Dems hypocritically oppose Senate "select committee" to investigate CNN giving HRC debate questions


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
While the Dems want to investigate the "hacks" because the hacks exposed the TRUTH about the corruption of the Hillary campaign, Senate Democrats refuse to support any investigation into whether CNN has deliberately given the Dem Prez nominee the debate questions since 1992, when Bill Clinton couldn't stop laughing as the questions were asked. Gore in 2000 knew the "what world leaders do you know?" question was coming.

DEBATES affect elections.

CNN RIGGED its debate for Hillary

Hence, CNN's partisanship and corruption affected the election.... but....

Dems don't want that investigated.

Dems want the fact of that truth getting to the public investigated.

Just how HYPOCRITICAL can one party get?

The Democrats always stand AGAINST TRUTH.
Denial of the dysfunctional aspect of your entire political system via rabidly blaiming "one" side or "the other" will serve only to keep you right where you are son, watch.
Denial of the dysfunctional aspect of your entire political system via rabidly blaiming "one" side or "the other" will serve only to keep you right where you are son, watch.

Which would be the control of all 3 branches of government, thanks for noticing.
Denial of the dysfunctional aspect of your entire political system via rabidly blaiming "one" side or "the other" will serve only to keep you right where you are son, watch.

Which would be the control of all 3 branches of government, thanks for noticing.

Obviously that stupid libtardo doesn't understand the definition of dysfunctional. Looks to me like our republic is functioning just fine. Can't wait for the next election when the lieberals will lose another bunch of Senate seats.
Wikileaks exposed Communist/Progressive Media Outlets like CNN and NBC, for routinely working very closely with Democratic Party leaders. Donna Brazile of CNN, actually gave debate questions to Hillary Clinton. Sadly, credible American Journalism is on its death bed. It's increasingly becoming Fake News.
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CNN should be banned from all debates and the White House press corp.

It should certainly be banned from participating in future Debates. It's been proven to have provided debate questions to Democratic Candidates in the past. Most recently, Donna Brazile was caught doing it. It's lost its credibility. It shouldn't be involved with future debates.
Doesn't the senate have more important things to do?
Doesn't the senate have more important things to do?

You don't think Media collaborating with Party leaders to rig Debates, is an 'important thing? I think it's a very important thing. It goes to the very heart of Media-Government separation. This type of collusion is wrong and dangerous. Credible American Journalism is dying. It's increasingly being referred to as 'Fake News.' I think it's time to address it.
Doesn't the senate have more important things to do?

You don't think Media collaborating with Party leaders to rig Debates, is an 'important thing? I think it's a very important thing. It goes to the very heart of Media-Government separation. This type of collusion is wrong and dangerous. Credible American Journalism is dying. It's increasingly being referred to as 'Fake News.' I think it's time to address it.

IF it happened. Seems to me they should be investigating Trumps conflicts of interest and his Russian connections. That won't of course happen.
Doesn't the senate have more important things to do?

You don't think Media collaborating with Party leaders to rig Debates, is an 'important thing? I think it's a very important thing. It goes to the very heart of Media-Government separation. This type of collusion is wrong and dangerous. Credible American Journalism is dying. It's increasingly being referred to as 'Fake News.' I think it's time to address it.

IF it happened. Seems to me they should be investigating Trumps conflicts of interest and his Russian connections. That won't of course happen.

Different issue. I think this kind of collusion between Media and Government, is very disturbing. Donna Brazile and CNN should be fully investigated. I support that. .
CNN should be banned from all debates and the White House press corp.

It should certainly be banned from participating in future Debates. It's been proven to have provided debate questions to Democratic Candidates in the past. Most recently, Donna Brazile was caught doing it. It's lost its credibility. It shouldn't be involved with future debates.

If people are still foolish enough to watch those things as if they were real, then they deserve the fantasy, illusion, pageantry and choreography they get.

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