Democrats, you have to admit the GOP governors sending illegals to blue areas is brilliant, right?

They know how to solve the problem in under a year. The illegals will self deport. It's been done successfully in other countries. Expand E Verify and fine employers who hire illegals.
That will only cause the illegals who want to work for law-abiding employers and abhor the idea of breaking any other law but the law against border jumping, self-deport. That's a pretty narrow, if not non-existent part of the illegal population.

The ones who don't mind working under the table, the ones who don't know how to check to see if their employers are following the law, the ones who have money and want to live in the land of convenience stores, cops who don't demand bribes, and used car dealers who tote notes, the ones who have anchor babies to collect welfare, the ones who are in the drug and prostitution business, the ones who live five families to a house, with the men working as landscapers and the women using food stamps to buy supplies for their home tamale business will not "self-deport." They love it here and I don't blame them.
This is petty spite from Desantis and Abbott... and another total waste of money.
It saves money for Texas and Florida. A sound investment of my tax dollars.
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No way to know if such an unverifiable story is true or not.
IOW, you don't want to believe the asylum seekers being sent to progressive cities, who have been processed by federal immigration authorities and are awaiting court dates, who have the right under law to be in the United States, were duped on top of being treated in dehumanizing ways.
So, you and NPR don't know the difference between American citizens being bussed to another state by White Democratic Racists, and illegal aliens being sent by compassionate Republicans helping them get to an area more welcoming?
They all volunteered to go there because they were going to be welcomed... But nope, thrown away like trash inside 24 hours.
IOW, you don't want to believe the asylum seekers being sent to progressive cities, who have been processed by federal immigration authorities and are awaiting court dates, who have the right under law to be in the United States, were duped on top of being treated in dehumanizing ways.
Moron... You do know that the no show rate is almost 90% for these individuals, don't you?
Do you want to move illegals around the country or get them to go home?
They're not going to go home. Deportation is a fantasy. Self-deportation isn't a fantasy, it's a lie and the Democrats know it.

By moving them to Democrat areas and letting Democrats feel the same pain they are forcing on Red States, their voters might force them to take action to stop the flow at the border.
So, you and NPR don't know the difference between American citizens being bussed to another state by White Democratic Racists, and illegal aliens being sent by compassionate Republicans helping them get to an area more welcoming?
See post #162.
IOW, you don't want to believe the asylum seekers being sent to progressive cities, who have been processed by federal immigration authorities and are awaiting court dates, who have the right under law to be in the United States, were duped on top of being treated in dehumanizing ways.
I'm still not clear on how sending them to Martha's Vineyard is inhumane but the Biden administration sending them around the country on midnight flights is humane.

What about my idea of asking them if they want to stay in Martha's Vineyard or take a free bus ride to Boston? I'm sure you would agree that if they choose Martha's Vineyard, they should not be rounded up by the National Guard and incarcerated on a military base, correct?
The Democrats on here defending the wealthy elites of Martha's Vineyard and their racist deportation of fifty illegals that they had plenty of room for is very telling.
They're not going to go home. Deportation is a fantasy. Self-deportation isn't a fantasy, it's a lie and the Democrats know it.

By moving them to Democrat areas and letting Democrats feel the same pain they are forcing on Red States, their voters might force them to take action to stop the flow at the border.

You're a moron. It's been done successfully in other countries in less than a years time. The politicians are afraid to do the right thing. They are afraid of the employers. Remember Trump hired illegals at all his hotels and resorts for 40 years.
That post was a fantasy... NPR?? really that left wing rag?

Are these migrants in the country illegally?​

These stunts by Republican governors are built on the false idea that the migrants are in the country illegally. Technically, those on the buses and planes are asylum-seekers who have been processed by federal immigration authorities and are awaiting court dates.

Prove this wrong.
"We have the governor of Florida ... hatching a secret plot to send immigrant families like cattle on an airplane," said state Rep. Dylan Fernandes, who represents Martha's Vineyard. "Ship them women and children to a place they weren't told where they were going and never alerted local officials and people on the ground here that they were coming. It is an incredibly inhumane and depraved thing to do."

NPR was able to interview three of the migrants late Wednesday. "They (the migrants) told us they had recently crossed the border in Texas and were staying at a shelter in San Antonio," NPR's Joel Rose said on Morning Edition.

The migrants said a woman they identified as "Perla" approached them outside the shelter and lured them into boarding the plane, saying they would be flown to Boston where they could get expedited work papers. She provided them with food. The migrants said Perla was still trying to recruit more passengers just hours before their flight.

Have you Trump supporters so lost your sense of decency and humanity that you can't see how wrong it is to dupe human beings to be used as props?
We will vote in NAZIS as you have if the Repub vichy asses do the same after November. If the only station allotted by the globalists keep pushing McCarthy and McConnel then in the hinterlands our own NAZIS must start running for office. and if the federal corrupted law enforcement agencies interfere then we will see if local people will kill them or not.
ITs the Homeland securities own data... Not Washington Compost drivel to cover up the massive failure that it is..

The only ones who do show up are single mothers with children. That is the ONLY demographic that do.
Ah. So you admit it's a problem.

Good, that's the first step.

You only have 11 more

I have wanted a moratorium on all immigration for 25 years. Trump employed thousands of illegals at his hotels and resorts for 40 years.. he's also a hypocrite. Politicians don't want to fine employers who hire illegals.
ITs the Homeland securities own data... Not Washington Compost drivel to cover up the massive failure that it is..

The only ones who do show up are single mothers with children. That is the ONLY demographic that do.
While discussing ways to quickly determine if people who cross into the U.S. through Mexico are eligible for asylum, Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio claimed that “only about half of them even show up for their court cases” and “only 15% of them qualify” for asylum. But government statistics aren’t that clear-cut.

A study published last year in the University of Pennsylvania Law Review found that “88% of all immigrants in immigration court with completed or pending removal cases over the past eleven years attended all of their court hearings.” The analysis of government data also revealed that 95% of nondetained individuals who filed for asylum or other forms of relief from removal attended all of their court hearings over the same time period from 2008 to 2018, the authors said.

Also, to get the 15% grant rate for asylum cases in fiscal year 2019, government officials factored in tens of thousands of people who were neither granted nor denied asylum, including the nearly 40% of people who didn’t file for asylum after a “credible fear” interview with asylum officers.

Irrefutable evidence shows that over the past two decades the majority of immigrants have shown up for immigration court hearings. Rates of appearance increase when people have legal representation, calling into question the logic of detaining people in prison-like conditions when representation is a viable alternative to ensure court appearances.

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