Democrays Should Leave USA, NOW.

???? Seriously. ? That sounds like your fuck buddy in the white house.
Are you nuts ? Trump is the least foreigner friendly politician we've seen in years. Democrats do everything they can to bring them in and keep them here > like amnesty bills, sanctuary cites, an now even the laughingstock "idea" of abolishing iCE.

Next, leftys will ask for banning all police (cop-haters that they are)
The title of this thread perfectly demonstrates why the collective IQ of this nation would fall off the proverbial cliff if that were to ever happen.
I was wondering who would stoop down to jump on the typo. Nothing too low for a pure opportunist.

I asked the forum to fix the typo. They haven't done it What the hell kind of forum is this ? Come on you guys.
The US is pretty f-ed up right now.

We got a criminal asswipe as our President.
You don't know a good thing when you see it. So get moving on that passport and plane ticket. Need a few bucks$. We'll chip in.
To leave your common filth in charge of my birthright nation? Not a chance. We Proud Americans are NOT the sons and daughters of whores. Just because you were raised in a bar doesn't mean that the rest of us were. You sons and daughters of the cheapest among us will NOT drive us out of this land that our families fought for.

You cretins who have wanted to embarrass and bring down the United States of America, our honorable nation, will NOT get your way. Go home to your brothels.
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The above idiot shows the old, white, misogynist, racist, anti-gay, pro NRA policies that only fuckheads would push for......

Conversely, radical Islamists would very much approve of and embrace this moron.......LOL
Yeah, especially because I call for the abolition of all mosques, elimination of all Korans, enforcement of 100% Supremacy Clause ban on Islam. :rolleyes:
Now get to work on your anti-white racism, your anti-old ageism, your anti 2nd amendment ignorance, and the 200 other loon tunes you subscribe to, that we have had the privilege of not having to be sickened reading about.
To leave your common filth in charge of my birthright nation? Not a chance. We Proud Americans are NOT the sons and daughters of whores. Just because you were raised in a bar doesn't mean that the rest of us were. You sons and daughters of the cheapest among us will NOT drive us out of this land that our families fought for.

You cretins who have wanted to embarrass and bring down the United States of America, our honorable nation, will NOT get your way. Go home to your brothels.
Here is your assignment. Read Post # 154 one hundred times (each time SLOWLY), Then come back and report to me. I think you can beat this thing. I mean really.
Are you the dumbest fuck ever? Are all Trumpbots as stupid as you obviously are? You want roughly 100 million Americans - and their children - to leave America? What happens to the GDP if they do moron? It plummets. The housing market COMPLETELY collapses as there will be FAR more homes then are necessary. All the US stock markets will collapse as I assume the Democrats will sell all of their stock and take it with them. The tax base will plummet and U. S. bonds will decrease in value an astounding amount...overnight. The U.S. dollar will surely lose it's reserve currency status so people will dump it...and it will drop in value at an astounding rate. And on and on and on.nThe American economy will become a shell of it's former glory.
That is BY FAR the stupidest idea I have read since joining this site.
The 100 million Democrats who leave, will be replaced by high quality immigrants coming here on MERIT, bringing large amounts of CAPITAL, with which to open businesses and create jobs FOR AMERICANS. They will also be replaced by high quality immigrants coming here on MERIT, bringing valuable skills (ex. great violinist, great scientists, great engineers, etc) making America great again.

Housing market will fit the demand. No problem. GDP. It will soar with the rebuilding of the emptied ghettos, as will the tax base $$ now available (previously blown on welfare suckers and bilingual programs).

The $138 Billion/year now lost to remittances$$ sent out of the country by dirtbag illegal aliens, will now remain here and be sales to American businesses, further boosting the economy. Tens of Billions$$$ more will become available from the end of the anchor baby racket and all the welfare $$ wasted on it.

America being made GREAT AGAIN. :biggrin:
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???? Seriously. ? That sounds like your fuck buddy in the white house.
Are you nuts ? Trump is the least foreigner friendly politician we've seen in years. Democrats do everything they can to bring them in and keep them here > like amnesty bills, sanctuary cites, an now even the laughingstock "idea" of abolishing iCE.

Next, leftys will ask for banning all police (cop-haters that they are)
They already want to abolish the police.
Abolish the Police. Instead, Let’s Have Full Social, Economic, and Political Equality.

Abolish police and prisons.

Abolish Police and Prisons – DSA Praxis for NPC – Medium
I do not need a rallying cry, I have facts and truth. There is only 1 justice on the court right now that wants to get rid of RvW. One more new one will not change the tide enough.
:biggrin: Too bad I'm not a betting man. Keep watching.

The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

Ah the Conservative fantasy- no one to interrupt them in their echo chamber.

Just a continuous Conservative circle jerk.

I am not going anywhere- if nothing else just to stay and continue to show what an idiot you are.
Ah the Conservative fantasy- no one to interrupt them in their echo chamber.

Just a continuous Conservative circle jerk.

I am not going anywhere- if nothing else just to stay and continue to show what an idiot you are.
You are sinking fast and you don't know it. Eventually, it will dawn on you.

Ah the Conservative fantasy- no one to interrupt them in their echo chamber.

Just a continuous Conservative circle jerk.

I am not going anywhere- if nothing else just to stay and continue to show what an idiot you are.
You are sinking fast and you don't know it. Eventually, it will dawn on you.


Tell us more about how the Old Testament isn't the Bible and Islam isn't a religion.

I do love your tall tales.

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