DemonRATS slap the faithful during LGBTQ town hall

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Anyone wondering why religious people still support Donald Trump, despite his flaws, need only watch a recording of the Democrats’ fanatical LGBTQ town hall last week.

From Elizabeth Warren mocking religious males as incapable of finding a wife to Beto O’Rourke’s promise to strip tax benefits from religious institutions, or Cory Booker’s assertion that Catholics use religion to justify discrimination, you see the ugly face of militant secularism and coercion.

It is frightening that every one of the nine Democratic candidates who took part in the CNN event has signed up to extreme policies that attack religious liberty and radically redefine gender.

But it is also baffling as a political strategy designed to win hearts and minds next November.

Warren’s insult to religious voters was an echo of Hillary Clinton’s disastrous characterization of Trump supporters as “deplorables … racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Approx. 70% of America is religious....wonder how many of them realize exactly what the DemonRATS. or as I like to call them. The Party of INFANTICIDE, really are!
They don't support him despite his "flaws", they've joined him in his "flaws" and normalized them. Praise Jeebus.
They don't support him despite his "flaws", they've joined him in his "flaws" and normalized them. Praise Jeebus.
Bo Didleysquat


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