Democrats, you have to admit the GOP governors sending illegals to blue areas is brilliant, right?

Well they could send them back to their native lands or some place worse...a red state.
Back to their native lands is exactly where they should be going.

But since we have a president who is run by people who hate America, that can't happen yet. So, yes. The luxury of Martha's Vineyard is a better place for them than border towns already in crises due to hundreds of thousands of illegals. Those fifty were indeed the fortunate few to be brought to a place with plenty of resources to take care of them. Every resource except compassion, unfortunately.
Back to their native lands is exactly where they should be going.

But since we have a president who is run by people who hate America, that can't happen yet. So, yes. The luxury of Martha's Vineyard is a better place for them than border towns already in crises due to hundreds of thousands of illegals. Those fifty were indeed the fortunate few to be brought to a place with plenty of resources to take care of them. Every resource except compassion, unfortunately.
Meanwhile back in reality, Biden is deporting illegals by the thousands...much to the dismay of immigrant rights groups in some cases.

Sorry that ruins your fantasy.
"We have the governor of Florida ... hatching a secret plot to send immigrant families like cattle on an airplane," said state Rep. Dylan Fernandes, who represents Martha's Vineyard. "Ship them women and children to a place they weren't told where they were going and never alerted local officials and people on the ground here that they were coming. It is an incredibly inhumane and depraved thing to do."

NPR was able to interview three of the migrants late Wednesday. "They (the migrants) told us they had recently crossed the border in Texas and were staying at a shelter in San Antonio," NPR's Joel Rose said on Morning Edition.

The migrants said a woman they identified as "Perla" approached them outside the shelter and lured them into boarding the plane, saying they would be flown to Boston where they could get expedited work papers. She provided them with food. The migrants said Perla was still trying to recruit more passengers just hours before their flight.

Have you Trump supporters so lost your sense of decency and humanity that you can't see how wrong it is to dupe human beings to be used as props?
Getting Dems to admit that a couple hundred illegals in a blue area creates a "crises" when Biden policies are sending thousands into border towns.

Don't you wish you could find a way to make GOP pro lifers experience an unwanted pregnancy or make a Christian conservative be trans for awhile?

Nope. It's stupid and spiteful.. and, doesn't solve the problem of illegals.
Nope. It's stupid and spiteful.. and, doesn't solve the problem of illegals.
It could motivate the Dems to actually solve the problem instead of using the flood of illegals as blackmail to force Republicans to "fix immigration," by which they mean give every illegal present amnesty and citizenship, while keeping the borders open for more illegals to come in and get the same.

Explain if you can why fifty illegals are such a hardship to the Playground of the Rich, but that Texas border towns are expected to deal with hundreds of thousands?
"We have the governor of Florida ... hatching a secret plot to send immigrant families like cattle on an airplane," said state Rep. Dylan Fernandes, who represents Martha's Vineyard. "Ship them women and children to a place they weren't told where they were going and never alerted local officials and people on the ground here that they were coming. It is an incredibly inhumane and depraved thing to do."

NPR was able to interview three of the migrants late Wednesday. "They (the migrants) told us they had recently crossed the border in Texas and were staying at a shelter in San Antonio," NPR's Joel Rose said on Morning Edition.

The migrants said a woman they identified as "Perla" approached them outside the shelter and lured them into boarding the plane, saying they would be flown to Boston where they could get expedited work papers. She provided them with food. The migrants said Perla was still trying to recruit more passengers just hours before their flight.

Have you Trump supporters so lost your sense of decency and humanity that you can't see how wrong it is to dupe human beings to be used as props?
No way to know if such an unverifiable story is true or not. It certainly rings false to me, but I understand why it would ring true to a DeSantis hater.

But the solution is simple: Ask each of the fifty if they'd rather stay in Martha's Vineyard, or take a bus to Boston. Whatever they pick, honor their choice. For those that choose Boston, send DeSantis a bill for the bus trip. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to pay it.

It is good that governors are leading this. But it can also be done by the private sector. Someone should start a gofundme, or whatever to raise money to sent illegals to the sanctuary city of their choice.
It could motivate the Dems to actually solve the problem instead of using the flood of illegals as blackmail to force Republicans to "fix immigration," by which they mean give every illegal present amnesty and citizenship, while keeping the borders open for more illegals to come in and get the same.

Explain if you can why fifty illegals are such a hardship to the Playground of the Rich, but that Texas border towns are expected to deal with hundreds of thousands?

They know how to solve the problem in under a year. The illegals will self deport. It's been done successfully in other countries. Expand E Verify and fine employers who hire illegals.

This is petty spite from Desantis and Abbott... and another total waste of money.
No way to know if such an unverifiable story is true or not. It certainly rings false to me, but I understand why it would ring true to a DeSantis hater.

But the solution is simple: Ask each of the fifty if they'd rather stay in Martha's Vineyard, or take a bus to Boston. Whatever they pick, honor their choice. For those that choose Boston, send DeSantis a bill for the bus trip. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to pay it.

It is good that governors are leading this. But it can also be done by the private sector. Someone should start a gofundme, or whatever to raise money to sent illegals to the sanctuary city of their choice.

Do you want to move illegals around the country or get them to go home?
Do you want to move illegals around the country or get them to go home?
Well, PEDO JOE is moving them around for the cartels at taxpayer expense. I wonder what he is getting paid for being the biggest human trafficker in the world. Pedo Joe doesn't do anything that doesn't line his own pockets...
They know how to solve the problem in under a year. The illegals will self deport. It's been done successfully in other countries. Expand E Verify and fine employers who hire illegals.

This is petty spite from Desantis and Abbott... and another total waste of money.
They are just going to leave. Bwhahha! I love Progs. There are people who screwed with me I would see exterminated with their families. And you are the ones who will do it. But I know what is right and wrong for the good of civilization.

Democrats, you have to admit the GOP governors sending illegals to blue areas is brilliant, right?​

Sooo… brilliant.

“This isn’t the first time this has happened, either.
In the early 1960s, another group of white supremacists, relying on the same racism-and-spite blueprint, and peddling the same lies about housing and opportunity, bussed vulnerable people—Black Americans living in the Jim Crow-era South—across the Mason-Dixon line to get back at Northern liberals involved in the civil rights movement. The Reverse Freedom Rides were a racist prank in the same mean-spirited, pitiless vein we’re seeing from MAGA immigration hardliners. And while Abbott has boasted that his “unprecedented” bussing plan is doing “what no state has done in American history to secure our border,” it’s hard to believe he hasn’t cribbed every note from those racist originators.”

Too Funny.... This is dripping with hypocrisy, whining and just plain bitching... You ignore Pedo Joe doing it for 19 months and now that the problem has been sent to the people who made these rules doorstep, you call in the national guard to REMOVE THEM inside 24 hours.... You idiots are the real racists. These people agreed to go to Martha's Vinyard... and you tossed them out like trash..
That is reported you fucking moron!

Many times undocumented immigrants that are illegally here do not report crimes against them

The Red State Murder Problem

Biden and democrats are dumping illegals all over the US, in the dead of night, approaching 5 million in just 19 months.. Telling those cities to pound sand and deal with them... WE send just 50 to a sanctuary city, who say they embrace them, and the liberal elitists have them removed inside 24 hours as trash.

Just wow... Hypocrisy is dripping... NY removed them, DC removed them, Chicago removed them... Everyone a democrat city that say they embrace them...

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