Dems Have No Arguments Left For Opposing Border Security


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Dems Have No Arguments Left For Opposing Border Security
Donald Trump is still a political newcomer, but he’s making experienced D.C. insiders like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi look like amateurs.
At a press briefing Thursday afternoon, President Trump deftly challenged Democrats to back up their repeated claims that they support border security by having some of the people responsible for protecting our country’s borders explain just what they need from Congress.... Democrats have steadfastly refused to compromise with the President over his demand for $5 billion to fund construction of a wall along our southern border, insisting all the while that their intransigence is not because they secretly support illegal immigration, but merely because they believe a border wall would be “ineffective.”... That was always a rather dubious explanation — Democrats, after all, aren’t exactly known for their frugality.... One thing that the Border Patrol agents at President Trump’s press briefing made perfectly clear was that it is impossible to achieve true border security without a wall. They weren’t just offering assurances that a wall would be effective; they were saying that a wall is vital.... while President Trump has enjoyed great popular support for his position and has diligently solicited input from border security experts, Schumer and the Democrats have done nothing but play politics with our national security. They’ve incessentantly chanted the mantra that this is the “Trump shutdown,” banking on their outdated assumption that political pressure will always force Republicans to cave in when it comes to a government shutdown, but they’ve offered absolutely no constructive proposals for achieving the border security they profess to desire.... In a press briefing lasting less than 10 minutes, Donald Trump shattered long-held misconceptions about the political calculus of government shutdowns while exposing the Democrats’ utter refusal to take the necessary steps to secure our borders.... Not bad for a guy who only entered the political arena three years ago.

Remember that it was the duo of Barry & Hillary who proudly announced they were leaving white voters behind, and attacked us with the "bitter clingers" and "Deplorables" nonsense while the rest of the conspiratorial Left happily jumped on board the band wagon.
The hard Left core of the Democratic Socialists of America are Marxist Globalists, indifferent to American culture sovereignty and are ideologically opposed to the very concept of border security. Trump must make the American people understand the real reason the Democrats favor open borders.
Their obsession with importing welfare recipients to outvote working people knows no bounds. It simply shows that the DSA Left doesn't care about the costs of illegal immigration or following our laws no matter how much damage illegals do. Their giving aid and comfort to our enemies amounts to treason.
We have failed to secure the border, as Democrats agreed too in 1986 by providing amnesty. The costs of illegals are north of 150 billion a year, federal prison are filled by of 25 % illegals far beyond their proportion in the general population. VIsa overstays are a function of America abandoning any pretense of caring, in fact rewarding illegals at every turn. You can vote in Spanish, get a drivers license in Spanish, every public aid and government service is offered in Spanish. Sanctuary cities and states are advocating illegals voting, somewhat redundant since 5 million already do. Factor in anchor babies and chain migration and anyone looking from the outside sees being an illegal in America is all reward and no risk.
DSA Leftists no longer fool Americans so they have to import low IQ, low skilled people who are easily taken in by their socialist rhetoric.
The DSA Leftists are all about subverting the electoral process to bring themselves into power and keep power - the will of the US citizen be damned. I believe that right now the single biggest threat to the United States, by a significant margin, is the Democratic party and their lust for power and control. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Muslims, Climate, ISIS...nothing even begins to compare to the danger posed by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists Democrats within. Joe McCarthy was right.

"Here’s everything you need to know about RINOs and Democrats, they call working Americans who pay taxes “Deplorables” and illegal aliens on welfare Dreamers."
~~ Dan Bongino..​
The OP sets up the 2020 election debate very well. The MSM and Hollywood may not understand middle America, but Trump does, and we'll see how it all plays out in the next 2 years.
The OP sets up the 2020 election debate very well. The MSM and Hollywood may not understand middle America, but Trump does, and we'll see how it all plays out in the next 2 years.
Everyone understands flyover country. Only one side will forsake the nation to make those backwards inbreds feel a little better about their failures.
Identity politics...its all the urban plantations have...good luck asking voters to support the progressive agenda items.
Don't forget to keep up the MSM fake news and fake polls too:

1. Open borders
2. Sanctuary cities
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE
6. Promote Globalism
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and delivery systems
11. Tax corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges deny any speakers except liberals and indoctrinate kids to be lifelong liberals or flunk out
20. The dems "Central Committee" appoint super-delegates to vote and subvert regular voters in primaries
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and published the phony Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the aclu, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger. Stop and frisk saved lives, democrat Chicago is a war zone
29. Hire bimbos to swear that they were sexually assaulted by the GOP candidates.
30. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
31. Colleges only hire liberal professors, and promote only the Leftist perspective, conservatism is not allowed on campus.
32. Democrats refuse to provide any funding for the wall, which DHS says is desperately needed.
33. Democrats want to give $billions to Mexico and Central America, but won't help USA citizens living in tent cities, or fund the wall to protect jobs & wages
Dems Have No Arguments Left For Opposing Border Security
Donald Trump is still a political newcomer, but he’s making experienced D.C. insiders like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi look like amateurs.
At a press briefing Thursday afternoon, President Trump deftly challenged Democrats to back up their repeated claims that they support border security by having some of the people responsible for protecting our country’s borders explain just what they need from Congress.... Democrats have steadfastly refused to compromise with the President over his demand for $5 billion to fund construction of a wall along our southern border, insisting all the while that their intransigence is not because they secretly support illegal immigration, but merely because they believe a border wall would be “ineffective.”... That was always a rather dubious explanation — Democrats, after all, aren’t exactly known for their frugality.... One thing that the Border Patrol agents at President Trump’s press briefing made perfectly clear was that it is impossible to achieve true border security without a wall. They weren’t just offering assurances that a wall would be effective; they were saying that a wall is vital.... while President Trump has enjoyed great popular support for his position and has diligently solicited input from border security experts, Schumer and the Democrats have done nothing but play politics with our national security. They’ve incessentantly chanted the mantra that this is the “Trump shutdown,” banking on their outdated assumption that political pressure will always force Republicans to cave in when it comes to a government shutdown, but they’ve offered absolutely no constructive proposals for achieving the border security they profess to desire.... In a press briefing lasting less than 10 minutes, Donald Trump shattered long-held misconceptions about the political calculus of government shutdowns while exposing the Democrats’ utter refusal to take the necessary steps to secure our borders.... Not bad for a guy who only entered the political arena three years ago.

Remember that it was the duo of Barry & Hillary who proudly announced they were leaving white voters behind, and attacked us with the "bitter clingers" and "Deplorables" nonsense while the rest of the conspiratorial Left happily jumped on board the band wagon.
The hard Left core of the Democratic Socialists of America are Marxist Globalists, indifferent to American culture sovereignty and are ideologically opposed to the very concept of border security. Trump must make the American people understand the real reason the Democrats favor open borders.
Their obsession with importing welfare recipients to outvote working people knows no bounds. It simply shows that the DSA Left doesn't care about the costs of illegal immigration or following our laws no matter how much damage illegals do. Their giving aid and comfort to our enemies amounts to treason.
We have failed to secure the border, as Democrats agreed too in 1986 by providing amnesty. The costs of illegals are north of 150 billion a year, federal prison are filled by of 25 % illegals far beyond their proportion in the general population. VIsa overstays are a function of America abandoning any pretense of caring, in fact rewarding illegals at every turn. You can vote in Spanish, get a drivers license in Spanish, every public aid and government service is offered in Spanish. Sanctuary cities and states are advocating illegals voting, somewhat redundant since 5 million already do. Factor in anchor babies and chain migration and anyone looking from the outside sees being an illegal in America is all reward and no risk.
DSA Leftists no longer fool Americans so they have to import low IQ, low skilled people who are easily taken in by their socialist rhetoric.
The DSA Leftists are all about subverting the electoral process to bring themselves into power and keep power - the will of the US citizen be damned. I believe that right now the single biggest threat to the United States, by a significant margin, is the Democratic party and their lust for power and control. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Muslims, Climate, ISIS...nothing even begins to compare to the danger posed by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists Democrats within. Joe McCarthy was right.

"Here’s everything you need to know about RINOs and Democrats, they call working Americans who pay taxes “Deplorables” and illegal aliens on welfare Dreamers."
~~ Dan Bongino..​
Democrats have steadfastly refused to compromise with the President over his demand for $5 billion to fund construction of a wall along our southern border

This deal was 25 billion for the wall in exchange for DACA Trump refused. So who exactly is against compromising?

One thing that the Border Patrol agents at President Trump’s press briefing made perfectly clear was that it is impossible to achieve true border security without a wall.
So a couple of guys rustled up for a show briefing equals facts? No stats, maps or actual data... Just 3 guys.....? Really?
while President Trump has enjoyed great popular support for his position and has diligently solicited input from border security experts,
25 percent agrees with him shutting down the government over this. So what popular support?More Americans blame Trump for government shutdown: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters
They’ve incessentantly chanted the mantra that this is the “Trump shutdown,”

Who did what now? Minute 10.30.
will always force Republicans to cave in when it comes to a government shutdown
Way I see it it's the Democrats who give in. They shouldn't now.
Dems Have No Arguments Left For Opposing Border Security
Donald Trump is still a political newcomer, but he’s making experienced D.C. insiders like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi look like amateurs.
At a press briefing Thursday afternoon, President Trump deftly challenged Democrats to back up their repeated claims that they support border security by having some of the people responsible for protecting our country’s borders explain just what they need from Congress.... Democrats have steadfastly refused to compromise with the President over his demand for $5 billion to fund construction of a wall along our southern border, insisting all the while that their intransigence is not because they secretly support illegal immigration, but merely because they believe a border wall would be “ineffective.”... That was always a rather dubious explanation — Democrats, after all, aren’t exactly known for their frugality.... One thing that the Border Patrol agents at President Trump’s press briefing made perfectly clear was that it is impossible to achieve true border security without a wall. They weren’t just offering assurances that a wall would be effective; they were saying that a wall is vital.... while President Trump has enjoyed great popular support for his position and has diligently solicited input from border security experts, Schumer and the Democrats have done nothing but play politics with our national security. They’ve incessentantly chanted the mantra that this is the “Trump shutdown,” banking on their outdated assumption that political pressure will always force Republicans to cave in when it comes to a government shutdown, but they’ve offered absolutely no constructive proposals for achieving the border security they profess to desire.... In a press briefing lasting less than 10 minutes, Donald Trump shattered long-held misconceptions about the political calculus of government shutdowns while exposing the Democrats’ utter refusal to take the necessary steps to secure our borders.... Not bad for a guy who only entered the political arena three years ago.

Remember that it was the duo of Barry & Hillary who proudly announced they were leaving white voters behind, and attacked us with the "bitter clingers" and "Deplorables" nonsense while the rest of the conspiratorial Left happily jumped on board the band wagon.
The hard Left core of the Democratic Socialists of America are Marxist Globalists, indifferent to American culture sovereignty and are ideologically opposed to the very concept of border security. Trump must make the American people understand the real reason the Democrats favor open borders.
Their obsession with importing welfare recipients to outvote working people knows no bounds. It simply shows that the DSA Left doesn't care about the costs of illegal immigration or following our laws no matter how much damage illegals do. Their giving aid and comfort to our enemies amounts to treason.
We have failed to secure the border, as Democrats agreed too in 1986 by providing amnesty. The costs of illegals are north of 150 billion a year, federal prison are filled by of 25 % illegals far beyond their proportion in the general population. VIsa overstays are a function of America abandoning any pretense of caring, in fact rewarding illegals at every turn. You can vote in Spanish, get a drivers license in Spanish, every public aid and government service is offered in Spanish. Sanctuary cities and states are advocating illegals voting, somewhat redundant since 5 million already do. Factor in anchor babies and chain migration and anyone looking from the outside sees being an illegal in America is all reward and no risk.
DSA Leftists no longer fool Americans so they have to import low IQ, low skilled people who are easily taken in by their socialist rhetoric.
The DSA Leftists are all about subverting the electoral process to bring themselves into power and keep power - the will of the US citizen be damned. I believe that right now the single biggest threat to the United States, by a significant margin, is the Democratic party and their lust for power and control. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Muslims, Climate, ISIS...nothing even begins to compare to the danger posed by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists Democrats within. Joe McCarthy was right.

"Here’s everything you need to know about RINOs and Democrats, they call working Americans who pay taxes “Deplorables” and illegal aliens on welfare Dreamers."
~~ Dan Bongino..​
Democrats have steadfastly refused to compromise with the President over his demand for $5 billion to fund construction of a wall along our southern border

This deal was 25 billion for the wall in exchange for DACA Trump refused. So who exactly is against compromising?

One thing that the Border Patrol agents at President Trump’s press briefing made perfectly clear was that it is impossible to achieve true border security without a wall.
So a couple of guys rustled up for a show briefing equals facts? No stats, maps or actual data... Just 3 guys.....? Really?
while President Trump has enjoyed great popular support for his position and has diligently solicited input from border security experts,
25 percent agrees with him shutting down the government over this. So what popular support?More Americans blame Trump for government shutdown: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters
They’ve incessentantly chanted the mantra that this is the “Trump shutdown,”

Who did what now? Minute 10.30.
will always force Republicans to cave in when it comes to a government shutdown
Way I see it it's the Democrats who give in. They shouldn't now.

Even if DJT agreed to the Dem's demand of DACA and everything the wanted, Dems would not allow a wall to be built. See their renege to Reagan..... and the $50 billion of 2006 destroyed by Obama. Where did that money go?
You confuse a border wall with border security.

Why didn’t Trump push this last year ? At the height of his power?
Dems Have No Arguments Left For Opposing Border Security

No problem, Dem's and the fake news media will just lie.
That will not work. The financial and demographic trends are against them:

The Japanize model of rapid development is catching with China and growth potential is vanishing.

SALT is catching up with the leftwing states and a John Galt movement is happening.

Europe is ditching the D model and Trump lite regimes are taking power.
without border security, my friends, every town is a border town and every state a border state

And these gangs and drug traffickers, human traffickers, sex traffickers are coming to a community near you, and they’re all across our country, and people know that, and law enforcement knows that. This is why you have our Border Patrol and law enforcement saying secure that border. We need a wall. We need to have a barrier because that will help keep people from coming in. It will serve as a way to stop the traffickers.
Identity politics...its all the urban plantations have...good luck asking voters to support the progressive agenda items.
Don't forget to keep up the MSM fake news and fake polls too:

1. Open borders
2. Sanctuary cities
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE
6. Promote Globalism
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and delivery systems
11. Tax corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges deny any speakers except liberals and indoctrinate kids to be lifelong liberals or flunk out
20. The dems "Central Committee" appoint super-delegates to vote and subvert regular voters in primaries
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and published the phony Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the aclu, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger. Stop and frisk saved lives, democrat Chicago is a war zone
29. Hire bimbos to swear that they were sexually assaulted by the GOP candidates.
30. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
31. Colleges only hire liberal professors, and promote only the Leftist perspective, conservatism is not allowed on campus.
32. Democrats refuse to provide any funding for the wall, which DHS says is desperately needed.
33. Democrats want to give $billions to Mexico and Central America, but won't help USA citizens living in tent cities, or fund the wall to protect jobs & wages


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