Democrats, you have to admit the GOP governors sending illegals to blue areas is brilliant, right?

Democrats, you have to admit the GOP governors sending illegals to blue areas is brilliant, right?​

Sooo… brilliant.

“This isn’t the first time this has happened, either.
In the early 1960s, another group of white supremacists, relying on the same racism-and-spite blueprint, and peddling the same lies about housing and opportunity, bussed vulnerable people—Black Americans living in the Jim Crow-era South—across the Mason-Dixon line to get back at Northern liberals involved in the civil rights movement. The Reverse Freedom Rides were a racist prank in the same mean-spirited, pitiless vein we’re seeing from MAGA immigration hardliners. And while Abbott has boasted that his “unprecedented” bussing plan is doing “what no state has done in American history to secure our border,” it’s hard to believe he hasn’t cribbed every note from those racist originators.”

So, you and NPR don't know the difference between American citizens being bussed to another state by White Democratic Racists, and illegal aliens being sent by compassionate Republicans helping them get to an area more welcoming?
The Dems are approaching this all wrong. They knew it was coming, why not get ready? Why not greet the migrant with open arms, open hearts, open homes and open pocketbooks as they have admonished border states to do? They still wound have a tiny, tiny fraction of the migrants that settle in Texas and the media would support them bragging about being able to handle fifty while Texas cannot handle only a million or so.

Instead they say, "at some point in time, they have to move from here . . . to somewhere else."


Which was DeSantis' thinking as well. He just decided 'no time like the present.'
So, you and NPR don't know the difference between American citizens being bussed to another state by White Democratic Racists, and illegal aliens being sent by compassionate Republicans helping them get to an area more welcoming?
There is no difference.
Same bigotry. Different decade.
For the Republican Party facing the November mid-terms, it was essential to remove their losing battle over abortion, Donald Trump's theft of hundreds of pages of classified documents, and President Trump's attempt to overthrow our elected government and the resulting Jan. 6 House committee off the front pages.

The Democrats were gaining ground fast and something had to be done. Sooner was better than later.

So two Republican governors shipped hundreds of migrants to northern cities to revive a decades-old problem for the U.S. They won't tell you that the Republican administrations of Reagan, Bush, the first, and Bush, the second couldn't solve the problem, either. They blame the entire problem on Democratic President Joe Biden.

CNN explains, "Republican governors are in a cynical competition to outdo each other and send migrants from the US border by bus to New York, Washington, DC, Chicago and, now, by plane to Martha’s Vineyard.

"Two unannounced planes carrying an estimated 50 migrants landed in the wealthy seaside enclave of Massachusetts on Wednesday night, surprising locals.

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis claimed credit for the stunt, which took the migrants from Texas, not Florida, and left them without planning on the street.

"His stunt may have been outdone by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who started sending buses of migrants to Washington, DC, back in April and on Thursday morning, left asylum-seekers outside Vice President Kamala Harris’ house at the US Naval Observatory."

The media complied with the Republican Party. Since Wednesday there have been hours and hours of stories concerning their stunts and videos of their statements.

The media barely mentioned the court case involving Trump's theft of classified documents and there was no mention of Trump's coup attempt on Jan. 6 or the House committee investigating the ransacking of our capitol.
Come on Dems you people claim there are tons of jobs American's won't do in your sanctuary cities. Why aren't YOU bussing in the illegals? Texas and Florida ripped you hypocrites a new one it's hilarious watching you squirm.
There is no difference.
Same bigotry. Different decade.
No difference?

So an American black family who works hard and moves to an area in which the public high school are first-rate is no different than a nineteen year old illegal alien MS13 gang member posing as a sixteen year old to gain entry to the U.S. and attend that school looking for customers to hook on fentynal and recruit as mules?
Of course, it's a political stunt, one that's clearly working because you're all losing your fucking minds over it.

YOU caused this. For more than 50 years now the border states have been dealing with this problem, people just showing up and being dropped in their towns. While the Republican leadership hasn't been great on solving the issue either, the rank and file have been vocal about it for a long time and the Democrats' response has been to lecture, finger point, make the ever so predictable racist accusations, while mockingly declare themselves sanctuary cities and states and expressing their heartfelt sympathies for all of these people from their elite white enclaves one thousand miles away. You people refuse to address this issue and you openly encourage it and now your chickens have come home to roost. You've received but a small taste of what Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and Florida have dealt with for decades and suddenly now it's a "humanitarian crisis." The federal government has been putting these people on planes in the middle of the night and dropping them in middle America for years, but now when Texas (including the Democratic Mayor of El Paso who get almost no attention over it) and Florida do the same it's "kidnapping" and "human trafficking."

You people are so full of shit it's flowing out of your ears and everybody is seeing it. It's another example of "Not In My Backyard" Karenism.

Walk your talk or shut the fuck up and help solve the problem once and for all

So then Taz what is your solution to solve the issue that the Border States face daily?
Just a cruel political stunt.
Does it matter where they are sent?

You didn’t care about the cruelty when it was Texas problem but when Texas and other States shared this problem it is now cruel in your eyes.

So what should be done with the massive amount of Illegals that flood our National Border yearly and how should the U.S. Government deal with countries allowing their people to cross other countries to come here illegally?
Does it matter where they are sent?

You didn’t care about the cruelty when it was Texas problem but when Texas and other States shared this problem it is now cruel in your eyes.

So what should be done with the massive amount of Illegals that flood our National Border yearly and how should the U.S. Government deal with countries allowing their people to cross other countries to come here illegally?
You know what, I'm glad you brought this up.

How fucking hard can it be to come up with an Immigration plan.
Well, apparently it is unsolvable, because no matter which party presents a bill, the other side will oppose it.

My gawd, Just come up with a plan, and we won't have this "Illegal immigrant" problem, no matter who control POTUS or Congress.

I'm pissed at our Politicians, who are supposed to work 'for the people' but they don't. Both FUCKING Sides.
This will backfire on republicans, because the immigrants will rebuild the blue inner cities & drive down the crime rates.
You know what, I'm glad you brought this up.

How fucking hard can it be to come up with an Immigration plan.
Well, apparently it is unsolvable, because no matter which party presents a bill, the other side will oppose it.

My gawd, Just come up with a plan, and we won't have this "Illegal immigrant" problem, no matter who control POTUS or Congress.

I'm pissed at our Politicians, who are supposed to work 'for the people' but they don't. Both FUCKING Sides.
Then why do we keep on voting for the same assholes that never do what need to be done?

Seriously, and let remember this nonsense has been going on a lot longer than Biden or Trump and nothing is ever done!

P.R. stunts during the election year from both sides and then after the election nothing is done!

Me personally I like to see a quota of work visas, better investments in Mexico and Central America and our trade policies favoring trade relations with Mexico and Central America while moving away from our dependence on China trash.

This would solve much more but alas I also wish for Ana de Armas in my bed, so I am a big ass dreamer!
This will backfire on republicans, because the immigrants will rebuild the blue inner cities & drive down the crime rates.
They haven’t yet and look at Houston and you will see your comment is flawed.

The illegals are owned by those that brought them over and are sold as slaves, so the illegals are not going to drive crime down at all.
They haven’t yet and look at Houston and you will see your comment is flawed.

The illegals are owned by those that brought them over and are sold as slaves, so the illegals are not going to drive crime down at all.
You are beyond stupid!
And you have evidence that ANY of the illegals were FORCED to get on the buses/ planes?
Oh, that's right - of course you don't.
Lying shows YOUR true colors.

Forced? No, but they were mislead as to where they were being taken and what would happen when they got there.

They group sent to Martha's Vineyard were told they were going to Boston and would have housing and jobs provided. There is a crime called kidnapping by enticement involving lying to someone to lure them into crossing state lines, and it sounds like this is what was done to these people.
Then why do we keep on voting for the same assholes that never do what need to be done?
NONE of the ASSHOLES do what needs to be done.
Either party.

Are you suggesting that I vote for a 'different party' that won't do shit either.
I'm not sure if you think one party moves for immigration reform and the other one doesn't.

Please clarify.
You are beyond stupid!
That is reported you fucking moron!

Many times undocumented immigrants that are illegally here do not report crimes against them, so you better fucking stop before you show your damn stupidity you race baiting asshole that does not care about illegals!

Also you wrote immigrants and made damn sure you didn’t mention illegal or undocumented and why?

You are one of those assholes that never want a resolution to the issue!

Next time you call someone retarded make sure you know what the fuck you are writing about and not using a graph that does not include unreported crimes against illegals!

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