Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report

Odd that you think you know more about what I want than I do. How long have you had this ability?
You have to know you're pretty easy to predict.

I've only been on this site a few months, but I predicted you falling in line with the libtard narrative on Barr the moment the Democrats told you to.
Any real journalist would tell you the whole point of the Mueller investigation is to avoid judgments by political appointees like Barr. Propagandists like you listen to, not.

Really? So who was it that decided not to charge Hillary Clinton......Barr?
Oh please. I would be willing to bet that since this started, half of you commies had a Mueller poster in your bedroom you kissed every night.

Now that he didn't find anything, you are all boo-boo faced and can't accept the truth. In desperation, you are looking for any straw to grab to save you from drowning.

Since I'm psychic when it comes to politics and liberals, watch how long the Democrats are going to try and drag this out for, just like the "Trump fixed the election" nonsense. Your goal is not for the country, your goal is for partisanship and trying to reverse an election by the people.
We will reverse the election the next election thanks. Only Republicans have a impeachment for partisan reasons. If there are some high crimes and misdemeanors, we will gladly do it. We believe in the law and due process unlike you chuckleheads on the right.

Uhhhh, perjury is more than a misdemeanor.

If dumb don was gonna be impeached for simple perjury, it would have happened long ago. The man can't tell the truth about anything.

And you can't follow a conversation. I was talking about Bill Clinton.

Yes, I know. Still whining about 20 years ago.

No, you didn't know until I pointed it out to you. What's with this obsession of the word "whine" you have anyway?
If dumb don was gonna be impeached for simple perjury, it would have happened long ago. The man can't tell the truth about anything.

And you can't follow a conversation. I was talking about Bill Clinton.

Yes, I know. Still whining about 20 years ago.
That's because liberals are still lying about it.

How many times have you, personally, said Clinton was impeached for a blowjob?

Take your time. Take off your shoes if you need more digits to count on.

Without the blowjob, there was no impeachment. He was impeached for a blow job.

Without the blowjob, there was nothing to lie to a judge about.

No blowjob, no case. Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.
We will reverse the election the next election thanks. Only Republicans have a impeachment for partisan reasons. If there are some high crimes and misdemeanors, we will gladly do it. We believe in the law and due process unlike you chuckleheads on the right.

Uhhhh, perjury is more than a misdemeanor.

If dumb don was gonna be impeached for simple perjury, it would have happened long ago. The man can't tell the truth about anything.

And you can't follow a conversation. I was talking about Bill Clinton.

Yes, I know. Still whining about 20 years ago.

No, you didn't know until I pointed it out to you. What's with this obsession of the word "whine" you have anyway?

You think I don't remember the right's crazy attacks on Clinton? Really?
And you can't follow a conversation. I was talking about Bill Clinton.

Yes, I know. Still whining about 20 years ago.
That's because liberals are still lying about it.

How many times have you, personally, said Clinton was impeached for a blowjob?

Take your time. Take off your shoes if you need more digits to count on.

Without the blowjob, there was no impeachment. He was impeached for a blow job.

Without the blowjob, there was nothing to lie to a judge about.

No blowjob, no case. Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.
You're a lying moron.
It basically said he would redact everything that didn't lead to an indictment to prevent embarrassment. If you want the exact words, you can look it up yourself this time. I already posted it several times.


Fucking liar.

Barr will redact what is required by federal Rule 6 as this is the law. He does this because it IS THE LAW, and unlike you Communists, he actually respects the rule of law, further because he is a Republican, he is SUBJECT to the law, unlike democrats.

You have not even a hint of integrity.
In fact, many in the Trump administration are already in jail for their criminality.

And not one in jail for anything related to the subject of the investigation which is Trump colluded with Russia to fix the election.

Further, we know as an ABSOLUTE FACT that the Obama administration colluded with the Clinton campaign to rig the 2016 election.

Want to talk about a CORRUPT attorney general? Loretta Lynch on the tarmac at Sky Harbor with Bill Clinton, discussing torpedoing the charges against Hillary.
And you can't follow a conversation. I was talking about Bill Clinton.

Yes, I know. Still whining about 20 years ago.
That's because liberals are still lying about it.

How many times have you, personally, said Clinton was impeached for a blowjob?

Take your time. Take off your shoes if you need more digits to count on.

Without the blowjob, there was no impeachment. He was impeached for a blow job.

Without the blowjob, there was nothing to lie to a judge about.

No blowjob, no case. Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.

Then you wonder why we refer to you people as the Uninformed Voters.
Yes, I know. Still whining about 20 years ago.
That's because liberals are still lying about it.

How many times have you, personally, said Clinton was impeached for a blowjob?

Take your time. Take off your shoes if you need more digits to count on.

Without the blowjob, there was no impeachment. He was impeached for a blow job.

Without the blowjob, there was nothing to lie to a judge about.

No blowjob, no case. Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.
You're a lying moron.
he was made more popular by your ridiculous impeachment after a real neverending witch hunt... The GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace. You believe a load of crap.
four dense pages he sent Congress.
Expect the Barr Letter to continue to make headlines until election day 2020:
Mueller Report Exceeds 300 Pages, Raising Questions About Four-Page Summary

Ooohhh, the NY Times which blatantly and shamelessly lied to the American people for two years has "questions.."

Fuck the lying demagogues of the Times, they have ZERO credibility. Holocaust denying, Stalin loving piles of shit.
Guess you haven'r heard {no surprise} there's a judge out there that wants to see if Barrs redactions are FOS and it won't be the first time Barr is full of shit
four dense pages he sent Congress.
Expect the Barr Letter to continue to make headlines until election day 2020:
Mueller Report Exceeds 300 Pages, Raising Questions About Four-Page Summary

Ooohhh, the NY Times which blatantly and shamelessly lied to the American people for two years has "questions.."

Fuck the lying demagogues of the Times, they have ZERO credibility. Holocaust denying, Stalin loving piles of shit.
Guess you haven'r heard {no surprise} there's a judge out there that wants to see if Barrs redactions are FOS and it won't be the first time Barr is full of shit

A leftist commie judge doesn't have that jurisdiction.
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

It’s amazing what trump gets away with. No one cares anymore. We’ve grown immune. For example after calling Elizabeth warren pochahontis trump said his dad was born in Germany.

The other day trump said he didn’t know much about Wikileaks but he talked about it constantly on the campaign trail
There's no evidence of criminality in the Trum administration, you fucking dumbass.

Sent from my SM-N960U1 using mobile app

That is what Barr was hoping to portray with his note, but without the report, there is no reason to believe there was no evidence of criminality in the trump administration. In fact, many in the Trump administration are already in jail for their criminality.


Book marked this one to "remind you" of your stupidity and dishonesty for years to come. The full report comes out this week, retard.


Good for you. As soon as the full report is released to congress, we'll know if Barr was lying or not.
How will you know that?

Credible people will see the report and say if the facts match what Barr claims.

We're not talking about credible people, we're talking about YOU.
Every investigative agency we have said Russia interfered in our election by helping Trump and hurting Hillary. There was a crime.
Name the crime.

Specifically, what did Russia actually do to interfere in the election? Do you know? Do you care?

They posted memes on facebook.

Seriously, that's what these Marxist losers claim altered the election.

Having the Attorney General GET CAUGHT RIGGING THE ELECTION did far more to alter things than some stupid memes.
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Can’t wait to see it

Then we can decide who is indifferent
I strongly suspect what the facts are, but it will take the actual report being released to find out what they are. I, and a hell of a lot of others just don't trust Barr.

You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


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