Democrays Should Leave USA, NOW.

The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.
What if you vote for democrats but are an independent and aren't enrolled in the democratic or republican party. Am I in the loophole where I can stay because of a technicality?
99.9% of Muslims are not terrorists. I saw a poll I liked that said Muslims drink as much as Christians...
What about the other vile commands of the Koran ? (wife-beating 4:34, rape 4;24, pedophilia 65:4,

PS- if they're not terrorists, they're not "Muslims". Muslims are people who obey the Koran. Koran says must be terrorist (8:12, 9:5, 9:123, etc)
99.9% of Muslims are not terrorists. I saw a poll I liked that said Muslims drink as much as Christians...
What about the other vile commands of the Koran ? (wife-beating 4:34, rape 4;24, pedophilia 65:4,

PS- if they're not terrorists, they're not "Muslims". Muslims are people who obey the Koran. Koran says must be terrorist (8:12, 9:5, 9:123, etc)
Not true or one can say the Bible has just just as bad... Not reality now.
99.9% of Muslims are not terrorists. I saw a poll I liked that said Muslims drink as much as Christians...
What about the other vile commands of the Koran ? (wife-beating 4:34, rape 4;24, pedophilia 65:4,

PS- if they're not terrorists, they're not "Muslims". Muslims are people who obey the Koran. Koran says must be terrorist (8:12, 9:5, 9:123, etc)
Not true or one can say the Bible has just just as bad... Not reality now.
Are you angry about your disaster bush starting the wreckage of the Middle East? His corrupt world depression was helpful also.
Not true or one can say the Bible has just just as bad... Not reality now.
I don't know much about the Bible, but I know the Bible/Koran equation "argument" is a laughingstock. The Bible is founded on the 10 commandments, one of which is "Thou shalt not kill", and the new Testament has nothing to excuse it (including abortion)
Are you angry about your disaster bush starting the wreckage of the Middle East? His corrupt world depression was helpful also.
If you're talking to me, Bush is one of my least favorite politicians (immigrationist and Muslim ass-kisser)

PS - much of the ME wreckage was from Obama ISIS collusion.
Are you angry about your disaster bush starting the wreckage of the Middle East? His corrupt world depression was helpful also.
If you're talking to me, Bush is one of my least favorite politicians (immigrationist and Muslim ass-kisser)

PS - much of the ME wreckage was from Obama ISIS collusion.
Should have left Saddam alone stupidest War ever. Obama destroyed Isis what is that stupid idea you have?
Not true or one can say the Bible has just just as bad... Not reality now.
I don't know much about the Bible, but I know the Bible/Koran equation "argument" is a laughingstock. The Bible is founded on the 10 commandments, one of which is "Thou shalt not kill", and the new Testament has nothing to excuse it (including abortion)
There are regulations in the Old Testament for execution for using certain cloths and other ridiculous stuff... Google it.
How will you people save face when all red Supreme Court tells you abortion is legal?
Should have left Saddam alone stupidest War ever. Obama destroyed Isis what is that stupid idea you have?
Obama (partially) CREATED ISIS. He's one of them. Colluded with and assisted them.

Trump destroyed ISIS. Should have arrested Obama. He still could.
There are regulations in the Old Testament for execution for using certain cloths and other ridiculous stuff... Google it.
Of course I won't Google it. The Old Testament is meaningless to me. As a Christian I only pay attention to the NEW Testament, and not even much to that.

As I said equating Christianity wit the Koran is about as dumb as anything could be. Like equating an ocean with a desert.
I have the idea that there isn't much united about the united states, maybe you guys should have a rematch of the civil war
Not a bad idea. Or send all the leftists to California to battle the forest fires that illegal aliens go around lighting.
The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

I thought they already left to Canada when Trump won.
The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.
Please don't taunt the TDS MANIPULATED MINDS. They may just melt and flood everything

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