Dems hate voter suppression but want to deprive entire states of their right to vote via the compact

More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
Lack of Voter ID laws is Voter Suppression via Voting Fraud.
What voter fraud? Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem. Ask the task force that Trump put together after the election and then quietly dissolved when they found nothing.
Estimated that 5 Million Illegal Aliens voted in the last election do to Motor Voter Registration in states where Illegal Aliens are Illegally give Drivers Licenses by Democrat Lead Governments.
The compact does absolutely nothing to suppress a states vote. What an asinine assertion.

Since when?
Because the state's voters directly, or through the state legislators they elect, determine how their state's EV's are allocated. So, assuming a state votes popularly for a candidate who doesn't win the national popular vote, the citizens of that state are free to change the way it's EVs are counted in future elections. Other states cannot have any power over how the voters of any state decide to count it's votes.
A politician would have to campaign very differently if the presidency was determined by popular vote. Presidential candidates would completely ignore the rural states.

So this compact violates the intention of the electoral college, and I therefore do not believe the Supreme Court would abide it.

This is an attempt to circumvent the EC without a constitutional amendment.
Well all supreme courts are political, and this would disadvantage republicans, so I agree the sup ct would be inclined to strike it down

…. although Texas and Fla are hardly small states, and RI Del Conn DC Verm NH and Haw all are. So, republican whining about this being an "urban v. rural issus" is bullshit.

And factually, there simply was not the amount of population disparity between large and small colonies that there is between Calif and say … wyo. So I disagree factually that this is some end run around the framers intent. The framers didn't want charlatans and we got one.

Literally speaking, the compact does not alter the const's provision for state legislatures, who are decided by popular votes in states, to determine their electors. So literally I don't think there's any const issue, and I think most "scholars" agree.
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
Lack of Voter ID laws is Voter Suppression via Voting Fraud.
Only an idiot who actually bleevs Voter ID stops voter fraud would say something that stupid.
Only an idiot who thinks the dead and others should vote who are not legal citizens of the US would believe like you do.. Voter fraud is your ticket to total power and dominance...
The compact does absolutely nothing to suppress a states vote. What an asinine assertion.

Since when?
Because the state's voters directly, or through the state legislators they elect, determine how their state's EV's are allocated. So, assuming a state votes popularly for a candidate who doesn't win the national popular vote, the citizens of that state are free to change the way it's EVs are counted in future elections. Other states cannot have any power over how the voters of any state decide to count it's votes.
A politician would have to campaign very differently if the presidency was determined by popular vote. Presidential candidates would completely ignore the rural states.

So this compact violates the intention of the electoral college, and I therefore do not believe the Supreme Court would abide it.

This is an attempt to circumvent the EC without a constitutional amendment.
Well all supreme courts are political, and this would disadvantage republicans, so I agree the sup ct would be inclined to strike it down

…. although Texas and Fla are hardly small states, and RI Del Conn DC Verm NH and Haw all are. So, republican whining about this being an "urban v. rural issus" is bullshit.

And factually, there simply was not the amount of population disparity between large and small colonies that there is between Calif and say … wyo. So I disagree factually that this is some end run around the framers intent. The framers didn't want charlatans and we got one.

Literally speaking, the compact does not alter the const's provision for state legislatures, who are decided by popular votes in states, to determine their electors. So literally I don't think there's any const issue, and I think most "scholars" agree.
Ignorance must be bliss for you.. Simply unbelievable.....
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
Lack of Voter ID laws is Voter Suppression via Voting Fraud.
Only an idiot who actually bleevs Voter ID stops voter fraud would say something that stupid.
So I can just go to your bank and say, I am you and take out the 50 cents you have in your piggy bank?
Show me an ACTUAL case of fraud, and I will show you it could not be stopped by Voter ID.

If you were stupid enough to vote in my name, that fraud would be exposed the moment I showed up to vote, fool. That's why ACTUAL in-person voter fraud has always been as rare as hen's teeth.
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia

It is not suppressing the entire state, some of the state will have voted for the winner of the popular vote.

I would say that our current system of winner take all for EC votes does just as much to suppress votes. Think about it, in your state your vote and that of 4.4 million other people did not count at all towards your states EV votes.
The way it is now the sizes of CA, TX, FL, & NY would be tiny compared to places like Wyoming so the power of their votes are proportionally much smaller. Right now rural areas have far more influence than their numbers would provide. The current system is just as unfair as a no-EC system, it is just unfair to different groups.
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
Lack of Voter ID laws is Voter Suppression via Voting Fraud.
Only an idiot who actually bleevs Voter ID stops voter fraud would say something that stupid.
Only an idiot who thinks the dead and others should vote who are not legal citizens of the US would believe like you do.. Voter fraud is your ticket to total power and dominance...
It is a very simple matter to ensure dead people are removed from the voter rolls. Without "Voter ID" being necessary.
The current system is just as unfair as a no-EC system, it is just unfair to different groups.
To make this argument, you would have to believe it is unfair for every state to have 2 senators regardless of their population.

So are you SURE you want to make this argument?
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
Lack of Voter ID laws is Voter Suppression via Voting Fraud.
What voter fraud? Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem. Ask the task force that Trump put together after the election and then quietly dissolved when they found nothing.
Estimated that 5 Million Illegal Aliens voted in the last election do to Motor Voter Registration in states where Illegal Aliens are Illegally give Drivers Licenses by Democrat Lead Governments.
Who estimated? You?
Our Founders did not want America to be a democracy. They rightly saw we needed to be a republic.

Anyone who sees how easily Trump manipulates the mob should understand why. Instinctively.
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
Lack of Voter ID laws is Voter Suppression via Voting Fraud.
What voter fraud? Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem. Ask the task force that Trump put together after the election and then quietly dissolved when they found nothing.
Estimated that 5 Million Illegal Aliens voted in the last election do to Motor Voter Registration in states where Illegal Aliens are Illegally give Drivers Licenses by Democrat Lead Governments.
Who estimated? You?
It's a made up figure the Rube Herd actually bleevs without a shred of evidence.
The current system is just as unfair as a no-EC system, it is just unfair to different groups.
To make this argument, you would have to believe it is unfair for every state to have 2 senators regardless of their population.

So are you SURE you want to make this argument?
Do you want to defend the current state of the Congress? Anyway, the Senators powers are offset in the House by numbers, there is no such balance in the EC and why we keep getting minority presidents.
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia

It is not suppressing the entire state, some of the state will have voted for the winner of the popular vote.

I would say that our current system of winner take all for EC votes does just as much to suppress votes. Think about it, in your state your vote and that of 4.4 million other people did not count at all towards your states EV votes.
The way it is now the sizes of CA, TX, FL, & NY would be tiny compared to places like Wyoming so the power of their votes are proportionally much smaller. Right now rural areas have far more influence than their numbers would provide. The current system is just as unfair as a no-EC system, it is just unfair to different groups.
Like the old saying says don’t fix what’s not broken
Only an idiot who thinks the dead and others should vote who are not legal citizens of the US would believe like you do.. Voter fraud is your ticket to total power and dominance...

Democrats attempting to make some very thinly veneered argument that they’d neverwant illegal aliens to vote.

Yet they usually make this argument in the midst of advocating for either an open border, illegals to be given some “modest amount” of domestic services/resources (education/healthcare,) or the issuance of a driver’s license.

That last idea, I was told off the record by a very “moderate” and “common sense” Republican, only concerns him because of the worry that it might lead to a non-citizen being able to vote.

Here’s how it worked:

  1. Last week the Democratic-controlled Assembly and Senate passed and the Democratic Governor signed a bill finally granting drivers’ licenses to illegals. They had attempted to pass this for the last eight years but finally having the numbers in both chambers. PLUS with the Governor’s signature, they were able to slam it through.
  2. Three days later they try to pass legislation that would automatically register those persons obtaining licenses to be registered to vote.
  3. The language in the bill added an “opt out” box for persons not legally residing in the country to voluntarily check.
  4. Days after receiving the registration the state voter registration office would send notice to the newly registered voter of their need to register as a member of a party in order to be eligible to vote in primary elections.
  5. In the event that the now registered voter failed to opt-out voluntarily, and in fact did cast registered but illegal votes, language in the bill gave legal cover by stating zero penalties would be leveled for such action.
The current system is just as unfair as a no-EC system, it is just unfair to different groups.
To make this argument, you would have to believe it is unfair for every state to have 2 senators regardless of their population.

So are you SURE you want to make this argument?
Do you want to defend the current state of the Congress? Anyway, the Senators powers are offset in the House by numbers, there is no such balance in the EC and why we keep getting minority presidents.
There have been only two "minority presidents" in the last 100 years. We don't "keep getting" presidents who have lost the popular vote.

Our system is working just fine.

As for the "current state of the Congress", any student of our history knows we have had much, much worse periods.
More bizarro world shit from Democrats.
“Republicans are assholes for suppressing black voters...but we think it’s okay to suppress an entire state”
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia
Lack of Voter ID laws is Voter Suppression via Voting Fraud.
What voter fraud? Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem. Ask the task force that Trump put together after the election and then quietly dissolved when they found nothing.
Estimated that 5 Million Illegal Aliens voted in the last election do to Motor Voter Registration in states where Illegal Aliens are Illegally give Drivers Licenses by Democrat Lead Governments.
Who estimated? You?
It's a made up figure the Rube Herd actually bleevs without a shred of evidence.
Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud

The commission met just twice and has not issued a report.
I went to 270 to win and created a blank map, and just counted the rural states - West and South and old civil war border - that ALWAYS vote gop, and came up with 128 EV. And that doesn't count Tex, Fla, NC, Ohio, Ind, Iowa, or Virg.
The current system is just as unfair as a no-EC system, it is just unfair to different groups.
To make this argument, you would have to believe it is unfair for every state to have 2 senators regardless of their population.

So are you SURE you want to make this argument?
Do you want to defend the current state of the Congress? Anyway, the Senators powers are offset in the House by numbers, there is no such balance in the EC and why we keep getting minority presidents.
There have been only two "minority presidents" in the last 100 years. We don't "keep getting" presidents who have lost the popular vote.

Our system is working just fine.

As for the "current state of the Congress", any student of our history knows we have had much, much worse periods.
Two for Five now ….

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