Democrats, you have to admit the GOP governors sending illegals to blue areas is brilliant, right?

If you have to make shit up to have a point, you don't actually have a point.

And Cape Cod has the infrastructure to care for them.

Simple answer. You should read up before something again.
I'm making up that people like Barack Obama live on a 30 acre compound in a mansion? Why should migrants be living under a bridge in a Texas border town, when there is so much open Acres available on that one property alone for an orderly campsite?

I'll never understand why Democrats seem to believe that rich people like Obama are victimized by poor people.
They can't be shipping undocumented immigrants across state lines. These asylum seekers we've started letting back in to wait for their hearings are now human pawns in the sick politics of the Neo-GOP.

The law is found within the Immigration and Nationality Act (I.N.A.), at Section 274(a)(1)(A)(ii).

In order to convict someone under this section of the law, the prosecutors would need to show that:
  • the defendant transported or attempted to transport a noncitizen within the U.S.
  • the noncitizen was in the U.S. in violation of U.S. law (as would be the case with any undocumented person)
  • the defendant was aware that the noncitizen was in the U.S. unlawfully and acted in reckless disregard of this fact, and
  • the defendant acted willfully in furtherance of the noncitizen's legal violation.
I could be wrong but I don't think the governors are that stupid.

They are in fact aiding the asylum seekers journey into the heart of America, who get on the bus voluntarily and can exit the bus at any stop along the way.
You are incorrect and of course want it both ways
They essentially are prisoners and can be moved anywhere
What? Why not? It's a sanctuary and it has plenty of under occupied housing. You got families of two three or four living in eight or nine bedroom houses.

In a Time of homelessness among migrants, that is a crime in itself. Time for the president to confiscate or co-opt some of those unused rooms. Yes, I know this might mean that some rich family might have to combine their billiard room with their video game room or God forbid put bunk beds in their home theater room.

But, as the leadership of Martha's Vineyard said, this is absolutely a humanitarian crisis. In a crisis the haves must make sacrifices to help they have nots, correct?

I just have to wonder where Abbottand DeSantis are getting all these illegals in the first place. I just now heard the Border Czar Kamala Harris say today "the border is secure yes the border IS secure.
They want others to share housing but not themselves
Getting Dems to admit that a couple hundred illegals in a blue area creates a "crises" when Biden policies are sending thousands into border towns.

Don't you wish you could find a way to make GOP pro lifers experience an unwanted pregnancy or make a Christian conservative be trans for awhile?
Awesome way to squander state money and probably illegal.

Why would a Democrat want someone to have a unwanted pregnancy? Are you drunk? Like, I'm not a Democrat, but still.

Christian conservatives probably are secretly trans, why else would they be so obsessed with it?
Awesome way to squander state money and probably illegal.

Why would a Democrat want someone to have a unwanted pregnancy? Are you drunk? Like, I'm not a Democrat, but still.

Christian conservatives probably are secretly trans, why else would they be so obsessed with it?
Declared sanctuary cities invited illegals to their states. Why is it bothering you?
Nothing but a political stunt. Ducey, Abbott and DeSantis think this is going to help but it will backfire.

We see the true colors of the Prog white elite. Its White and no Off whites are allowed. Wha tis funny is watching the Black Progs gather around and defend the rich white ones.
We see the true colors of the Prog white elite. Its White and no Off whites are allowed. Wha tis funny is watching the Black Progs gather around and defend the rich white ones.
always. It is amazing.

They know if they step out of line they will be bullied.
Nothing but a political stunt. Ducey, Abbott and DeSantis think this is going to help but it will backfire.
As characteristically Neanderthal and ham-handed as this, it could work. The overall topic is important and worth (serious) discussion, and this is kickstarting attention.

Obviously many people aren't tired of this fuckin' food fight. This appears to be the best we can do.
As characteristically Neanderthal and ham-handed as this, it could work. The overall topic is important and worth (serious) discussion, and this is kickstarting attention.

Obviously many people aren't tired of this fuckin' food fight. This appears to be the best we can do.

Only at this time.
And the timing is great!

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