Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report

The articles of impeachment did not include "Blow Job".

He was impeached primarily because he committed perjury and used the office of POTUS to obstruct justice and he perjured himself to stop a victim of his own sexual harassment from receiving a fair trial.

But hey, why should someone accusing a Democrat of wrongdoing deserve justice?

Right. He lied about a blow job. I will consider the possibility that I am wrong. What do you think he lied about, if not that blow job?
You moron, the subject of the lie is utterly immaterial. The fact he willfully told an untruth is the crime.

You sure are obsessed with Bill Clinton's penis.

He was impeached for lying about a blow job. Why is that so hard for you to admit?
He was impeached for lying. Why is that so hard for you to admit?

You sure are obsessed with Clinton's sex life.

Why are you?
I'm not. You keep talking about a blowjob. I keep telling you it's immaterial.

You get your jollies however you want. Leave me out of it.
We're not talking about credible people, we're talking about YOU.

I will be happy to take the word of a credible source. Barr is not a credible source..
See? I told you. You're already screeching HES A LIAR.

I suspect he is, but we won't know until we see the complete report.
And there is an excellent chance you will not accept the report.

The report is here. I accept what was reported, but I'm not surprised Barr characterized it.
Do you acknowledge all the Democratic hand-wringing and predictions of Trump perp walks are horseshit?
I strongly suspect what the facts are, but it will take the actual report being released to find out what they are. I, and a hell of a lot of others just don't trust Barr.

You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

By the same token, Comey didn't exonerate Hillary.

You can't have it both ways, but you're damn sure going to try, aren't you?
So the corporations broke the unions. How has that worked out for the middle class?

Cheaper to buy from China and Mexico. No labor laws there.

But actually I’m all for bringing up wages in Africa China and Mexico. Then we can compete

We don't have a say-so on their labor market. We can't tell them what to do. Trump is trying to use tariffs which has had some success. But we can't compete with foreign labor because the American consumer refuses to support American made products.
Here’s the sad truth. Unions are dead. Gone are the days where idiots can go get good paying union factory jobs.

I’m thinking about uncle Charlie. He worked at Chrysler for 30 years and got a fat pension. Rich as far as I’m concerned. Never had to worry about money. He may or may not have even had a high school education. My dad worked for ford he didn’t have a high school education. That’s when America was great but I need to let that go.

Today, don’t have kids if you’re going to raise an idiot. And if you are poor don’t have 5 kids. They’ll be doomed.

I think we are overpopulated so I might actually approve of the republican way. Personal responsibility, two parent homes, no welfare. All this will lower the birth rate and that’s good.

This is how to convince me.

Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
No, but even if you could and Americans bought just America, it would create more problems than it would solve.

I don't see how because that's the way we did it years ago. People use to have bumper stickers on their car that read BUY AMERICAN OR BYE-BYE AMERICA. Union bumper stickers were also all around, and union workers only bought products made by other union companies.
What America should be doing, as well as all nations, is buying the best products at the best price regardless of where they come from without the interference of government. When you do that manufactures are able to buy the best parts and raw materials for the products they produce. Consumers get the best products at the best price.

When we try to protect workers with trade barriers we end up hurting the workers and everyone else.
Here’s the sad truth. Unions are dead. Gone are the days where idiots can go get good paying union factory jobs.

I’m thinking about uncle Charlie. He worked at Chrysler for 30 years and got a fat pension. Rich as far as I’m concerned. Never had to worry about money. He may or may not have even had a high school education. My dad worked for ford he didn’t have a high school education. That’s when America was great but I need to let that go.

Today, don’t have kids if you’re going to raise an idiot. And if you are poor don’t have 5 kids. They’ll be doomed.

I think we are overpopulated so I might actually approve of the republican way. Personal responsibility, two parent homes, no welfare. All this will lower the birth rate and that’s good.

This is how to convince me.

Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
All I ask is 5%. I just tucked $20,000 away for 13 months. Do you know what I’m getting? 2.6%. My grandmother got like 10% on her savings. So it was important to her to save. So she saved like $50,000 her whole life. She got 10% interest annually so $10k a year. That and social security and Medicare is how she retired at 70

Increasing interest rates means increasing interest rates on borrowing money as well. 10% return means banks have to make loans for 15%. How would that work out for our economy?
That’s what it was like when my dad bought his house in the 70s.

I already paid off my home. Reward me and people like me

So you would like to see 15% interest rates again?

Remember that a bank loans money based on the ability to pay. 3% to 15% is a hell of a stretch and makes a hell of a difference in your monthly mortgage. Without being able to do the math, probably three times the mortgage payment per month.

So that destroys the housing industry. When the housing industry is gone, the rest of the country is not too far behind. Because the products that go into building a house are gone as well, and so are all the workers that produce, warehouse and distribute those products. Businesses would be much less reluctant to expand or build new facilities.

Right now we have a rental shortage. There are not enough landlords to service the needs of people who don't want to or can't own their own houses. And I'm sure you know the rule about supply and demand. In fact some places want to institute rental caps because the price is so unaffordable now.
My mortgage is paid off. Yes I want interest rates to rise. Take the training wheels off
So the corporations broke the unions. How has that worked out for the middle class?

Cheaper to buy from China and Mexico. No labor laws there.

But actually I’m all for bringing up wages in Africa China and Mexico. Then we can compete

We don't have a say-so on their labor market. We can't tell them what to do. Trump is trying to use tariffs which has had some success. But we can't compete with foreign labor because the American consumer refuses to support American made products.
Here’s the sad truth. Unions are dead. Gone are the days where idiots can go get good paying union factory jobs.

I’m thinking about uncle Charlie. He worked at Chrysler for 30 years and got a fat pension. Rich as far as I’m concerned. Never had to worry about money. He may or may not have even had a high school education. My dad worked for ford he didn’t have a high school education. That’s when America was great but I need to let that go.

Today, don’t have kids if you’re going to raise an idiot. And if you are poor don’t have 5 kids. They’ll be doomed.

I think we are overpopulated so I might actually approve of the republican way. Personal responsibility, two parent homes, no welfare. All this will lower the birth rate and that’s good.

This is how to convince me.

Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
I agree we need to change the minds of consumers but not to just buy American, but to consider quality when they purchase. We are becoming a nation of junk. 20% of new construction has serious quality defects. Our landfills are filling up with major appliances and furniture that's less than 10 years old. My daughter replaced here 23 year old Frigidaire with a new $1600 Whirlpool. It is now 5 years old. She has had 6 service calls. The last serviceman told her the components are so poorly made he doubts that they will last more than a year or so and her best option is replace the frig.

I have a friend who re-upholsters furniture. He tells me the quality of most a new furniture he sees is so bad he has rebuild it. We need to pay attention to quality.

Well that's the way Americans think today. I get so frustrated when I go to the store and all they have is junk to buy.

It's gotten so bad that it even applies to our food. Several years ago I went to our KFC for a chicken dinner. I was met with a closed sign. Still with a hunger I couldn't satisfy, I went to the KFC in the next suburb. Again, closed.

When I got home I went on the internet to find it wasn't just my area. KFC was closing down outlets all across the country. The article I read stated they were making a killing in China and opening up new stores all the time. The funny part was they weren't selling much chicken in China, but the article didn't go on to say what they were selling that was so great over there.

People here depend on these FF places, so they don't want to pay good money for good food. It costs a good buck to feed a family of four or five. Instead, they go to places like Church's chicken or Popeye's. Not nearly as good (I tried them both) but cheaper than KFC. KFC tastes the same today as when I first had it as a child, but keeping quality means prices increase. So it didn't surprise me when I found them closing stores. Every time I went to a KFC, I was usually one of two or three other customers. Many times I went there and there was nobody in line in front of me.
KFC needs to stop selling breading and bones. Their chicken is not like it was when I was a child. Every breast was a huge chuck of delicious white meat with just enough crunchy or regular breading.

Quality is why I stopped going. There isn’t a Popeyes or churches around and our kfc still closed. You can’t stay in business skimping on quality.

Now kfc chicken strips are good. Side of coleslaw biscuits mashed potatoes with extra gravy. Fuck me!

Last year I went hunting up north and got the $20 deal with chicken strips. So much food. I ate it all weekend. Honey mustard, sweet and sour, ranch dipping sauce.
We don't have a say-so on their labor market. We can't tell them what to do. Trump is trying to use tariffs which has had some success. But we can't compete with foreign labor because the American consumer refuses to support American made products.
Here’s the sad truth. Unions are dead. Gone are the days where idiots can go get good paying union factory jobs.

I’m thinking about uncle Charlie. He worked at Chrysler for 30 years and got a fat pension. Rich as far as I’m concerned. Never had to worry about money. He may or may not have even had a high school education. My dad worked for ford he didn’t have a high school education. That’s when America was great but I need to let that go.

Today, don’t have kids if you’re going to raise an idiot. And if you are poor don’t have 5 kids. They’ll be doomed.

I think we are overpopulated so I might actually approve of the republican way. Personal responsibility, two parent homes, no welfare. All this will lower the birth rate and that’s good.

This is how to convince me.

Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
I agree we need to change the minds of consumers but not to just buy American, but to consider quality when they purchase. We are becoming a nation of junk. 20% of new construction has serious quality defects. Our landfills are filling up with major appliances and furniture that's less than 10 years old. My daughter replaced here 23 year old Frigidaire with a new $1600 Whirlpool. It is now 5 years old. She has had 6 service calls. The last serviceman told her the components are so poorly made he doubts that they will last more than a year or so and her best option is replace the frig.

I have a friend who re-upholsters furniture. He tells me the quality of most a new furniture he sees is so bad he has rebuild it. We need to pay attention to quality.

Well that's the way Americans think today. I get so frustrated when I go to the store and all they have is junk to buy.

It's gotten so bad that it even applies to our food. Several years ago I went to our KFC for a chicken dinner. I was met with a closed sign. Still with a hunger I couldn't satisfy, I went to the KFC in the next suburb. Again, closed.

When I got home I went on the internet to find it wasn't just my area. KFC was closing down outlets all across the country. The article I read stated they were making a killing in China and opening up new stores all the time. The funny part was they weren't selling much chicken in China, but the article didn't go on to say what they were selling that was so great over there.

People here depend on these FF places, so they don't want to pay good money for good food. It costs a good buck to feed a family of four or five. Instead, they go to places like Church's chicken or Popeye's. Not nearly as good (I tried them both) but cheaper than KFC. KFC tastes the same today as when I first had it as a child, but keeping quality means prices increase. So it didn't surprise me when I found them closing stores. Every time I went to a KFC, I was usually one of two or three other customers. Many times I went there and there was nobody in line in front of me.
KFC needs to stop selling breading and bones. Their chicken is not like it was when I was a child. Every breast was a huge chuck of delicious white meat with just enough crunchy or regular breading.

Quality is why I stopped going. There isn’t a Popeyes or churches around and our kfc still closed. You can’t stay in business skimping on quality.

Now kfc chicken strips are good. Side of coleslaw biscuits mashed potatoes with extra gravy. Fuck me!

Last year I went hunting up north and got the $20 deal with chicken strips. So much food. I ate it all weekend. Honey mustard, sweet and sour, ranch dipping sauce.

People are not going to KFC because of price, not breast size. I don't know how old you are, but KFC and Wendy's are the only two places that taste the same since they opened. Because of that, they are both the highest price.
Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
All I ask is 5%. I just tucked $20,000 away for 13 months. Do you know what I’m getting? 2.6%. My grandmother got like 10% on her savings. So it was important to her to save. So she saved like $50,000 her whole life. She got 10% interest annually so $10k a year. That and social security and Medicare is how she retired at 70

Increasing interest rates means increasing interest rates on borrowing money as well. 10% return means banks have to make loans for 15%. How would that work out for our economy?
That’s what it was like when my dad bought his house in the 70s.

I already paid off my home. Reward me and people like me

So you would like to see 15% interest rates again?

Remember that a bank loans money based on the ability to pay. 3% to 15% is a hell of a stretch and makes a hell of a difference in your monthly mortgage. Without being able to do the math, probably three times the mortgage payment per month.

So that destroys the housing industry. When the housing industry is gone, the rest of the country is not too far behind. Because the products that go into building a house are gone as well, and so are all the workers that produce, warehouse and distribute those products. Businesses would be much less reluctant to expand or build new facilities.

Right now we have a rental shortage. There are not enough landlords to service the needs of people who don't want to or can't own their own houses. And I'm sure you know the rule about supply and demand. In fact some places want to institute rental caps because the price is so unaffordable now.
My mortgage is paid off. Yes I want interest rates to rise. Take the training wheels off

That may be you, but not most people. Most people (particularly younger and middle-age) have a mortgage.
All I ask is 5%. I just tucked $20,000 away for 13 months. Do you know what I’m getting? 2.6%. My grandmother got like 10% on her savings. So it was important to her to save. So she saved like $50,000 her whole life. She got 10% interest annually so $10k a year. That and social security and Medicare is how she retired at 70

Increasing interest rates means increasing interest rates on borrowing money as well. 10% return means banks have to make loans for 15%. How would that work out for our economy?
That’s what it was like when my dad bought his house in the 70s.

I already paid off my home. Reward me and people like me

So you would like to see 15% interest rates again?

Remember that a bank loans money based on the ability to pay. 3% to 15% is a hell of a stretch and makes a hell of a difference in your monthly mortgage. Without being able to do the math, probably three times the mortgage payment per month.

So that destroys the housing industry. When the housing industry is gone, the rest of the country is not too far behind. Because the products that go into building a house are gone as well, and so are all the workers that produce, warehouse and distribute those products. Businesses would be much less reluctant to expand or build new facilities.

Right now we have a rental shortage. There are not enough landlords to service the needs of people who don't want to or can't own their own houses. And I'm sure you know the rule about supply and demand. In fact some places want to institute rental caps because the price is so unaffordable now.
My mortgage is paid off. Yes I want interest rates to rise. Take the training wheels off

That may be you, but not most people. Most people (particularly younger and middle-age) have a mortgage.
If they already have a fixed mortgage they shouldn’t care either. You’re worrying about new buyers. Well save a big down payment and pay your shit off.
We don't have a say-so on their labor market. We can't tell them what to do. Trump is trying to use tariffs which has had some success. But we can't compete with foreign labor because the American consumer refuses to support American made products.
Here’s the sad truth. Unions are dead. Gone are the days where idiots can go get good paying union factory jobs.

I’m thinking about uncle Charlie. He worked at Chrysler for 30 years and got a fat pension. Rich as far as I’m concerned. Never had to worry about money. He may or may not have even had a high school education. My dad worked for ford he didn’t have a high school education. That’s when America was great but I need to let that go.

Today, don’t have kids if you’re going to raise an idiot. And if you are poor don’t have 5 kids. They’ll be doomed.

I think we are overpopulated so I might actually approve of the republican way. Personal responsibility, two parent homes, no welfare. All this will lower the birth rate and that’s good.

This is how to convince me.

Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
No, but even if you could and Americans bought just America, it would create more problems than it would solve.

I don't see how because that's the way we did it years ago. People use to have bumper stickers on their car that read BUY AMERICAN OR BYE-BYE AMERICA. Union bumper stickers were also all around, and union workers only bought products made by other union companies.
What America should be doing, as well as all nations, is buying the best products at the best price regardless of where they come from without the interference of government. When you do that manufactures are able to buy the best parts and raw materials for the products they produce. Consumers get the best products at the best price.

When we try to protect workers with trade barriers we end up hurting the workers and everyone else.

Well all businesses have to cater to the consumer. Consumers just don't care about quality anymore, they care only about price. That's why Walmart is number one and places like Sears and JC Penny's closed down many of their stores.

I prefer quality. I hate buying things that break all the time. It's one of the reasons I only buy Apple products. Their computers last for many years, while PC brands break the day you bring them home. The computer I'm on right now is over ten years old. To replace this computer would cost me over $1,700. And if I could justify spending the money, I would do it tomorrow. But again, the computer (while slow going to sites) works just fine.
Increasing interest rates means increasing interest rates on borrowing money as well. 10% return means banks have to make loans for 15%. How would that work out for our economy?
That’s what it was like when my dad bought his house in the 70s.

I already paid off my home. Reward me and people like me

So you would like to see 15% interest rates again?

Remember that a bank loans money based on the ability to pay. 3% to 15% is a hell of a stretch and makes a hell of a difference in your monthly mortgage. Without being able to do the math, probably three times the mortgage payment per month.

So that destroys the housing industry. When the housing industry is gone, the rest of the country is not too far behind. Because the products that go into building a house are gone as well, and so are all the workers that produce, warehouse and distribute those products. Businesses would be much less reluctant to expand or build new facilities.

Right now we have a rental shortage. There are not enough landlords to service the needs of people who don't want to or can't own their own houses. And I'm sure you know the rule about supply and demand. In fact some places want to institute rental caps because the price is so unaffordable now.
My mortgage is paid off. Yes I want interest rates to rise. Take the training wheels off

That may be you, but not most people. Most people (particularly younger and middle-age) have a mortgage.
If they already have a fixed mortgage they shouldn’t care either. You’re worrying about new buyers. Well save a big down payment and pay your shit off.

Of course I'm worried about new buyers, because if interest rates are high, many of them won't be able to afford to buy a home. Hey........I'm a landlord, so I could care less if nobody could afford a home. It makes my units worth more money. But for the American economy in general, the lower the interest rates, the more economic activity you'll see. There is not much economic stimulus in money that sits in a bank account somewhere earning 10% interest.
Only those who were impoverished moved in with their kids. How many was that? You can't provide any data, so your whining is meaningless.
The link says 50% died in poverty...
Him and ray would never be able to retire without social security.

And I don’t believe they would have done better not paying into the program. Chances are they would have spent the money and either they would live in their kids basement, and blame democrats, or they’d become welfare seniors.

And they would justify by saying they paid into the system and never took out. No shit losers most people will never take out. You’re not supposed to take out. But they’ll swallow their pride and take the handout.

And still they’ll blame liberals

Try this: Every other year or so, SS sends out a pamphlet with a history of your (and your employers) contributions, and gives you an amount of what you will receive upon retirement. Now take that pamphlet to a reputable investment company, and ask what you would be worth at retirement had you invested all that money in a conservative growth fund.

Then tell me how great SS is.

I plan on retiring at 62. But if I decide to work until 65, and on my birthday, I drop dead of a heart attack blowing out my candles, my family will financially benefit.

My nephew and niece will get my rental property. They will get my car. They will get anything I have in my bank accounts. They will get my IRA fund. What they won't see is one penny of the thousands I put into Social Security; not one dime.

So who gets my money? People I've never met, perhaps people that don't even live in my state, people that can never say thank you for all the money me and my employers put in for them. My family? They get nothing.
That depends. your spouse will be able to draw your social security for life and if you have dependents, they will be able to draw survivors benefits.

You can't compare social security returns with that of an investment company because they are completely different. It's an apples and oranges comparison. Social Security includes disability benefits and provides survivor benefits for both your spouse and all your children in the event of your death. These are very significant benefits. My daughter's husband died about 6 years ago. She and her 4 children are each receiving over a thousand dollars a month. That's more than he has ever paid into Social Security and it can continue throughout her life and for the kids until they are 18.

Social Security is risk free compared any other investment. It requires no knowledge of investments and is recession proof. You can lose your investments because of bad decisions but you can't lose your social security.

The downside is that it will not build an estate and will never allow you to live a life of luxury. For that you need to invest.

Everything has a risk to it. The difference between government and private industry is the risk is passed on to the taxpayers.

If you invest in a family fund; that is to say, an investment company who moves your money around based on the economy, you won't lose anything, and if you do, it would only be temporary.

For instance in this last recession, yes, my IRA account did suffer. But I wasn't going to need my retirement account for many years to come. What happened is it was a great benefit to me in the long run because my investment company was able to buy more shares per pay period. It was like getting in on a three-for-one sale.

Social Security is much less risk, but also pays much less if you live to the average lifespan in the US. If you live longer, you made out. If you live shorter, you lose just like in the market.
No, you don't necessarily lose it if you die early because your spouse can draw survivor benefits for life and if you have minor children they can draw survivor benefits till there're 18. And if you happen to become disable before you die, you can draw disability benefits. However, one of the greatest benefits of social security is it is protect your retirement from the biggest danger of all, you. Millions of Americans find compelling reasons to raid their retirement account time after time, leaving nothing but social security to live on.

Social Security is not a retirement plan and was never meant to be. It provides a bare bones existence. Without it millions of older Americans would be destitute.
I strongly suspect what the facts are, but it will take the actual report being released to find out what they are. I, and a hell of a lot of others just don't trust Barr.

You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
I think it was barr who said that about Trump... The big thing will be Mueller talking to Congress
You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
Lock him up!! Lol
Here’s the sad truth. Unions are dead. Gone are the days where idiots can go get good paying union factory jobs.

I’m thinking about uncle Charlie. He worked at Chrysler for 30 years and got a fat pension. Rich as far as I’m concerned. Never had to worry about money. He may or may not have even had a high school education. My dad worked for ford he didn’t have a high school education. That’s when America was great but I need to let that go.

Today, don’t have kids if you’re going to raise an idiot. And if you are poor don’t have 5 kids. They’ll be doomed.

I think we are overpopulated so I might actually approve of the republican way. Personal responsibility, two parent homes, no welfare. All this will lower the birth rate and that’s good.

This is how to convince me.

Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
No, but even if you could and Americans bought just America, it would create more problems than it would solve.

I don't see how because that's the way we did it years ago. People use to have bumper stickers on their car that read BUY AMERICAN OR BYE-BYE AMERICA. Union bumper stickers were also all around, and union workers only bought products made by other union companies.
What America should be doing, as well as all nations, is buying the best products at the best price regardless of where they come from without the interference of government. When you do that manufactures are able to buy the best parts and raw materials for the products they produce. Consumers get the best products at the best price.

When we try to protect workers with trade barriers we end up hurting the workers and everyone else.

Well all businesses have to cater to the consumer. Consumers just don't care about quality anymore, they care only about price. That's why Walmart is number one and places like Sears and JC Penny's closed down many of their stores.

I prefer quality. I hate buying things that break all the time. It's one of the reasons I only buy Apple products. Their computers last for many years, while PC brands break the day you bring them home. The computer I'm on right now is over ten years old. To replace this computer would cost me over $1,700. And if I could justify spending the money, I would do it tomorrow. But again, the computer (while slow going to sites) works just fine.
And do you know why Apple products are quality products? They buy the best parts from producers all over the world and they they have most of their products assemble by Chinese manufacturing plants who are the greatest mass producers in the world and can produce high quality products if required to do so and Apple requires it.

If the iPhone and it's parts were manufactured in the US, the finish product would sell between $2000 and $3000.
Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
No, but even if you could and Americans bought just America, it would create more problems than it would solve.

I don't see how because that's the way we did it years ago. People use to have bumper stickers on their car that read BUY AMERICAN OR BYE-BYE AMERICA. Union bumper stickers were also all around, and union workers only bought products made by other union companies.
What America should be doing, as well as all nations, is buying the best products at the best price regardless of where they come from without the interference of government. When you do that manufactures are able to buy the best parts and raw materials for the products they produce. Consumers get the best products at the best price.

When we try to protect workers with trade barriers we end up hurting the workers and everyone else.

Well all businesses have to cater to the consumer. Consumers just don't care about quality anymore, they care only about price. That's why Walmart is number one and places like Sears and JC Penny's closed down many of their stores.

I prefer quality. I hate buying things that break all the time. It's one of the reasons I only buy Apple products. Their computers last for many years, while PC brands break the day you bring them home. The computer I'm on right now is over ten years old. To replace this computer would cost me over $1,700. And if I could justify spending the money, I would do it tomorrow. But again, the computer (while slow going to sites) works just fine.
And do you know why Apple products are quality products? They buy the best parts from producers all over the world and they they have most of their products assemble by Chinese manufacturing plants who are the greatest mass producers in the world and can produce high quality products if required to do so and Apple requires it.

If the iPhone and it's parts were manufactured in the US, the finish product would sell between $2000 and $3000.
How about shoes? Why don’t we make shoes in America? Lots of money to be made in shoes. In China it costs $2 to make a pair of $150 shoes. So maybe it would cost $20 to make the shoe here but so what? You still make $130
Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
No, but even if you could and Americans bought just America, it would create more problems than it would solve.

I don't see how because that's the way we did it years ago. People use to have bumper stickers on their car that read BUY AMERICAN OR BYE-BYE AMERICA. Union bumper stickers were also all around, and union workers only bought products made by other union companies.
What America should be doing, as well as all nations, is buying the best products at the best price regardless of where they come from without the interference of government. When you do that manufactures are able to buy the best parts and raw materials for the products they produce. Consumers get the best products at the best price.

When we try to protect workers with trade barriers we end up hurting the workers and everyone else.

Well all businesses have to cater to the consumer. Consumers just don't care about quality anymore, they care only about price. That's why Walmart is number one and places like Sears and JC Penny's closed down many of their stores.

I prefer quality. I hate buying things that break all the time. It's one of the reasons I only buy Apple products. Their computers last for many years, while PC brands break the day you bring them home. The computer I'm on right now is over ten years old. To replace this computer would cost me over $1,700. And if I could justify spending the money, I would do it tomorrow. But again, the computer (while slow going to sites) works just fine.
And do you know why Apple products are quality products? They buy the best parts from producers all over the world and they they have most of their products assemble by Chinese manufacturing plants who are the greatest mass producers in the world and can produce high quality products if required to do so and Apple requires it.

If the iPhone and it's parts were manufactured in the US, the finish product would sell between $2000 and $3000.

Yes, but how many Apple users are there in the US? Most people choose the cheapest computers. Apple doesn't make cheap computers or phones. As you stated, higher quality of parts and engineering.

It's the same thing that happened with our automotive industry. The unions forced the auto makers to pay superior money and benefits to their employees along with a very early retirement plans. The Japanese companies didn't go that route. They put money into quality parts and engineering. The US companies then had to use cheaper parts to compete, and the Japanese auto makers took over.

I've been a Toyota owner for over ten years. I've never been happier with an automobile than I am with my Japanese car. It doesn't break down, it's dependable, and the bodies last virtually forever. That's why Toyota can over a 7year 100,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty and US can only offer a three year 30,000 mile warranty.
You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually

The difference between the two cases is that there was plenty of evidence Hillary did break the law, and zero evidence Trump did. Comey had more than enough evidence against Hillary, but Comey was part of the cabal. When was the last time an Attorney General took prosecution tips from the director of the FBI? It was all a stage show.

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