Demonicrats now saying Gabbard in "collusion" with Russia

Once AGAIN ---- ***NOWHERE*** did Gabbard say or imply she wants to run as an independent. She specifically said the opposite.
The entire passage was about disinformation being foisted into the campaign discussion, by Russian/Rumpian or other outside sources interested in sabotaging the election. And the OP gave us a demonstration by doing exactly that, attributing shit nobody claimed to an entire body. Make him prove it..
He can't do it.
Part of the topic included Tulsi running as an independent. I was merely pointing out she is still a liberal who supports socialized medicine.
Hillary SPECIFICALLY said SHE in her statement. I asked for the list of all "she's" running in the democratic field and the idiot that quoted her said he never said that.
Their brains are fucked up on Russia. Russia lives in their heads! All this because a vindictive fat cow called Clinton lost the w016 election.
Twitter War Breaks Out Between "Russian Asset" Tulsi Gabbard And "Warmongering Queen" Hillary Clinton

"From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you."

Like Trump, Tulsi Gabbard was quickly put in the crosshairs of the military industrial complex, the deep state and the pro-war Atlantic Council for her de-interventionist foreign policy.

Earlier in the day, Hillary Clinton got drunk again and floated a conspiracy theory that the Russians are "grooming" the Hawaii congresswoman to be a third-party candidate in 2020, while claiming 2016 Green Party nominee Jill Stein is "also" a Russian asset.

“Great! Thank you Hillary Clinton,” Gabbard tweeted late on Friday afternoon. "You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain."

I think Hillary wears curtains.


“From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose." Gabbard added.

During this week’s Democratic debate, Gabbard blasted debate co-sponsors CNN and the New York Times for "smearing" her along similar lines. CNN commentator Bakari Sellers called her a "puppet" for the Russian government and the Times reported on her “frequent” mentions in Russian state news media.

Tulsi Gabbard served under fire in our nation's uniform.

"Just two days ago, The New York Times put out an article saying that I'm a Russian asset and an Assad apologist and all these different smears,” Gabbard said. "This morning, a CNN commentator said on national television that I'm an asset of Russia — completely despicable."

Clinton, who has blamed everyone - from the FBI to Russia - except herself for her 2016 loss to Donald Trump.

Clinton said of Gabbard, a Hawaii Army National Guard major who served in Iraq. "She's the favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far."

Everyone Clinton Blames is a "Russian Asset":
Clinton also accused 2016 Green Party nominee, Jill Stein, who ran against her and Donald Trump in 2016, of being an asset of Russia: "That’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not because she’s also a Russian asset."

Of all the candidates in the crowded Democrat primary field, Gabbard has been under the heaviest fire from journalists who previously boosted Clinton, accused of being an “Assad apologist” over a fact-finding trip she took to Syria years ago.

During the 2016 campaign, Gabbard resigned as vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee after endorsing Bernie Sanders for the party’s presidential nomination. Clinton beat Sanders out for the nomination largely due to support from the unaccountable “superdelegates,” and thanks to Wikileaks, it later emerged that her campaign had taken over the DNC entirely, a discovery that led to the resignation of then-DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz, which might help explain Gabbard’s line about “the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long.”

Shortly after Gabbard's tweets, the Clinton campaign promptly responded, in what now appears will be a lengthy war of words between the two women as Hillary prepares to unveil her final presidential campaign. As CNN reporter, Dan Merica tweeted, Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill has responded to Gabbard’s response, saying: "Divisive language filled with vitriol and conspiracy theories? Can’t imagine a better proof point than this," although it wasn't quite clear how Gabbard's response to Clinton's original conspiracy theories was proof of anything besides defense against unsubstantiated allegations.
How much money has Gabbard received from Putin? She should not be allowed to see any classified information. She is an opportunist - so I can easily imagine her selling out to Putin for personal gain.

Oh how they feed on their own.

You really are a piece of shit.
How much money has Gabbard received from Putin? She should not be allowed to see any classified information. She is an opportunist - so I can easily imagine her selling out to Putin for personal gain.

Oh how they feed on their own.

You really are a piece of shit.
Not really. Our favorite Native American just believes everything the corporate media vomits out.
How much money has Gabbard received from Putin? She should not be allowed to see any classified information. She is an opportunist - so I can easily imagine her selling out to Putin for personal gain.
Have you seen this story anywhere else, or is this just coming from Hillary?
Once AGAIN ---- ***NOWHERE*** did Gabbard say or imply she wants to run as an independent. She specifically said the opposite.
The entire passage was about disinformation being foisted into the campaign discussion, by Russian/Rumpian or other outside sources interested in sabotaging the election. And the OP gave us a demonstration by doing exactly that, attributing shit nobody claimed to an entire body. Make him prove it..
He can't do it.
Part of the topic included Tulsi running as an independent. I was merely pointing out she is still a liberal who supports socialized medicine.
Just a thought, if we stopped being the world's police force, stopped all the regime change wars, we could afford free healthcare without a problem.
You Democrats should take it as God-spell too, just as you always do.

Hillary Clinton Claims Russians ‘Grooming’ Tulsi Gabbard as Third-Party Candidate

You might want to actually watch the video and listen to the podcast source in your own link. The characterization was attributed (by Gabbard) to commentators in the New York Times and CNN, not to Clinton.

As for what Clinton actually said, again from your own link:

"They're also gonna do third party again. I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be their third party candidate.... they KNOW they can't win without a third party candidate"​

That's at 35:36. "They" refers to external propagandists playing the distraction game after noting that Rump could not win a majority of the vote in Wisconsin, Michigan (Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida etc) and would therefore be concentrating on shunting votes that Rump would not get anyway off to third party candidates. It's about Russian-Rumpian collusion. She doesn't even mention Gabbard's name.

She also says earlier:
"Part of what we have to do is alert the campaigns and try to protect them... try to raise the alarm about the breaches of our election system, try to stand up against the misinformation, weaponization of information, propaganda".​

You didn't bother to vet your own pseudo-article, did you. NOWHERE does she say or imply that Gabbard (or anybody else) is in "collusion with Russia". PROVE ME WRONG.

Oh and one more thing --- "Hillary Clinton" -- the singular -- is not "Democrats" the plural.

""They're also gonna do third party again. I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be their third party candidate.... they KNOW they can't win without a third party candidate""

Which Dem is she talking about?

Not named and not important. The ACTOR in that description is the outside propagandist machine, specifically the Russian one. When it says "THEY're also gonna do third party again" and "they KNOW they can't win without a 3P candidate" ---- that's who "they" refers to.

I already gave y'all the time stamp. GO LISTEN TO IT.

I heard and read what she said, I have no need of your "interpretation".
You Democrats should take it as God-spell too, just as you always do.

Hillary Clinton Claims Russians ‘Grooming’ Tulsi Gabbard as Third-Party Candidate

You might want to actually watch the video and listen to the podcast source in your own link. The characterization was attributed (by Gabbard) to commentators in the New York Times and CNN, not to Clinton.

As for what Clinton actually said, again from your own link:

"They're also gonna do third party again. I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be their third party candidate.... they KNOW they can't win without a third party candidate"​

That's at 35:36. "They" refers to external propagandists playing the distraction game after noting that Rump could not win a majority of the vote in Wisconsin, Michigan (Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida etc) and would therefore be concentrating on shunting votes that Rump would not get anyway off to third party candidates. It's about Russian-Rumpian collusion. She doesn't even mention Gabbard's name.

She also says earlier:
"Part of what we have to do is alert the campaigns and try to protect them... try to raise the alarm about the breaches of our election system, try to stand up against the misinformation, weaponization of information, propaganda".​

You didn't bother to vet your own pseudo-article, did you. NOWHERE does she say or imply that Gabbard (or anybody else) is in "collusion with Russia". PROVE ME WRONG.

Oh and one more thing --- "Hillary Clinton" -- the singular -- is not "Democrats" the plural.
Be VERY specific and NOW name all the "She's" in the democratic campaign.

Be very specific and point out where I quoted the word "she".
Dumb ass read what Hillary SAID and you quoted. God you people are stupid.
Where did you go? Truth to hard for you?
You Democrats should take it as God-spell too, just as you always do.

Hillary Clinton Claims Russians ‘Grooming’ Tulsi Gabbard as Third-Party Candidate

You might want to actually watch the video and listen to the podcast source in your own link. The characterization was attributed (by Gabbard) to commentators in the New York Times and CNN, not to Clinton.

As for what Clinton actually said, again from your own link:

"They're also gonna do third party again. I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be their third party candidate.... they KNOW they can't win without a third party candidate"​

That's at 35:36. "They" refers to external propagandists playing the distraction game after noting that Rump could not win a majority of the vote in Wisconsin, Michigan (Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida etc) and would therefore be concentrating on shunting votes that Rump would not get anyway off to third party candidates. It's about Russian-Rumpian collusion. She doesn't even mention Gabbard's name.

She also says earlier:
"Part of what we have to do is alert the campaigns and try to protect them... try to raise the alarm about the breaches of our election system, try to stand up against the misinformation, weaponization of information, propaganda".​

You didn't bother to vet your own pseudo-article, did you. NOWHERE does she say or imply that Gabbard (or anybody else) is in "collusion with Russia". PROVE ME WRONG.

Oh and one more thing --- "Hillary Clinton" -- the singular -- is not "Democrats" the plural.

How come you never tire of being wrong? I think you're in denial and/or it's your comfort zone.
You Democrats should take it as God-spell too, just as you always do.

Hillary Clinton Claims Russians ‘Grooming’ Tulsi Gabbard as Third-Party Candidate

You might want to actually watch the video and listen to the podcast source in your own link. The characterization was attributed (by Gabbard) to commentators in the New York Times and CNN, not to Clinton.

As for what Clinton actually said, again from your own link:

"They're also gonna do third party again. I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who's currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be their third party candidate.... they KNOW they can't win without a third party candidate"​

That's at 35:36. "They" refers to external propagandists playing the distraction game after noting that Rump could not win a majority of the vote in Wisconsin, Michigan (Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida etc) and would therefore be concentrating on shunting votes that Rump would not get anyway off to third party candidates. It's about Russian-Rumpian collusion. She doesn't even mention Gabbard's name.

She also says earlier:
"Part of what we have to do is alert the campaigns and try to protect them... try to raise the alarm about the breaches of our election system, try to stand up against the misinformation, weaponization of information, propaganda".​

You didn't bother to vet your own pseudo-article, did you. NOWHERE does she say or imply that Gabbard (or anybody else) is in "collusion with Russia". PROVE ME WRONG.

Oh and one more thing --- "Hillary Clinton" -- the singular -- is not "Democrats" the plural.

How come you never tire of being wrong? I think you're in denial and/or it's your comfort zone.
I ask him to list all the "she's" in the race and he said he never said she, meanwhile Clinton did as proven by his OWN link he obviously did not read well.

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