my fellow Americans would find such a mandate repulsive. They would rightfully condemn it as a form of slavery, which can also be described as the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another.

Would there be the same condemnation if, instead of forcing one of your neighbors to actually perform the household tasks, your neighbor were forced to fork over $50 of his weekly earnings to the widow? That way, she could hire someone to perform the tasks that she is unable to do. Would that mandate differ from one under which your neighbor is forced to actually perform the household tasks? I'd answer no. Just the mechanism differs for forcibly using one person to serve the purposes of another.

Most Americans would want to help this widow, but they would find anything that openly smacks of servitude or slavery deeply offensive.


Big Government Leaves Our Nation Poor in Money and Spirit
Walter Williams is a truly great American...if only there were more Americans like him or willing to learn from him.

The left completely disregards him and refers to him as an Uncle Tom. How amazingly foolish and ignorant.

It is frightening how terribly stupid some are on the left. They are willing to give government all the power it wants, ignoring the horrific consequences to them and everyone else.

"Democrats worship big government"

Most republicans worship ridiculous lies, this thread premise being one of many examples.

It's a lie?

Never before in my life do I remember a time when government forced me to buy something I didn't want or need. Today a wealthy person may be forced to give the government more money than his family upon his death. Who invited government to the dinner table anyhow?
Democrats worship at the alter of Big Government. More government is the left-wing answer to virtually every issue according to the Left, despite clear evidence government was the problem in the first place.

What is the issue with the Left trying to ricicule people for "worshipping the marketplace"?? The markets are one of teh only brightspots of the obama presidency. Do Left-winger not participate in the market? Do they not hold stocks, have 401k accounts, work for corporations? Why do the Left need boogeymen to fear-monger people with? In the history of manking (ooops i said something with "man" in it) who has oppressed people more, corporations or governments?
I'm glad you approve of Obama's success with "the markets".

I know lot's of Democrats. I'm an Eisenhower/Goldwater Republican. I don't know any Democrats that worship at the alter of big government. That is something Republicans, Social Evangelicals, and Tea Partiers constantly say that Democrats do.

There is a long list of Strawman/Bogeyman type things Republicans have been told about Democrats.

None of them are true about any Democrats I know.

here is a list of things Democrats don't spend time thinking about, but Republicans are sure they do:

1. Taking away people's guns
2. Opposing Christmas and Christianity
3. Hating wealthy people.
4. Being in favor of welfare abuse
5. Increasing illegal immigration to increase votes
6. Wanting government to be big
7. In favor of wealth redistribution
8. Hating white people.
9. Prefering Socialism and Communism
10. Favoring restrictions/censorship of the press.

Those are just a few of the things that absolutely NO Democrats I know are in favor of.

But go ahead and let the GOP tell you how Democrats feel. They're quite objective on the matter, and have no reason to be biased about it

That is total horseshit dude.
I hope you noticed the part where I said "NO Democrats I know"

If you're trying to say you know all the Democrats I don't.

If you think the OP is horseshit, you're right

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