Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report

The link says 50% died in poverty...
Him and ray would never be able to retire without social security.

And I don’t believe they would have done better not paying into the program. Chances are they would have spent the money and either they would live in their kids basement, and blame democrats, or they’d become welfare seniors.

And they would justify by saying they paid into the system and never took out. No shit losers most people will never take out. You’re not supposed to take out. But they’ll swallow their pride and take the handout.

And still they’ll blame liberals

Try this: Every other year or so, SS sends out a pamphlet with a history of your (and your employers) contributions, and gives you an amount of what you will receive upon retirement. Now take that pamphlet to a reputable investment company, and ask what you would be worth at retirement had you invested all that money in a conservative growth fund.

Then tell me how great SS is.

I plan on retiring at 62. But if I decide to work until 65, and on my birthday, I drop dead of a heart attack blowing out my candles, my family will financially benefit.

My nephew and niece will get my rental property. They will get my car. They will get anything I have in my bank accounts. They will get my IRA fund. What they won't see is one penny of the thousands I put into Social Security; not one dime.

So who gets my money? People I've never met, perhaps people that don't even live in my state, people that can never say thank you for all the money me and my employers put in for them. My family? They get nothing.
That depends. your spouse will be able to draw your social security for life and if you have dependents, they will be able to draw survivors benefits.

You can't compare social security returns with that of an investment company because they are completely different. It's an apples and oranges comparison. Social Security includes disability benefits and provides survivor benefits for both your spouse and all your children in the event of your death. These are very significant benefits. My daughter's husband died about 6 years ago. She and her 4 children are each receiving over a thousand dollars a month. That's more than he has ever paid into Social Security and it can continue throughout her life and for the kids until they are 18.

Social Security is risk free compared any other investment. It requires no knowledge of investments and is recession proof. You can lose your investments because of bad decisions but you can't lose your social security.

The downside is that it will not build an estate and will never allow you to live a life of luxury. For that you need to invest.

Everything has a risk to it. The difference between government and private industry is the risk is passed on to the taxpayers.

If you invest in a family fund; that is to say, an investment company who moves your money around based on the economy, you won't lose anything, and if you do, it would only be temporary.

For instance in this last recession, yes, my IRA account did suffer. But I wasn't going to need my retirement account for many years to come. What happened is it was a great benefit to me in the long run because my investment company was able to buy more shares per pay period. It was like getting in on a three-for-one sale.

Social Security is much less risk, but also pays much less if you live to the average lifespan in the US. If you live longer, you made out. If you live shorter, you lose just like in the market.
No, you don't necessarily lose it if you die early because your spouse can draw survivor benefits for life and if you have minor children they can draw survivor benefits till there're 18. And if you happen to become disable before you die, you can draw disability benefits. However, one of the greatest benefits of social security is it is protect your retirement from the biggest danger of all, you. Millions of Americans find compelling reasons to raid their retirement account time after time, leaving nothing but social security to live on.

Social Security is not a retirement plan and was never meant to be. It provides a bare bones existence. Without it millions of older Americans would be destitute.

So what happens when you die early with no dependents? And from what I understand, the spouse only gets a fraction of her (or his) spouses SS check. That's besides the fact most spouses have their own SS account, and them benefiting off their spouses benefits only drains the system even faster.

Social Security is a long-term Ponzi scheme. Eventually, people in the end are going to lose out because there won't be any money left.
You don't give a fuck about the facts. You'll spew as much slander and libel as you can get away with. You blatantly lie, we call you on it, then you blatantly lie again.

You are utterly without integrity. You are nothing but a fucking hack. Nothing you post can be trusted, you lie without hesitation or remorse. When caught and exposed, you just trot out other lies. Only the party matters to you.


You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
Yet, all you Trump hating turds claim Hillary was exonerated but Trump is guilty.
You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
I think it was barr who said that about Trump... The big thing will be Mueller talking to Congress

We'll get him this time. We'll get him this time. We'll get him this time.
Well all businesses have to cater to the consumer. Consumers just don't care about quality anymore, they care only about price. That's why Walmart is number one and places like Sears and JC Penny's closed down many of their stores.

I prefer quality. I hate buying things that break all the time. It's one of the reasons I only buy Apple products. Their computers last for many years, while PC brands break the day you bring them home. The computer I'm on right now is over ten years old. To replace this computer would cost me over $1,700. And if I could justify spending the money, I would do it tomorrow. But again, the computer (while slow going to sites) works just fine.

While the Craftsman brand WAS quality back in the day, Sears went to Chinese junk for Craftsman a decade ago.

So, the Apple computer, made by Foxconn in China, is way better quality than a Dell computer, made by Foxconn in China? :lmao:

The PC I'm on is over 20 years old. Oh sure, I've swapped out the CPU, RAM, Video Card, Motherboard, Hard Drives - SSD's , Power Supply, Cooling system, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitors, but the case is all original... :eusa_whistle:

And we all know the iPhone is the LEAST reliable smart phone of any major brand. You'll upgrade because Apple will send an update to kill it. Display is made of candy glass so that even looking at it too hard will break it.
Last edited:
You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
I think it was barr who said that about Trump... The big thing will be Mueller talking to Congress

You want that, don't you stupid? You want the Grand Inquisitor to go up there and dance like a monkey for the pleasure of Pelosi and Nadler. But tell me stupid, how are you going to keep Nunes and Jordan from asking probing questions and tearing Torquemada to shreds?

I'd love to get the scumbag in front of congress.
You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
Lock him up!! Lol

Lock who up?

You grasp that Trump has been exonerated?

They found nothing. Nothing at all. 675 days, 2800 subpoenas, 500 witness interviews, 37 indictments, 4 prison sentences and at the end of it all, two years later, not one single American found to have committed any crime, any conspiracy, any collusion, with the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Not Donald Trump, not Donald Trump Jr., not Jared Kushner, not Paul Manafort, not Roger Stone, not anybody associated with the Trump campaign. Not just that, not any American found to have colluded with the Russians. No collusion.

Your entire witchhunt is a farce.
Him and ray would never be able to retire without social security.

And I don’t believe they would have done better not paying into the program. Chances are they would have spent the money and either they would live in their kids basement, and blame democrats, or they’d become welfare seniors.

And they would justify by saying they paid into the system and never took out. No shit losers most people will never take out. You’re not supposed to take out. But they’ll swallow their pride and take the handout.

And still they’ll blame liberals

Try this: Every other year or so, SS sends out a pamphlet with a history of your (and your employers) contributions, and gives you an amount of what you will receive upon retirement. Now take that pamphlet to a reputable investment company, and ask what you would be worth at retirement had you invested all that money in a conservative growth fund.

Then tell me how great SS is.

I plan on retiring at 62. But if I decide to work until 65, and on my birthday, I drop dead of a heart attack blowing out my candles, my family will financially benefit.

My nephew and niece will get my rental property. They will get my car. They will get anything I have in my bank accounts. They will get my IRA fund. What they won't see is one penny of the thousands I put into Social Security; not one dime.

So who gets my money? People I've never met, perhaps people that don't even live in my state, people that can never say thank you for all the money me and my employers put in for them. My family? They get nothing.
That depends. your spouse will be able to draw your social security for life and if you have dependents, they will be able to draw survivors benefits.

You can't compare social security returns with that of an investment company because they are completely different. It's an apples and oranges comparison. Social Security includes disability benefits and provides survivor benefits for both your spouse and all your children in the event of your death. These are very significant benefits. My daughter's husband died about 6 years ago. She and her 4 children are each receiving over a thousand dollars a month. That's more than he has ever paid into Social Security and it can continue throughout her life and for the kids until they are 18.

Social Security is risk free compared any other investment. It requires no knowledge of investments and is recession proof. You can lose your investments because of bad decisions but you can't lose your social security.

The downside is that it will not build an estate and will never allow you to live a life of luxury. For that you need to invest.

Everything has a risk to it. The difference between government and private industry is the risk is passed on to the taxpayers.

If you invest in a family fund; that is to say, an investment company who moves your money around based on the economy, you won't lose anything, and if you do, it would only be temporary.

For instance in this last recession, yes, my IRA account did suffer. But I wasn't going to need my retirement account for many years to come. What happened is it was a great benefit to me in the long run because my investment company was able to buy more shares per pay period. It was like getting in on a three-for-one sale.

Social Security is much less risk, but also pays much less if you live to the average lifespan in the US. If you live longer, you made out. If you live shorter, you lose just like in the market.
No, you don't necessarily lose it if you die early because your spouse can draw survivor benefits for life and if you have minor children they can draw survivor benefits till there're 18. And if you happen to become disable before you die, you can draw disability benefits. However, one of the greatest benefits of social security is it is protect your retirement from the biggest danger of all, you. Millions of Americans find compelling reasons to raid their retirement account time after time, leaving nothing but social security to live on.

Social Security is not a retirement plan and was never meant to be. It provides a bare bones existence. Without it millions of older Americans would be destitute.

So what happens when you die early with no dependents? And from what I understand, the spouse only gets a fraction of her (or his) spouses SS check. That's besides the fact most spouses have their own SS account, and them benefiting off their spouses benefits only drains the system even faster.

Social Security is a long-term Ponzi scheme. Eventually, people in the end are going to lose out because there won't be any money left.
I don’t care if I lose out if I die at age 66. I want social security.

If politicians that hate social security would stop sabotaging the program it would be just fine.

How about this simple solution. Fuck schools. All lotto money goes into the social security and Medicare fund. Problem fucking solved.
What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
Lock him up!! Lol

Lock who up?

You grasp that Trump has been exonerated?

They found nothing. Nothing at all. 675 days, 2800 subpoenas, 500 witness interviews, 37 indictments, 4 prison sentences and at the end of it all, two years later, not one single American found to have committed any crime, any conspiracy, any collusion, with the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Not Donald Trump, not Donald Trump Jr., not Jared Kushner, not Paul Manafort, not Roger Stone, not anybody associated with the Trump campaign. Not just that, not any American found to have colluded with the Russians. No collusion.

Your entire witchhunt is a farce.
Exactly my point dummy. You keep chanting lock her up so I was making fun of you guys. Mimicking your side.

Now you realize how stupid your side sounds to us. At Beto o’Rorke rallies we will be chanting lock him up. Because Barr is a trump loyalist. Everyone who isn’t got fired.

Lame duck
Try this: Every other year or so, SS sends out a pamphlet with a history of your (and your employers) contributions, and gives you an amount of what you will receive upon retirement. Now take that pamphlet to a reputable investment company, and ask what you would be worth at retirement had you invested all that money in a conservative growth fund.

Then tell me how great SS is.

I plan on retiring at 62. But if I decide to work until 65, and on my birthday, I drop dead of a heart attack blowing out my candles, my family will financially benefit.

My nephew and niece will get my rental property. They will get my car. They will get anything I have in my bank accounts. They will get my IRA fund. What they won't see is one penny of the thousands I put into Social Security; not one dime.

So who gets my money? People I've never met, perhaps people that don't even live in my state, people that can never say thank you for all the money me and my employers put in for them. My family? They get nothing.
That depends. your spouse will be able to draw your social security for life and if you have dependents, they will be able to draw survivors benefits.

You can't compare social security returns with that of an investment company because they are completely different. It's an apples and oranges comparison. Social Security includes disability benefits and provides survivor benefits for both your spouse and all your children in the event of your death. These are very significant benefits. My daughter's husband died about 6 years ago. She and her 4 children are each receiving over a thousand dollars a month. That's more than he has ever paid into Social Security and it can continue throughout her life and for the kids until they are 18.

Social Security is risk free compared any other investment. It requires no knowledge of investments and is recession proof. You can lose your investments because of bad decisions but you can't lose your social security.

The downside is that it will not build an estate and will never allow you to live a life of luxury. For that you need to invest.

Everything has a risk to it. The difference between government and private industry is the risk is passed on to the taxpayers.

If you invest in a family fund; that is to say, an investment company who moves your money around based on the economy, you won't lose anything, and if you do, it would only be temporary.

For instance in this last recession, yes, my IRA account did suffer. But I wasn't going to need my retirement account for many years to come. What happened is it was a great benefit to me in the long run because my investment company was able to buy more shares per pay period. It was like getting in on a three-for-one sale.

Social Security is much less risk, but also pays much less if you live to the average lifespan in the US. If you live longer, you made out. If you live shorter, you lose just like in the market.
No, you don't necessarily lose it if you die early because your spouse can draw survivor benefits for life and if you have minor children they can draw survivor benefits till there're 18. And if you happen to become disable before you die, you can draw disability benefits. However, one of the greatest benefits of social security is it is protect your retirement from the biggest danger of all, you. Millions of Americans find compelling reasons to raid their retirement account time after time, leaving nothing but social security to live on.

Social Security is not a retirement plan and was never meant to be. It provides a bare bones existence. Without it millions of older Americans would be destitute.

So what happens when you die early with no dependents? And from what I understand, the spouse only gets a fraction of her (or his) spouses SS check. That's besides the fact most spouses have their own SS account, and them benefiting off their spouses benefits only drains the system even faster.

Social Security is a long-term Ponzi scheme. Eventually, people in the end are going to lose out because there won't be any money left.
I don’t care if I lose out if I die at age 66. I want social security.

If politicians that hate social security would stop sabotaging the program it would be just fine.

How about this simple solution. Fuck schools. All lotto money goes into the social security and Medicare fund. Problem fucking solved.

So who sabotaged SS other than Obama?

No, SS will not be fine. It will drain faster and faster as us baby boomers retire. Before half this century is over, it will be broke. Yes, they can use the general fund to supply it, but then it's insolvent at that point. I will be just another social program choking our already massive debt.
Well all businesses have to cater to the consumer. Consumers just don't care about quality anymore, they care only about price. That's why Walmart is number one and places like Sears and JC Penny's closed down many of their stores.

I prefer quality. I hate buying things that break all the time. It's one of the reasons I only buy Apple products. Their computers last for many years, while PC brands break the day you bring them home. The computer I'm on right now is over ten years old. To replace this computer would cost me over $1,700. And if I could justify spending the money, I would do it tomorrow. But again, the computer (while slow going to sites) works just fine.

While the Craftsman brand WAS quality back in the day, Sears went to Chinese junk for Craftsman a decade ago.

So, the Apple computer, made by Foxconn in China, is way better quality than a Dell computer, made by Foxconn in China? :lmao:

The PC I'm on is over 20 years old. Oh sure, I've swapped out the CPU, RAM, Video Card, Motherboard, Hard Drives - SSD's , Power Supply, Cooling system, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitors, but the case is all original... :eusa_whistle:

And we all know the iPhone is the LEAST reliable smart phone of any major brand. You'll upgrade because Apple will send an update to kill it. Display is made of candy glass so that even looking at it too hard will break it.

I've had an iPhone for about six years now, and never any glass problems. And I don't use a case or cover or anything like that. Yes, I have dropped it a couple times as well. I only traded my iPhone 6 for the iPhoneX because the battery was old and wouldn't hold much of a charge anymore. That's not a lack of quality, it's the nature of batteries. But other than the battery, the phone was just fine.

Same with my home computer. Unlike all the PC friends and family I have, I don't have any major issues with the Apple. Anything that goes a little haywire can usually be taken care of by the user in most cases. Usually just a restart or running the computer off of the instillation disk so you can properly use Disk Repair.

My only complaint with apple is that they take good things you want off the new models. While the battery time on my iPhone is completely amazing, I still use a lot of power with Google maps or Pandora. Since I drive all day, radio is my entertainment. The problem is Apple got rid of their audio output port, so you only have one port for either plugging the phone into your radio or charging the phone. You can't do both at once.
Well all businesses have to cater to the consumer. Consumers just don't care about quality anymore, they care only about price. That's why Walmart is number one and places like Sears and JC Penny's closed down many of their stores.

I prefer quality. I hate buying things that break all the time. It's one of the reasons I only buy Apple products. Their computers last for many years, while PC brands break the day you bring them home. The computer I'm on right now is over ten years old. To replace this computer would cost me over $1,700. And if I could justify spending the money, I would do it tomorrow. But again, the computer (while slow going to sites) works just fine.

While the Craftsman brand WAS quality back in the day, Sears went to Chinese junk for Craftsman a decade ago.

So, the Apple computer, made by Foxconn in China, is way better quality than a Dell computer, made by Foxconn in China? :lmao:

The PC I'm on is over 20 years old. Oh sure, I've swapped out the CPU, RAM, Video Card, Motherboard, Hard Drives - SSD's , Power Supply, Cooling system, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitors, but the case is all original... :eusa_whistle:

And we all know the iPhone is the LEAST reliable smart phone of any major brand. You'll upgrade because Apple will send an update to kill it. Display is made of candy glass so that even looking at it too hard will break it.

I've had an iPhone for about six years now, and never any glass problems. And I don't use a case or cover or anything like that. Yes, I have dropped it a couple times as well. I only traded my iPhone 6 for the iPhoneX because the battery was old and wouldn't hold much of a charge anymore. That's not a lack of quality, it's the nature of batteries. But other than the battery, the phone was just fine.

Same with my home computer. Unlike all the PC friends and family I have, I don't have any major issues with the Apple. Anything that goes a little haywire can usually be taken care of by the user in most cases. Usually just a restart or running the computer off of the instillation disk so you can properly use Disk Repair.

My only complaint with apple is that they take good things you want off the new models. While the battery time on my iPhone is completely amazing, I still use a lot of power with Google maps or Pandora. Since I drive all day, radio is my entertainment. The problem is Apple got rid of their audio output port, so you only have one port for either plugging the phone into your radio or charging the phone. You can't do both at once.

This isn't 1998 anymore, all that nonsense about issues with PC's is in the distant past. It matters little, Mac is about 1% of the market and declining. ALL PC's are declining in fact, mobility is the future. Given the rapid decline of Apple in the market for mobility, that spells trouble for the company. Apple TV is an utter failure, there is no innovation and they've lost the knack for stealing from Microsoft, the way Apple traditionally "innovated." Microsoft - who with their HoloLens IS the future.

I manage about 300 cell phones. The iPhone 6 battery went bad on you because Apple sabotaged you.

Apple Being Sued for 'Purposefully Slowing Down Older iPhone Models' [Updated]

Most quality phones use Gorilla Glass, but not Apple, too much cash in replacing those displays. Oh, and if your car has Apple Car Play, when you plug your lightning port into the media uplink it will charge the phone as well as give you access to Google, Pandora, etc.

Basically I don't allow iPhones in unless an executive with enough clout demands one. Then I know I'll have another problem child to deal with.
Well all businesses have to cater to the consumer. Consumers just don't care about quality anymore, they care only about price. That's why Walmart is number one and places like Sears and JC Penny's closed down many of their stores.

I prefer quality. I hate buying things that break all the time. It's one of the reasons I only buy Apple products. Their computers last for many years, while PC brands break the day you bring them home. The computer I'm on right now is over ten years old. To replace this computer would cost me over $1,700. And if I could justify spending the money, I would do it tomorrow. But again, the computer (while slow going to sites) works just fine.

While the Craftsman brand WAS quality back in the day, Sears went to Chinese junk for Craftsman a decade ago.

So, the Apple computer, made by Foxconn in China, is way better quality than a Dell computer, made by Foxconn in China? :lmao:

The PC I'm on is over 20 years old. Oh sure, I've swapped out the CPU, RAM, Video Card, Motherboard, Hard Drives - SSD's , Power Supply, Cooling system, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitors, but the case is all original... :eusa_whistle:

And we all know the iPhone is the LEAST reliable smart phone of any major brand. You'll upgrade because Apple will send an update to kill it. Display is made of candy glass so that even looking at it too hard will break it.

I've had an iPhone for about six years now, and never any glass problems. And I don't use a case or cover or anything like that. Yes, I have dropped it a couple times as well. I only traded my iPhone 6 for the iPhoneX because the battery was old and wouldn't hold much of a charge anymore. That's not a lack of quality, it's the nature of batteries. But other than the battery, the phone was just fine.

Same with my home computer. Unlike all the PC friends and family I have, I don't have any major issues with the Apple. Anything that goes a little haywire can usually be taken care of by the user in most cases. Usually just a restart or running the computer off of the instillation disk so you can properly use Disk Repair.

My only complaint with apple is that they take good things you want off the new models. While the battery time on my iPhone is completely amazing, I still use a lot of power with Google maps or Pandora. Since I drive all day, radio is my entertainment. The problem is Apple got rid of their audio output port, so you only have one port for either plugging the phone into your radio or charging the phone. You can't do both at once.

This isn't 1998 anymore, all that nonsense about issues with PC's is in the distant past. It matters little, Mac is about 1% of the market and declining. ALL PC's are declining in fact, mobility is the future. Given the rapid decline of Apple in the market for mobility, that spells trouble for the company. Apple TV is an utter failure, there is no innovation and they've lost the knack for stealing from Microsoft, the way Apple traditionally "innovated." Microsoft - who with their HoloLens IS the future.

I manage about 300 cell phones. The iPhone 6 battery went bad on you because Apple sabotaged you.

Apple Being Sued for 'Purposefully Slowing Down Older iPhone Models' [Updated]

Most quality phones use Gorilla Glass, but not Apple, too much cash in replacing those displays. Oh, and if your car has Apple Car Play, when you plug your lightning port into the media uplink it will charge the phone as well as give you access to Google, Pandora, etc.

Basically I don't allow iPhones in unless an executive with enough clout demands one. Then I know I'll have another problem child to deal with.

I guess you go with what works for you. I've been pretty satisfied with Apple both in phones and home computers. Before I went with Apple, I owned several other brands of smart phones. Apple works out best for me. I don't have to create a Google account, and I don't trust Google for anything. I've read articles where Google's Alexa was listening in on what goes on in your home simply because you use the device. Plus I don't have to tell you about their politics.
Well all businesses have to cater to the consumer. Consumers just don't care about quality anymore, they care only about price. That's why Walmart is number one and places like Sears and JC Penny's closed down many of their stores.

I prefer quality. I hate buying things that break all the time. It's one of the reasons I only buy Apple products. Their computers last for many years, while PC brands break the day you bring them home. The computer I'm on right now is over ten years old. To replace this computer would cost me over $1,700. And if I could justify spending the money, I would do it tomorrow. But again, the computer (while slow going to sites) works just fine.

While the Craftsman brand WAS quality back in the day, Sears went to Chinese junk for Craftsman a decade ago.

So, the Apple computer, made by Foxconn in China, is way better quality than a Dell computer, made by Foxconn in China? :lmao:

The PC I'm on is over 20 years old. Oh sure, I've swapped out the CPU, RAM, Video Card, Motherboard, Hard Drives - SSD's , Power Supply, Cooling system, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitors, but the case is all original... :eusa_whistle:

And we all know the iPhone is the LEAST reliable smart phone of any major brand. You'll upgrade because Apple will send an update to kill it. Display is made of candy glass so that even looking at it too hard will break it.
I had two Apple computers go South on me, and I'll never buy again. In both cases, the disk drive was involved. In the process of untangling the nightmare, I learned that Apple used that same generic drive that IBM uses.

There's nothing special about Apple hardware.
What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
I think it was barr who said that about Trump... The big thing will be Mueller talking to Congress

You want that, don't you stupid? You want the Grand Inquisitor to go up there and dance like a monkey for the pleasure of Pelosi and Nadler. But tell me stupid, how are you going to keep Nunes and Jordan from asking probing questions and tearing Torquemada to shreds?

I'd love to get the scumbag in front of congress.
Not to worry he is coming... This is called due process, as opposed to your garbage propaganda and character assassination machine, super duper.
What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
I think it was barr who said that about Trump... The big thing will be Mueller talking to Congress

You want that, don't you stupid? You want the Grand Inquisitor to go up there and dance like a monkey for the pleasure of Pelosi and Nadler. But tell me stupid, how are you going to keep Nunes and Jordan from asking probing questions and tearing Torquemada to shreds?

I'd love to get the scumbag in front of congress.
Oh, he is a scumbag today question mark yesterday he was a good guy LOL when Will trump and fox make up their minds?he joined the Marines and has been a great public servant whereas Trump can't remember which foot he had the bone spurs in. You people are a disgrace along with your garbage propaganda machine....
You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
Yet, all you Trump hating turds claim Hillary was exonerated but Trump is guilty.
you boobs believe all kinds of phony scandals about Hillary Obama the FBI learner holder etc etc.everything about the clintons has been investigated multiple times and nobody's found anything worth mentioning. The trumps and the lying thieving GOP are the swamp, dumbass doops. It isn't a giant conspiracy, it's a giant propaganda machine that has turned half the country into zombies. When Hillary etcetera's crimes reach real journalists or law enforcement, give us a call, conspiracy nut jobs....
You mad Bro? I just want credible proof. Barr is not credible. Why are you so afraid to have the facts revealed? If Trump did nothing wrong, Mueller's report will show that.

What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
Yet, all you Trump hating turds claim Hillary was exonerated but Trump is guilty.
Actually we think it is worse investigating, dumbass. Nobody in their right mind trusts Trump and Republicans or Russians to be succinct. Why didn't the trumps report the Russians or do anything to stop them from doing it all over again, brain-dead brainwashed functional moron? You idiots will believe anything unbelievable...
Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
I think it was barr who said that about Trump... The big thing will be Mueller talking to Congress

You want that, don't you stupid? You want the Grand Inquisitor to go up there and dance like a monkey for the pleasure of Pelosi and Nadler. But tell me stupid, how are you going to keep Nunes and Jordan from asking probing questions and tearing Torquemada to shreds?

I'd love to get the scumbag in front of congress.
Not to worry he is coming... This is called due process, as opposed to your garbage propaganda and character assassination machine, super duper.
The irony of your post is excruciating.
What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
Yet, all you Trump hating turds claim Hillary was exonerated but Trump is guilty.
Actually we think it is worse investigating, dumbass. Nobody in their right mind trusts Trump and Republicans or Russians to be succinct. Why didn't the trumps report the Russians or do anything to stop them from doing it all over again, brain-dead brainwashed functional moron? You idiots will believe anything unbelievable...
Can you translate that gibberish into English?
What do you want to bet that the Democrats will not concede that Trump did nothing wrong after they get the report tomorrow?

That's the problem. Not the report itself. It's how the Democrats will play politics with it.

Yep, and even though Mewler exonerated Trump, no collusion, not obstruction, he still put in stink bombs to feed the Marxist feeding frenzy.

That's how these scumbags work.

We all knew this is how it would turn least those of us that live in reality.

Of course if Mueller said Trump was as innocent as the Pope, then their new line would be how Mueller is a Republican and taking care of his own.

It might have turned out that way, but Trump counter-attacked Mueller on several occasions, and Muller (wth the power vested) wouldn't walk out of the ring a loser without throwing one last punch. He's quite aware that the Democrat strategy is to try and stretch this out until 2020. So he threw them a bone.
Mueller said, there was not enough evidence to charge Trump.
Comey said, there was not enough evidence to charge Clinton.
The opposing party in both cases did just what we would expect them to do, they went nuts, they investigated, they threatened, and claim the person was guilty of everything they could think of
Politics as usually
Yet, all you Trump hating turds claim Hillary was exonerated but Trump is guilty.
you boobs believe all kinds of phony scandals about Hillary Obama the FBI learner holder etc etc.everything about the clintons has been investigated multiple times and nobody's found anything worth mentioning. The trumps and the lying thieving GOP are the swamp, dumbass doops. It isn't a giant conspiracy, it's a giant propaganda machine that has turned half the country into zombies. When Hillary etcetera's crimes reach real journalists or law enforcement, give us a call, conspiracy nut jobs....
Yet, you believe in the biggest most ridiculous conspiracy theory of all time: Russian collusion.

Plenty has been found on Hillary. The only difference is that the corrupt Obama FBI obstructed justice and refused to prosecute.

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