Dems, if someone is mature enough to vote at the age of 16, shouldn't they be able to buy a handgun at 16?

How about it?
There isn't enough gun violence among youth already. A sixteen-year-old is raging with hormones, I don't trust them with the car, and you want to give them guns. I've heard of other ridiculous things but this takes the cake. Good luck with that. You're going to need all the help you can get.
If 18 is old enough to go to war, it's old enough to own a gun and carry it in public.
16 year old shouldn't have guns, if you're 18 and you're in the military that's fine you can have a gun if you're not it's no different than drinking the age should be 21.
16 year old shouldn't have guns, if you're 18 and you're in the military that's fine you can have a gun if you're not it's no different than drinking the age should be 21.
All 18 y/o males have to register for the draft.
Legal majority age is one of those things...

And I'm a firm believer that it needs to be consistent across the board.

If a 16 year old in the Military is old enough to deal with the emotional consequenses of killing people during deployment then he/she is old enough to vote, drink alcoholic beverages, be financially responsible for children sired, and use tobacco products.

But if not...then we need to figure out a more reasonable age and be consistent across the board.

All of these "privileges" and responsibilities that we grant to those of legal are inconsistent at the moment. And different around the world.

We could use a more cohesive formula than what we currently are....some of this is a "states rights" issue. Some is not.
Legal majority age is one of those things...

And I'm a firm believer that it needs to be consistent across the board.

If a 16 year old in the Military is old enough to deal with the emotional consequenses of killing people during deployment then he/she is old enough to vote, drink alcoholic beverages, be financially responsible for children sired, and use tobacco products.

But if not...then we need to figure out a more reasonable age and be consistent across the board.

All of these "privileges" and responsibilities that we grant to those of legal are inconsistent at the moment. And different around the world.

We could use a more cohesive formula than what we currently are....some of this is a "states rights" issue. Some is not.
It's a human rights issue, and the slaughter has gone on for too long.
It's a human rights issue, and the slaughter has gone on for too long.
Oh I would rather not have's such a waste of life for politicians who never really care about anyone but themselves no matter what they say.

And I know full well that we have 13 yo girls trying desperately to get pregnant. But that doesn't mean that they are ready to undertake serving in the military or voting..
And despite what is allowed, to choose to get an abortion without parental permission.
And if they join the military don't need guns, otherwise they don't. Why on Earth would you want to see more people murdered. That's just insane.
Guns don't turn people into murderers. Mexico has 3x fewer gun owners and 5x more murders.
Oh I would rather not have's such a waste of life for politicians who never really care about anyone but themselves no matter what they say.

And I know full well that we have 13 yo girls trying desperately to get pregnant. But that doesn't mean that they are ready to undertake serving in the military or voting..
And despite what is allowed, to choose to get an abortion without parental permission.
You're confusing a lot of different issues here. I checked, under us law, any female under the age of 18 has to have parental permission to get an abortion. But if you bring your children up with proper guidance you should never have to face that decision. Unfortunately many of the poor and ignorant do have to face that choice.
Guns don't turn people into murderers. Mexico has 3x fewer gun owners and 5x more murders.
I'm saying we have a terrific problem, and it's long overdue to be addressed. We can't keep avoiding this issue. Nothing is right about it. I'll leave it up to the experts to decide what to do, they know best. And I'm not talking about the NRA, as far as I'm concerned they are the biggest terrorist organization in the country.
Self-defense is a fundamental right.
You can't drive an automobile without having to be taught and you can't drive it without having insurance legally. Guns need to be regulated, the people who want them should have to pass tests and their records need to be checked to make sure they're not a serial killer or have mass murderer potential. If you can agree with that, I'd have to conclude you are one of the people who shouldn't have guns.
I'm saying we have a terrific problem, and it's long overdue to be addressed. We can't keep avoiding this issue. Nothing is right about it. I'll leave it up to the experts to decide what to do, they know best. And I'm not talking about the NRA, as far as I'm concerned they are the biggest terrorist organization in the country.
How about thinking for yourself? The "experts" want to ban guns and abolish the
How about thinking for yourself? The "experts" want to ban guns and abolish the
Sorry I'm not paranoid about the experts, if you are that means you have something to hide and most likely you shouldn't have guns.
You're confusing a lot of different issues here. I checked, under us law, any female under the age of 18 has to have parental permission to get an abortion. But if you bring your children up with proper guidance you should never have to face that decision. Unfortunately many of the poor and ignorant do have to face that choice.

I'm truly a-political... meaning that I don't fit or care anything about any of the political parties...
I have my own mind about things.

And if the topic is "Legal Majority" then there's a huge amount of discrepancy in how America handles the subject. I'm just stating my opinion that "multiple lives" altering decisions should be left up to those who have accumulated a bit of wisdom and have tested that wisdom themselves.
So, how do you determine if someone is mature enough?
That would have to be a psychologist or psychiatrist; because it's the mental health that's in question, a person's ability to maintain their composure and act responsibly.
That would have to be a psychologist or psychiatrist; because it's the mental health that's in question, a person's ability to maintain their composure and act responsibly.
There are four traits, to all mass murders, they've been identified as 1. Early childhood trauma that exposure to violence at an early age 2. Identifiable crisis point in the weeks or months prior to the shooting 3. These people studied it the actions of other shooters and seek to justify to validate their shooting and 4 simply having the memes to carry out their plans. There are lots of red flags here, people who amass a storehouse of weapons and ammunition. Anyone who has a mental breakdown and has guns. I am no expert, but experts need to address the problem. It's already out of control.

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