Democrats, you have to admit the GOP governors sending illegals to blue areas is brilliant, right?

Moving them to where there is less congestion in the immigration courts, dope.
Sure, and that is exactly what DeSantis did with the Martha's Vineyard illegals. Apparently these are the first illegals any of the Martha's Vineyard dwellers have ever seen, so obviously the immigration courts nearby are not crowded.

I hadn't even thought of that! It seems there's no end to the Brilliance of this idea!

What other advantages do you see to strategically shipping illegals from one part of the country to another? Obviously meaning shipping them from border states to non-border States to spread them out.
Taken to where they can be better cared for while all of their paperwork and court assignments are changed to new venues, dope.

You see, when they are transported away from where they’re supposed to be, it becomes nearly impossible for them to meet their court dates as they are registered in another jurisdiction. It totally screws these people over as it’s impossible for them to get that changed without an immigration lawyer.

But of course these governors know this. That’s the whole point. To fuck the system and these people over.

/——-/. Bullshyt Exposed: Video Reveals Biden's Night Flight Drops of Illegal Migrants Around the Country - Election Central
The Democratic leadership is not even pretending not to be protective of the elite supposed liberals of Martha's Vineyard. The Democratic followership on here is either silent or making some of the most lame defenses I've ever seen on any message board. The silent ones sound smarter.

How many planeloads can DeSantis ship to Martha's Vineyard now that he knows he's hit a sensitive spot? As many as Biden lets cross the border and transports to Florida, I guess.

He budgeted twelve million dollars for that project, so I'm guessing he's just getting started.
If it is Texas or florida, they will be sent right back. Man, these folks are going to get jet lag pretty soon. Seriously though, my question is this. Suppose one of those 50 had said they did not want to leave Martha's Vineyard and go to a military base? Highly doubtful they did that since they were surrounded by armed troops.

There is certainly no law requiring them to board another bus and go to a military base. But they likely did not know that. Maybe DeSantis should appoint legal representatives for the next batch and send them on the plane as well. Democrats, what should happen then?
This isn't stopping soon... It's going to get much worse before we are done. Exposing the liberal elitists like this will not go unpunished. count on it. De Santis knows the game. They really stepped in the pale of poop using the military to remove them. You can bet that there will be signed documents next time of their desired destination. Removing them then will be much harder..
The Very Best outcome of this is that it exposed in the grandest fashion possible the liberal hypocrisy-illegals are fine and noble people and you should accept them anywhere except my neighborhood
The Very Best outcome of this is that it exposed in the grandest fashion possible the liberal hypocrisy-illegals are fine and noble people and you should accept them anywhere except my neighborhood
/——/ Libs now say it’s cruel and inhuman punishment to send illegals to their Uber rich hamlets.
After declaring 'the border is secured', Bus-Loads of illegals have shown up at VP Harris' Home...causing her to flip-flop and admit the border is NOT SECURE.

I suggest Abbott's and DeSantis' new targets are tbe front gates of the homes of:

Al Gore...


There are plenty to go around for all the Democrats who wanted them here and the criminal assholes who have had a major hand in creating this illegal invasion problem....
/——-/ No one ever accused Yahoo Ne...stration-quietly-flies-illegal-140450591.html
They aren’t “illegals”, dope.

You are incorrect and of course want it both ways
They essentially are prisoners and can be moved anywhere
Not the tale Gov. Abbott told.

Illegal or undocumented immigrants are bussed back to the border by the state. They do not cross state lines.
and illegal aliens being sent by compassionate Republicans
They are neither illegal or undocumented, migrants nor did the Tx. or Fla. governor make compassionate arrangement for the victims of their politic human trafficking stunt. They lack compassion and the guts it would have taken to let the target state know that a shipment of human cargo was on it's way. It's just another dog whistle for the base flock, who like you, believe they are sending illegal or undocumented border crossers in hopes of owning the libs, who, in turns out are helping these poor victims of the cruel Neo-GOP, as they arrive unannounced and unplanned for.
Ok my advice to Abbott and DeSantis is to flat- out tell the immigrants that they can’t stay in Texas and Florida
Which would be illegal on their part. The bus rides are voluntary. At least that's what Abbott has said. I don't know about the Dickhead-stain from fla.. However making promises of non existent aid at the end of the journey could be as part of a kidnapping charge if those promises were made and provable. "If".

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