Dems hate voter suppression but want to deprive entire states of their right to vote via the compact

More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
Its only voter suppression when its DEMOCRATS and their agenda people dont vote for and they know best how they should vote by giving the votes to LA and NY...

Exactly...we know how they’s just so odd that they can’t see their twisted bullshit.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”

Why? Because the black voters are oppressed? The Democrats are the ones that are oppressed. They manipulate the blacks into think they can get FREE stuff!! But yet, when it comes to their own neighborhoods, they don't want to "fix it".

The Democrats should fear Black Loyalty.
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia

It is not suppressing the entire state, some of the state will have voted for the winner of the popular vote.

I would say that our current system of winner take all for EC votes does just as much to suppress votes. Think about it, in your state your vote and that of 4.4 million other people did not count at all towards your states EV votes.
It's unlikely this will ever happen but if it did, the odds are good it would backfire.
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia

Religious fervor of the "true believer" can be difficult to grasp unless one has experienced it firsthand. The power(s) that be behind the anti-Trump, anti-America push are indeed religious fundamentalist zealots, make no mistake. They will never "fight" fair, particularly not if they sense a glimmer of hope of their opposition (the rest of us) winning elections or countering their transformation of America. I can't get why people still think our laws mean anything to these fanatics. They believe they are crusading against fascist evil, meaning victory is justifiable by any means.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”

Why? Because the black voters are oppressed? The Democrats are the ones that are oppressed. They manipulate the blacks into think they can get FREE stuff!! But yet, when it comes to their own neighborhoods, they don't want to "fix it".

The Democrats should fear Black Loyalty.
Trump has over 42% of the black vote TODAY...If he keeps this economy going that number and the numbers of others like Latinos will continue to rise. That is why every single Dem is screaming at the top of their lungs the word "racist" about everything Trump does. Dems are losing their hold on these minorities because Trump is giving them results. They are scared shitless!
Trump has over 42% of the black vote TODAY...If he keeps this economy going that number and the number of other like Latinos will continue to rise. That is why every single Dem is screaming at the top of their lungs the word "racist" about everything Trump does. Dems are losing their hold on these minorities because Trump is giving them results. They are scared shitless!

It's the Democrats are the ones who are suppressing the black voters.

The compact does absolutely nothing to suppress a states vote. What an asinine assertion.
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
What is really interesting, Our Constitution forbids the giving away of votes to another state. They must abide by the voters wishes of the state in which they reside.

This is unconstitutional and will be struck down in the states already voting to do this. Right now 5 states have lawsuits challenging these laws at the state level. Bet on a quick ride to SCOTUS in the next few months.

The compact does absolutely nothing to suppress a states vote. What an asinine assertion.
OK Moron.. the states vote for the opposing candidate but your state has adopted the "popular" vote in direct conflict with the US Constitution and they award their votes to the other candidate which your state did not vote for.

What do you call this?

You really are a religious fanatic.
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia

It is not suppressing the entire state, some of the state will have voted for the winner of the popular vote.

I would say that our current system of winner take all for EC votes does just as much to suppress votes. Think about it, in your state your vote and that of 4.4 million other people did not count at all towards your states EV votes.
The winner take all system is garbage in the extreme. The problem is that without it the state loses the chance to attract candidates money because the gains for them are to great in those states. Rather than fighting for the scraps of one state they can take all the votes from a WTA state. It is also rather permanent because it does not behoove the controlling party to relinquish that control for a more reasonable system.

It is the same problem with the compact - I don't think it will ever get enough states to get to the 270 mark, and maintain those states as well, to actually kick in. I don't really see a real way out of the current WTA system to be honest.
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
What is really interesting, Our Constitution forbids the giving away of votes to another state. They must abide by the voters wishes of the state in which they reside.

This is unconstitutional and will be struck down in the states already voting to do this. Right now 5 states have lawsuits challenging these laws at the state level. Bet on a quick ride to SCOTUS in the next few months.
Yep... this shit will never fly. But when did the corrupt demtrash ever let a little thing like the CONSTITUTION stand in their way?
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia

It is not suppressing the entire state, some of the state will have voted for the winner of the popular vote.

I would say that our current system of winner take all for EC votes does just as much to suppress votes. Think about it, in your state your vote and that of 4.4 million other people did not count at all towards your states EV votes.
The winner take all system is garbage in the extreme. The problem is that without it the state loses the chance to attract candidates money because the gains for them are to great in those states. Rather than fighting for the scraps of one state they can take all the votes from a WTA state. It is also rather permanent because it does not behoove the controlling party to relinquish that control for a more reasonable system.

It is the same problem with the compact - I don't think it will ever get enough states to get to the 270 mark, and maintain those states as well, to actually kick in. I don't really see a real way out of the current WTA system to be honest.

Winner takes all is the way our founding fathers gave states equal power in presidential elections, so that big cities can not run roughshod over the rest of the country. Deal with it!
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
Imagine if Trump wins the popular vote. That would mean California would have to give all their electoral votes to him.

Wouldn't that be hilarious? :lol:
Yes, yes it would.

What would be most interesting though is to see how the candidates actually deal with it as it would completely erase the current strategies that presidential politicians use. There is no playbook for gaining the popular vote in the US. It would upend everything that the people running these campaigns know.
Wouldn't the effects of the pact nullify all states votes and simply put the presidency up to a vote by the country as a whole?

Would that significantly increase voter turnout?

Would that be a bad thing for your party?
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia

It is not suppressing the entire state, some of the state will have voted for the winner of the popular vote.

I would say that our current system of winner take all for EC votes does just as much to suppress votes. Think about it, in your state your vote and that of 4.4 million other people did not count at all towards your states EV votes.
The winner take all system is garbage in the extreme. The problem is that without it the state loses the chance to attract candidates money because the gains for them are to great in those states. Rather than fighting for the scraps of one state they can take all the votes from a WTA state. It is also rather permanent because it does not behoove the controlling party to relinquish that control for a more reasonable system.

It is the same problem with the compact - I don't think it will ever get enough states to get to the 270 mark, and maintain those states as well, to actually kick in. I don't really see a real way out of the current WTA system to be honest.

Winner takes all is the way our founding fathers gave states equal power in presidential elections, so that big cities can not run roughshod over the rest of the country. Deal with it!
This is actually not true.

You need to read a little history on the EC. WTA was set up by the STATES, not the founders in the constitution.

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