Demonization of Putin is one of the biggest threats to American national security,Stephen Cohen.

You have no supporting evidence to justify such assertions.

But you have justified the OP. :113:

Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
It's another myth which Deep State Media has been actively spreading. Trump and Putin are NOT buddies, never have been, and never met before Trump became a POTUS.
Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor.

Don't let facts get in your way of your bullshit. Just keep on spreading the word, that Putin/Russia has been doing the United States nothing but favors. :blahblah:
And, "Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor". Trump saying that Putin/Russian trying to influence in our election and dividing our country is a hoax, despite our intelligence agencies providing proof that it is true, isn't doing Putin any favors?
You must think people are really stupid. Sorry buddy, you are naive.
. Your fear of election meddling by others is quite laughable, and your attitude that Americans need their little hands held when they vote so that the bear won't eat them when they go to vote is actually disrespectful and laughable all at the same time. Give the American's some bit of sanity in their everyday lives here. Good grief.
You have no supporting evidence to justify such assertions.

But you have justified the OP. :113:

Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
It's another myth which Deep State Media has been actively spreading. Trump and Putin are NOT buddies, never have been, and never met before Trump became a POTUS.
Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor.

Don't let facts get in your way of your bullshit. Just keep on spreading the word, that Putin/Russia has been doing the United States nothing but favors. :blahblah:
And, "Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor". Trump saying that Putin/Russian trying to influence in our election and dividing our country is a hoax, despite our intelligence agencies providing proof that it is true, isn't doing Putin any favors?
You must think people are really stupid. Sorry buddy, you are naive.
Your Deep State and its loyal puppets inside your country have been dividing your country on a hoax, not Russians. Grow up and face it.

"Don't blame the mirror if your own face is ugly," - Russian saying.
Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
It's another myth which Deep State Media has been actively spreading. Trump and Putin are NOT buddies, never have been, and never met before Trump became a POTUS.
Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor.

Don't let facts get in your way of your bullshit. Just keep on spreading the word, that Putin/Russia has been doing the United States nothing but favors. :blahblah:
And, "Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor". Trump saying that Putin/Russian trying to influence in our election and dividing our country is a hoax, despite our intelligence agencies providing proof that it is true, isn't doing Putin any favors?
You must think people are really stupid. Sorry buddy, you are naive.
. Your fear of election meddling by others is quite laughable, and your attitude that Americans need their little hands held when they vote so that the bear won't eat them when they go to vote is actually disrespectful and laughable all at the same time. Give the American's some bit of sanity in their everyday lives here. Good grief.

Fuck off you anti-American and anti-Constitution piece of shit. Patriots from all sides of the aisle, agree with me. It's just you easily manipulated Trumpsters, who think it's OK for Russia to attack our election process as written in the Constitution.
Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
It's another myth which Deep State Media has been actively spreading. Trump and Putin are NOT buddies, never have been, and never met before Trump became a POTUS.
Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor.

Don't let facts get in your way of your bullshit. Just keep on spreading the word, that Putin/Russia has been doing the United States nothing but favors. :blahblah:
And, "Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor". Trump saying that Putin/Russian trying to influence in our election and dividing our country is a hoax, despite our intelligence agencies providing proof that it is true, isn't doing Putin any favors?
You must think people are really stupid. Sorry buddy, you are naive.
Your Deep State and its loyal puppets inside your country have been dividing your country on a hoax, not Russians. Grow up and face it.

"Don't blame the mirror if your own face is ugly," - Russian saying.

Trump's own intelligence appointees, agree 100% that the "hoax" isn't a "hoax". The only "hoax" is claiming Russia/Putin haven't attacked our electoral process.
It is sad that Russia was given such an opportunity to abandon years of oppression and embrace Western Democracy

The west opened their arms and offered free trade opportunities.

But Russia could not help but revert to their old ways personified by Putin
Russia has tasted your Western "democracy" in 90-s and spit it out. The vast majority of Russians do not need your Western "values", they have their own great traditions and values they observe and respect which are over 10 ages old (Russia has been baptized in year 988, when USA has not been on the map yet). And it's just great that their leader (who seems to be a true leader, not another Deep State puppet!) has been guarding Russian sovereignty, history, values and traditions from all kinds of foreign dirty hands. And that's another thing why Deep State has been demonizing him for.
I feel sorry for you had so much opportunity and you pissed it away

Compare Russia to China in 1990. Russia had so much more offered them and settled for authoritarianism. China was destitute an$ restructured their whole economy to become dominate around the globe

Russia is stil the same shithole it was 30 years ago.
The US wasn't interested in cooperating with Russia for the labor benefits.

The US was interested in looting Russia's natural resources.
Kissov death

30 years of economic opportunity and China thrived

Russia went backward......blame Putin Comrade
Russia has tasted your Western "democracy" in 90-s and spit it out. The vast majority of Russians do not need your Western "values", they have their own great traditions and values they observe and respect which are over 10 ages old (Russia has been baptized in year 988, when USA has not been on the map yet). And it's just great that their leader (who seems to be a true leader, not another Deep State puppet!) has been guarding Russian sovereignty, history, values and traditions from all kinds of foreign dirty hands. And that's another thing why Deep State has been demonizing him for.
I feel sorry for you had so much opportunity and you pissed it away

Compare Russia to China in 1990. Russia had so much more offered them and settled for authoritarianism. China was destitute an$ restructured their whole economy to become dominate around the globe

Russia is stil the same shithole it was 30 years ago.
The US wasn't interested in cooperating with Russia for the labor benefits.

The US was interested in looting Russia's natural resources.
Kissov death

30 years of economic opportunity and China thrived

Russia went backward......blame Putin Comrade
You have no comment on the US meddling in Russian politics, hypocrite?
American stooges such as Beagle 9 and Meathead, Russian pimps like Stratford and Tehon - true American are coming to an awareness of all of you from Alt Right to RT Right to Russian Right, and that bodes no good for you. America will, if necessary, turn the lights off in Russia, and then we will deal with the American turncoats and whores pimping for and being pimped out by Russia.

America's history makes very clear what happens to domestic enemies in the employ of foreign adversaries.
I feel sorry for you had so much opportunity and you pissed it away

Compare Russia to China in 1990. Russia had so much more offered them and settled for authoritarianism. China was destitute an$ restructured their whole economy to become dominate around the globe

Russia is stil the same shithole it was 30 years ago.
The US wasn't interested in cooperating with Russia for the labor benefits.

The US was interested in looting Russia's natural resources.
Kissov death

30 years of economic opportunity and China thrived

Russia went backward......blame Putin Comrade
You have no comment on the US meddling in Russian politics, hypocrite?
It only could have helped you Comrade

You had endless opportunities open to chose Putin

Now, Russia has regressed
American stooges such as Beagle 9 and Meathead, Russian pimps like Stratford and Tehon - true American are coming to an awareness of all of you from Alt Right to RT Right to Russian Right, and that bodes no good for you. America will, if necessary, turn the lights off in Russia, and then we will deal with the American turncoats and whores pimping for and being pimped out by Russia.

America's history makes very clear what happens to domestic enemies in the employ of foreign adversaries.
American stooges such as Beagle 9 and Meathead, Russian pimps like Stratford and Tehon - true American are coming to an awareness of all of you from Alt Right to RT Right to Russian Right, and that bodes no good for you. America will, if necessary, turn the lights off in Russia, and then we will deal with the American turncoats and whores pimping for and being pimped out by Russia.

America's history makes very clear what happens to domestic enemies in the employ of foreign adversaries.
That means so much coming from you Flakey. We know, you're a Republican, and so I must admit I am nothing but a Russian troll bent on the destruction of America as is Trump.

God you're so intellgent. We never had a chance. :(
This thread should not be about America demonizing Putin

But why isn’t Russia demonizing Putin?

He has isolated them from the world, he has crippled their economy, he has set them back a century on human rights

What is wrong with the Russian public?

Are they that meek after 70 years of Communist bliss?
American stooges such as Beagle 9 and Meathead, Russian pimps like Stratford and Tehon - true American are coming to an awareness of all of you from Alt Right to RT Right to Russian Right, and that bodes no good for you. America will, if necessary, turn the lights off in Russia, and then we will deal with the American turncoats and whores pimping for and being pimped out by Russia.

America's history makes very clear what happens to domestic enemies in the employ of foreign adversaries.
Since Soros Media fails to present the other side's point of view while blaming it for all kinds of alleged things, we are quoting Russian sources for those who want to know, and it's definitely not you, Jake, RW and Kiwi.

To counter the new Russian ‘threat’ we’re told we need a big increase in NATO ‘defense’ spending. And who does that benefit? Why, US defense contractors!

As Charlie Chaplin commented in his classic 1947 black comedy Monsieur Verdoux, "Wars, conflicts, it’s all business!"

By any objective assessment it's NATO - not Russia - with its build up of arms and soldiers on the borders of Russia, which threatens the peace of Europe. But anyone who points this out, and mentions the military alliance’s relentless Drang nach Osten, threatens the profits of US defense companies and is attacked as an ‘appeaser' or ‘Kremlin stooge’ by those with a vested financial interest in keeping tensions high.

Neocons have embedded themselves in the corridors of power. They claim to be interested in spreading ‘democracy’, but the reality is that the neocon movement is all about money and profits.

How much longer will the citizens of the world put up with a situation in which warmongers with ties to the military-industrial complex are allowed to stoke up international tensions? The next time you read or hear someone issue stark warnings about the ‘Russian threat’ - and why NATO needs to hike its spending to deal with it - just follow the money trail.

Follow the money trail for source of 'Russian threat' paranoia
American stooges such as Beagle 9 and Meathead, Russian pimps like Stratford and Tehon - true American are coming to an awareness of all of you from Alt Right to RT Right to Russian Right, and that bodes no good for you. America will, if necessary, turn the lights off in Russia, and then we will deal with the American turncoats and whores pimping for and being pimped out by Russia.

America's history makes very clear what happens to domestic enemies in the employ of foreign adversaries.
Since Soros Media fails to present the other side's point of view while blaming it for all kinds of alleged things, we are quoting Russian sources for those who want to know, and it's definitely not you, Jake, RW and Kiwi.

To counter the new Russian ‘threat’ we’re told we need a big increase in NATO ‘defense’ spending. And who does that benefit? Why, US defense contractors!

As Charlie Chaplin commented in his classic 1947 black comedy Monsieur Verdoux, "Wars, conflicts, it’s all business!"

By any objective assessment it's NATO - not Russia - with its build up of arms and soldiers on the borders of Russia, which threatens the peace of Europe. But anyone who points this out, and mentions the military alliance’s relentless Drang nach Osten, threatens the profits of US defense companies and is attacked as an ‘appeaser' or ‘Kremlin stooge’ by those with a vested financial interest in keeping tensions high.

Neocons have embedded themselves in the corridors of power. They claim to be interested in spreading ‘democracy’, but the reality is that the neocon movement is all about money and profits.

How much longer will the citizens of the world put up with a situation in which warmongers with ties to the military-industrial complex are allowed to stoke up international tensions? The next time you read or hear someone issue stark warnings about the ‘Russian threat’ - and why NATO needs to hike its spending to deal with it - just follow the money trail.

Follow the money trail for source of 'Russian threat' paranoia
Soros is a nonentity in this country

Putin has more influence on Republicans than Soros does among Democrats
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
It's another myth which Deep State Media has been actively spreading. Trump and Putin are NOT buddies, never have been, and never met before Trump became a POTUS.
Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor.

Don't let facts get in your way of your bullshit. Just keep on spreading the word, that Putin/Russia has been doing the United States nothing but favors. :blahblah:
And, "Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor". Trump saying that Putin/Russian trying to influence in our election and dividing our country is a hoax, despite our intelligence agencies providing proof that it is true, isn't doing Putin any favors?
You must think people are really stupid. Sorry buddy, you are naive.
. Your fear of election meddling by others is quite laughable, and your attitude that Americans need their little hands held when they vote so that the bear won't eat them when they go to vote is actually disrespectful and laughable all at the same time. Give the American's some bit of sanity in their everyday lives here. Good grief.

Fuck off you anti-American and anti-Constitution piece of shit. Patriots from all sides of the aisle, agree with me. It's just you easily manipulated Trumpsters, who think it's OK for Russia to attack our election process as written in the Constitution.
. Struck a nerve I see... That means you got hit with the truth and didn't like it, now go play in your sand box.
Yes, the anti-American and anti-Constitution and pro-Russian crap on the Alt Right, act with glee when called out. Right, beagle9?

America has finally awakened to what your ilk is and what it has done.
American stooges such as Beagle 9 and Meathead, Russian pimps like Stratford and Tehon - true American are coming to an awareness of all of you from Alt Right to RT Right to Russian Right, and that bodes no good for you. America will, if necessary, turn the lights off in Russia, and then we will deal with the American turncoats and whores pimping for and being pimped out by Russia.

America's history makes very clear what happens to domestic enemies in the employ of foreign adversaries.
Ride that lame pony Jakey, because everyone knows all your bullcrap talking points. Not impressed at all. Put another nickel in and try again Jake. You'll go home broke.
This thread should not be about America demonizing Putin

But why isn’t Russia demonizing Putin?

He has isolated them from the world, he has crippled their economy, he has set them back a century on human rights

What is wrong with the Russian public?

Are they that meek after 70 years of Communist bliss?
. They may have awoken to liberalism, and they are rejecting it just like here. Putin might be speaking the things they want to hear, and they might be things being said like "Russia won't be going down the liberal/leftist trails" any longer.
This thread should not be about America demonizing Putin

But why isn’t Russia demonizing Putin?

He has isolated them from the world, he has crippled their economy, he has set them back a century on human rights

What is wrong with the Russian public?

Are they that meek after 70 years of Communist bliss?
. They may have awoken to liberalism, and they are rejecting it just like here. Putin might be speaking the things they want to hear, and they might be things being said like "Russia won't be going down the liberal/leftist trails" any longer.
China is not liberal and they revolutionized their economy in the same time period Russia chose to invoke Soviet values

Russia had an opportunity to move on to a modern economy

They blew it

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