DemonRATS want to kill the Trump's GREAT ECONOMY...

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Or shall we just go ahead and give the Jug Earred moron the credit for this long as he is claiming credit for what that asshole could never accomplish!

House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has announced that the forthcoming budget blueprint will call for a 33 percent corporate income tax rate by hiking the rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. This would make the U.S. a less competitive place to do business and make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many developed competitors.

State corporate taxes average 6 percent across the U.S, so this planned tax hike would give the U.S. an average top corporate rate of 34 percent.

The current combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent.

This proposed tax hike would make the U.S. rate higher than major competitors such as the United Kingdom (19 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), Germany (29.8 percent), and Ireland (12.5 percent).

"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"

Not only will raising the 21 percent rate make America less globally competitive, it will also harm today’s strong economic growth, growing wages, record job openings, and lower utility bills.

Just last week, it was announced that the U.S. economy added 312,000 jobs in December. Over the past 12 months, wages have grown 3.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs being created.

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Or shall we just go ahead and give the Jug Earred moron the credit for this long as he is claiming credit for what that asshole could never accomplish!

House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has announced that the forthcoming budget blueprint will call for a 33 percent corporate income tax rate by hiking the rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. This would make the U.S. a less competitive place to do business and make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many developed competitors.

State corporate taxes average 6 percent across the U.S, so this planned tax hike would give the U.S. an average top corporate rate of 34 percent.

The current combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent.

This proposed tax hike would make the U.S. rate higher than major competitors such as the United Kingdom (19 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), Germany (29.8 percent), and Ireland (12.5 percent).

"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"

Not only will raising the 21 percent rate make America less globally competitive, it will also harm today’s strong economic growth, growing wages, record job openings, and lower utility bills.

Just last week, it was announced that the U.S. economy added 312,000 jobs in December. Over the past 12 months, wages have grown 3.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs being created.

Read more at ...


For example, he anticipates the budget resolution will envision changes to the 2017 GOP tax overhaul, including raising the corporate tax rate above its current 21 percent. “Oh, no question about it, absolutely,” Yarmuth said, adding that he thinks a rate “somewhere in the 25 to 28 percent range would make sense. We’ll see how much revenue we can get out of it.” The rate was 35 percent before it was cut in the GOP tax bill.
From your article's link.

Corps are not people and all they did was to buy back stock. They don't pay the 21% anyway, but they need to raise the top wage earners to 50%.
Have Trump's tax cuts for people and Corp. Increased pay and employment

What employers gave bonuses and raises after big tax cut - USA Today
USA Today › story › money › 2018/01/11

Jan 11, 2018 · List of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since tax bill ... are sharing the windfall they expect from paying less in taxes

Small businesses are expanding and giving raises under Trump tax law
USA Today

Feb 21, 2018 · We're booming under Trump tax cuts, too. ... we support will in many cases double in 2018, and we will be adding jobs across the

Trump's tax plan is a win that just keeps giving
The Hill

Mar 1, 2018 · 200,000 jobs were added in January, unemployment is at a 17 year low, and wage growth is up. Business optimism is at an all-time

Boom: 164 companies give bonuses, lower fees to millions, citing Trump tax cuts
Washington Examiner

Jan 14, 2018 · A list of 40 firms offering millions of employees bonuses and customers ... benefit of President Trump's tax reform has started to settle in

Companies are rushing to announce special bonuses and pay hikes after the GOP tax plan
Business Insider

Dec 22, 2017 · "$100 million for corporate giving, with funds used to support demand for employee gift-match programs and for investments in Boeing's
The Senate will never pass it.

Jesus I guess The Dems don't like a good economy. They also don't seem to realize tax breaks bring in more money than higher taxes ever did.
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The Senate will never pass it.

Jesus I guess The Dems don't like a good economy. They also don't seem to realize tax breaks bring in more money than higher taxes ever did.
Don't confuse the ABNORMALS with FACTS!

Income Tax Revenues Are Up 9% As Trump's Pro-Growth Tax Cuts Kick In
Investor's Business Daily

Jul 11, 2018 · Democrats scoffed at Republicans who said the Trump tax cuts would at ... That's a 1.2% in increase over last year, the CBO says. ... from 2% before the tax cuts passed to 3.3% after they took effect

Face it, ANYTHING GOOD FOR AMERICA is ANTI- DemonRAT....They NEED America to fail in order to bring back another black socialist/communist messiah!!! dat yous?
Or shall we just go ahead and give the Jug Earred moron the credit for this long as he is claiming credit for what that asshole could never accomplish!

House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has announced that the forthcoming budget blueprint will call for a 33 percent corporate income tax rate by hiking the rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. This would make the U.S. a less competitive place to do business and make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many developed competitors.

State corporate taxes average 6 percent across the U.S, so this planned tax hike would give the U.S. an average top corporate rate of 34 percent.

The current combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent.

This proposed tax hike would make the U.S. rate higher than major competitors such as the United Kingdom (19 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), Germany (29.8 percent), and Ireland (12.5 percent).

"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"

Not only will raising the 21 percent rate make America less globally competitive, it will also harm today’s strong economic growth, growing wages, record job openings, and lower utility bills.

Just last week, it was announced that the U.S. economy added 312,000 jobs in December. Over the past 12 months, wages have grown 3.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs being created.

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we should raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
Or shall we just go ahead and give the Jug Earred moron the credit for this long as he is claiming credit for what that asshole could never accomplish!

House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has announced that the forthcoming budget blueprint will call for a 33 percent corporate income tax rate by hiking the rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. This would make the U.S. a less competitive place to do business and make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many developed competitors.

State corporate taxes average 6 percent across the U.S, so this planned tax hike would give the U.S. an average top corporate rate of 34 percent.

The current combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent.

This proposed tax hike would make the U.S. rate higher than major competitors such as the United Kingdom (19 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), Germany (29.8 percent), and Ireland (12.5 percent).

"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"

Not only will raising the 21 percent rate make America less globally competitive, it will also harm today’s strong economic growth, growing wages, record job openings, and lower utility bills.

Just last week, it was announced that the U.S. economy added 312,000 jobs in December. Over the past 12 months, wages have grown 3.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs being created.

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How's the economy working with tiny trump shutting down the government and not paying federal workers?
Or shall we just go ahead and give the Jug Earred moron the credit for this long as he is claiming credit for what that asshole could never accomplish!

House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has announced that the forthcoming budget blueprint will call for a 33 percent corporate income tax rate by hiking the rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. This would make the U.S. a less competitive place to do business and make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many developed competitors.

State corporate taxes average 6 percent across the U.S, so this planned tax hike would give the U.S. an average top corporate rate of 34 percent.

The current combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent.

This proposed tax hike would make the U.S. rate higher than major competitors such as the United Kingdom (19 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), Germany (29.8 percent), and Ireland (12.5 percent).

"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"

Not only will raising the 21 percent rate make America less globally competitive, it will also harm today’s strong economic growth, growing wages, record job openings, and lower utility bills.

Just last week, it was announced that the U.S. economy added 312,000 jobs in December. Over the past 12 months, wages have grown 3.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs being created.

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we should raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
Yes, we saw how many restaurants closed in Seattle's FAILED $15 Min. wage experiment!

Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
we should raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.

Won't work.

First off, only a tiny percentage of people in the work force receive the $7.25 federal minimum wage. A sign at Walmart indicates a lot higher starting wage, I'm sure its the same at many other retailers.

Second, employers are able to deduct any higher wages they pay from their own taxable income. Raising a wage isn't a net increase in the country's income, its just shuffling around the income.
Or shall we just go ahead and give the Jug Earred moron the credit for this long as he is claiming credit for what that asshole could never accomplish!

House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has announced that the forthcoming budget blueprint will call for a 33 percent corporate income tax rate by hiking the rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. This would make the U.S. a less competitive place to do business and make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many developed competitors.

State corporate taxes average 6 percent across the U.S, so this planned tax hike would give the U.S. an average top corporate rate of 34 percent.

The current combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent.

This proposed tax hike would make the U.S. rate higher than major competitors such as the United Kingdom (19 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), Germany (29.8 percent), and Ireland (12.5 percent).

"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"

Not only will raising the 21 percent rate make America less globally competitive, it will also harm today’s strong economic growth, growing wages, record job openings, and lower utility bills.

Just last week, it was announced that the U.S. economy added 312,000 jobs in December. Over the past 12 months, wages have grown 3.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs being created.

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How's the economy working with tiny trump shutting down the government and not paying federal workers?
Just fine...the DemonRATS COULD end it today....but you scum don't care about our citizens safety!

It was Obama`s economy that`s starting to die. Can any of you read a 10 year stock market chart?
Dow Jones - 10 Year Daily Chart
Back up 300 points so far today, and 2700 points from the very top...and we have seen it rise 1085 points in a day, just last month...seems no matter how much the Fed and their DemonRAT partners try, they just CAN'T KILL THE TRUMP ECONOMY!!!
Or shall we just go ahead and give the Jug Earred moron the credit for this long as he is claiming credit for what that asshole could never accomplish!

House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has announced that the forthcoming budget blueprint will call for a 33 percent corporate income tax rate by hiking the rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. This would make the U.S. a less competitive place to do business and make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many developed competitors.

State corporate taxes average 6 percent across the U.S, so this planned tax hike would give the U.S. an average top corporate rate of 34 percent.

The current combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent.

This proposed tax hike would make the U.S. rate higher than major competitors such as the United Kingdom (19 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), Germany (29.8 percent), and Ireland (12.5 percent).

"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"

Not only will raising the 21 percent rate make America less globally competitive, it will also harm today’s strong economic growth, growing wages, record job openings, and lower utility bills.

Just last week, it was announced that the U.S. economy added 312,000 jobs in December. Over the past 12 months, wages have grown 3.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs being created.

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Trump's Great Economy has allowed me to lose money this year that I have in the market. I don't recall that happening under Obama...
It was Obama`s economy that`s starting to die. Can any of you read a 10 year stock market chart?
Dow Jones - 10 Year Daily Chart
Back up 300 points so far today, and 2700 points from the very top...and we have seen it rise 1085 points in a day, just last month...seems no matter how much the Fed and their DemonRAT partners try, they just CAN'T KILL THE TRUMP ECONOMY!!!
Thanks for verifying that you`re unable to understand the 10 year DOW chart that I provided. When school lets out this afternoon find a passing 5th grader and ask for his or her help. I thought you would be able to read it yourself drain clog but I`ve been wrong before.
Or shall we just go ahead and give the Jug Earred moron the credit for this long as he is claiming credit for what that asshole could never accomplish!

House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has announced that the forthcoming budget blueprint will call for a 33 percent corporate income tax rate by hiking the rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. This would make the U.S. a less competitive place to do business and make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many developed competitors.

State corporate taxes average 6 percent across the U.S, so this planned tax hike would give the U.S. an average top corporate rate of 34 percent.

The current combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent.

This proposed tax hike would make the U.S. rate higher than major competitors such as the United Kingdom (19 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), Germany (29.8 percent), and Ireland (12.5 percent).

"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"

Not only will raising the 21 percent rate make America less globally competitive, it will also harm today’s strong economic growth, growing wages, record job openings, and lower utility bills.

Just last week, it was announced that the U.S. economy added 312,000 jobs in December. Over the past 12 months, wages have grown 3.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs being created.

Read more at ...

Trump's Great Economy has allowed me to lose money this year that I have in the market. I don't recall that happening under Obama...

Market up 27% since Trump elected....don't cry@
Or shall we just go ahead and give the Jug Earred moron the credit for this long as he is claiming credit for what that asshole could never accomplish!

House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has announced that the forthcoming budget blueprint will call for a 33 percent corporate income tax rate by hiking the rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. This would make the U.S. a less competitive place to do business and make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many developed competitors.

State corporate taxes average 6 percent across the U.S, so this planned tax hike would give the U.S. an average top corporate rate of 34 percent.

The current combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent.

This proposed tax hike would make the U.S. rate higher than major competitors such as the United Kingdom (19 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), Germany (29.8 percent), and Ireland (12.5 percent).

"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"

Not only will raising the 21 percent rate make America less globally competitive, it will also harm today’s strong economic growth, growing wages, record job openings, and lower utility bills.

Just last week, it was announced that the U.S. economy added 312,000 jobs in December. Over the past 12 months, wages have grown 3.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs being created.

Read more at ...

Trump's Great Economy has allowed me to lose money this year that I have in the market. I don't recall that happening under Obama...

Market up 27% since Trump elected....don't cry@
Market went up 215% during Obama`s 8 years. Trump has some catching up to do.
Or shall we just go ahead and give the Jug Earred moron the credit for this long as he is claiming credit for what that asshole could never accomplish!

House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has announced that the forthcoming budget blueprint will call for a 33 percent corporate income tax rate by hiking the rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. This would make the U.S. a less competitive place to do business and make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many developed competitors.

State corporate taxes average 6 percent across the U.S, so this planned tax hike would give the U.S. an average top corporate rate of 34 percent.

The current combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent.

This proposed tax hike would make the U.S. rate higher than major competitors such as the United Kingdom (19 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), Germany (29.8 percent), and Ireland (12.5 percent).

"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"

Not only will raising the 21 percent rate make America less globally competitive, it will also harm today’s strong economic growth, growing wages, record job openings, and lower utility bills.

Just last week, it was announced that the U.S. economy added 312,000 jobs in December. Over the past 12 months, wages have grown 3.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs being created.

Read more at ...

we should raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
Yes, we saw how many restaurants closed in Seattle's FAILED $15 Min. wage experiment!

Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
we are advocating for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed. Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment. Automatic stabilization improves the efficiency of our economy.
Or shall we just go ahead and give the Jug Earred moron the credit for this long as he is claiming credit for what that asshole could never accomplish!

House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has announced that the forthcoming budget blueprint will call for a 33 percent corporate income tax rate by hiking the rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. This would make the U.S. a less competitive place to do business and make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many developed competitors.

State corporate taxes average 6 percent across the U.S, so this planned tax hike would give the U.S. an average top corporate rate of 34 percent.

The current combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent.

This proposed tax hike would make the U.S. rate higher than major competitors such as the United Kingdom (19 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), Germany (29.8 percent), and Ireland (12.5 percent).

"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"

Not only will raising the 21 percent rate make America less globally competitive, it will also harm today’s strong economic growth, growing wages, record job openings, and lower utility bills.

Just last week, it was announced that the U.S. economy added 312,000 jobs in December. Over the past 12 months, wages have grown 3.2 percent and 2.6 million jobs being created.

Read more at ...

Trump's Great Economy has allowed me to lose money this year that I have in the market. I don't recall that happening under Obama...

Market up 27% since Trump elected....don't cry@
Market went up 215% during Obama`s 8 years. Trump has some catching up to do.
Talk to me in 6 years!
we should raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.

Won't work.

First off, only a tiny percentage of people in the work force receive the $7.25 federal minimum wage. A sign at Walmart indicates a lot higher starting wage, I'm sure its the same at many other retailers.

Second, employers are able to deduct any higher wages they pay from their own taxable income. Raising a wage isn't a net increase in the country's income, its just shuffling around the income.
it must work better since we can harness the law of large numbers to help circulate capital and engender a positive multiplication effect on our economy. Labor should be able to apply for unemployment compensation in any at-will employment State for simply being unemployed.

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