Democrays Should Leave USA, NOW.

The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

Well troll, your message is loud and clear. You're a Russian at heart; Putin is your kinda guy.
The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

The real question is why people like you want to do these things to the American People. It's ironic that you people are called "red" when your desire to establish a fascist-style state is so obvious. How would it help us to outlaw abortion, shove LGBTs back in the closet, re-establish racial segregation and discrimination, establish a state junk religion, dominate the population, litter the place with gun-carrying goons? To basically destroy the freedoms of the American People? Just what is it that you want to do?
The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

Did you have some booze with your koolaid?

Your post is complete butthurt nonsense.

Also, Kagan and Sotomayor aren’t in their 80s, retard.
The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

The real question is why people like you want to do these things to the American People. It's ironic that you people are called "red" when your desire to establish a fascist-style state is so obvious. How would it help us to outlaw abortion, shove LGBTs back in the closet, re-establish racial segregation and discrimination, establish a state junk religion, dominate the population, litter the place with gun-carrying goons? To basically destroy the freedoms of the American People? Just what is it that you want to do?

He does. The question is how many of him exist, and what made them into the (*^^$^^(%$* they have become?
The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

None of those things are going away, it is just a lie they tell you morons for your blind support

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None of those things are going away, it is just a lie they tell you morons for your blind support
So that's your latest rallying cry, huh ? Surprising to see you even have one anymore. And we don't care about your silly iPhone toy.
He does. The question is how many of him exist, and what made them into the (*^^$^^(%$* they have become?
What a coincidence . That is exactly the way I see you liberals, except that I have a better idea about you, since I once was one of you, before I got cured.
The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

Are you the dumbest fuck ever? Are all Trumpbots as stupid as you obviously are?

You want roughly 100 million Americans - and their children - to leave America?

What happens to the GDP if they do moron? It plummets.

The housing market COMPLETELY collapses as there will be FAR more homes then are necessary.

All the US stock markets will collapse as I assume the Democrats will sell all of their stock and take it with them.

The tax base will plummet and U. S. bonds will decrease in value an astounding amount...overnight.

The U.S. dollar will surely lose it's reserve currency status so people will dump it...and it will drop in value at an astounding rate.

And on and on and on.

The American economy will become a shell of it's former glory.

That is BY FAR the stupidest idea I have read since joining this site.
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None of those things are going away, it is just a lie they tell you morons for your blind support
So that's your latest rallying cry, huh ? Surprising to see you even have one anymore. And we don't care about your silly iPhone toy.

I do not need a rallying cry, I have facts and truth. There is only 1 justice on the court right now that wants to get rid of RvW. One more new one will not change the tide enough.
The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.

It's always darkest before the dawn.

No one has ever been appointed to SCOTUS who didn't accept Roe v Wade as established law.

The Dems/Left will use the fear of a overturning Roe to raise money.


The GOP/Right will use the notion of "stacking" the court to raise money.

Suckers will send their money.

Roe v Wade will never be overturned.
The U.S. has gay rights, abortion rights, and gun control. For now, at least, we are not one of Trump’s shithole countries. Unless we give him some more time...
FALSE! Gays just lost a big one in the cake case, SCOTUS is going bright red, abortion "rights" are about to disintegrate, and what little gun control we have (ex gun=free zones), is about to disappear too.
No dear...they didn’t. It was a very narrow ruling that completely bypassed the whole rights issue. It sent it back because there was clear evidence of negative bias based on comments made by some of the town officials involved.
The real question is why people like you want to do these things to the American People. It's ironic that you people are called "red" when your desire to establish a fascist-style state is so obvious. How would it help us to outlaw abortion, shove LGBTs back in the closet, re-establish racial segregation and discrimination, establish a state junk religion, dominate the population, litter the place with gun-carrying goons? To basically destroy the freedoms of the American People? Just what is it that you want to do?
We want to do these things to the American people to PROTECT them from harmdoers like you and all your ilk.

1. It helps to outlaw abortion (with certain exceptions) to SAVE THE LIVES of all the PEOPLE that idiots like you are killing. When I look at the abortion issue I don't see a THING inside a body. I see a 30 year old beautiful person (which the fetus will become) that you are willing to destroy. I see you putting a gun to the head of that marvelous person and pulling the trigger. Getting the idea ? If not, go talk to some adults whose mother was considering abortion, years ago. They could explain it to you.

2. "Facsist-style state" is symptomatic of Democrats (not Republicans) Democrats who favor > Big, strong govt, controlling/regulating people > fascism.

3. LGBTs are mentally sick sex perverts. The fact that you support them, is merely more evidence of the loonieness of the left, and it harms the LGBTs also, in that it further deters them from being helped (cured).

4. Racial discrimination doesn't need to be RE-established. It is already here with Affirmative Action, the largest racial discrimination in America, against (by far) the largest number of people (whites). No, we don't subscribe to the notion that it's OK to racially discriminate, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries and whites are the victims.
Segregation is something that I don't know of any conservative supporting, however millions of people (of all races) vote for it with their feet, segregating themselves voluntarily, didn't you know ? Look at just about any high school cafeteria.

5. State junk religion ? I have no idea what that means. Is this more CNN gobbledegook ?

6. Dominating the population is something Democrats are more prone to do, with their style of BIG government.

7. Gun carrying, vetted, good guys aren't "goons" (more CNN indoctrination ?), and they don't litter, they PROTECT, as they would have done in Newtown, Parkland, San Bernadino, Pulse club, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, Capital Gazette, etc. if not for the absurd, leftist idea of gun-free zones. We hear a great deal about people killed in gun-free zones. What the liberal media does not talk so much about is the millions of people whose lives were SAVED by "gun-carrying" good guys. There are numerous instances of this > LAX, Garland, TX, Moore, OK to cite just a few.

These are my honest answers to your questions. I hope you might think hard about theses answers. I once (40 years) was a far-left liberal. I got cured. You could too.
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The writing is on the wall. It's time for Democrats to get out o the US. US SCOTUS is going almost solid red, and will be 7-2 before long, with 2 Democrat SCOTUS members in their 80s. Democrats! Everything you value is disappearing before your eyes. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye Same Sex Marriage. Goodbye gun-free zones. I could go on and on with this but you have the idea.

There are scores of liberal countries you could go to, with liberal policies galore. Canada, UK, France, Denmark...they're all out there waiting for you. The longer you wait, the tougher it will be to go there.
Before you get people to leave the US, you need to replace the constitution. Because people wont just leave. You need to build concentration camps for political dissidents, and restrict the type of jobs they can hold. Then gradually remove their rights. Something that our current constitution wont allow.
The problem then obviously comes from the fact that "liberals" are often ethnically identical to "conservatives", and it becomes difficult to identify them. The nazis had it easy during the early years, because jews were obviously identified by their ethnic differences.

The first step is to build your brownshirt force. Your own Sturmabteilung; the alt-right might be a good start.
No dear...they didn’t. It was a very narrow ruling that completely bypassed the whole rights issue. It sent it back because there was clear evidence of negative bias based on comments made by some of the town officials involved.
:puhleeze: Leftys on SCOTUS are in their 80s. SCOTUS will be 7-2 conservative to liberal, before we know it.
The GOP/Right will use the notion of "stacking" the court to raise money.

Suckers will send their money.

Roe v Wade will never be overturned.
We'll come back to this post 6 months from now (or sooner or later)

The only thing we can really say "never" about Roe vs Wade, is we can never have the people whose lives were destroyed by it, to ever live their lives.
Did you have some booze with your koolaid?

Your post is complete butthurt nonsense.

Also, Kagan and Sotomayor aren’t in their 80s, retard.
Unable to post anything specific ? Cat got your tongue ?

Ginsburg, Kennedy and Breyer, dum dum.
The US is pretty f-ed up right now.

We got a criminal asswipe as our President.
You don't know a good thing when you see it. So get moving on that passport and plane ticket. Need a few bucks$. We'll chip in.

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