Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

No.. she wanted to FORCE her employer/benefactor to have it offered by them on her prescription drug plan.. MUCH different than just a plan she went out and bought for herself

Fucking liar
That is exactly what I said fucktard.

Sorry.. if the person/company/benefactor using their resources to manage, subsidize, or outright pay for does not wish to include it because of their beliefs, you have no right o force them to do so... you have the freedom to go purchase it elsewhere.. you have the freedom to work or educate yourself elsewhere.. and you even have to freedom to boycott their institution/place of business

And if the company didn't want to offer cardiac care drugs...oh well, you have a right to go elsewhere too...or diuretics, or SSRI's.... the list goes on and on.

Ms. Fluke petitioned Congress with a grievance (such as it was--she had to be invited to a separate group of congressional members due to the House leadership only wanting to hear from some people on the topic).

This is what you do in our system of government.

And no, it is not exactly what you fucking said, fucktard... she did not accept, after her petition, that they would not provide it and she fucking decided to FORCE Them to thru governmental coercion.. beyond what government is charged to do.. she thinks she is entitled, and so do you... and you are both wrong
Not according to the Supreme Court...
If they don't then they may well go out of business because people do want such coverage.. but they have the freedom to pay for what benefits they want to provide, just as you have the freedom to work wherever the fuck you want
And if the company decided that they didn't want to cover anti-biotics...they could do that too? Sure.
It is not what you are SUPPOSED To do in our system of government.. because this government is not to tell others to provide for you, pay for you, make available for you.. YOU have the responsibility to exercise your freedoms in the free market of availability and do as you choose.. if you want BC coverage and your employer don't want to give it, buy it or work elsewhere.. if you ATTEND a religious school and they don't wish to provide things against their beliefs, go somewhere else or buy it your fucking goddamn self
Again, not the way it works.
I have no issue with her being a slut,
And I have no issue with you being one.
a monogamous woman or whatever else in between... that is between her and her fucking vaginal walls... but when she thinks she gets to force other to provide to her beyond their beliefs, she and YOU have another thing coming
Which she didn't do but don't let facts stand in your way...
To argue about Sandra Fluke's desire for birth control coverage ... As part of the Democrat's Big Push for 2014 Minimum Wage ... Would make her a whore wouldn't it?


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