Demonicrats now saying Gabbard in "collusion" with Russia

Poor Tulsi is finding out what happens when you cross mental patients in high places.
If she ever realizes who the left really are and turns conservative, there's just one question to ask: "What the hell took you so long?"
"Hillary Clinton implied in a recent interview that Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) is being “groomed” by Russia to run a third-party candidacy.

“I’m not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate. She’s the favorite of the Russians,” Clinton in an interview with former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe."

Hillary Clinton Suggests Tulsi Gabbard Is Being 'Groomed' By Russia For Third Party Run

I think this is the position that finally exposes that Clinton lady to be the total wackjob that she is
I've been saying from the get-go that Tulsi Gabbard is a younger female version of Bernie Sanders, but Clinton is smoking crack if she thinks Gabbard is a tool of Putin. Trump is filling that job right now. :D

After all, he did just surrender the Middle East to Russia this week.

You can hear Clinton's whackadoo "prediction" here:

Go to the 35 minute mark.
Poor Tulsi is finding out what happens when you cross mental patients in high places.
Nah, she crossed the endless utterly bipartisan war machine. Americans have decided to house their most twisted and demonic aristocrats into high places and this is what happens.
If she ever realizes who the left really are and turns conservative, there's just one question to ask: "What the hell took you so long?"

BINGO............Who knows why she chose the party she did, but it's clear to me she doesn't fit.
Can Tulsi sue the crazy Clinton lady for libel?
(the crazy Clinton lady still has lots of money)
So Hillary is making false Russia, Russia, Russia claims against another political foe. Another foe that she knows would whoop her in a debate.

She's probably running again, but will announce very late in the game because the ravages of decades of hard drinking have left her mentally and physically incapable of sustaining a protracted campaign.
You Democrats should take it as God-spell too, just as you always do.

Hillary Clinton Claims Russians ‘Grooming’ Tulsi Gabbard as Third-Party Candidate

You might want to actually watch the video and listen to the podcast source in your own link. The characterization was attributed (by Gabbard) to commentators in the New York Times and CNN, not to Clinton.

As for what Clinton actually said, again from your own link:

"They're also gonna do third party again. I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be their third party candidate.... they KNOW they can't win without a third party candidate"​

That's at 35:36. "They" refers to external propagandists playing the distraction game after noting that Rump could not win a majority of the vote in Wisconsin, Michigan (Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida etc) and would therefore be concentrating on shunting votes that Rump would not get anyway off to third party candidates. It's about Russian-Rumpian collusion. She doesn't even mention Gabbard's name.

She also says earlier:
"Part of what we have to do is alert the campaigns and try to protect them... try to raise the alarm about the breaches of our election system, try to stand up against the misinformation, weaponization of information, propaganda".​

You didn't bother to vet your own pseudo-article, did you. NOWHERE does she say or imply that Gabbard (or anybody else) is in "collusion with Russia". PROVE ME WRONG.

Oh and one more thing --- "Hillary Clinton" -- the singular -- is not "Democrats" the plural.
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Maybe Hillary was talking about herself. Vlad would probably love for her to run as a third party candidate.
So Hillary is making false Russia, Russia, Russia claims against another political foe. Another foe that she knows would whoop her in a debate.

She's probably running again, but will announce very late in the game because the ravages of decades of hard drinking have left her mentally and physically incapable of sustaining a protracted campaign.

Once again --- the commentary is about outside propaganda, not about an unnamed candidate that this wacko pseudoarticle plugged in. Go ahead and listen to it instead of swallowing hard every time some wacko pseudoarticle says "jump".
Can Tulsi sue the crazy Clinton lady for libel?
(the crazy Clinton lady still has lots of money)
That's true but they might need it if the truth about Epstein becomes public. That's why the Clintons and other establishment criminals love the crooked deep state. Protection
So Hillary is making false Russia, Russia, Russia claims against another political foe. Another foe that she knows would whoop her in a debate.

She's probably running again, but will announce very late in the game because the ravages of decades of hard drinking have left her mentally and physically incapable of sustaining a protracted campaign.

Once again --- the commentary is about outside propaganda, not about an unnamed candidate that this wacko pseudoarticle plugged in. Go ahead and listen to it instead of swallowing hard every time some wacko pseudoarticle says "jump".
The only Russian influence that damaged Clinton's campaign....

Sorry, this has already been raked.

You might want to actually watch the video and listen to the podcast source in your own link. The characterization was attributed (by Gabbard) to commentators in the New York Times and CNN, not to Clinton.

As for what Clinton actually said, again from your own link:

"They're also gonna do third party again. I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be their third party candidate.... they KNOW they can't win without a third party candidate"
That's at 35:36. "They" refers to external propagandists playing the distraction game after noting that Rump could not win a majority of the vote in Wisconsin, Michigan (Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida etc) and would therefore be concentrating on shunting votes that Rump would not get anyway off to third party candidates. It's about Russian-Rumpian collusion. She doesn't even mention Gabbard's name.

She also says earlier:
"Part of what we have to do is alert the campaigns and try to protect them... try to raise the alarm about the breaches of our election system, try to stand up against the misinformation, weaponization of information, propaganda".
You didn't bother to vet your own pseudo-article, did you. NOWHERE does she say or imply that Gabbard (or anybody else) is in "collusion with Russia". PROVE ME WRONG.

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