Dems got the Trump Racism thing all wrong

So are you denying that Haiti is a shithole, and Norway isn't a shithole?
It depends who you ask. If you ask Norwegians they will tell you most of the US is a shithole. In fact a Swedish woman the other day told me that living conditions of lot of Americans is poor compared to Sweden.

I bet that the same woman also was for importing bunch of rapefugees to Sweden. Soon we will have a concrete example of the consequences of vote importation by the democrats. Sure it gets them in power temporarily, but... screw the country.
Hahaha i said how about the rape you guys suffering from on the hands of the refugees she laughed and said: America hold the world re Ord in that don't listen to FOX news , I wish you were with us lol

So her response to the rapes: don't listen (to the victims).

Indeed, plug your ears, close your eyes and start screaming: "lalalala". That's the only way the madness could make any sense. Screw the rape victims.

Maybe we should have a policy that keeps a track what the immigrants are doing and whether there are benefits to the Americans. Maybe we should not become the rape capital of the west like Sweden.
Refugees are less likely to commit a crime.
You guys were raping and killing each other before the refugees made it here. Most mass shooters are white. Refugees come here to work and make their lives better so are most of the immigrants.
You should toss a link in there if you're referencing stats. Here's one that supports your argument:
Criminal Immigrants: Their Numbers, Demographics, and Countries of Origin
This is only possible because of policy that favors the democrat vote grabbing habit, over Americans:



I don't care... Trump underestimated the potential of these African immigrants and he needs to apologize and tap into their amazing brain power.

Then they would have no problem making it in a merit based system, would they?

In America, with trump as president, discrimination undermines the merit based system and reinstalls Affirmative Action for less qualified White males and women. The African immigrants are so glad to be here they don't complain too much but the Asians are getting mad about less qualified Whites getting undeserved university seats.

Although Asians average 140 points more than Whites on SAT tests, less qualified whites are taking university seats that should have gone to a more qualified Asia or African immigrant.

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.

Has it been stated how Merit is measured? Whats the proposed process?
This is only possible because of policy that favors the democrat vote grabbing habit, over Americans:



I don't care... Trump underestimated the potential of these African immigrants and he needs to apologize and tap into their amazing brain power.

Then they would have no problem making it in a merit based system, would they?

In America, with trump as president, discrimination undermines the merit based system and reinstalls Affirmative Action for less qualified White males and women. The African immigrants are so glad to be here they don't complain too much but the Asians are getting mad about less qualified Whites getting undeserved university seats.

Although Asians average 140 points more than Whites on SAT tests, less qualified whites are taking university seats that should have gone to a more qualified Asia or African immigrant.

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.


So you are saying the data in my link is wrong???
This is only possible because of policy that favors the democrat vote grabbing habit, over Americans:



I don't care... Trump underestimated the potential of these African immigrants and he needs to apologize and tap into their amazing brain power.

Then they would have no problem making it in a merit based system, would they?

In America, with trump as president, discrimination undermines the merit based system and reinstalls Affirmative Action for less qualified White males and women. The African immigrants are so glad to be here they don't complain too much but the Asians are getting mad about less qualified Whites getting undeserved university seats.

Although Asians average 140 points more than Whites on SAT tests, less qualified whites are taking university seats that should have gone to a more qualified Asia or African immigrant.

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.


So you are saying the data in my link is wrong???

There is no way that the data is presented even half honestly. And looking at the organization's website who produced it... no surprise.

They want to open the floodgates and swam America with 3rd world folks so that they can take over. The organization's sole purpose is pushing for such immigration reform.

It would be laughable to believe that they would be honest in anything. Remember, the average IQ of these countries is less than 80. Sure there may be a few smart people running around, but why we should focus on these countries can't be justified in any form.
I don't care... Trump underestimated the potential of these African immigrants and he needs to apologize and tap into their amazing brain power.

Then they would have no problem making it in a merit based system, would they?

In America, with trump as president, discrimination undermines the merit based system and reinstalls Affirmative Action for less qualified White males and women. The African immigrants are so glad to be here they don't complain too much but the Asians are getting mad about less qualified Whites getting undeserved university seats.

Although Asians average 140 points more than Whites on SAT tests, less qualified whites are taking university seats that should have gone to a more qualified Asia or African immigrant.

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.


So you are saying the data in my link is wrong???

There is no way that the data is presented even half honestly. And looking at the organization's website who produced it... no surprise.

They want to open the floodgates and swam America with 3rd world folks so that they can take over. The organization's sole purpose is pushing for such immigration reform.

It would be laughable to believe that they would be honest in anything. Remember, the average IQ of these countries is less than 80. Sure there may be a few smart people running around, but why we should focus on these countries can't be justified in any form.
There are dozens of different links saying the same thing. Try google and do little research instead of mewling and complaining because Trump got caught in a lie about the value of African immigrants to this country. And stop lying about average IQs of Africans being 80. I haven't seen any tests or methodology to back that lie up and neither have you. You are just regurgitating bullshit you read to some RW media rag. BTW IQ tests scores are not immutable. You can study and take the test several times to improve your score by as much as one standard
deviation or more. But I doubt the whole of Africa has been tested...more likey a small sampling by racist whites was all that was needed to stigmatize the entire continent.
Then they would have no problem making it in a merit based system, would they?

In America, with trump as president, discrimination undermines the merit based system and reinstalls Affirmative Action for less qualified White males and women. The African immigrants are so glad to be here they don't complain too much but the Asians are getting mad about less qualified Whites getting undeserved university seats.

Although Asians average 140 points more than Whites on SAT tests, less qualified whites are taking university seats that should have gone to a more qualified Asia or African immigrant.

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.


So you are saying the data in my link is wrong???

There is no way that the data is presented even half honestly. And looking at the organization's website who produced it... no surprise.

They want to open the floodgates and swam America with 3rd world folks so that they can take over. The organization's sole purpose is pushing for such immigration reform.

It would be laughable to believe that they would be honest in anything. Remember, the average IQ of these countries is less than 80. Sure there may be a few smart people running around, but why we should focus on these countries can't be justified in any form.
There are dozens of different links saying the same thing. Try google and do little research instead of mewling and complaining because Trump got caught in a lie about the value of African immigrants to this country. And stop lying about average IQs of Africans being 80. I haven't seen any tests or methodology to back that lie up and neither have you. You are just regurgitating bullshit you read to some RW media rag. BTW IQ tests scores are not immutable. You can study and take the test several times to improve your score by as much as one standard
deviation or more. But I doubt the whole of Africa has been tested...more likey a small sampling by racist whites was all that was needed to stigmatize the entire continent.

There are no such links.

Unless you mean the dozens of links detailing how the immigrants use a lot more welfare and pay a lot less taxes.

3rd world immigration is a bad deal for all parties... well, except the democrat party of course.

I am sorry if the IQ studies hurt your feelings. They explain why the countries in question are shitholes, and why we will be a shithole as well, if we import them.

Anyway, you haven't provided any reason for why we shouldn't just import say Europeans instead... (Because the obvious real motive is: votes for the democrat party and fuck whites).
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It depends who you ask. If you ask Norwegians they will tell you most of the US is a shithole. In fact a Swedish woman the other day told me that living conditions of lot of Americans is poor compared to Sweden.

I bet that the same woman also was for importing bunch of rapefugees to Sweden. Soon we will have a concrete example of the consequences of vote importation by the democrats. Sure it gets them in power temporarily, but... screw the country.
Hahaha i said how about the rape you guys suffering from on the hands of the refugees she laughed and said: America hold the world re Ord in that don't listen to FOX news , I wish you were with us lol

So her response to the rapes: don't listen (to the victims).

Indeed, plug your ears, close your eyes and start screaming: "lalalala". That's the only way the madness could make any sense. Screw the rape victims.

Maybe we should have a policy that keeps a track what the immigrants are doing and whether there are benefits to the Americans. Maybe we should not become the rape capital of the west like Sweden.
Refugees are less likely to commit a crime.
You guys were raping and killing each other before the refugees made it here. Most mass shooters are white. Refugees come here to work and make their lives better so are most of the immigrants.
You should toss a link in there if you're referencing stats. Here's one that supports your argument:
Criminal Immigrants: Their Numbers, Demographics, and Countries of Origin
  • According to an original analysis of data from the 2010 American Community Survey (ACS) conducted by the authors of this report, roughly 1.6 percent of immigrant males age 18-39 are incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of the native-born. This disparity in incarceration rates has existed for decades, as evidenced by data from the 1980, 1990, and 2000 decennial censuses. In each of those years, the incarceration rates of the native-born were anywhere from two to five times higher than that of immigrants.
  • The 2010 Census data reveals that incarceration rates among the young, less-educated Mexican, Salvadoran, and Guatemalan men who make up the bulk of the unauthorized population are significantly lower than the incarceration rate among native-born young men without a high-school diploma. In 2010, less-educated native-born men age 18-39 had an incarceration rate of 10.7 percent—more than triple the 2.8 percent rate among foreign-born Mexican men, and five times greater than the 1.7 percent rate among foreign-born Salvadoran and Guatemalan men.
You gotta get over of your fear of the unknown (immigrants)....Is immigration that's keeping america great, it's the flow of new/young/smart new blood. unlike many nations that aged and got behind. I live in LA and city is booming because of immigrants. I go to red states and mostly boring with old folks and lazy drug using youth. Get over your paranoia, being white won't be a privilege get on the working hard train and quit being an asshole.
In America, with trump as president, discrimination undermines the merit based system and reinstalls Affirmative Action for less qualified White males and women. The African immigrants are so glad to be here they don't complain too much but the Asians are getting mad about less qualified Whites getting undeserved university seats.

Although Asians average 140 points more than Whites on SAT tests, less qualified whites are taking university seats that should have gone to a more qualified Asia or African immigrant.

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.


So you are saying the data in my link is wrong???

There is no way that the data is presented even half honestly. And looking at the organization's website who produced it... no surprise.

They want to open the floodgates and swam America with 3rd world folks so that they can take over. The organization's sole purpose is pushing for such immigration reform.

It would be laughable to believe that they would be honest in anything. Remember, the average IQ of these countries is less than 80. Sure there may be a few smart people running around, but why we should focus on these countries can't be justified in any form.
There are dozens of different links saying the same thing. Try google and do little research instead of mewling and complaining because Trump got caught in a lie about the value of African immigrants to this country. And stop lying about average IQs of Africans being 80. I haven't seen any tests or methodology to back that lie up and neither have you. You are just regurgitating bullshit you read to some RW media rag. BTW IQ tests scores are not immutable. You can study and take the test several times to improve your score by as much as one standard
deviation or more. But I doubt the whole of Africa has been tested...more likey a small sampling by racist whites was all that was needed to stigmatize the entire continent.

There are no such links.

Unless you mean the dozens of links detailing how the immigrants use a lot more welfare and pay a lot less taxes.

3rd world immigration is a bad deal for all parties... well, except the democrat party of course.

I am sorry if the IQ studies hurt your feelings. They explain why the countries in question are shitholes, and why we will be a shithole as well, if we import them.

Anyway, you haven't provided any reason for why we shouldn't just import say Europeans instead... (Because the obvious real motive is: votes for the democrat party and fuck whites).
You aren't capable of supporting this racist IQ theory. Genetically speaking there are no races so what would the bases for differences in intelligence be? Furthermore Europeans in general are ideologically more left wing then Bernie Sanders. Even hard line right wing people overwhelmingly support a strong social safety net. So nearly all Europeans you would bring over would vote Democratic. Ironically you would have a better chance with Africans, they don't have 70 years of experience in a social Democracy and you may be able to play the religion card.
The most extreme libs here believe that all men are created equal and if all are given the opportunity....all will prosper.

The most extreme righties believe that certain men will never prosper. Period. And their existence limits the prosperity of everyone else.

That's the deal.

No, that’s the limitation of your programming. You are not ALLOWED to think beyond such facile partisanship.

Did you hear that?
This is funny as hell to try to backup your argument you bring up Elton Musk from South Africa?
South Africa is like Mississippi on steroids..god you ignorant and stupid
Dude that hole you are digging is just getting deeper and deeper. First off, If you are going to call somebody ignorant and stupid then you should give your post a good proof read. It isn't "Elton Musk" as you wrote, it is Elon Musk. Also, FYI, he is not the piano player that recorded the song Rocket Man and, no, that song is not about Kim Jong Un. You with me so far?

Second, WTF does "Mississippi on steroids" mean and how is South Africa similar?

Please respond...

If I have to explain to you what Mississippi on steroids means, then you obviously have no clue what South Africa or Mississippi is.
The most extreme libs here believe that all men are created equal and if all are given the opportunity....all will prosper.

The most extreme righties believe that certain men will never prosper. Period. And their existence limits the prosperity of everyone else.

That's the deal.

No, that’s the limitation of your programming. You are not ALLOWED to think beyond such facile partisanship.

Did you hear that?

I see that.
The most extreme libs here believe that all men are created equal and if all are given the opportunity....all will prosper.

The most extreme righties believe that certain men will never prosper. Period. And their existence limits the prosperity of everyone else.

That's the deal.

No, that’s the limitation of your programming. You are not ALLOWED to think beyond such facile partisanship.

Did you hear that?

I see that.

Clearly. You can't hear it.
"There was one African immigrant once who almost did not use obscene amount of welfare and tax-payer money, and who almost got a doctorate".

Great... great.

I believe, at this point it's obvious to everyone which countries we should accept immigrants from. Hate to break you to reality:


I don't know where you dug that chart up but it tells me that African immigrants are obtaining degrees and are more educated than their white counterparts and still facing discrimination in hiring.... that would account for some using welfare programs despite being among the smartest people on thelanet.

The average IQ in the nations they came from is 80. I am not aware of a single half decent invention that came out of the countries.

And yet here you are, thinking they produce the smartest in the world. Reality: they are almost as good at siphoning welfare as Mexicans.

Meanwhile, the Europeans and South Asians, who produce great innovations daily, are in your opinion worse immigration material.

The only reason why you are spinning this, is because you know the African is going to be a failure and thus a vote for democrats.
Who measured the average iQ of Africans in any nation?i'd like to see how that test was conducted. I think it is a western myth. But even if
an average of 80 is the IQ for a group of millions there are thousands who have IQs far above the 100 western standard. Those are the Black African immigrants who are excelling in our Universities.

And they doing what with this knowledge?
Answer my question first. Who measured the IQ of Africans and came up with an 80 IQ average?.. and what group were they compared to with an average of 100?

Its damn skewed you many legal immigrants coming to America from Africa? Now show me stats of the African population that have bachelor degrees ? What .05% ?

If you fucking think Mudd Hutt builders in Africa is smart where the fuck is their industry based ? Where is all the Walmarts in Africa? What are they importing here?

Tell me nimrod please tell me, where are all the imported African made cars on the road in America at, God you are stupid.
He said Haiti and Africa (both majority black) and he suggested Norway (white)...the POS is racist and this is not the first time he showed his true colors.
Sorry man, I am far from a Trump fan, but you are hearing what you want to hear with this one. Try to be a little more objective. It is class discrimination, not racism.

No one has class discrimination except in the blue tards are off the chain to think Africans have more degrees then white Americans or Asian doesn't fit in with reality fool ..
We do just to racist conservatives...just to put then in their place.

LMAO once again you moron tell me where I can get a job from all these smart Mudd hurt builders from Africa..

Where in the United States..?
I don't hire racists sorry ;p

So you discriminate?
Newark New Jersey is a shit hole in my opinion. Is that racist? My old public middle school was a shit hole. Is that racist?

People who hate Trump will see racism in virtually everything he says. Most sane people see that and understand it.

See Coyote the left focuses primarily on Trump's tweets and goofy things he says in order to deflect from his policies and accomplishments. Again...most sane people understand that.

I don't give a crap about the stupid stuff he says. I care that the economy is going great....ISIS is mostly destroyed, good judges are coming on the bench and bad regulations are being rolled back. See the difference?

The problem is - the "stupid crap he says" aligns with his actions. For example deciding to remove TPS from Haitians and El Salvadorians in this country, which pretty much fits with the "stupid crap" he was saying about "shithole countries"....and sending them back.

ISIS is mostly destroyed due to the efforts of the former administration over time - Trump basically kept to the same plan. Credit belongs to Obama and Trump together there. Bad regulations...well...some good ones are going down as well for no reason beyond "Obama made them". It makes no sense to me, but then again - I'm on the left and you're on the right :lol:

People who have been here 17 years for a temporary emergency in their home Countries need to go home. Telling them to go back after 17 years is not racist. Surely you understand that.

Again, I get that you hate Trump. But because you disagree with his policies does not make him a racist. If folks could truly argue coherently about his policies that's what they would do...but instead it's about tweets and words they don't like. :_

I'm on the fence as to whether he is racist or just offensive and leaning towards offensive jerk who is ignorant rather than racist.

But - what a president says matters. What he tweets matters. He's the president of the United States and his tweets have the implication of policy - or at the very least blur the line. And yes - good point about arguing about his policies.

Is there any point though, when you decide he just goes to far in his rhetoric? Is it all just ok it's just Trump?
The reason Trump got elected is because he talks straight. Many Americans are fed up with the political correct bureaucrats shoving an agenda down our throats instead of what's best for the country. Importing ignorant unskilled people and putting more of a burden on the American people isn't what I want. Obviously, I'm not alone. I'm all for immigrants that bring something here.

How can he be "talking straight" when he reverses course every other conversation (or tweet)?

His conversations look like an etchasketch.
Well, now you're talking about perception and personal opinion. Do you have any comment on my point above?
Then they would have no problem making it in a merit based system, would they?

In America, with trump as president, discrimination undermines the merit based system and reinstalls Affirmative Action for less qualified White males and women. The African immigrants are so glad to be here they don't complain too much but the Asians are getting mad about less qualified Whites getting undeserved university seats.

Although Asians average 140 points more than Whites on SAT tests, less qualified whites are taking university seats that should have gone to a more qualified Asia or African immigrant.

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.


So you are saying the data in my link is wrong???

There is no way that the data is presented even half honestly. And looking at the organization's website who produced it... no surprise.

They want to open the floodgates and swam America with 3rd world folks so that they can take over. The organization's sole purpose is pushing for such immigration reform.

It would be laughable to believe that they would be honest in anything. Remember, the average IQ of these countries is less than 80. Sure there may be a few smart people running around, but why we should focus on these countries can't be justified in any form.
There are dozens of different links saying the same thing. Try google and do little research instead of mewling and complaining because Trump got caught in a lie about the value of African immigrants to this country. And stop lying about average IQs of Africans being 80. I haven't seen any tests or methodology to back that lie up and neither have you. You are just regurgitating bullshit you read to some RW media rag. BTW IQ tests scores are not immutable. You can study and take the test several times to improve your score by as much as one standard
deviation or more. But I doubt the whole of Africa has been tested...more likey a small sampling by racist whites was all that was needed to stigmatize the entire continent.

The entire continent is a shit hole it's obvious to anyone.. what your trying to do is play a fantasy game that has nothing to do with reality..
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader
Well done. I hate seeing such an important word turned into mush, and used as a weapon, for pure political gain.

Unfortunately, with where we are right now, all we can do is wish. The Democrats are 100% committed to cramming PC and Identity Politics into every last damn crevice of our society; Trump is not going to stop saying sophomoric, embarrassing things; and the Trumpsters are going to keep lowering standards for the office of President. This is a shit show from one end to the other.

The best we can hope for is that one day, we'll look back and see that cooler heads finally prevailed above this madness. I sure as hell don't see it happening soon, but that hope is pretty much all I have at this point.

Awwww. How sweet.

The "both sides do it equally" theme. Perfect.

Trump = Obama. Just opposite ends.

Nailed it.
There's that "equally" lie again.

And why I no longer bother with you.

Thanks for the reminder.
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader
Well done. I hate seeing such an important word turned into mush, and used as a weapon, for pure political gain.

Unfortunately, with where we are right now, all we can do is wish. The Democrats are 100% committed to cramming PC and Identity Politics into every last damn crevice of our society; Trump is not going to stop saying sophomoric, embarrassing things; and the Trumpsters are going to keep lowering standards for the office of President. This is a shit show from one end to the other.

The best we can hope for is that one day, we'll look back and see that cooler heads finally prevailed above this madness. I sure as hell don't see it happening soon, but that hope is pretty much all I have at this point.

Awwww. How sweet.

The "both sides do it equally" theme. Perfect.

Trump = Obama. Just opposite ends.

Nailed it.
How do you draw that from what he said? There is no doubt that both sides play the same games and are at fault. It is pointless drawing comparisons over who does it worse. That is childish. If your response to a Trump critique is, well Obama did this and that, then you have lost the argument... And vice versa. That does prove anything except that you want to make excuses for wrong doing.
He's a liar. He does this all the time, he constantly plays games like this; I'm used to it.

Here's an example from back in September when he was trying this very same game:
Lone Laugher, I want to seriously and sincerely thank you for this post.

It perfectly illustrates (a) why I no longer try to communicate with you and a few other hardcore partisan ideologues here, and (b) my strongly-held theory that both the perceptions and the thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues are distorted.

You have made this accusation - that I say that the two sides are the same or equal - a few times in the past. What I have actually said - dozens and dozens of times - is that their behaviors are similar. Including the very post of mine that you quoted. And, you're invited to utilize USMB's search function when you try to deny this. So, again - no, the two ends of the spectrum are not the same. No, they are not equal. Their behaviors, however, are similar.

Now, I can imagine that in your mind, I have many times said that the two sides are the same or equal, and I'm afraid there's simply nothing I can do about the distortions in your perceptions. Goodness knows what other things you have imagined that I have said, and I'm happy to not know.

So, thanks again. Keep trying to get my attention, keep listening to the distorted perceptions that your mind is producing. And again, I'm under zero (0) obligation to either enable or participate in your behaviors.

Source: Posts 21, 33, et al:, Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader
Well done. I hate seeing such an important word turned into mush, and used as a weapon, for pure political gain.

Unfortunately, with where we are right now, all we can do is wish. The Democrats are 100% committed to cramming PC and Identity Politics into every last damn crevice of our society; Trump is not going to stop saying sophomoric, embarrassing things; and the Trumpsters are going to keep lowering standards for the office of President. This is a shit show from one end to the other.

The best we can hope for is that one day, we'll look back and see that cooler heads finally prevailed above this madness. I sure as hell don't see it happening soon, but that hope is pretty much all I have at this point.

Awwww. How sweet.

The "both sides do it equally" theme. Perfect.

Trump = Obama. Just opposite ends.

Nailed it.
How do you draw that from what he said? There is no doubt that both sides play the same games and are at fault. It is pointless drawing comparisons over who does it worse. That is childish. If your response to a Trump critique is, well Obama did this and that, then you have lost the argument... And vice versa. That does prove anything except that you want to make excuses for wrong doing.
He's a liar. He does this all the time, he constantly plays games like this; I'm used to it.

Here's an example from back in September when he was trying this:
Lone Laugher, I want to seriously and sincerely thank you for this post.

It perfectly illustrates (a) why I no longer try to communicate with you and a few other hardcore partisan ideologues here, and (b) my strongly-held theory that both the perceptions and the thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues are distorted.

You have made this accusation - that I say that the two sides are the same or equal - a few times in the past. What I have actually said - dozens and dozens of times - is that their behaviors are similar. Including the very post of mine that you quoted. And, you're invited to utilize USMB's search function when you try to deny this. So, again - no, the two ends of the spectrum are not the same. No, they are not equal. Their behaviors, however, are similar.

Now, I can imagine that in your mind, I have many times said that the two sides are the same or equal, and I'm afraid there's simply nothing I can do about the distortions in your perceptions. Goodness knows what other things you have imagined that I have said, and I'm happy to not know.

So, thanks again. Keep trying to get my attention, keep listening to the distorted perceptions that your mind is producing. And again, I'm under zero (0) obligation to either enable or participate in your behaviors.

Source: Post 33, Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Sorry Mac. You constantly blame "both ends" without making the necessary distinction.. You then get pissy when someone tells you that you blame both ends without
making the necessary distinction.

Why not end the confusion here and now.

Which side is MORE TO BLAME for the current gridlock in Washington? Which side is more likely to compromise? Which side is being strangled by a small
number of hardliners on the fringe and consistently fails to heed the will of their constituents for fear of being challenged by a primary opponent with big $$ backing?

Answer honestly and then make the distinction in future posts and you'll not be burdened with having to defend yourself
for this bullshit. would be awesome if you'd support your claim that I lie. That is what a man would do.
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader
Well done. I hate seeing such an important word turned into mush, and used as a weapon, for pure political gain.

Unfortunately, with where we are right now, all we can do is wish. The Democrats are 100% committed to cramming PC and Identity Politics into every last damn crevice of our society; Trump is not going to stop saying sophomoric, embarrassing things; and the Trumpsters are going to keep lowering standards for the office of President. This is a shit show from one end to the other.

The best we can hope for is that one day, we'll look back and see that cooler heads finally prevailed above this madness. I sure as hell don't see it happening soon, but that hope is pretty much all I have at this point.

Awwww. How sweet.

The "both sides do it equally" theme. Perfect.

Trump = Obama. Just opposite ends.

Nailed it.
How do you draw that from what he said? There is no doubt that both sides play the same games and are at fault. It is pointless drawing comparisons over who does it worse. That is childish. If your response to a Trump critique is, well Obama did this and that, then you have lost the argument... And vice versa. That does prove anything except that you want to make excuses for wrong doing.
He's a liar. He does this all the time, he constantly plays games like this; I'm used to it.

Here's an example from back in September when he was trying this:
Lone Laugher, I want to seriously and sincerely thank you for this post.

It perfectly illustrates (a) why I no longer try to communicate with you and a few other hardcore partisan ideologues here, and (b) my strongly-held theory that both the perceptions and the thought processes of hardcore partisan ideologues are distorted.

You have made this accusation - that I say that the two sides are the same or equal - a few times in the past. What I have actually said - dozens and dozens of times - is that their behaviors are similar. Including the very post of mine that you quoted. And, you're invited to utilize USMB's search function when you try to deny this. So, again - no, the two ends of the spectrum are not the same. No, they are not equal. Their behaviors, however, are similar.

Now, I can imagine that in your mind, I have many times said that the two sides are the same or equal, and I'm afraid there's simply nothing I can do about the distortions in your perceptions. Goodness knows what other things you have imagined that I have said, and I'm happy to not know.

So, thanks again. Keep trying to get my attention, keep listening to the distorted perceptions that your mind is producing. And again, I'm under zero (0) obligation to either enable or participate in your behaviors.

Source: Post 33, Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Sorry Mac. You constantly blame "both ends" without making the necessary distinction.. You then get pissy when someone tells you that you blame both ends without
making the necessary distinction.

Why not end the confusion here and now.

Which side is MORE TO BLAME for the current gridlock in Washington? Which side is more likely to compromise? Which side is being strangled by a small
number of hardliners on the fringe and consistently fails to heed the will of their constituents for fear of being challenged by a primary opponent with big $$ backing?

Answer honestly and then make the distinction in future posts and you'll not be burdened with having to defend yourself
for this bullshit. would be awesome if you'd support your claim that I lie. That is what a man would do.
I just laid out, clearly, why I no longer bother trying to communicate with you. And yet you persist. You just don't stop. After years of this. You're like a child.

I don't know what you want from me in the big picture, why you keep doing this, but I'm under no obligation to enable your behaviors.

Take whatever you want from this.

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