Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report

Nobody is frantic about the report. We've waited a long time for it, and we know Trump will hold up it's release as long as he can. Most are confident it will finally come out, so patience is the word of the day. The right is claiming victory at half time. I'm pretty sure it's too early for that.

You're wrong....the Dems in public office are frantic about the report. .They've been screaming for it's release since Mueller submitted it...not even caring if it's release jeopardized national security or other privacy Rights.

Trump isn't holding it up. It does have to be edited/redacted to protect innocent parties and national interests and at over 400 pages, it doesn't happen overnight.

Though I do agree it may be a bit early for full celebration.....but if the initial findings were reversed, ya'll would be going nuts already

You should make up your mind. The OP says nobody cares, and now you say liberals are screaming. Of course Barr's hiding the report is receiving push back. You didn't expect a stunt like that to pass without a response did you? Barr's note means nothing. We will see the full report.

Well excuse me for expecting you to understand the difference...……...but in the OP it says the people/constituents DON'T CARE...….but the Dems in office DO.

Now do you understand??????

The redacted report will be made available to everyone

I'm a constituent, and I assure you I interact with more constituents than people in office. We care.


Then take it up with the House Dumocrats and MSN for reporting otherwise

Your fellow Dem/Lib USMB board members aren't enough apparently.
Nobody is frantic about the report. We've waited a long time for it, and we know Trump will hold up it's release as long as he can. Most are confident it will finally come out, so patience is the word of the day. The right is claiming victory at half time. I'm pretty sure it's too early for that.

Barr and Mueller are working on redacting the report together. It's up to them and their timeline when it comes out--not Trump.

Barr said it is nearly finished and he expects to release it Tuesday or possibly Wednesday at the latest.

This last farce of the traitorcrats is failing this week.

Well at least the left is starting to learn a bit. I don't see the massive hysteria of the Mueller report and the great expectations of getting rid of Trump that I have in other instances. I guess they are getting tired of letting themselves down.

But as always, no matter what it says, we will have to suffer their conspiracy theories as to why it didn't amount to anything. They may even turn on Mueller and claim he was working in favor of the Republicans all along. Who knows with them?

And as always, they will fail to accept the truth, because Democrats don't like the truth.
"Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report "

And that’s the problem: they should.

The people alone are responsible for the bad government they get – and Trump is the worst.

Actually, the report indicates that President Trump is as innocent as a newborn babe and did not betray his country.

Why are the libs so upset at those facts? Why would it have been better for our nation's leader to be a traitor?

They don't care about the nation, they only care about the Democrat party. If they cared about the nation, they would be celebrating the end of this disaster and that we do have a true blue American in charge of our country.
"Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report "

And that’s the problem: they should.

The people alone are responsible for the bad government they get – and Trump is the worst.

People are, and what they see is a giant witch hunt. They see the new leadership of Congress getting nothing done except to harass the President. They've accomplished, and they continue to look for more ways to try and get Trump.

What you puppets don't understand is the Democrat party is deathly afraid of Donald Trump. He's making great accomplishments and putting the Establishment to shame.

Yep, after 2 years of buildup people that believed the dems on this are feeling duped, and they don't like that. Nobody likes being played for a fool.

This whole debacle reminds of Geraldo opening "Capone's Vault" Massive build-up, huge expectations, then........nothing. lol.
Nobody is frantic about the report. We've waited a long time for it, and we know Trump will hold up it's release as long as he can. Most are confident it will finally come out, so patience is the word of the day. The right is claiming victory at half time. I'm pretty sure it's too early for that.

Barr and Mueller are working on redacting the report together. It's up to them and their timeline when it comes out--not Trump.

Barr said it is nearly finished and he expects to release it Tuesday or possibly Wednesday at the latest.

This last farce of the traitorcrats is failing this week.

Well at least the left is starting to learn a bit. I don't see the massive hysteria of the Mueller report and the great expectations of getting rid of Trump that I have in other instances. I guess they are getting tired of letting themselves down.

But as always, no matter what it says, we will have to suffer their conspiracy theories as to why it didn't amount to anything. They may even turn on Mueller and claim he was working in favor of the Republicans all along. Who knows with them?

And as always, they will fail to accept the truth, because Democrats don't like the truth.

By mid next week, BULLDOG will be shrieking about how Mueller is a Trump sycophant and the whole investigation was tainted because Mueller was covering up the real crimes.

Bank on it.
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"Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report "

And that’s the problem: they should.

The people alone are responsible for the bad government they get – and Trump is the worst.

People are, and what they see is a giant witch hunt. They see the new leadership of Congress getting nothing done except to harass the President. They've accomplished, and they continue to look for more ways to try and get Trump.

What you puppets don't understand is the Democrat party is deathly afraid of Donald Trump. He's making great accomplishments and putting the Establishment to shame.

Yep, after 2 years of buildup people that believed the dems on this are feeling duped, and they don't like that. Nobody likes being played for a fool.

This whole debacle reminds of Geraldo opening "Capone's Vault" Massive build-up, huge expectations, then........nothing. lol.
And Maddow's "revelation" of leaked Trump tax returns.

You could see her heart breaking when there was nothing there. It's was hilarious. She really thought she was going to be lauded as the one who brought Trump down.
Nobody is frantic about the report. We've waited a long time for it, and we know Trump will hold up it's release as long as he can. Most are confident it will finally come out, so patience is the word of the day. The right is claiming victory at half time. I'm pretty sure it's too early for that.

Barr and Mueller are working on redacting the report together. It's up to them and their timeline when it comes out--not Trump.

Barr said it is nearly finished and he expects to release it Tuesday or possibly Wednesday at the latest.

This last farce of the traitorcrats is failing this week.

Well at least the left is starting to learn a bit. I don't see the massive hysteria of the Mueller report and the great expectations of getting rid of Trump that I have in other instances. I guess they are getting tired of letting themselves down.

But as always, no matter what it says, we will have to suffer their conspiracy theories as to why it didn't amount to anything. They may even turn on Mueller and claim he was working in favor of the Republicans all along. Who knows with them?

And as always, they will fail to accept the truth, because Democrats don't like the truth.

By mid next week, BULLDOG will be shrieking about how Mueller is Trump sycophant and the who investigation was tainted because Mueller was covering up the real crimes.

Bank on it.

I guarantee he won't be lone. All it will take is for CNN or the NYT to make up some conspiracy, and they will believe anything thrown at them. Then after they realize there was no truth to that either......

Screaming .jpeg
Nobody is frantic about the report. We've waited a long time for it, and we know Trump will hold up it's release as long as he can. Most are confident it will finally come out, so patience is the word of the day. The right is claiming victory at half time. I'm pretty sure it's too early for that.

Barr and Mueller are working on redacting the report together. It's up to them and their timeline when it comes out--not Trump.

Mueller has nothing to do with the redactions. Some of Mueller's ex team members are in the group that is doing them, but we don't know who the other people of the team are, or how much authority the actual investigators have to determine what is redacted.
You would be a billionaire if you invested in the tinfoil you wear on your head.
Democrats are slow learners. It’ll take them some time before accepting the truth.

I deal with this all the time at work.....
Me: the IV pump isn’t working because the battery wasn’t charged.
Democrat: that shouldn’t matter!

I’m glad Trump is introducing some common sense into the insanity we’ve been dealing with.
Not even Trump knows what it says, but your stupid ass claims we all know.

You dumb little bitch

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

Barr's little note means nothing.

You know Barr is releasing the whole thing on Tuesday.

So go on record and demand that the AG lied in the summary.

Do that so I can book mark your post and dig it out for years.

Come on commie, go out on a limb..

I never said he lied. I said his note isn't credible. The report is required.

If it is "not credible," then you're saying he lied. Fucking traitor weasel.

Do you claim that the report which will be released Tuesday will be factually different than the summary?

Yes or no, weasel?

Of course it is factually different dumb ass. Mueller's report is 400 pages long with hundreds of more pages of notes. That would have more and different facts that Barr's note no matter what the subject matter might be. You don't get that?
I'm a constituent, and I assure you I interact with more constituents than people in office. We care.

You are a traitor hack.

You are hoping beyond hope that somewhere hidden in the report is something the AG lied about so that you can overthrow the government, as your party and press set out to do.

The ONLY way that happens is if Barr lied.


Your crazy is showing again.

Is that a yes or a no?

I get it, you're a hack and don't want this to haunt you. You have a few days in which you can continue to lie.

Then you will lie "I never questioned the Barr summary," which is ALL you have done.

One lie after another with you. You have no integrity.

Without the report to compare Barr's note to, are is no grounds to say he lied. Given Barr's previous writings, there are no grounds to believe his note is accurate..
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

A sad commentary on the zero college electorate

You know Barr is releasing the whole thing on Tuesday.

So go on record and demand that the AG lied in the summary.

Do that so I can book mark your post and dig it out for years.

Come on commie, go out on a limb..

I never said he lied. I said his note isn't credible. The report is required.

If it is "not credible," then you're saying he lied. Fucking traitor weasel.

Do you claim that the report which will be released Tuesday will be factually different than the summary?

Yes or no, weasel?

Of course it is factually different dumb ass. Mueller's report is 400 pages long with hundreds of more pages of notes. That would have more and different facts that Barr's note no matter what the subject matter might be. You don't get that?
Amusing that Barrs grovellying 19 page application was 4 X longer than his summary
"Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report "

And that’s the problem: they should.

The people alone are responsible for the bad government they get – and Trump is the worst.
/-----/ The only thing worse is all the libtards who pushed this witch hunt.
Muller got nothing.jpg
I'm a constituent, and I assure you I interact with more constituents than people in office. We care.

You are a traitor hack.

You are hoping beyond hope that somewhere hidden in the report is something the AG lied about so that you can overthrow the government, as your party and press set out to do.

The ONLY way that happens is if Barr lied.


Your crazy is showing again.

Is that a yes or a no?

I get it, you're a hack and don't want this to haunt you. You have a few days in which you can continue to lie.

Then you will lie "I never questioned the Barr summary," which is ALL you have done.

One lie after another with you. You have no integrity.

Without the report to compare Barr's note to, are is no grounds to say he lied. Given Barr's previous writings, there are no grounds to believe his note is accurate..

There are only two ways to go here: Trump is guilty of collusion with the Russian government and conspiracy to rig an election or Trump had nothing to do with it. There is no in between in this matter and nothing in that report can be taken the opposite way.
I'm a constituent, and I assure you I interact with more constituents than people in office. We care.

You are a traitor hack.

You are hoping beyond hope that somewhere hidden in the report is something the AG lied about so that you can overthrow the government, as your party and press set out to do.

The ONLY way that happens is if Barr lied.


Your crazy is showing again.

Is that a yes or a no?

I get it, you're a hack and don't want this to haunt you. You have a few days in which you can continue to lie.

Then you will lie "I never questioned the Barr summary," which is ALL you have done.

One lie after another with you. You have no integrity.

Without the report to compare Barr's note to, are is no grounds to say he lied. Given Barr's previous writings, there are no grounds to believe his note is accurate..

Pretty sad when your party has to take the stand of saying someone is lying until proven honest. I know being of the democratic party you don't expect honesty in a politician so liberals do have to prove they're honest, but Barr has a spotless reputation and so does Mueller. I just didn't agree with the entire investigation because it was founded on false lies paid for by Clinton to Russians.

For what you said to be true that would mean Barr put his reputation and career on the line and that means Mueller kept quiet knowing that Barr lied.

Do you REALLY, HONESTLY believe that happened?
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