Dem's Having A Cow!,20 Million People Are Going To Die Soon After Obama-Care Repeal.Oh Nooo !!!

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:boohoo: :crybaby: :dig: Like Mr. Bill said 142 Times,,,Uh Uh Uh,,,,Oh Nooooo!!!:hellno:

So did anyone see some of the arguments over defunding Obama-Care? {was it last night}? Apparently at least Bernie Sanders claimed that everyone is going to die after they repeal Obama-Care. Yah,? Really?, and not one veteran has died waiting for their free health care? Not one American has either suffered a slow death, had to sell their home to pay for medical expenses, could not find a doctor to treat their ailment because of Obama-Care?
It's as if the Dem's actually believe that when Obama-Care is gone, there will never be health-care, health insurance, no access to doctors/dentists/ER's, etc. :crybaby:
So whats Mr Bill gonna do now? Isn't he about 65 years old and about to retire, but will also die a slow agonizing death, living next to Mr. Sluggo, because Donald Trump cancelled his health-care plan? :cow:
A lot of people will die for little reason because of your idiocy. People like you deserve to burn in hell.
wasn't it man bear pig who claimed that Democrats wanted everyone to die slowly? guess he was right.
Mr Sluggo is 75 years old and already dying from alheimerz, I feel bad for him, he was my hero in the 70's, and so was Mr. Rogers
A lot of people will die for little reason because of your idiocy. People like you deserve to burn in hell.
1. Its bullshit no one will die because people can't be DENIED healthcare at a hospital etc
2. Do you people not realize people MIGHT get harmed because they can't afford the damn obamacare prices for insurance? Its pretty damn bad when its cheaper to pay the penalty than pay the deductible or monthly fee. If I had to pay for Obamacare I would rather pay the penalty but I guess in this case we are poor enough for medicaid.
:boohoo: :crybaby: :dig: Like Mr. Bill said 142 Times,,,Uh Uh Uh,,,,Oh Nooooo!!!:hellno:

So did anyone see some of the arguments over defunding Obama-Care? {was it last night}? Apparently at least Bernie Sanders claimed that everyone is going to die after they repeal Obama-Care. Yah,? Really?, and not one veteran has died waiting for their free health care? Not one American has either suffered a slow death, had to sell their home to pay for medical expenses, could not find a doctor to treat their ailment because of Obama-Care?
It's as if the Dem's actually believe that when Obama-Care is gone, there will never be health-care, health insurance, no access to doctors/dentists/ER's, etc. :crybaby:
So whats Mr Bill gonna do now? Isn't he about 65 years old and about to retire, but will also die a slow agonizing death, living next to Mr. Sluggo, because Donald Trump cancelled his health-care plan? :cow:
I understand that, in order to prove Bernie wrong, Teddy Cruz is gonna have his family ride bareback for a couple of demonstrate the power of "consumer driven" health care reform...
A lot of people will die for little reason because of your idiocy. People like you deserve to burn in hell.
1. Its bullshit no one will die because people can't be DENIED healthcare at a hospital etc
2. Do you people not realize people MIGHT get harmed because they can't afford the damn obamacare prices for insurance? Its pretty damn bad when its cheaper to pay the penalty than pay the deductible or monthly fee. If I had to pay for Obamacare I would rather pay the penalty but I guess in this case we are poor enough for medicaid.
You KNOW that there is also the problem of paying for the ACTUAL CARE, right?
The reason for the urgency of repealing the ACA is not a health issue,but a tax issue for the rich..Why those poor rich folks, they have suffered so heavily during the recession and the recovery..
Nobody is saying "20 million people will die". It is true that uninsured, working age Americans have a 40% higher mortality rate than people with health insurance.

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage

Combine that with rural white working class actually decreasing in their life expectancy, the only group to do so:

Why Are So Many Middle-Aged White Americans Dying?

And you end up with a bunch of people who are basically self selecting to remove themselves from the gene pool sooner than they need to. At some it gets to be "hey, we tried".
:boohoo: :crybaby: :dig: Like Mr. Bill said 142 Times,,,Uh Uh Uh,,,,Oh Nooooo!!!:hellno:

So did anyone see some of the arguments over defunding Obama-Care? {was it last night}? Apparently at least Bernie Sanders claimed that everyone is going to die after they repeal Obama-Care. Yah,? Really?, and not one veteran has died waiting for their free health care? Not one American has either suffered a slow death, had to sell their home to pay for medical expenses, could not find a doctor to treat their ailment because of Obama-Care?
It's as if the Dem's actually believe that when Obama-Care is gone, there will never be health-care, health insurance, no access to doctors/dentists/ER's, etc. :crybaby:
So whats Mr Bill gonna do now? Isn't he about 65 years old and about to retire, but will also die a slow agonizing death, living next to Mr. Sluggo, because Donald Trump cancelled his health-care plan? :cow:

Guess those twenty million will have to pay for their own health care just like the rest of us.
The GOP is going fake repeal the ACA in a way that leaves most people with all the insurance, subsidies, etc., that they're getting

for the next 5 to 10 years.
most people die from heart disease, and we know that, its often their diets that kill them and even having health insurance cant save them, you can only stay 300 to 600 pounds for so long before u die. right? just look at how many wrestlers have died so young because they were so heavy.
have we all seen that preview about these 600 pound twins in the hospital? and will Obama Care keep them alive?
Nobody is saying "20 million people will die". It is true that uninsured, working age Americans have a 40% higher mortality rate than people with health insurance.

New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage

Combine that with rural white working class actually decreasing in their life expectancy, the only group to do so:

Why Are So Many Middle-Aged White Americans Dying?

And you end up with a bunch of people who are basically self selecting to remove themselves from the gene pool sooner than they need to. At some it gets to be "hey, we tried".
When you can't afford seems meaningless...
The reason for the urgency of repealing the ACA is not a health issue,but a tax issue for the rich..Why those poor rich folks, they have suffered so heavily during the recession and the recovery..

They do so much for us and ask for so little in return.

They are the single most discriminated against group.

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