Dems, Are You Really Arguing That $1,000 Is Nothing To Working Class Families?

Its sickening that Dem's are so bitter over losing the House, Senate, and White House that they try to spin that $1,000 really won't make a difference to working families. President Trump's tax reform bill gave working families a good chunk of money and the reduction in corporate taxes is putting wages increases and bonuses in their pockets on top of that and Dem's are squealing like stuck pigs.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage would keep up with inflation, for Labor.

Why not improve our economy instead of merely; don't worry, and be happy we have lower taxes.

I have to go back to the 80s on this one. I was stationed a Rancid City, SD. Just bought my house, had 3 cars and was living comfortable with my new wife. Then we got a 12% makup pay increase. Felt pretty good about . Until everything we needed to live went up the same exact percentage. And I was in a higher tax bracket. I lost money in the exchange and said more than once, I wished you had kept your tax increase, I can't afford it. Now, what did that do the people that made less money? The Civilian pay didn't go up, it stagnated. It took the low middle class people right into the poor class quickly. The greedy corporations made out like the bandits they are.

I see that happening again to the 62 and older crowd of retired people.
Dems are mad because they want to take credit for everything voters receive. Corporate bonuses are completely out of their control. They really hate that.

They hate that because you say so? What I hate is the money given to the Corporations will not find it's way to the workers but it will be deposited into off shore accounts by the majority stock holders. Meanwhile, the wages do go up but the layoffs pay for that increase.
Well that's what the raises and bonuses are for and the new facilities and other stuff......jesus you guys were stoked with a $40 per check raise under Obama, it's $60 now and it sucks??? Me thinks you guys are full of shit.

Except it's not being used for that. Sure companies like Wallyworld is raising their starting pay to 11 bucks but they aren't raising the pay for anyone that is NOT new hire. This means that a new hire will make more than a person that has been with them for 2 years. 11 bucks versus 10.80. Then to pay for that, they lay off workers. BTW, the Bonuses at Wallyworld is directly connected to their loss prevention program. Meaning, if too much stuff heads out the door without being paid for (stolen) then the workers don't get the bonuses. What's even sadder, Wallyworld has made it almost impossible to stop people from walking out the door with unpaid for merchandise. MOST Wallyworlds don't pay bonuses. And that promised 1000 bucks will probably not be issued. This happens over and over with Wallyworld. This isn't the first time the wages were raised in a psuedo way. And it won't be the last. Just remember, if you can figure out how to request help, if they actually show up, the person you are getting assisted from knows even less than you do. All they will do is read the box and answer your questions using that information. Don't ask for help unless you can't read a friggin box yourself.
But Democrats are okay with hamburger flippers being paid the same amount as ambulance drivers and folks that work admissions in the ER with their idiotic minimum wage increase demands. Now all of a sudden an 11.00 dollar raise hike isn't "fair". Go figure

Liberals are brain damaged.
Dems are mad because they want to take credit for everything voters receive. Corporate bonuses are completely out of their control. They really hate that.

They hate that because you say so? What I hate is the money given to the Corporations will not find it's way to the workers but it will be deposited into off shore accounts by the majority stock holders. Meanwhile, the wages do go up but the layoffs pay for that increase.
Well that's what the raises and bonuses are for and the new facilities and other stuff......jesus you guys were stoked with a $40 per check raise under Obama, it's $60 now and it sucks??? Me thinks you guys are full of shit.

Except it's not being used for that. Sure companies like Wallyworld is raising their starting pay to 11 bucks but they aren't raising the pay for anyone that is NOT new hire. This means that a new hire will make more than a person that has been with them for 2 years. 11 bucks versus 10.80. Then to pay for that, they lay off workers. BTW, the Bonuses at Wallyworld is directly connected to their loss prevention program. Meaning, if too much stuff heads out the door without being paid for (stolen) then the workers don't get the bonuses. What's even sadder, Wallyworld has made it almost impossible to stop people from walking out the door with unpaid for merchandise. MOST Wallyworlds don't pay bonuses. And that promised 1000 bucks will probably not be issued. This happens over and over with Wallyworld. This isn't the first time the wages were raised in a psuedo way. And it won't be the last. Just remember, if you can figure out how to request help, if they actually show up, the person you are getting assisted from knows even less than you do. All they will do is read the box and answer your questions using that information. Don't ask for help unless you can't read a friggin box yourself.
Most companies don't let their employees chase down shoplifters. Go ask Albertson's ( a union company) what their policy is on that subject.
Nancy Pelosi is worth $26 Million!

When are millionaires like her Waters and Schumer going to throw breadcrumbs to their Hispanic Gardners, Maids, Chefs, Chauffeurs, and other staff?
With Mid-Term elections coming up, are DEMOCRATS REALLY running on the message that lower unemployment, less Americans on Welfare / foodstamps is 'bad' for Americans...a..that the exploding economy and record-setting stock market success is 'bad' for Americans...that bonuses, raises, and more jobs are 'bad' for the Middle Class / Americans...that $1,000 put back in the pockets of Middle Class Americans is 'bad' for America / Americans?


Hey, Dems, Are You Really Arguing That $1,000 Is Nothing To Working Class Families?

“Frankly, if you look at the bonuses, which I haven’t heard of a corporate bonus more than $1,000 so far. Which by the way is taxed, so it’s not $1,000. And then you spread $1,000 over the course of the year – to think of about how much that is – of course they get it all at once. But I’m not sure that $1,000 (which is taxed, taxable) goes very for almost anyone,” said Wassermann Schultz."

(This from the woman, btw, tesponsible for Pakistani spies having illegal access to classified House files and all DNC E-mails, usernames, and passwords...)

No, I don't know ANY Dems who argue that a thousand bucks is "nothing", however every single Dem I DO KNOW, myself INCLUDED, DO ARGUE that the folks who are at the top of the food chain and putting together these morsels are absurdly out of touch with reality.


And the KICKER is, former Goldman Sachs head and Trump economic adviser Gary Cohn claims he is a DEMOCRAT, which, if not an enormous lie, would make him the ONLY Democrat I know of who is that stupid, but more importantly, it also makes him a liar, too. If he's a Dem, I'm Miss Universe. :badgrin:

"If we allow a family to keep another thousand dollars of their income, what does that mean? They can renovate their kitchen, they can buy a new car, they can take their family on vacation, they can increase their lifestyle,"
he said. "That's what our tax plan has to do."

A new car, a remodeled kitchen or a family vacay...imagine someone being so wealthy that they don't even know what these things actually cost, and then pretending that they KNOW what the average American family needs.
I'm well off enough that I don't actually know what my morning snacks from the corner store costs, but I damn sure know what new cars cost. We just bought a new car AND we just remodeled our kitchen last year.

CAR: $79,000
KITCHEN: $43,000

If you want to argue the PERSON (Wasserman-Schultz) instead of the issues, go ahead but your side accuses Dems of attacking Trump all the time and how that's the reason no one respects them.

I just argued the issue.
Trump is not even the problem, he is the SYMPTOM of a much larger problem: weaponized ignorance.
Easy, these cuts plan to expire in a few years , while the top 1percent is a permanent..
Even a child knows when they have been tricked.
That just means the Middle Class will benefit NOW, and the politicians you have or elect soon will have the opportunity to pass an even better deal in the FUTURE.
What dod the bigcorporations you liberals demonized do with the 'boon' that was bestowed upon themin this 'Armageddon' tax reform deal?

Did they buy mansions, yachts, limos, or private planes?

No - they spent hundreds of millions of dollars and invested in the Middle Class and their companies by giving out bonuses and raises and creating more jobs.

How dare they ... Those B@ST@RDS!

Dems are mad because they want to take credit for everything voters receive. Corporate bonuses are completely out of their control. They really hate that.

They hate that because you say so? What I hate is the money given to the Corporations will not find it's way to the workers but it will be deposited into off shore accounts by the majority stock holders. Meanwhile, the wages do go up but the layoffs pay for that increase.
Well that's what the raises and bonuses are for and the new facilities and other stuff......jesus you guys were stoked with a $40 per check raise under Obama, it's $60 now and it sucks??? Me thinks you guys are full of shit.

Except it's not being used for that. Sure companies like Wallyworld is raising their starting pay to 11 bucks but they aren't raising the pay for anyone that is NOT new hire. This means that a new hire will make more than a person that has been with them for 2 years. 11 bucks versus 10.80. Then to pay for that, they lay off workers. BTW, the Bonuses at Wallyworld is directly connected to their loss prevention program. Meaning, if too much stuff heads out the door without being paid for (stolen) then the workers don't get the bonuses. What's even sadder, Wallyworld has made it almost impossible to stop people from walking out the door with unpaid for merchandise. MOST Wallyworlds don't pay bonuses. And that promised 1000 bucks will probably not be issued. This happens over and over with Wallyworld. This isn't the first time the wages were raised in a psuedo way. And it won't be the last. Just remember, if you can figure out how to request help, if they actually show up, the person you are getting assisted from knows even less than you do. All they will do is read the box and answer your questions using that information. Don't ask for help unless you can't read a friggin box yourself.
But Democrats are okay with hamburger flippers being paid the same amount as ambulance drivers and folks that work admissions in the ER with their idiotic minimum wage increase demands. Now all of a sudden an 11.00 dollar raise hike isn't "fair". Go figure

Liberals are brain damaged.
Who even knows what you are talking about.
Dems are mad because they want to take credit for everything voters receive. Corporate bonuses are completely out of their control. They really hate that.

They hate that because you say so? What I hate is the money given to the Corporations will not find it's way to the workers but it will be deposited into off shore accounts by the majority stock holders. Meanwhile, the wages do go up but the layoffs pay for that increase.
Well that's what the raises and bonuses are for and the new facilities and other stuff......jesus you guys were stoked with a $40 per check raise under Obama, it's $60 now and it sucks??? Me thinks you guys are full of shit.

Except it's not being used for that. Sure companies like Wallyworld is raising their starting pay to 11 bucks but they aren't raising the pay for anyone that is NOT new hire. This means that a new hire will make more than a person that has been with them for 2 years. 11 bucks versus 10.80. Then to pay for that, they lay off workers. BTW, the Bonuses at Wallyworld is directly connected to their loss prevention program. Meaning, if too much stuff heads out the door without being paid for (stolen) then the workers don't get the bonuses. What's even sadder, Wallyworld has made it almost impossible to stop people from walking out the door with unpaid for merchandise. MOST Wallyworlds don't pay bonuses. And that promised 1000 bucks will probably not be issued. This happens over and over with Wallyworld. This isn't the first time the wages were raised in a psuedo way. And it won't be the last. Just remember, if you can figure out how to request help, if they actually show up, the person you are getting assisted from knows even less than you do. All they will do is read the box and answer your questions using that information. Don't ask for help unless you can't read a friggin box yourself.
But Democrats are okay with hamburger flippers being paid the same amount as ambulance drivers and folks that work admissions in the ER with their idiotic minimum wage increase demands. Now all of a sudden an 11.00 dollar raise hike isn't "fair". Go figure

Liberals are brain damaged.

Tell, me. Would you take a job that pays only 11 bucks an hour and it was part time. Then add the fact the schedule precludes you from taking any other job? I don't get out of bed for that.

Your idea is that it's going to be a full time job with benefits. Newsflash: The workers have to pay handsomly for those benefits. I know a number of couples that work on those jobs. One works for take home pay and the other works to afford the benefits. Corporations are not only greedy but in yesterdays world, they would be deemed criminal.
Dems are mad because they want to take credit for everything voters receive. Corporate bonuses are completely out of their control. They really hate that.

They hate that because you say so? What I hate is the money given to the Corporations will not find it's way to the workers but it will be deposited into off shore accounts by the majority stock holders. Meanwhile, the wages do go up but the layoffs pay for that increase.
Well that's what the raises and bonuses are for and the new facilities and other stuff......jesus you guys were stoked with a $40 per check raise under Obama, it's $60 now and it sucks??? Me thinks you guys are full of shit.

Except it's not being used for that. Sure companies like Wallyworld is raising their starting pay to 11 bucks but they aren't raising the pay for anyone that is NOT new hire. This means that a new hire will make more than a person that has been with them for 2 years. 11 bucks versus 10.80. Then to pay for that, they lay off workers. BTW, the Bonuses at Wallyworld is directly connected to their loss prevention program. Meaning, if too much stuff heads out the door without being paid for (stolen) then the workers don't get the bonuses. What's even sadder, Wallyworld has made it almost impossible to stop people from walking out the door with unpaid for merchandise. MOST Wallyworlds don't pay bonuses. And that promised 1000 bucks will probably not be issued. This happens over and over with Wallyworld. This isn't the first time the wages were raised in a psuedo way. And it won't be the last. Just remember, if you can figure out how to request help, if they actually show up, the person you are getting assisted from knows even less than you do. All they will do is read the box and answer your questions using that information. Don't ask for help unless you can't read a friggin box yourself.
Most companies don't let their employees chase down shoplifters. Go ask Albertson's ( a union company) what their policy is on that subject.

Then that 1000 bucks is meaningless considering the employee won't see a dime of it. Another way the Corps use PR instead of doing what is right.
Take away their health care and yea, a thousand bucks is nothing.

Jesus, do you have to explain every little thing?
Who is taking away healthcare? you mean not forcing people to buy some overpriced bullshit with higher premiums and a huge deductible....that's leftwing politics...anything to force you into govt servitude.
Dems are mad because they want to take credit for everything voters receive. Corporate bonuses are completely out of their control. They really hate that.

They hate that because you say so? What I hate is the money given to the Corporations will not find it's way to the workers but it will be deposited into off shore accounts by the majority stock holders. Meanwhile, the wages do go up but the layoffs pay for that increase.
Well that's what the raises and bonuses are for and the new facilities and other stuff......jesus you guys were stoked with a $40 per check raise under Obama, it's $60 now and it sucks??? Me thinks you guys are full of shit.

Except it's not being used for that. Sure companies like Wallyworld is raising their starting pay to 11 bucks but they aren't raising the pay for anyone that is NOT new hire. This means that a new hire will make more than a person that has been with them for 2 years. 11 bucks versus 10.80. Then to pay for that, they lay off workers. BTW, the Bonuses at Wallyworld is directly connected to their loss prevention program. Meaning, if too much stuff heads out the door without being paid for (stolen) then the workers don't get the bonuses. What's even sadder, Wallyworld has made it almost impossible to stop people from walking out the door with unpaid for merchandise. MOST Wallyworlds don't pay bonuses. And that promised 1000 bucks will probably not be issued. This happens over and over with Wallyworld. This isn't the first time the wages were raised in a psuedo way. And it won't be the last. Just remember, if you can figure out how to request help, if they actually show up, the person you are getting assisted from knows even less than you do. All they will do is read the box and answer your questions using that information. Don't ask for help unless you can't read a friggin box yourself.
But Democrats are okay with hamburger flippers being paid the same amount as ambulance drivers and folks that work admissions in the ER with their idiotic minimum wage increase demands. Now all of a sudden an 11.00 dollar raise hike isn't "fair". Go figure

Liberals are brain damaged.

Tell, me. Would you take a job that pays only 11 bucks an hour and it was part time. Then add the fact the schedule precludes you from taking any other job? I don't get out of bed for that.

Your idea is that it's going to be a full time job with benefits. Newsflash: The workers have to pay handsomly for those benefits. I know a number of couples that work on those jobs. One works for take home pay and the other works to afford the benefits. Corporations are not only greedy but in yesterdays world, they would be deemed criminal.
I think you just blather on to hear yourself talk.

How about you stop wandering into the weeds?
Douchebag Dem's in Dem controlled states are already scheming tax increases to steal the tax cut and bonus money, shocker.
I hope they do. The exodus from blue states will become a tsunami.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

You ready for that exodus? It won't be the rich. It's going to the poverty class. You still don't get it. The bulk of the taxes paid at state level is from the middle class down. And you won't get the Middle Class either. Your own welfare programs will have to take more load. Of course, the Red States have a much higher welfare rate than the blue states. So I do hope you get your wish. Property Values will go up and criminal activity will go down but not where the Red states are. The opposite will happen.
They hate that because you say so? What I hate is the money given to the Corporations will not find it's way to the workers but it will be deposited into off shore accounts by the majority stock holders. Meanwhile, the wages do go up but the layoffs pay for that increase.
Well that's what the raises and bonuses are for and the new facilities and other stuff......jesus you guys were stoked with a $40 per check raise under Obama, it's $60 now and it sucks??? Me thinks you guys are full of shit.

Except it's not being used for that. Sure companies like Wallyworld is raising their starting pay to 11 bucks but they aren't raising the pay for anyone that is NOT new hire. This means that a new hire will make more than a person that has been with them for 2 years. 11 bucks versus 10.80. Then to pay for that, they lay off workers. BTW, the Bonuses at Wallyworld is directly connected to their loss prevention program. Meaning, if too much stuff heads out the door without being paid for (stolen) then the workers don't get the bonuses. What's even sadder, Wallyworld has made it almost impossible to stop people from walking out the door with unpaid for merchandise. MOST Wallyworlds don't pay bonuses. And that promised 1000 bucks will probably not be issued. This happens over and over with Wallyworld. This isn't the first time the wages were raised in a psuedo way. And it won't be the last. Just remember, if you can figure out how to request help, if they actually show up, the person you are getting assisted from knows even less than you do. All they will do is read the box and answer your questions using that information. Don't ask for help unless you can't read a friggin box yourself.
But Democrats are okay with hamburger flippers being paid the same amount as ambulance drivers and folks that work admissions in the ER with their idiotic minimum wage increase demands. Now all of a sudden an 11.00 dollar raise hike isn't "fair". Go figure

Liberals are brain damaged.

Tell, me. Would you take a job that pays only 11 bucks an hour and it was part time. Then add the fact the schedule precludes you from taking any other job? I don't get out of bed for that.

Your idea is that it's going to be a full time job with benefits. Newsflash: The workers have to pay handsomly for those benefits. I know a number of couples that work on those jobs. One works for take home pay and the other works to afford the benefits. Corporations are not only greedy but in yesterdays world, they would be deemed criminal.
I think you just blather on to hear yourself talk.

How about you stop wandering into the weeds?

Since you can't dispute what I write, you resort to insults. You lose, get on with things.
Take away their health care and yea, a thousand bucks is nothing.

Jesus, do you have to explain every little thing?
Who is taking away healthcare? you mean not forcing people to buy some overpriced bullshit with higher premiums and a huge deductible....that's leftwing politics...anything to force you into govt servitude.

The genie is out of the bottle. I don't know of one single Doctor that would like to see Nationalized Medicine and more Clinics. They hate the HMOs worse than the rest of us. While we are at it, the other hatred they have, stop the frivolous Malpractice Lawsuits. You would be surprised just how affordable health care comes from just those two.
Take away their health care and yea, a thousand bucks is nothing.

Jesus, do you have to explain every little thing?
Who is taking away healthcare? you mean not forcing people to buy some overpriced bullshit with higher premiums and a huge deductible....that's leftwing politics...anything to force you into govt servitude.

The genie is out of the bottle. I don't know of one single Doctor that would like to see Nationalized Medicine and more Clinics. They hate the HMOs worse than the rest of us. While we are at it, the other hatred they have, stop the frivolous Malpractice Lawsuits. You would be surprised just how affordable health care comes from just those two.

I mistyped one part. I don't know of one single Doctor that doesn't support the Nationalization of Medicine and the creation of more Clinics. Add a curb to the Malpractice suits and the dismantle of the HMOs, the cost of medicine and treatment will drastically be reduced. There are only two ways to do it. Either completely get the Feds out of tampering with the system from 9 years ago or move forward in Nationalizing Medicine. Doing it halfway either way doesn't work. Like I said, the Genie is out of the bottle and it will never go back the way it was 9 years ago. That leaves only one alternative.
Dems are mad because they want to take credit for everything voters receive. Corporate bonuses are completely out of their control. They really hate that.

They hate that because you say so? What I hate is the money given to the Corporations will not find it's way to the workers but it will be deposited into off shore accounts by the majority stock holders. Meanwhile, the wages do go up but the layoffs pay for that increase.
Well that's what the raises and bonuses are for and the new facilities and other stuff......jesus you guys were stoked with a $40 per check raise under Obama, it's $60 now and it sucks??? Me thinks you guys are full of shit.

Except it's not being used for that. Sure companies like Wallyworld is raising their starting pay to 11 bucks but they aren't raising the pay for anyone that is NOT new hire. This means that a new hire will make more than a person that has been with them for 2 years. 11 bucks versus 10.80. Then to pay for that, they lay off workers. BTW, the Bonuses at Wallyworld is directly connected to their loss prevention program. Meaning, if too much stuff heads out the door without being paid for (stolen) then the workers don't get the bonuses. What's even sadder, Wallyworld has made it almost impossible to stop people from walking out the door with unpaid for merchandise. MOST Wallyworlds don't pay bonuses. And that promised 1000 bucks will probably not be issued. This happens over and over with Wallyworld. This isn't the first time the wages were raised in a psuedo way. And it won't be the last. Just remember, if you can figure out how to request help, if they actually show up, the person you are getting assisted from knows even less than you do. All they will do is read the box and answer your questions using that information. Don't ask for help unless you can't read a friggin box yourself.
Most companies don't let their employees chase down shoplifters. Go ask Albertson's ( a union company) what their policy is on that subject.

Then that 1000 bucks is meaningless considering the employee won't see a dime of it. Another way the Corps use PR instead of doing what is right.
Who are getting these bonuses or raises anyways? very few report getting them.
Rather, we have 40,000 jobs lost in tourism.
And using money to fund layoffs.

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