Demonrats Circular Firing Squad Part XXVI


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
We all knew this was popcorn munching time when Pelosi said the I word, and it’s just getting started.

Democrats face consequences of skipping floor impeachment vote: House Democrats gave themselves political wiggle room, but the strategy also leaves open questions about the inquiry’s legitimacy.

“A federal judge, hearing arguments Tuesday about whether the House Judiciary Committee should get grand jury materials from the special counsel report from Robert S. Mueller III as part of an impeachment inquiry, questioned when she could know such an inquiry had begun if there wasn’t a floor vote. . . . That procedural ambiguity underscores the complex politics of impeachment, where Pelosi wants to simultaneously legitimize the House’s constitutional role to investigate the president for wrongdoing and play politics at the same time.”
What is happening in America is unheard of.... it's so totally illegal, so off the's a crime that is being committed by the Left...the Left is sick they are all suffering from the TDS condition!

It's way beyond acceptable...and It will not be tolerated!


No matter how much it makes us "feel good" to complain on forums........
They are slowly but surely winning.
They will grab power by hook or crook....and then it gets ugly. REAL ugly.
Your guns will not help you.

But hey....."It could never happen in America" they said.

This is no game. The stakes are real. The price higher than most Americans could fathom.

All that is required for evil men to prevail is for "good men" to do nothing more than complain.
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Does it make sense that:

The subject of the inquiry gets to call the shots on the inquiry?

Nothing in the House rules or the DONSTITUTION says anything about a mandatory floor vote to hold an impeachment inquiry!

If you are innocent, a stable genius and possess great and unmatched wisdom, why would you stonewall, obstruct and deflect to process rather than Han present exculpatory evidence?

Trump's tactics are crystal clear. When facts are inconvenient, attack the messenger. When trial looms, call the court illegitimate.

Create a boogeyman so your fearful and woefully ignorant followers can point and scream "Fake!"

Impeach the corrupt rodeo clown now! We have had enough. Trump is like devil's food cake. A little makes a pleasant decadent distraction, but you shouldn't have it as an entree.
The Democrats arrange this hearing so the Republicans cannot interrupt their rush to judgment.

I'm fed up with them trying to turn this country into a communist country with nobody but the kingpins of the DNC calling all the shots, and everyone else shut up and pay the penalty which AOC will cheerfully pick up 150% of your paycheck every month.
The Democrats arrange this hearing so the Republicans cannot interrupt their rush to judgment.

I'm fed up with them trying to turn this country into a communist country with nobody but the kingpins of the DNC calling all the shots, and everyone else shut up and pay the penalty which AOC will cheerfully pick up 150% of your paycheck every month.

You think it's bad now?
Hon, I promise ain't seen NUTHIN yet.

Americans have failed spectacularly to defend their Rights. So they are being confiscated.
I assure you, what is coming will be unbelievable by any metric.

What's happening right now is totally unbelievable from a perspective just 10 years ago.
It's falling faster and faster. Total collapse is just ONE election cycle away.
Does it make sense that:

The subject of the inquiry gets to call the shots on the inquiry?

Nothing in the House rules or the DONSTITUTION says anything about a mandatory floor vote to hold an impeachment inquiry!

If you are innocent, a stable genius and possess great and unmatched wisdom, why would you stonewall, obstruct and deflect to process rather than Han present exculpatory evidence?

Trump's tactics are crystal clear. When facts are inconvenient, attack the messenger. When trial looms, call the court illegitimate.

Create a boogeyman so your fearful and woefully ignorant followers can point and scream "Fake!"

Impeach the corrupt rodeo clown now! We have had enough. Trump is like devil's food cake. A little makes a pleasant decadent distraction, but you shouldn't have it as an entree.
If investigations are so harmless, and Biden is so innocent, then why are Dims so outraged about him being investigated? One the one hand you attack Trump for objecting to this rigged, Stalinist, star chamber witch hunt, but We can't subject the Ukrainian oligarch's best friend to a perfectly legitimate legal process?

You turds are so fucking stupid that you can't see what colossal hypocrites you are.
If investigations are so harmless, and Biden is so innocent, then why are Dims so outraged about him being investigated? One the one hand you attack Trump for objecting to this rigged, Stalinist, star chamber witch hunt, but We can't subject the Ukrainian oligarch's best friend to a perfectly legitimate legal process?
You turds are so fucking stupid that you can't see what colossal hypocrites you are.

Doesn't matter if they're hypocrites.
Slowly and steadily they ARE winning. Just a matter of time.

We can yell in their faces till we are blue in the face and it won't make any difference. They will keep us marching towards the gates of fascism.

We failed to protect our they are doing what any good "Fascists" do.....taking them away

Soon they will strip us of our dignity.
Please understand they we (the opposition) have no place in their Transformed America.
The days for open discussion forums like this are numbered. (imo)

As soon as the Left wins control of the WH and Congress, we're going to see censorship in the USA similar to that in Communist countries.
The main social media outlets are already such that only the Left has a unhindered voice. it's going to spread.
The Left also has a grip on the Internet ownership. All the large Internet providers march in lockstep with the left or the government they control.

Believe me. Plans are already made.

I say within 5 years (or less), boards like this will have to comply to new rules allowing only certain types of discussion (approving of the Left) of they will be blocked.
You should be VERY afraid at this point. It's probably too late to stop it now.

I am not exaggerating. Open your eyes and just look around.
The Democrats arrange this hearing so the Republicans cannot interrupt their rush to judgment.

I'm fed up with them trying to turn this country into a communist country with nobody but the kingpins of the DNC calling all the shots, and everyone else shut up and pay the penalty which AOC will cheerfully pick up 150% of your paycheck every month.

You think it's bad now?
Hon, I promise ain't seen NUTHIN yet.

Americans have failed spectacularly to defend their Rights. So they are being confiscated.
I assure you, what is coming will be unbelievable by any metric.

What's happening right now is totally unbelievable from a perspective just 10 years ago.
It's falling faster and faster. Total collapse is just ONE election cycle away.
If the Democrats keep the hustle for power on much more, they are likely to see people they hurt can get back at them. They do not hold an exclusive to run an impeachment facade 24-7-365. We're sick of them acting like bulls in a china closet. They hate their fellow Americans just like Hitler taught the Nazis to hate the Jews antebellum to WWII. I've read there hasn't been this much political animus since the Civil War. And hatred started the war of either side insisting on a one-way deal.

Today it's different. The stakes are higher. The Republicans want justice and cooler heads to rule. The Democrats want to shake the money tree and scream a lot to take out the President the people elected in the American way, agreed to as small states joined the union and joined only if they received a share of decisional power. They had resources that have made America wealthy beyond its wildest dreams. But to the Democrats, nothing is ever good enough to satisfy their lust for power. Nothing. This is going to come to a war because they have no decency and no respect for their fellow Americans. They even supported bringing millions of foreigners in whose brothers in faith destroyed the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and who knows what else they would have taken out if President Bush hadn't ordered an all-out airport closure to stop departing planes from crashing into the White House, both Houses of Congress, the Sears Tower, and a few items on the power grid.

Why Hillary got on the bandwagon to bring this hatred to American shores, it makes about as much sense as her controlling the administration building of her university while she held an AK-47 to show how powerful she was as a post grad student in law school. Experiment? No, it was an American University creating a monster because it was cool to do stuff because one could. And now, she's tottering around throwing her full weight against President Trump by any means possible. When I was young, I thought it would be nice and a more peaceful world if women got involved in government. However, now that we're "there," I see women clamoring for civil dissolution, which begets civil war. And I don't like it one bit.
The days for open discussion forums like this are numbered. (imo)

As soon as the Left wins control of the WH and Congress, we're going to see censorship in the USA similar to that in Communist countries.
The main social media outlets are already such that only the Left has a unhindered voice. it's going to spread.
The Left also has a grip on the Internet ownership. All the large Internet providers march in lockstep with the left or the government they control.

Believe me. Plans are already made.

I say within 5 years (or less), boards like this will have to comply to new rules allowing only certain types of discussion (approving of the Left) of they will be blocked.
You should be VERY afraid at this point. It's probably too late to stop it now.

I am not exaggerating. Open your eyes and just look around.

Your timeline is far too truncated, but I do agree with you on the overall direction and effect. But it's going to take more than 5 years to get to the point you describe, even if a far left candidate is elected in 2020 instead of Trump. Changes that drastic happen in steps, each allowing time for people to moan and groan about the "inconvenience" of a given change and for society to eventually become comfortable with it as a "new norm," before taking the next step that is similarly bemoaned and debated in terms of inconvenience vs safety/efficiency/etc. Some voices will emphasize concerns about the loss of liberties, but history indicates that society at large will always ultimately acquiesce when a change is deemed merely "inconvenient" but doesn't completely encroach on the comforts valued by most of society (i.e., the ability to sit on the couch and watch TV).

Societal change of the magnitude you described is generational. Looking at our own history one can see rather stark societal changes in terms of ceding liberties to the government with each recent generation going back to the great depression, which were slowly implemented over a period of decades with each generation. The generation after we are gone will be living in a surveillance state which will seem completely normal to them since it is all they will know (and we willingly embrace it with cell phone GPS, parents using "track my child's whereabouts" apps, Facebook check-ins, etc), and I fear that those children may grow up without ever truly knowing and experiencing freedom of speech.

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