Dems in AGONY. Gorsuch to be confirmed and TRUMP can't be stopped.

The fucking Democrat party is engaging in slow suicide at the moment with all this Russia-Trump collusion Bullshit. I say good riddance!
Obviously you're not interested in knowing if your president is a crook and traitor to the country.
I am not interested in disrupting the country based upon speculation and conjecture, no.
The Dems, I imagine, are yelling for their base.

As long as Gorsuch as indicated that Roe is settled precedent, he will make it to confirmation without problem.
Yep, because killing unborn children is what is REALLY important.
You are pro-birth not pro-life so what you say is not very import.
You are not "pro-choice". You are "pro-feticide".
I am truly pro-life, from inception to child hood and youth. You are not.
The fucking Democrat party is engaging in slow suicide at the moment with all this Russia-Trump collusion Bullshit. I say good riddance!
Obviously you're not interested in knowing if your president is a crook and traitor to the country.
I am not interested in disrupting the country based upon speculation and conjecture, no.
That is what the FBI is investigating. Trump's continual out right lies and Spicer's alt facts and fake news does not inspire confidence in the orange asshole.

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