Democrats, you have to admit the GOP governors sending illegals to blue areas is brilliant, right?

Nothing but a political stunt. Ducey, Abbott and DeSantis think this is going to help but it will backfire.

How is it a cruel political stunt if the states are providing free transportation to where they want to go in the first place?
NONE of the ASSHOLES do what needs to be done.
Either party.

Are you suggesting that I vote for a 'different party' that won't do shit either.
I'm not sure if you think one party moves for immigration reform and the other one doesn't.

Please clarify.
No, You are writing about Party and I am writing about individuals and that is the problem seeing you see it as you can vote for the person because of their political affiliation and I vote for the person and not the political party they belong to!
Kidnapping as a political stunt shows their true colors.

All evidence from reporters and NGOs shows they are traveling of their free will. You would need to prove otherwise, dumbass!
How is it a cruel political stunt if the states are providing free transportation to where they want to go in the first place?
Did they go (get flown to) where they were told with the promises of housing and jobs?
Simple Question.

You are way smarter than me, so I assume you know the answer.


Green Font means sarcasm.
Forced? No, but they were mislead as to where they were being taken and what would happen when they got there.

They group sent to Martha's Vineyard were told they were going to Boston and would have housing and jobs provided. There is a crime called kidnapping by enticement involving lying to someone to lure them into crossing state lines, and it sounds like this is what was done to these people.
Holy shit!

You have evidence to prove this or is this your damn opinion based on some leftist saying this is what happened?

Also why keep them in Texas and not take them to where they will get people to feel sorry for them?

Simple, you don’t want them either you piece of scum!

Coming soon . . .

You know what, I'm glad you brought this up.

How fucking hard can it be to come up with an Immigration plan.
Well, apparently it is unsolvable, because no matter which party presents a bill, the other side will oppose it.

My gawd, Just come up with a plan, and we won't have this "Illegal immigrant" problem, no matter who control POTUS or Congress.

I'm pissed at our Politicians, who are supposed to work 'for the people' but they don't. Both FUCKING Sides.
Sorry, this isn't a "bothsides" issue. Not any more. Maybe in 1986.

The Establishment Republicans tried hard to negotiate in good faith with the Democrats, so each could get what they wanted. The GOP wanted a secure border, and the DNC wanted legal status for illegals already in the country.

Flawed law

The Immigration Reform and Control Act was, in broad terms, no different than the approach being tried today. It was cast as a "three-legged stool" that had improved border security and penalties for hiring illegal immigrants; a temporary agricultural worker program; and legalization of immigrants who arrived in the United States before 1982.

It has become popular for Republican commentators to say Reagan was fooled by Democrats to grant amnesty in exchange for a false promise of tougher border control. But the legislation was pushed by members of both parties and its failure bears bipartisan fingerprints.

"It's revisionist history," said Demetrios Papademetriou, president of the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute. "The narrative is produced by people who have opposed reform."

Lawmakers wrestled with immigration for more than a decade leading up to 1986 and were eager to move on, Papademetriou said. "They felt they took care of the issue. Nobody was going to invest significant money on additional border control." The bill called for a 50 percent increase in Border Patrol officers but did not provide a guarantee for funding.

The tsunami of illegal immigrants did not begin until the 1990s, exposing another shortcoming of the bill Reagan signed. It did not account for demand for low-skilled workers as the economy grew, what is known as "future flow." With no legal avenue, immigrants snuck into the country or overstayed visas.

Employers faced penalties for hiring illegal immigrants but there was little threat. They did not have to verify, for example, that documents workers provided were real. Fakes were common. Immigration officers also could not enter a farm without a search warrant or the owner's permission.

The failure of those establishment Republicans to hold Democrats accountable to keep their promise of border security is a big part of what led to the Trump Revolution.

Trump's plan was not about punishing employers or finding the root cause of illegal immigration, temporary work visas or paths to citizenship. It was focused only on stopping the flow at the border, but took a multi-pronged approach to that goal. Securing the border with a barrier, negotiating the brilliant Remain in Mexico Policy that benefitted both the U.S. and Mexico, and stopping the catch and release (in the U.S.) of migrants claiming "asylum" when they were in fact looking for welfare and low-skilled jobs to take from Americans.

We were making progress in securing the border, while preventing a surge of gangs, human traffickers and deadly drugs that Biden is facilitating. That is part of the reason for the hysteria surrounding the phony investigations of Trump. He took away the Dems leverage for negotiating amnesty. Once he had secured the border, he could have taken the compassionate stance that real Americans are noted for when he dealt with DREAMers and long time undocumented workers with no other crimes than border jumping.

But first things first: Stop the flood of illegals that Obama encouraged. Now, his task will be harder in 2025, but he can do it as long as he stays healthy. When he starts to Biden it up, VP DeSantis can take over and finish the job.
No, You are writing about Party and I am writing about individuals and that is the problem seeing you see it as you can vote for the person because of their political affiliation and I vote for the person and not the political party they belong to!
You could be more wrong, but it's hard to move below the level of IQ 80.
You are on your way.
Brilliant for democrats, maybe. The only people that support this inhumane and possibly illegal activity are already voting Republican (naturally). And all the independents just watched as the sharp relief between the parties' values was brought into clear focus, with a perfect example tied up in a neat little bow.
We have already proven it is not illegal and how is it inhumane? You think their living on the streets in some Texas border town is somehow humane?
The left only cares about Illegal Immigrants during the election year but afterwards they forget about them.

Sad and yet the left claims they want Immigration Reform and are pissed at Republicans who are unwilling to do exactly what they want…

Well there is a reason why and the reason is because those that are voting for the GOP do not want Immigration Reform, so Democrats know this but what happens if Democrats have the votes in the House and Senate?

Well from 2009 to 2011 they didn’t do anything even after Obama made a promise to get something done…

So let be truthful here and Democrats will never fix issue even if they have the votes…
Holy shit!

You have evidence to prove this or is this your damn opinion based on some leftist saying this is what happened?
Democrats' ability to source their claims has really taken a nose dive in the last few months.
As characteristically Neanderthal and ham-handed as this, it could work. The overall topic is important and worth (serious) discussion, and this is kickstarting attention.

Obviously many people aren't tired of this fuckin' food fight. This appears to be the best we can do.
OMG, ladies and gentlemen, Mac1958 has obviously suffered from a head injury! Let's keep it in our thoughts and prayers that this continues!
The policy is a complete failure for Republicans, unless their goal was worldwide condemnation.

This does nothing, but abuse refugees. It solves nothing. Having a discussion with Democrats about immigration reform might accomplish something, but Republicans refuse to do that. Instead they violates the rights of poor and helpless people and spend taxpayer money on stunts.
Democrats don't need a single Republican for immigration reform. Why haven't they addressed the issue like Biden says he wants them to do?
You know what, I'm glad you brought this up.

How fucking hard can it be to come up with an Immigration plan.
Well, apparently it is unsolvable, because no matter which party presents a bill, the other side will oppose it.

My gawd, Just come up with a plan, and we won't have this "Illegal immigrant" problem, no matter who control POTUS or Congress.

I'm pissed at our Politicians, who are supposed to work 'for the people' but they don't. Both FUCKING Sides.
Don't the Democrats control the House, Senate and White House? What's stopping them?

Their own hypocrisy is what is stopping them!
Have the illegals enriched the diversity and improved the economy of Martha's Vineyard yet?

Or will they need more of them to do the job?
Don't the Democrats control the House, Senate and White House? What's stopping them?

Their own hypocrisy is what is stopping them!
Quit hiding behind your partisan BullShit.
No matter who is in control, SOMEHOW our weak ass politicians can't come up with a plan.

FFS, both sides 'pretend' they want something done, but NEITHER side has the BALLS to push it through.

Cowards surviving to remain in power.
Pure and simple.
We NEED term Limits.

3 year stint.
2 terms.

Both the House and the Senate.
Brilliant for democrats, maybe. The only people that support this inhumane and possibly illegal activity are already voting Republican (naturally). And all the independents just watched as the sharp relief between the parties' values was brought into clear focus, with a perfect example tied up in a neat little bow.

Yep. Leftist hypocrisy exposed, front and center.

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