Dems . Be happy Trump is in the whitehouse .

Liberals only speak of reaching out when they lose. Trump ran on a platform. He didn't get elected to give liberals feel good reach arounds.

Every president for the last decades reached out to pull America together.

And, NO Dem congress has EVER declared that the failure of the American president was their TOP priority. That was historic, and the Republican party will NEVER live that down.

How many Dems are on the committees working on health care coverage today? When theDems were in the majority, there was a full compliment of R's on the committees designing the ACA.

But, R's can't handle that.
The "R"s have seen the results of the dems doings, it isn't working. Obama and the dems did not reach out. At all. They rammed their policies down our throats and liberals across the country laughed and said "suck on it bitch". Which liberal policy are we supposed to embrace. This is about fixing things, not ideological appeasement.

If you don't feel good from fixing things then you are part of the problem.
Don't fix what ain't broke. Thangs you fix- on might cause you to end like Nix- on!
Obamacare ain't broke and doesn't need fixing? You live in a cocoon.
The GOP doesn't want to fix the PPACA, they want to eliminate it. That is their idea of "fixing." But the fixing doesn'g stop there...
They have already renewed their attack on the middle class. Trump fixed it so that the American dream of home ownership is harder to attain. He wasted no time in Blocking the FHA's plan to cut mortgage fees.

The National Association of Realtors said the Trump administration's reversal could keep as many as 40,000 would-be homebuyers out of the market this year. How's that for a fix?
Sounds like a good start. We tried that and it crashed. Liberals are too busy blaming political enemies to understand problems or implement meaningful reforms..
The GOP doesn't want to fix the PPACA, they want to eliminate it. That is their idea of "fixing." But the fixing doesn'g stop there...
They have already renewed their attack on the middle class. Trump fixed it so that the American dream of home ownership is harder to attain. He wasted no time in Blocking the FHA's plan to cut mortgage fees.

The National Association of Realtors said the Trump administration's reversal could keep as many as 40,000 would-be homebuyers out of the market this year. How's that for a fix?
No child, Trump wants to eliminate it...the GOP'ers are irrelevant......
That isn't what he said... But Trump isn't a monarch. He does need Congress to repeal the PPACA. But that won't happen. Too many voters like some parts of it and they are starting to make that known.
Your fake news tell you that? :lol:
That tired old cliché originated a decade ago when we noticed the BS emanating from the talking heads over at Faux News. You know em':
Hannity, O'Reilly , and the rest of Rupert Murdock's crew.
I thought so.....good luck with that, as we come for you....
You couldn't stand the fire power.
No child, Trump wants to eliminate it...the GOP'ers are irrelevant......
That isn't what he said... But Trump isn't a monarch. He does need Congress to repeal the PPACA. But that won't happen. Too many voters like some parts of it and they are starting to make that known.
Your fake news tell you that? :lol:
That tired old cliché originated a decade ago when we noticed the BS emanating from the talking heads over at Faux News. You know em':
Hannity, O'Reilly , and the rest of Rupert Murdock's crew.
I thought so.....good luck with that, as we come for you....
You couldn't stand the fire power.
You will be stacked near the bottom of the pile....
Yeah, thanks for electing me. What a divider! That would be kind of the definition of butt hurt. How dare you thank your supporters for supporting you!

Sometimes I think you're just stupid. Then other times, wow ...

Even Lincoln worked to pull America together, and that was after half the nation went to WAR against him!!

Yet, Trump is still at war with the more than half of America who voted against him.
Trump is trying to reach out to people who voted against him, but liberals call them mediocre negros. Just ask Steve Harvey.
Yeah...RIGHT! His cabinet choices shows just how much he is reaching out .
He did. He reached out to people in the business community that didn't need to live off the taxpayer. Your clueless state reminds me of a hamster and his squirrel cage. Thinks he's going somewhere.
By the time you realize the government can't be run like a profit making business the economy will be in tatters as well as our foreign policy.
No one made that argument. Look, in all honesty this conversation is out of your reach. The discussion is about less government, not running it like a business. Government doesn't make money, they spend it. Go play with your dick or something.
Every president for the last decades reached out to pull America together.

And, NO Dem congress has EVER declared that the failure of the American president was their TOP priority. That was historic, and the Republican party will NEVER live that down.

How many Dems are on the committees working on health care coverage today? When theDems were in the majority, there was a full compliment of R's on the committees designing the ACA.

But, R's can't handle that.
The "R"s have seen the results of the dems doings, it isn't working. Obama and the dems did not reach out. At all. They rammed their policies down our throats and liberals across the country laughed and said "suck on it bitch". Which liberal policy are we supposed to embrace. This is about fixing things, not ideological appeasement.

If you don't feel good from fixing things then you are part of the problem.
Don't fix what ain't broke. Thangs you fix- on might cause you to end like Nix- on!
Obamacare ain't broke and doesn't need fixing? You live in a cocoon.
The GOP doesn't want to fix the PPACA, they want to eliminate it. That is their idea of "fixing." But the fixing doesn'g stop there...
They have already renewed their attack on the middle class. Trump fixed it so that the American dream of home ownership is harder to attain. He wasted no time in Blocking the FHA's plan to cut mortgage fees.

The National Association of Realtors said the Trump administration's reversal could keep as many as 40,000 would-be homebuyers out of the market this year. How's that for a fix?
Sounds like a good start. We tried that and it crashed. Liberals are too busy blaming political enemies to understand problems or implement meaningful reforms..

Really, I guess I am not a liberal then... And I don't have a mental block, like you apparently do, either. Obama left the economy and the housing market in far better shape than he found it in and I am not about to let Trump be credited with saving it. I want the world to know that one of his first acts as president was an attack on the middle class.
That isn't what he said... But Trump isn't a monarch. He does need Congress to repeal the PPACA. But that won't happen. Too many voters like some parts of it and they are starting to make that known.
Your fake news tell you that? :lol:
That tired old cliché originated a decade ago when we noticed the BS emanating from the talking heads over at Faux News. You know em':
Hannity, O'Reilly , and the rest of Rupert Murdock's crew.
I thought so.....good luck with that, as we come for you....
You couldn't stand the fire power.
You will be stacked near the bottom of the pile....
I will still be several layers above YOU!
Your fake news tell you that? :lol:
That tired old cliché originated a decade ago when we noticed the BS emanating from the talking heads over at Faux News. You know em':
Hannity, O'Reilly , and the rest of Rupert Murdock's crew.
I thought so.....good luck with that, as we come for you....
You couldn't stand the fire power.
You will be stacked near the bottom of the pile....
I will still be several layers above YOU!
I am pretty tall.....
Even Lincoln worked to pull America together, and that was after half the nation went to WAR against him!!

Yet, Trump is still at war with the more than half of America who voted against him.
Trump is trying to reach out to people who voted against him, but liberals call them mediocre negros. Just ask Steve Harvey.
Yeah...RIGHT! His cabinet choices shows just how much he is reaching out .
He did. He reached out to people in the business community that didn't need to live off the taxpayer. Your clueless state reminds me of a hamster and his squirrel cage. Thinks he's going somewhere.
By the time you realize the government can't be run like a profit making business the economy will be in tatters as well as our foreign policy.
No one made that argument. Look, in all honesty this conversation is out of your reach. The discussion is about less government, not running it like a business. Government doesn't make money, they spend it. Go play with your dick or something.

You didn't make that argument because you don't have the vision and foresight to do so.
That tired old cliché originated a decade ago when we noticed the BS emanating from the talking heads over at Faux News. You know em':
Hannity, O'Reilly , and the rest of Rupert Murdock's crew.
I thought so.....good luck with that, as we come for you....
You couldn't stand the fire power.
You will be stacked near the bottom of the pile....
I will still be several layers above YOU!
I am pretty tall.....
I'm 6'6"., you've got to be really tall to look down on ME.
I thought so.....good luck with that, as we come for you....
You couldn't stand the fire power.
You will be stacked near the bottom of the pile....
I will still be several layers above YOU!
I am pretty tall.....
I'm 6'6"., you've got to be really tall to look down on ME.
No child, I'm going to be pissing on you......the spoils of war upon our Trump winning.....enjoy your new position in society....
better to have him than say Pense . Here's why: Trump is really a Rino 3rd party . The GOP doesn't get along wh him so much . He ain't rubber stamping their shit , and he has some progressive leanings .

Sure he's a little crazy , but he's not just going to be a GOP water carrier.

Take Obamacare . He's more redo , while GOP wants to repeal.
One thing for sure with Trump, he has not a progressive bone in his body.....

"Insurance for everyone" is a pretty progressive thing to say.
Trump is trying to reach out to people who voted against him, but liberals call them mediocre negros. Just ask Steve Harvey.
Yeah...RIGHT! His cabinet choices shows just how much he is reaching out .
He did. He reached out to people in the business community that didn't need to live off the taxpayer. Your clueless state reminds me of a hamster and his squirrel cage. Thinks he's going somewhere.
By the time you realize the government can't be run like a profit making business the economy will be in tatters as well as our foreign policy.
No one made that argument. Look, in all honesty this conversation is out of your reach. The discussion is about less government, not running it like a business. Government doesn't make money, they spend it. Go play with your dick or something.

You didn't make that argument because you don't have the vision and foresight to do so.
I did so you proved my point. Now go play with your dick (or someone else's) instead of playing the role of the fool.
better to have him than say Pense . Here's why: Trump is really a Rino 3rd party . The GOP doesn't get along wh him so much . He ain't rubber stamping their shit , and he has some progressive leanings .

Sure he's a little crazy , but he's not just going to be a GOP water carrier.

Take Obamacare . He's more redo , while GOP wants to repeal.
One thing for sure with Trump, he has not a progressive bone in his body.....

"Insurance for everyone" is a pretty progressive thing to say.
Everyone has the right to access of insurance....I can think of no stronger pro-America statement......
Yeah...RIGHT! His cabinet choices shows just how much he is reaching out .
He did. He reached out to people in the business community that didn't need to live off the taxpayer. Your clueless state reminds me of a hamster and his squirrel cage. Thinks he's going somewhere.
By the time you realize the government can't be run like a profit making business the economy will be in tatters as well as our foreign policy.
No one made that argument. Look, in all honesty this conversation is out of your reach. The discussion is about less government, not running it like a business. Government doesn't make money, they spend it. Go play with your dick or something.

You didn't make that argument because you don't have the vision and foresight to do so.
I did so you proved my point. Now go play with your dick (or someone else's) instead of playing the role of the fool.

I knew it was only a matter of time before one of you latent RW homos came out of the closet to introduce gay activity into the conversation. Congratulations, you win the leather chaps and spiked heels.
He did. He reached out to people in the business community that didn't need to live off the taxpayer. Your clueless state reminds me of a hamster and his squirrel cage. Thinks he's going somewhere.
By the time you realize the government can't be run like a profit making business the economy will be in tatters as well as our foreign policy.
No one made that argument. Look, in all honesty this conversation is out of your reach. The discussion is about less government, not running it like a business. Government doesn't make money, they spend it. Go play with your dick or something.

You didn't make that argument because you don't have the vision and foresight to do so.
I did so you proved my point. Now go play with your dick (or someone else's) instead of playing the role of the fool.

I knew it was only a matter of time before one of you latent RW homos came out of the closet to introduce gay activity into the conversation. Congratulations, you win the leather chaps and spiked heels.
A homo? Is this 1960? You can't understand the conversation. Go do something else with your smegma coated keyboard.
By the time you realize the government can't be run like a profit making business the economy will be in tatters as well as our foreign policy.
No one made that argument. Look, in all honesty this conversation is out of your reach. The discussion is about less government, not running it like a business. Government doesn't make money, they spend it. Go play with your dick or something.

You didn't make that argument because you don't have the vision and foresight to do so.
I did so you proved my point. Now go play with your dick (or someone else's) instead of playing the role of the fool.

I knew it was only a matter of time before one of you latent RW homos came out of the closet to introduce gay activity into the conversation. Congratulations, you win the leather chaps and spiked heels.
A homo? Is this 1960? You can't understand the conversation. Go do something else with your smegma coated keyboard.
Cleanse your mind ... you will feel better about yourself!
better to have him than say Pense . Here's why: Trump is really a Rino 3rd party . The GOP doesn't get along wh him so much . He ain't rubber stamping their shit , and he has some progressive leanings .

Sure he's a little crazy , but he's not just going to be a GOP water carrier.

Take Obamacare . He's more redo , while GOP wants to repeal.
better to have him than say Pense . Here's why: Trump is really a Rino 3rd party . The GOP doesn't get along wh him so much . He ain't rubber stamping their shit , and he has some progressive leanings .

Sure he's a little crazy , but he's not just going to be a GOP water carrier.

Take Obamacare . He's more redo , while GOP wants to repeal.

You think people are protesting because Hillary lost!?

It's more to do with all the shit Trump has said .

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