Dems, if someone is mature enough to vote at the age of 16, shouldn't they be able to buy a handgun at 16?


Sounds like they're selective service candidates to me if they can vote.


Any 12-year-old can handle a gun safely ... just a couple of rules to follow is all ...

We don't let 18-year-olds drink booze ... no way should they be voting ... too immature ...
Any 12-year-old can handle a gun safely ... just a couple of rules to follow is all ...

We don't let 18-year-olds drink booze ... no way should they be voting ... too immature ...
But they're not too "immature" to go and fight and die in the military, right?
the fact that the left entertained allowing inexperienced 16 yr olds to vote is further proof that they rely heavily ...very heavily on ignorance to gain more power .
Funny how your ilk remained ignorant way past the age of 16 and gave that grifter trump all kinds of power and that is why he likes you because you are easy to manipulate.
What does immaturity have to do with voting?
"Adults" vote now and look at us, FFS. Our fucking President cant finish a goddamn sentence. Threatens to fight civilians. Tells the other side they dont deserve to know his opinion. Look at the fat fuck before him. And before him. And before him. etc etc etc
Open up your eyes, morons.
I do not believe that 16-year-olds are mature to vote. Regardless, they sure as hell should not be allowed to own a gun. Look at how adults have managed to botch things up with guns. Agreed, their hormones are out of control, they are unpredictable, not a good risk driving, allowing them to have guns would be ludicrous and very very dangerous for them and anyone around them.
15 should be the age where you can legally consume alcohol, smoke, vote, and buy firearms.

There's a huge misconception that we had when we were kids, that the adults knew what they were doing and would take care of all of our problems. Now, I know better.

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