Dems, Are You Really Arguing That $1,000 Is Nothing To Working Class Families?

Its sickening that Dem's are so bitter over losing the House, Senate, and White House that they try to spin that $1,000 really won't make a difference to working families. President Trump's tax reform bill gave working families a good chunk of money and the reduction in corporate taxes is putting wages increases and bonuses in their pockets on top of that and Dem's are squealing like stuck pigs.
The Republicans are trying to buy votes and campaign contributions with deficit spending in their tax bill.

Imagine what conservatives say if Democrats were doing exactly the same thing...or do we have to imagine...?
they'd lose it All those BS fiscal deficit hawks would go bonkers if Dems did the same Repub = hypocrites

guess you forgot when trump took over from obama unemployment was less than 5% the DOW was way up from where he took over and we had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment Real tough economy for trump ??? Now try and remember what economy repub GWB handed over to Obama Bottom line Trump succeeds on the hard work of obamas 8 years

Guess you forgot that under that affirmative action piece of shit Obama that poverty increased, taxes increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and there was dismal economic growth. That doesn't even include health care being destroyed,the welfare rolls increasing, illegals flooding in and the low workforce participation rate.

Trump is turning that around and that is a good thing. Thank god he was elected and not that corrupt asshole Crooked Hillary. She would have been as bad or worse as Obama and that would have been a disaster for this country.

Trump is creating prosperity and you stupid Moon Bats can't stand it because it makes you look like idiots for electing Obama.
Douchebag Dem's in Dem controlled states are already scheming tax increases to steal the tax cut and bonus money, shocker.

guess you forgot when trump took over from obama unemployment was less than 5% the DOW was way up from where he took over and we had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment Real tough economy for trump ??? Now try and remember what economy repub GWB handed over to Obama Bottom line Trump succeeds on the hard work of obamas 8 years

Guess you forgot that under that affirmative action piece of shit Obama that poverty increased, taxes increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and there was dismal economic growth. That doesn't even include health care being destroyed,the welfare rolls increasing, illegals flooding in and the low workforce participation rate.

Trump is turning that around and that is a good thing. Thank god he was elected and not that corrupt asshole Crooked Hillary. She would have been as bad or worse as Obama and that would have been a disaster for this country.

Trump is creating prosperity and you stupid Moon Bats can't stand it because it makes you look like idiots for electing Obama.
Yeah McCain would have been so much better BTW do you remember the GREAT RECESSION handed to Obama The greatness of which is proven by how long it took to ACTUALLY recover Do you remember the 8000 DOW under bush ,the 800000 losing jobs on his last month? Obama was twice the man 5x the president this pervert you support can ever be
Its sickening that Dem's are so bitter over losing the House, Senate, and White House that they try to spin that $1,000 really won't make a difference to working families. President Trump's tax reform bill gave working families a good chunk of money and the reduction in corporate taxes is putting wages increases and bonuses in their pockets on top of that and Dem's are squealing like stuck pigs.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage would keep up with inflation, for Labor.

Why not improve our economy instead of merely; don't worry, and be happy we have lower taxes.
Liberal elites who make 6 figure salaries, exempted themselves from Obamacare, took large donations from corporations to defeat Trump, live lavishly better lives than their supporters.
Of course a thousand bucks means nothing to them. Just the cost of dinner to support another elite democrate and claim a donation.
Dems are mad because they want to take credit for everything voters receive. Corporate bonuses are completely out of their control. They really hate that.

They hate that because you say so? What I hate is the money given to the Corporations will not find it's way to the workers but it will be deposited into off shore accounts by the majority stock holders. Meanwhile, the wages do go up but the layoffs pay for that increase.
Do you have anything other than bullshit left wing hypocritical cliches?


Thought not.

Go back to the race card. Your ignorance and hypocrisy is too much. Moron.

You don't have a single thing to say about the subject I see. Other than insults. Trickle Down was proven false. Under Reagan, it did work for a bit but it was was left in play too long. The Crooks seized control of the Corporations and started to go for short termed profits instead of long term building. What that brought about was the mergers, bankruptzies, layoffs, shifting entire factories overseas and more. The Regulations that prevented this were removed and the newly overthrown companies did what they always do and stayed just within the laws. Those regulations made this country work for a couple of centuries and the Corporations got very rich from it. In fact, most of the US also got either comfortable or rich from it.

I just filed my taxes. I get exactly the same amount as I received last year. With the 3% pay increase one would thing the refund would be more. It's not since my taxes went up those same 3%. Sounds fair, right? The problem is, my Medicare monthly payment went up 18%. I lost money. Another case of "You can keep your raises. I can't afford them" And I am middle class in income. And it looks to get even worse next year.
Take away their health care and yea, a thousand bucks is nothing.

Jesus, do you have to explain every little thing?
I guess I do...

The ACA was a minority-supported socialist agenda puece of legislation rammed down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

It destroyed the existing health care system, was partially Un-Constitutional - wgich is the only way it culd survive, mandated coverage, punished those who could not afford it, caused premiums to be raised in some cases more than 100%, and left millions witjout coverage when insurers fled the market places...

...and it is all thanks to your 'dear leader' whose name informally remains on the bill - 'OBAMAcare'...

...and despite this attempt to blame others for Obama's / Democrats' mesd, you are also still trying to say the economic boom and money going into Middle Class pockets thanks to PREIDENT Trump and the GOP is 'bad for America'...


Good luck with that strategy during the Mid-Terms...
Easy, these cuts plan to expire in a few years , while the top 1percent is a permanent..
Even a child knows when they have been tricked.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

guess you forgot when trump took over from obama unemployment was less than 5% the DOW was way up from where he took over and we had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment Real tough economy for trump ??? Now try and remember what economy repub GWB handed over to Obama Bottom line Trump succeeds on the hard work of obamas 8 years

Guess you forgot that under that affirmative action piece of shit Obama that poverty increased, taxes increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and there was dismal economic growth. That doesn't even include health care being destroyed,the welfare rolls increasing, illegals flooding in and the low workforce participation rate.

Trump is turning that around and that is a good thing. Thank god he was elected and not that corrupt asshole Crooked Hillary. She would have been as bad or worse as Obama and that would have been a disaster for this country.

Trump is creating prosperity and you stupid Moon Bats can't stand it because it makes you look like idiots for electing Obama.
Yeah McCain would have been so much better BTW do you remember the GREAT RECESSION handed to Obama The greatness of which is proven by how long it took to ACTUALLY recover Do you remember the 8000 DOW under bush ,the 800000 losing jobs on his last month? Obama was twice the man 5x the president this pervert you support can ever be

In all fairness, in 2003, Bush Jr presented a 733 million recovery plan to Congress and was laughed right out of building by both sides. Small Businesses were already starting to fail. Since we weren't the large donors, we were totally overlooked. But in 2008, because we weren't there to support the big guys anymore and the real economy finally felt our lack of presences, It required an over 1 trillion buck buyout. We have yet to recover at much of a rate for small businesses. The shops and stores are not empty. What's sad, in retail, the big guys are starting to disappear even today. Are you going to support another buyout or just let our big box stores that the smaller ones depend on to gather customers (it's called an anchor store) to continue emptying out?
Its sickening that Dem's are so bitter over losing the House, Senate, and White House that they try to spin that $1,000 really won't make a difference to working families. President Trump's tax reform bill gave working families a good chunk of money and the reduction in corporate taxes is putting wages increases and bonuses in their pockets on top of that and Dem's are squealing like stuck pigs.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage would keep up with inflation, for Labor.

Why not improve our economy instead of merely; don't worry, and be happy we have lower taxes.

Have you tried living on $15 an hour? :itsok: Christ liberals are dumb, you libs refrain from breeding okay.
The Republicans are trying to buy votes and campaign contributions with deficit spending in their tax bill.

Imagine what conservatives say if Democrats were doing exactly the same thing...or do we have to imagine...?
There buying their votes, you mean buying them, with their own money? Is that what you think? Lol, you know the money they are keeping, is theirs. Not the government's, you keep that Shit up though, we will win in a landslide this year if you do.
Dems are mad because they want to take credit for everything voters receive. Corporate bonuses are completely out of their control. They really hate that.
That's why they tax the shit out of them.
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