Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report

So the corporations broke the unions. How has that worked out for the middle class?

Cheaper to buy from China and Mexico. No labor laws there.

But actually I’m all for bringing up wages in Africa China and Mexico. Then we can compete

We don't have a say-so on their labor market. We can't tell them what to do. Trump is trying to use tariffs which has had some success. But we can't compete with foreign labor because the American consumer refuses to support American made products.
Here’s the sad truth. Unions are dead. Gone are the days where idiots can go get good paying union factory jobs.

I’m thinking about uncle Charlie. He worked at Chrysler for 30 years and got a fat pension. Rich as far as I’m concerned. Never had to worry about money. He may or may not have even had a high school education. My dad worked for ford he didn’t have a high school education. That’s when America was great but I need to let that go.

Today, don’t have kids if you’re going to raise an idiot. And if you are poor don’t have 5 kids. They’ll be doomed.

I think we are overpopulated so I might actually approve of the republican way. Personal responsibility, two parent homes, no welfare. All this will lower the birth rate and that’s good.

This is how to convince me.

Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
I agree we need to change the minds of consumers but not to just buy American, but to consider quality when they purchase. We are becoming a nation of junk. 20% of new construction has serious quality defects. Our landfills are filling up with major appliances and furniture that's less than 10 years old. My daughter replaced here 23 year old Frigidaire with a new $1600 Whirlpool. It is now 5 years old. She has had 6 service calls. The last serviceman told her the components are so poorly made he doubts that they will last more than a year or so and her best option is replace the frig.

I have a friend who re-upholsters furniture. He tells me the quality of most a new furniture he sees is so bad he has rebuild it. We need to pay attention to quality.

Well that's the way Americans think today. I get so frustrated when I go to the store and all they have is junk to buy.

It's gotten so bad that it even applies to our food. Several years ago I went to our KFC for a chicken dinner. I was met with a closed sign. Still with a hunger I couldn't satisfy, I went to the KFC in the next suburb. Again, closed.

When I got home I went on the internet to find it wasn't just my area. KFC was closing down outlets all across the country. The article I read stated they were making a killing in China and opening up new stores all the time. The funny part was they weren't selling much chicken in China, but the article didn't go on to say what they were selling that was so great over there.

People here depend on these FF places, so they don't want to pay good money for good food. It costs a good buck to feed a family of four or five. Instead, they go to places like Church's chicken or Popeye's. Not nearly as good (I tried them both) but cheaper than KFC. KFC tastes the same today as when I first had it as a child, but keeping quality means prices increase. So it didn't surprise me when I found them closing stores. Every time I went to a KFC, I was usually one of two or three other customers. Many times I went there and there was nobody in line in front of me.
They think that way because they don't have money and everyone but the rich are going slowly to hell. No matter what the rising average income is that all goes to the rich these days. Thanks GOP.
Here’s the sad truth. Unions are dead. Gone are the days where idiots can go get good paying union factory jobs.

I’m thinking about uncle Charlie. He worked at Chrysler for 30 years and got a fat pension. Rich as far as I’m concerned. Never had to worry about money. He may or may not have even had a high school education. My dad worked for ford he didn’t have a high school education. That’s when America was great but I need to let that go.

Today, don’t have kids if you’re going to raise an idiot. And if you are poor don’t have 5 kids. They’ll be doomed.

I think we are overpopulated so I might actually approve of the republican way. Personal responsibility, two parent homes, no welfare. All this will lower the birth rate and that’s good.

This is how to convince me.

Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
we need to tax the rich their fair share and invest in training and infrastructure. Desperately.

The rich pay most of the taxes already. How much more can they pay? Why can't the individual invest in their own training and benefit from it?
Of course they do, they make that percentage of the country's income too, thanks to 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts and services and benefits for everyone else. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...

There is no percentage of the country's income. This is why you on the left are so ignorant. You've been trained to believe that we live in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When one has too much, it's the reason why others have too little.

Money in the US is virtually infinite. You can make as much as you want. Nobody is stopping you. If you don't have enough, that's your problem. You are the failure. Not government and not rich people.
I am not like GOP dupes who can only see the end of their nose. All the statistics and all the journalists agree with me d u h. The middle class is gone to hell the last 30 years, when Reagan started the average saving rate was 8% now it's minus 8%. People have to borrow to keep up their American dream lifestyles now...
Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
we need to tax the rich their fair share and invest in training and infrastructure. Desperately.

The rich pay most of the taxes already. How much more can they pay? Why can't the individual invest in their own training and benefit from it?
Of course they do, they make that percentage of the country's income too, thanks to 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts and services and benefits for everyone else. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...

There is no percentage of the country's income. This is why you on the left are so ignorant. You've been trained to believe that we live in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When one has too much, it's the reason why others have too little.

Money in the US is virtually infinite. You can make as much as you want. Nobody is stopping you. If you don't have enough, that's your problem. You are the failure. Not government and not rich people.
I am not like GOP dupes who can only see the end of their nose. All the statistics and all the journalists agree with me d u h. The middle class is gone to hell the last 30 years, when Reagan started the average saving rate was 8% now it's minus 8%. People have to borrow to keep up their American dream lifestyles now...

As already discussed, if your savings rate is 8%, then the borrowing rate has to be closer to 12%. Right now people have a hard enough time making a house payment. Why would you want to see those monthly payments double or triple? Then everybody would be renting.
We don't have a say-so on their labor market. We can't tell them what to do. Trump is trying to use tariffs which has had some success. But we can't compete with foreign labor because the American consumer refuses to support American made products.
Here’s the sad truth. Unions are dead. Gone are the days where idiots can go get good paying union factory jobs.

I’m thinking about uncle Charlie. He worked at Chrysler for 30 years and got a fat pension. Rich as far as I’m concerned. Never had to worry about money. He may or may not have even had a high school education. My dad worked for ford he didn’t have a high school education. That’s when America was great but I need to let that go.

Today, don’t have kids if you’re going to raise an idiot. And if you are poor don’t have 5 kids. They’ll be doomed.

I think we are overpopulated so I might actually approve of the republican way. Personal responsibility, two parent homes, no welfare. All this will lower the birth rate and that’s good.

This is how to convince me.

Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
I agree we need to change the minds of consumers but not to just buy American, but to consider quality when they purchase. We are becoming a nation of junk. 20% of new construction has serious quality defects. Our landfills are filling up with major appliances and furniture that's less than 10 years old. My daughter replaced here 23 year old Frigidaire with a new $1600 Whirlpool. It is now 5 years old. She has had 6 service calls. The last serviceman told her the components are so poorly made he doubts that they will last more than a year or so and her best option is replace the frig.

I have a friend who re-upholsters furniture. He tells me the quality of most a new furniture he sees is so bad he has rebuild it. We need to pay attention to quality.

Well that's the way Americans think today. I get so frustrated when I go to the store and all they have is junk to buy.

It's gotten so bad that it even applies to our food. Several years ago I went to our KFC for a chicken dinner. I was met with a closed sign. Still with a hunger I couldn't satisfy, I went to the KFC in the next suburb. Again, closed.

When I got home I went on the internet to find it wasn't just my area. KFC was closing down outlets all across the country. The article I read stated they were making a killing in China and opening up new stores all the time. The funny part was they weren't selling much chicken in China, but the article didn't go on to say what they were selling that was so great over there.

People here depend on these FF places, so they don't want to pay good money for good food. It costs a good buck to feed a family of four or five. Instead, they go to places like Church's chicken or Popeye's. Not nearly as good (I tried them both) but cheaper than KFC. KFC tastes the same today as when I first had it as a child, but keeping quality means prices increase. So it didn't surprise me when I found them closing stores. Every time I went to a KFC, I was usually one of two or three other customers. Many times I went there and there was nobody in line in front of me.
They think that way because they don't have money and everyone but the rich are going slowly to hell. No matter what the rising average income is that all goes to the rich these days. Thanks GOP.

If they don't have the money, WTF are they eating out for?

Book marked this one to "remind you" of your stupidity and dishonesty for years to come. The full report comes out this week, retard.


Good for you. As soon as the full report is released to congress, we'll know if Barr was lying or not.
How will you know that?

Credible people will see the report and say if the facts match what Barr claims.

We're not talking about credible people, we're talking about YOU.

I will be happy to take the word of a credible source. Barr is not a credible source..


What a moron.

Embarrassed yet?

Of course not, you have no integrity so being busted on all these lies doesn't phase you - you'll just lie even more.
we need to tax the rich their fair share and invest in training and infrastructure. Desperately.

The rich pay most of the taxes already. How much more can they pay? Why can't the individual invest in their own training and benefit from it?
Of course they do, they make that percentage of the country's income too, thanks to 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts and services and benefits for everyone else. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...

There is no percentage of the country's income. This is why you on the left are so ignorant. You've been trained to believe that we live in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When one has too much, it's the reason why others have too little.

Money in the US is virtually infinite. You can make as much as you want. Nobody is stopping you. If you don't have enough, that's your problem. You are the failure. Not government and not rich people.
I am not like GOP dupes who can only see the end of their nose. All the statistics and all the journalists agree with me d u h. The middle class is gone to hell the last 30 years, when Reagan started the average saving rate was 8% now it's minus 8%. People have to borrow to keep up their American dream lifestyles now...

As already discussed, if your savings rate is 8%, then the borrowing rate has to be closer to 12%. Right now people have a hard enough time making a house payment. Why would you want to see those monthly payments double or triple? Then everybody would be renting.
No, people before Reagan saved 8% of their income. Nowadays they are borrowing 8% of their income to get by and live the dream.
I strongly suspect what the facts are, but it will take the actual report being released to find out what they are. I, and a hell of a lot of others just don't trust Barr.

You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

Well, you got the Mewler report. Credible? Nah, that hack is anything but. BUT it confirms what Barr said - no collusion, no obstruction.
Here’s the sad truth. Unions are dead. Gone are the days where idiots can go get good paying union factory jobs.

I’m thinking about uncle Charlie. He worked at Chrysler for 30 years and got a fat pension. Rich as far as I’m concerned. Never had to worry about money. He may or may not have even had a high school education. My dad worked for ford he didn’t have a high school education. That’s when America was great but I need to let that go.

Today, don’t have kids if you’re going to raise an idiot. And if you are poor don’t have 5 kids. They’ll be doomed.

I think we are overpopulated so I might actually approve of the republican way. Personal responsibility, two parent homes, no welfare. All this will lower the birth rate and that’s good.

This is how to convince me.

Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
I agree we need to change the minds of consumers but not to just buy American, but to consider quality when they purchase. We are becoming a nation of junk. 20% of new construction has serious quality defects. Our landfills are filling up with major appliances and furniture that's less than 10 years old. My daughter replaced here 23 year old Frigidaire with a new $1600 Whirlpool. It is now 5 years old. She has had 6 service calls. The last serviceman told her the components are so poorly made he doubts that they will last more than a year or so and her best option is replace the frig.

I have a friend who re-upholsters furniture. He tells me the quality of most a new furniture he sees is so bad he has rebuild it. We need to pay attention to quality.

Well that's the way Americans think today. I get so frustrated when I go to the store and all they have is junk to buy.

It's gotten so bad that it even applies to our food. Several years ago I went to our KFC for a chicken dinner. I was met with a closed sign. Still with a hunger I couldn't satisfy, I went to the KFC in the next suburb. Again, closed.

When I got home I went on the internet to find it wasn't just my area. KFC was closing down outlets all across the country. The article I read stated they were making a killing in China and opening up new stores all the time. The funny part was they weren't selling much chicken in China, but the article didn't go on to say what they were selling that was so great over there.

People here depend on these FF places, so they don't want to pay good money for good food. It costs a good buck to feed a family of four or five. Instead, they go to places like Church's chicken or Popeye's. Not nearly as good (I tried them both) but cheaper than KFC. KFC tastes the same today as when I first had it as a child, but keeping quality means prices increase. So it didn't surprise me when I found them closing stores. Every time I went to a KFC, I was usually one of two or three other customers. Many times I went there and there was nobody in line in front of me.
They think that way because they don't have money and everyone but the rich are going slowly to hell. No matter what the rising average income is that all goes to the rich these days. Thanks GOP.

If they don't have the money, WTF are they eating out for?
Because they have jobs and they are living the American dream, but after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else oh, they have to borrow to go out and eat or do anything else....
I strongly suspect what the facts are, but it will take the actual report being released to find out what they are. I, and a hell of a lot of others just don't trust Barr.

You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.
Without the blowjob, there was no impeachment. He was impeached for a blow job.
The articles of impeachment did not include "Blow Job".

He was impeached primarily because he committed perjury and used the office of POTUS to obstruct justice and he perjured himself to stop a victim of his own sexual harassment from receiving a fair trial.

But hey, why should someone accusing a Democrat of wrongdoing deserve justice?

Right. He lied about a blow job. I will consider the possibility that I am wrong. What do you think he lied about, if not that blow job?

He did a lot more that that, scumbag.

Threatening to fire Betty Currie and take her pension unless she perjured herself on his behalf - caught on tape, irrefutable, is actual obstruction, witness tampering, and suborning perjury. Clinton did this as an established point of fact.
The rich pay most of the taxes already. How much more can they pay? Why can't the individual invest in their own training and benefit from it?
Of course they do, they make that percentage of the country's income too, thanks to 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and cuts and services and benefits for everyone else. Great job GOP and silly dupes like you...

There is no percentage of the country's income. This is why you on the left are so ignorant. You've been trained to believe that we live in a bubble. In our bubble, there is only so much money. When one has too much, it's the reason why others have too little.

Money in the US is virtually infinite. You can make as much as you want. Nobody is stopping you. If you don't have enough, that's your problem. You are the failure. Not government and not rich people.
I am not like GOP dupes who can only see the end of their nose. All the statistics and all the journalists agree with me d u h. The middle class is gone to hell the last 30 years, when Reagan started the average saving rate was 8% now it's minus 8%. People have to borrow to keep up their American dream lifestyles now...

As already discussed, if your savings rate is 8%, then the borrowing rate has to be closer to 12%. Right now people have a hard enough time making a house payment. Why would you want to see those monthly payments double or triple? Then everybody would be renting.
No, people before Reagan saved 8% of their income. Nowadays they are borrowing 8% of their income to get by and live the dream.
I strongly suspect what the facts are, but it will take the actual report being released to find out what they are. I, and a hell of a lot of others just don't trust Barr.

You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Until we can change the mindset of the American consumer, you are correct, those days of a person turning a nut onto a bolt and making 50K a year plus benefits are long gone.

Can we change the minds of the American consumer? I can't see how.
I agree we need to change the minds of consumers but not to just buy American, but to consider quality when they purchase. We are becoming a nation of junk. 20% of new construction has serious quality defects. Our landfills are filling up with major appliances and furniture that's less than 10 years old. My daughter replaced here 23 year old Frigidaire with a new $1600 Whirlpool. It is now 5 years old. She has had 6 service calls. The last serviceman told her the components are so poorly made he doubts that they will last more than a year or so and her best option is replace the frig.

I have a friend who re-upholsters furniture. He tells me the quality of most a new furniture he sees is so bad he has rebuild it. We need to pay attention to quality.

Well that's the way Americans think today. I get so frustrated when I go to the store and all they have is junk to buy.

It's gotten so bad that it even applies to our food. Several years ago I went to our KFC for a chicken dinner. I was met with a closed sign. Still with a hunger I couldn't satisfy, I went to the KFC in the next suburb. Again, closed.

When I got home I went on the internet to find it wasn't just my area. KFC was closing down outlets all across the country. The article I read stated they were making a killing in China and opening up new stores all the time. The funny part was they weren't selling much chicken in China, but the article didn't go on to say what they were selling that was so great over there.

People here depend on these FF places, so they don't want to pay good money for good food. It costs a good buck to feed a family of four or five. Instead, they go to places like Church's chicken or Popeye's. Not nearly as good (I tried them both) but cheaper than KFC. KFC tastes the same today as when I first had it as a child, but keeping quality means prices increase. So it didn't surprise me when I found them closing stores. Every time I went to a KFC, I was usually one of two or three other customers. Many times I went there and there was nobody in line in front of me.
They think that way because they don't have money and everyone but the rich are going slowly to hell. No matter what the rising average income is that all goes to the rich these days. Thanks GOP.

If they don't have the money, WTF are they eating out for?
Because they have jobs and they are living the American dream, but after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich and screwing everyone else oh, they have to borrow to go out and eat or do anything else....

I see. So what you're saying is people are going out to eat big mack combos and have to borrow money to do it because of Republicans.

Then you wonder why we call you people the Uninformed Voters.
Look at how in one day rich people came up with billions to rebuild Norte dame. If only they cared about Americans that much. Imagine what e could do.

Unregulated free market capitalism sucks without labor having a say.
"Imagine what we could do."

How much of someone else's money is your fair share? And are you as generous with your own money as your are with others'?
I guess the only way to find out is to make sure the Democrats never run anything again. I'm fine with that.

When they cut my SS, then we'll talk about it. But saying it now is nothing more than scare tactics. Trying to pin people against tax cuts because for one, they work as we see, and two, Democrats never seen a tax cut they liked.

When DumBama decreased SS contributions, I didn't hear a whisper from the left of their concern about SS in the future. They were just fine with less money going into the trough.
And when Reagan raised your retirement two years from 65 to 67 you didn’t complain one bit. You actually vote in favor of them fucking you.

Don’t tell me democrats cut social security. If they did you should vote for them because you hate the unconstitutional program right?

Here, from one of your very own, NPR:

Fact No. 1: Last year, for the first time in its 75-year history, Social Security took in less money than it paid out.

Fact No. 2: This year, the first of the baby boomers reached retirement age and began collecting Social Security benefits.

Fact No. 3: The payroll tax holiday that Congress approved a year ago reduced Social Security's revenues this year by $105 billion.

How Payroll Tax Cut Affects Social Security's Future
Look at how in one day rich people came up with billions to rebuild Norte dame. If only they cared about Americans that much. Imagine what e could do.

Unregulated free market capitalism sucks without labor having a say.

To be honest, I don't know where the money came from. But it was a worldwide collection, so billions doesn't surprise me and not indicative it all came from rich people.

So what kind of "say" should labor have? How much they should make? What kind of benefits they should have? How much vacation time they should get?

Okay, now what's labor going to do when your employers competitors put him or her out of business?
You did make a good point though that I am pondering. Good question ray. I respect your political mind even though your an idiot republican. Lol.

What happens when union companies have to compete with non union companies. It’s like having to deal with Chinese labor. The non union labor really has the same protections that Chinese laborers have. Capitalism has brought up wages in China but unions brought them up even more in America.

What is a world without unions like? Are all the jobs in Africa?
Unions are falling out of favor because workers are choosing not to organize.

You want the government to force people to join unions? Is that for "the workers' own good"...or because unions donate to Democrats (without the union members' permission)?
Exactly what I said. He was impeached because of a blowjob. If I'm wrong, perhaps you could state the exact question he answered with a lie. If it doesn't have anything to do with him denying Lewinsky's blow job, I'll admit I'm wrong.

You're not wrong, you're just a liar. Show me anyplace the judge found him guilty of perjury because he got a blowjob.

What do you think he lied about?

He lied about the blowjob. But that doesn't mean he was convicted for a blowjob. He was convicted for lying, and it wouldn't matter what he lied about. He could have lied about where he was at on a particular day and that's still perjury.

But he didn't get impeached for lying about where he was on a particular day. He was impeached for lying about a blowjob.

Either way it was lying that got him impeached and charged with perjury. This is how ridiculous your argument is: Clinton was charged with perjury because he was at the White House when he said he was having dinner at a restaurant. So Clinton was charged with perjury for eating dinner at a restaurant.

That's just funny. Try again.
Without the blowjob, there was no impeachment. He was impeached for a blow job.
The articles of impeachment did not include "Blow Job".

He was impeached primarily because he committed perjury and used the office of POTUS to obstruct justice and he perjured himself to stop a victim of his own sexual harassment from receiving a fair trial.

But hey, why should someone accusing a Democrat of wrongdoing deserve justice?

Right. He lied about a blow job. I will consider the possibility that I am wrong. What do you think he lied about, if not that blow job?
You moron, the subject of the lie is utterly immaterial. The fact he willfully told an untruth is the crime.

You sure are obsessed with Bill Clinton's penis.

He was impeached for lying about a blow job. Why is that so hard for you to admit?
He was impeached for lying. Why is that so hard for you to admit?

You sure are obsessed with Clinton's sex life.

Why are you?
Credible people will see the report and say if the facts match what Barr claims.

We're not talking about credible people, we're talking about YOU.

I will be happy to take the word of a credible source. Barr is not a credible source..
See? I told you. You're already screeching HES A LIAR.

I suspect he is, but we won't know until we see the complete report.
And there is an excellent chance you will not accept the report.

The report is here. I accept what was reported, but I'm not surprised Barr characterized it.
I strongly suspect what the facts are, but it will take the actual report being released to find out what they are. I, and a hell of a lot of others just don't trust Barr.

You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

I strongly suspect what the facts are, but it will take the actual report being released to find out what they are. I, and a hell of a lot of others just don't trust Barr.

You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.


Really you fucking liar?

So, let's see the charges levied against the president?

Prosecutors can charge or exonerate - it's ALL they can do.

So what charges did Torquemada levy? :dunno:

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