Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

Ahh, Sandra Fluke, the gift that keeps on giving.

A nobody that no one gives a flying fuck about - no matter how desperately you try and turn her into a celebrity...

She remains far less important than Snookie.

funny, you never even hear about sandra fluke anymore. but Rush is still going strong.

another victim used by the democrats for votes and then discarded to the scrap pile.

Congrats on mentioning her (again).
A nobody that no one gives a flying fuck about - no matter how desperately you try and turn her into a celebrity...

She remains far less important than Snookie.

funny, you never even hear about sandra fluke anymore. but Rush is still going strong.

another victim used by the democrats for votes and then discarded to the scrap pile.
Seems to me Progressives have a rather LARGE toolbox, don't they?

Coming from a tool such as yourself, that's hilarious.
She reminds everyone of the bitter hatred that you and a shockingly high % of the GOP have for females.... A few months back you guys were swearing that you'd learned your lesson about arguing over abortion and reproductive rights but, as always, you go full retard.

Basically, you guys are like salivating wild animals growling at her through the bars of your cages for 3.5 years; during the last .5 years when there is an election, you wonder why you aren't appealing.

It's fun watching how easy it is to push your buttons because you really can't help yourself and your Pavlovian hatred toward women you can't intimidate.

Since when is truth hatred?:eusa_whistle:

What "truth" are you talking about? Care to quote what you think she said?
You're lost.
We all make fun of you for idolizing a nobody twit and you think that somehow translates to us elevating her rather than mocking you.

She's kind of like Solandra (sp?). Anytime you bring it up, you lose if you're Obama. There is no positive connotation for the Dems. Anytime you care to engage over Fluke, the right wing's total intolerance of women who think for themselves/war on contraception and abortion is brought back up to the forefront.

There is no win for you. You know this or at least you should. Yet you continue to bring it up. Why? Nobody really knows. But please feel free to continue.
She's kind of like Solandra (sp?). Anytime you bring it up, you lose if you're Obama. There is no positive connotation for the Dems. Anytime you care to engage over Fluke, the right wing's total intolerance of women who think for themselves/war on contraception and abortion is brought back up to the forefront.

There is no win for you. You know this or at least you should. Yet you continue to bring it up. Why? Nobody really knows. But please feel free to continue.

Yeah, remember when Glenn Beck called for Alex Rodriquez to rape her 14 year old daughter?

Pure hate.

OH WAIT, that was leftist douchebag David Letterman calling for the rape of Sarah Palin's 14 year old daughter - so it's all just good fun....
We all make fun of you for idolizing a nobody twit and you think that somehow translates to us elevating her rather than mocking you.

She's kind of like Solandra (sp?). Anytime you bring it up, you lose if you're Obama. There is no positive connotation for the Dems. Anytime you care to engage over Fluke, the right wing's total intolerance of women who think for themselves/war on contraception and abortion is brought back up to the forefront.

There is no win for you. You know this or at least you should. Yet you continue to bring it up. Why? Nobody really knows. But please feel free to continue.

All made up nonsense to make the eyes of stupid Americans spin. Well, you can have the morons on your side. All of them. I learned long ago that you are only as good as the company you keep and you will advance no farther than the ilk you surround yourselves with. Sandra Fluke is a nobody who got 10 minutes of fame and is now nonexistent. Seems you fit right in, minus the fleeting fame of course.

You keep bringing up Limbaugh or Palin when you try to insult me. Funny thing is I don't hang on their every word. Nor do I put them on some stupid pedestal. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong but I take it all with a grain of salt.
You on the other hand have a severe case of obsessive compulsive disorder.
You NEVER offer anything new, it's the same old worn out divisive tricks from your pathetic party hack bag.

I await your parhetic attempt to insult me with some arbitrary subject that has nothing to do with what I said, like the Chiefs playoff loss....idiot
Which she didn't do. She wanted it added to her prescription drug plan--that she was paying for (supposedly--she may have gotten free insurance as a student--dunno). Adding a drug to a prescription plan costs pennies and is dwarfed by premiums being paid regardless of usage-- (again, if she was paying them).

No.. she wanted to FORCE her employer/benefactor to have it offered by them on her prescription drug plan.. MUCH different than just a plan she went out and bought for herself

Fucking liar
That is exactly what I said fucktard.

Sorry.. if the person/company/benefactor using their resources to manage, subsidize, or outright pay for does not wish to include it because of their beliefs, you have no right o force them to do so... you have the freedom to go purchase it elsewhere.. you have the freedom to work or educate yourself elsewhere.. and you even have to freedom to boycott their institution/place of business

And if the company didn't want to offer cardiac care drugs...oh well, you have a right to go elsewhere too...or diuretics, or SSRI's.... the list goes on and on.

Ms. Fluke petitioned Congress with a grievance (such as it was--she had to be invited to a separate group of congressional members due to the House leadership only wanting to hear from some people on the topic).

This is what you do in our system of government.

And no, it is not exactly what you fucking said, fucktard... she did not accept, after her petition, that they would not provide it and she fucking decided to FORCE Them to thru governmental coercion.. beyond what government is charged to do.. she thinks she is entitled, and so do you... and you are both wrong

If they don't then they may well go out of business because people do want such coverage.. but they have the freedom to pay for what benefits they want to provide, just as you have the freedom to work wherever the fuck you want

It is not what you are SUPPOSED To do in our system of government.. because this government is not to tell others to provide for you, pay for you, make available for you.. YOU have the responsibility to exercise your freedoms in the free market of availability and do as you choose.. if you want BC coverage and your employer don't want to give it, buy it or work elsewhere.. if you ATTEND a religious school and they don't wish to provide things against their beliefs, go somewhere else or buy it your fucking goddamn self

I have no issue with her being a slut, a monogamous woman or whatever else in between... that is between her and her fucking vaginal walls... but when she thinks she gets to force other to provide to her beyond their beliefs, she and YOU have another thing coming
She keeps on giving....requiring ever stronger antibiotics.
ANd she's the posterchild for whores that demand the taxpayer PAY for her bedroom fun. ObamaCare DEMANDS it.

She reminds everyone of the bitter hatred that you and a shockingly high % of the GOP have for females.... A few months back you guys were swearing that you'd learned your lesson about arguing over abortion and reproductive rights but, as always, you go full retard.

Basically, you guys are like salivating wild animals growling at her through the bars of your cages for 3.5 years; during the last .5 years when there is an election, you wonder why you aren't appealing.

It's fun watching how easy it is to push your buttons because you really can't help yourself and your Pavlovian hatred toward women you can't intimidate.


Nobody I know is denying her "reproductive rights". What many of us object to is being forced to pay for her choices.
I don't care how much or how little she sleeps around.. when she insists any employer or anyone else other than herself is responsible for providing or paying for her fucking birth control, she gets deemed to be an ignorant bitch

That seems to be an illusive concept. Don't care what she does with her body, but I don't want to foot the bill.
Precisely. Belongs in the bedroom, and I don't want to know of it, nor my children AND we shouldn't have to pay for anyone's sexual habits.
And no, it is not exactly what you fucking said, fucktard... she did not accept, after her petition, that they would not provide it and she fucking decided to FORCE Them to thru governmental coercion.. beyond what government is charged to do.. she thinks she is entitled, and so do you... and you are both wrong

If they don't then they may well go out of business because people do want such coverage.. but they have the freedom to pay for what benefits they want to provide, just as you have the freedom to work wherever the fuck you want

It is not what you are SUPPOSED To do in our system of government.. because this government is not to tell others to provide for you, pay for you, make available for you.. YOU have the responsibility to exercise your freedoms in the free market of availability and do as you choose.. if you want BC coverage and your employer don't want to give it, buy it or work elsewhere.. if you ATTEND a religious school and they don't wish to provide things against their beliefs, go somewhere else or buy it your fucking goddamn self

I have no issue with her being a slut, a monogamous woman or whatever else in between... that is between her and her fucking vaginal walls... but when she thinks she gets to force other to provide to her beyond their beliefs, she and YOU have another thing coming

Fluke was a pawn, a sock-puppet, used to fire the opening salvo on the war against the 1st Amendment that we now see playing out in Colorado.

Fluke was directed by the democrats to demand that the Catholic Church be forced to provide contraception in violation of the 1st Amendment.

Sound familiar? The Obamunist knew and planned for the assault on civil rights that they are waging against the Nuns in Colorado, even back then. Fluke was the "plain Jane" face they wanted associated with the plight of average women who were denied their Contraceptives by that horrible Bill of Rights.

The democrats knew they couldn't force Georgetown to provide free contraception, but they planned to make Fluke the mascot of their war on the 1st. The problem is that no one gave a shit about Fluke. She wasn't attractive enough to get the men to care, nor to get women envious and catty.
ANd she's the posterchild for whores that demand the taxpayer PAY for her bedroom fun. ObamaCare DEMANDS it.

She reminds everyone of the bitter hatred that you and a shockingly high % of the GOP have for females.... A few months back you guys were swearing that you'd learned your lesson about arguing over abortion and reproductive rights but, as always, you go full retard.

Basically, you guys are like salivating wild animals growling at her through the bars of your cages for 3.5 years; during the last .5 years when there is an election, you wonder why you aren't appealing.

It's fun watching how easy it is to push your buttons because you really can't help yourself and your Pavlovian hatred toward women you can't intimidate.

Since when is truth hatred?:eusa_whistle:

Since lying became least for some pols.
We all make fun of you for idolizing a nobody twit and you think that somehow translates to us elevating her rather than mocking you.

She's kind of like Solandra (sp?). Anytime you bring it up, you lose if you're Obama. There is no positive connotation for the Dems. Anytime you care to engage over Fluke, the right wing's total intolerance of women who think for themselves/war on contraception and abortion is brought back up to the forefront.

There is no win for you. You know this or at least you should. Yet you continue to bring it up. Why? Nobody really knows. But please feel free to continue.

OMG! Fluke "thinks"...for herself? Now that's rich. She parrots the party line, the liberal best. Otherwise, she's already presented herself as a self-indulgent whore with no self control, who feels entitled to have everyone else pay for her play.
No.. she wanted to FORCE her employer/benefactor to have it offered by them on her prescription drug plan.. MUCH different than just a plan she went out and bought for herself

Fucking liar
That is exactly what I said fucktard.

Sorry.. if the person/company/benefactor using their resources to manage, subsidize, or outright pay for does not wish to include it because of their beliefs, you have no right o force them to do so... you have the freedom to go purchase it elsewhere.. you have the freedom to work or educate yourself elsewhere.. and you even have to freedom to boycott their institution/place of business

And if the company didn't want to offer cardiac care drugs...oh well, you have a right to go elsewhere too...or diuretics, or SSRI's.... the list goes on and on.

Ms. Fluke petitioned Congress with a grievance (such as it was--she had to be invited to a separate group of congressional members due to the House leadership only wanting to hear from some people on the topic).

This is what you do in our system of government.

And no, it is not exactly what you fucking said, fucktard... she did not accept, after her petition, that they would not provide it and she fucking decided to FORCE Them to thru governmental coercion.. beyond what government is charged to do.. she thinks she is entitled, and so do you... and you are both wrong

If they don't then they may well go out of business because people do want such coverage.. but they have the freedom to pay for what benefits they want to provide, just as you have the freedom to work wherever the fuck you want

It is not what you are SUPPOSED To do in our system of government.. because this government is not to tell others to provide for you, pay for you, make available for you.. YOU have the responsibility to exercise your freedoms in the free market of availability and do as you choose.. if you want BC coverage and your employer don't want to give it, buy it or work elsewhere.. if you ATTEND a religious school and they don't wish to provide things against their beliefs, go somewhere else or buy it your fucking goddamn self

I have no issue with her being a slut, a monogamous woman or whatever else in between... that is between her and her fucking vaginal walls... but when she thinks she gets to force other to provide to her beyond their beliefs, she and YOU have another thing coming

Loads of free clinics provide such things. Oh, wait, such an important person could not possibly be required to attend a "free" clinic. Those are for the less...privileged.

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