Democrats, you have to admit the GOP governors sending illegals to blue areas is brilliant, right?

As characteristically Neanderthal and ham-handed as this, it could work.
Now hold on, it's not as if people at literally every level (Texas citizens on up to federal government) haven't been screaming and advocating for caring for these people. The people who have stood in the way of this are the same people treating these human beings like disposable pieces of garbage.
Now hold on, it's not as if people at literally every level (Texas citizens on up to federal government) haven't been screaming and advocating for caring for these people. The people who have stood in the way of this are the same people treating these human beings like disposable pieces of garbage.
Creepy Joe, you are correct. Nice work
Kidnapping as a political stunt shows their true colors.

Yeah, kidnapped people always wave and give thumbs up........
Now hold on, it's not as if people at literally every level (Texas citizens on up to federal government) haven't been screaming and advocating for caring for these people. The people who have stood in the way of this are the same people treating these human beings like disposable pieces of garbage.
Not sure what you mean.
Getting Dems to admit that a couple hundred illegals in a blue area creates a "crises" when Biden policies are sending thousands into border towns.

Don't you wish you could find a way to make GOP pro lifers experience an unwanted pregnancy or make a Christian conservative be trans for awhile?

The policy is a complete failure for Republicans, unless their goal was worldwide condemnation.

This does nothing, but abuse refugees. It solves nothing. Having a discussion with Democrats about immigration reform might accomplish something, but Republicans refuse to do that. Instead they violates the rights of poor and helpless people and spend taxpayer money on stunts.
The ANTIFA riots, The BLM riots, The Chaz and Chop zones... The National Guard were not allowed to be called for those... But 50 illegals in Democrat Central... And they are called to get them out of here... You can't make this crap up.. No ability to be introspect. Dripping in hypocrisy and whining... Yet this behavior is ok if Biden does it to the rest of the nation in the dark of night... But do it to democrats and they scream
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The policy is a complete failure for Republicans, unless their goal was worldwide condemnation.

This does nothing, but abuse refugees. It solves nothing. Having a discussion with Democrats about immigration reform might accomplish something, but Republicans refuse to do that. Instead they violates the rights of poor and helpless people and spend taxpayer money on stunts.
go listen to this and leave my country alone

The antifa riots, The BLM riots, The Chaz and Chop zones... the National Guard were not allowed to be call for those... But 50 illegals in Democrat Central... And they are called to get them out of here... You can't make this crap up.. No ability to be introspect. Dripping in hypocrisy and whining... Yet this behavior is ok if Biden does it to the rest of the nation in the dark of night... But do it to democrats and they scream
Billy, Outstanding dude. literal examples are so cool.
Pathetic output and red herring from a pseudo-intellectual whose talking points got crushed like the weak garbage they are.
This thread seems to be running against that opinion, there Fort Fun. Hey, maybe that's what Obama can name is new Migrant Compound!
Getting Dems to admit that a couple hundred illegals in a blue area creates a "crises" when Biden policies are sending thousands into border towns.

Don't you wish you could find a way to make GOP pro lifers experience an unwanted pregnancy or make a Christian conservative be trans for awhile?
They aren't illegals. They are paper carrying refugees from a communist country that were processed properly at the border.
The problem with that is this. These people have broken the law, and when you break the law, you forfeit your freedom to move around freely. Just ask anyone arrested for drunk driving if they're allowed to roam freely. Heck, if you're even a suspect in some cases you're not allowed to leave the area. So, given that, how is this kidnapping?
They did not break the law. They are legal refugees from Venezuela.
The problem with that is this. These people have broken the law, and when you break the law, you forfeit your freedom to move around freely. Just ask anyone arrested for drunk driving if they're allowed to roam freely. Heck, if you're even a suspect in some cases you're not allowed to leave the area. So, given that, how is this kidnapping?
They were asylum seekers...

They were lied too...

Aew laws were broken and there will repercusions...

For starters it is the federal government job to move asylum seekers not states...
Now hold on, it's not as if people at literally every level (Texas citizens on up to federal government) haven't been screaming and advocating for caring for these people.
That's what I don't get at all. The Limo Libs of Martha's Vineyard now have a chance to not just advocate caring for These People, but to actually care for them. They don't have the infrastructure to do that? Shame on them that they never built it, but it's not too late. Not at all.

They seem to be forgetting the Democratic Party Solution to Absolutely Everything: TAX THE RICH!

Allah knows they have enough of them on MV. A one time emergency wealth tax of just 2% on houses worth more than 200K, and 5% on all second homes should provide plenty of funding for that area to be the sanctuary it says it is.

Plus, there is PLENTY of housing available during the winter months while they build low-cost homes for migrants:

Housing: There are 17,188 housing units on Martha's Vineyard (2010), the vast majority single-family homes. Only 43% are occupied year-round; the remainder are either occupied seasonally or vacant.

You object to that plan? You are starting to sound like an establishment Republican, I have to tell you.
Getting Dems to admit that a couple hundred illegals in a blue area creates a "crises" when Biden policies are sending thousands into border towns.

Don't you wish you could find a way to make GOP pro lifers experience an unwanted pregnancy or make a Christian conservative be trans for awhile?

Democrats, you have to admit the GOP governors sending illegals to blue areas is brilliant, right?​

Sooo… brilliant.

“This isn’t the first time this has happened, either.
In the early 1960s, another group of white supremacists, relying on the same racism-and-spite blueprint, and peddling the same lies about housing and opportunity, bussed vulnerable people—Black Americans living in the Jim Crow-era South—across the Mason-Dixon line to get back at Northern liberals involved in the civil rights movement. The Reverse Freedom Rides were a racist prank in the same mean-spirited, pitiless vein we’re seeing from MAGA immigration hardliners. And while Abbott has boasted that his “unprecedented” bussing plan is doing “what no state has done in American history to secure our border,” it’s hard to believe he hasn’t cribbed every note from those racist originators.”

Now hold on, it's not as if people at literally every level (Texas citizens on up to federal government) haven't been screaming and advocating for caring for these people. The people who have stood in the way of this are the same people treating these human beings like disposable pieces of garbage.
They are here because of politics. To turn us into a socialist nation along the lines the globalists want. The Progs are purposely causing pain and suffering to the people and a percentage of the people will still vote for this.

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