Dems in Big Trouble in 2020. Here's Why.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
As I said way back in March 2016, the Dems were in big trouble with the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election. I said this when most pollsters had Hillary with a 90% chance or higher of winning the election. You can see my comments here.

Hillary Is Losing the Black Vote

Since only roughly half of the electorate actually votes polls mean very little. What is important is who shows up on election day. There was a marked enthusiasm gap between the GOP and Dem voters in 2016. Specifically, 40% less Dem voters showed up to vote in their primaries versus Republicans. As I said in my post, in every election since 1992 the party with the higher primary turnout won the election.

So that brings us to the 2020 election. The first GOP debate in 2016 drew over 24 million viewers on Fox News. There was a tremendous enthusiasm to see GOP Candidates and that manifested in the subsequent primary voting turnout and in the general election.

The first Dem debate this week on NBC only drew 15 million viewers. That is a 60% ratings decline versus the first GOP debate the last election cycle.

This tells me there is not much enthusiasm among Dem voters or the general public for their candidates. This can be confirmed by Joe Biden rallies that struggle to get 400 voters to show up versus Trump rallies where thousands are turned away.

Admittedly it is early, but voter intensity appears to be much stronger on the GOP side again this election cycle. And yes there is tremendous anger at Trump from the far Left, but it does not seem to be translating to enthusiasm for the Dem candidates on offer.

NBC debate ratings: More than 15 million viewers tuned into the first Democratic debate - CNN


Last edited:
"Experts Agree Loser Of First Dem Debate Was America
June 27th, 2019

MIAMI, FL—Experts around the country and numerous poll results revealed Wednesday evening that the decisive loser in the Democratic debate was the American people.

A poll found that an overwhelming majority of respondents believed that America lost the debates by a wide margin, with 5% of Americans believing Americans won last night and a whopping 62% stating that "oh my gosh America is doomed." 33% elected to turn off the TV and just watch neighborhood cats fight instead of watching the debate once it became clear that America was going to get decimated.

"America really needed a win out there tonight, but only fell further behind," said one commentator, adding that he didn't have "high hopes" for the country's chances moving forward. "Things are not looking good for America's prospects in the 2020 campaign at this point. If America doesn't pull out a win tonight, we can only expect America to drop out of the race entirely."

"It's not looking good. Honestly, I don't know if I can watch."
Experts Agree Loser Of First Dem Debate Was America
Actually, the entire country won because of the Dem's debate.

Because it exposed how wacky and out of touch the Democrat leadership has become. ... :cool:

I hope you saw this in the Democrat debate.....
Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,” abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion
"Experts Agree Loser Of First Dem Debate Was America
June 27th, 2019

MIAMI, FL—Experts around the country and numerous poll results revealed Wednesday evening that the decisive loser in the Democratic debate was the American people.

A poll found that an overwhelming majority of respondents believed that America lost the debates by a wide margin, with 5% of Americans believing Americans won last night and a whopping 62% stating that "oh my gosh America is doomed." 33% elected to turn off the TV and just watch neighborhood cats fight instead of watching the debate once it became clear that America was going to get decimated.

"America really needed a win out there tonight, but only fell further behind," said one commentator, adding that he didn't have "high hopes" for the country's chances moving forward. "Things are not looking good for America's prospects in the 2020 campaign at this point. If America doesn't pull out a win tonight, we can only expect America to drop out of the race entirely."

"It's not looking good. Honestly, I don't know if I can watch."
Experts Agree Loser Of First Dem Debate Was America
I like clarity. Both debates showed me what I needed to know. They need more candidates.
Actually, the entire country won because of the Dem's debate.

Because it exposed how wacky and out of touch the Democrat leadership has become. ... :cool:

I hope you saw this in the Democrat debate.....
Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,” abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion
"Mrs." Garrison was very disappointed to learn that fact.
Oh I think it is amusing as hell to see the world turning upside down as young democrats rebel against old democrats. Only problem is that the supporters of the young democrats are too ignorant to realize what a crock some of the stuff that is being said is. Busing was not a compromise with racists. Racists didn't want busing. The democrats forced that crap on areas. Same with minority-majority-districts.
As I said way back in March 2016, the Dems were in big trouble with the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election. I said this when most pollsters had Hillary with a 90% chance or higher of winning the election. You can see my comments here.

Hillary Is Losing the Black Vote

Since only roughly half of the electorate actually votes polls mean very little. What is important is who shows up on election day. There was a marked enthusiasm gap between the GOP and Dem voters in 2016. Specifically, 40% less Dem voters showed up to vote in their primaries versus Republicans. As I said in my post, in every election since 1992 the party with the higher primary turnout won the election.

So that brings us to the 2020 election. The first GOP debate in 2016 drew over 24 million viewers on Fox News. There was a tremendous enthusiasm to see GOP Candidates and that manifested in the subsequent primary voting turnout and in the general election.

The first Dem debate this week on NBC only drew 15 million viewers. That is a 60% ratings decline versus the first GOP debate the last election cycle.

This tells me there is not much enthusiasm among Dem voters or the general public for their candidates. This can be confirmed by Joe Biden rallies that struggle to get 400 voters to show up versus Trump rallies where thousands are turned away.

Admittedly it is early, but voter intensity appears to be much stronger on the GOP side again this election cycle. And yes there is tremendous anger at Trump from the far Left, but it does not seem to be translating to enthusiasm for the Dem candidates on offer.

NBC debate ratings: More than 15 million viewers tuned into the first Democratic debate - CNN



Of course, Hillary Clinton won the Election in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, when looking at the national popular vote. It was only a FLUKE, Trump scraping the barrel in the states of PA, Wisc, and Michigan where Trump barley eaked out victories by a combined 77,000 votes across those three states. Tiny margins! That allowed Trump to achieve an electoral college victory despite losing the popular vote by 3 million votes.

Over 90% of the time, the winner of the popular vote wins the electoral college. There have only been 5 elections in U.S. history where the loser of the popular vote has won the electoral college. No sitting President has EVER been re-elected without winning the popular vote. Trump does not appear capable of winning the popular vote in 2020. He is less popular than he was in November 2016. He will likely be defeated by large margins in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan in 2020. Those are the only three States Democrats need to send Trump home in 2020.
As I said way back in March 2016, the Dems were in big trouble with the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election. I said this when most pollsters had Hillary with a 90% chance or higher of winning the election. You can see my comments here.

Hillary Is Losing the Black Vote

Since only roughly half of the electorate actually votes polls mean very little. What is important is who shows up on election day. There was a marked enthusiasm gap between the GOP and Dem voters in 2016. Specifically, 40% less Dem voters showed up to vote in their primaries versus Republicans. As I said in my post, in every election since 1992 the party with the higher primary turnout won the election.

So that brings us to the 2020 election. The first GOP debate in 2016 drew over 24 million viewers on Fox News. There was a tremendous enthusiasm to see GOP Candidates and that manifested in the subsequent primary voting turnout and in the general election.

The first Dem debate this week on NBC only drew 15 million viewers. That is a 60% ratings decline versus the first GOP debate the last election cycle.

This tells me there is not much enthusiasm among Dem voters or the general public for their candidates. This can be confirmed by Joe Biden rallies that struggle to get 400 voters to show up versus Trump rallies where thousands are turned away.

Admittedly it is early, but voter intensity appears to be much stronger on the GOP side again this election cycle. And yes there is tremendous anger at Trump from the far Left, but it does not seem to be translating to enthusiasm for the Dem candidates on offer.

NBC debate ratings: More than 15 million viewers tuned into the first Democratic debate - CNN



The major flaw in your analysis is attempting to equate 2019 with 2016. These are not the same electoral environments. Furthermore, your claim that polls mean very little is a right wing fantasy contrived from the 2016 election when many pollsters got that one presidential race wrong on election night. You'll notice that last year the pollsters very accurately predicted the Republicans were going to get throttled in the midterms and they did. They even managed to pinpoint specific Republicans in very red districts who were going to lose their long held seats in places like Texas and Georgia.

I will say this. If the Democrats continue to pursue this radical agenda of free shit for everyone and free healthcare for illegals they will hand Trump his second term. The American people aren't going to embrace that.
As I said way back in March 2016, the Dems were in big trouble with the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election. I said this when most pollsters had Hillary with a 90% chance or higher of winning the election. You can see my comments here.

Hillary Is Losing the Black Vote

Since only roughly half of the electorate actually votes polls mean very little. What is important is who shows up on election day. There was a marked enthusiasm gap between the GOP and Dem voters in 2016. Specifically, 40% less Dem voters showed up to vote in their primaries versus Republicans. As I said in my post, in every election since 1992 the party with the higher primary turnout won the election.

So that brings us to the 2020 election. The first GOP debate in 2016 drew over 24 million viewers on Fox News. There was a tremendous enthusiasm to see GOP Candidates and that manifested in the subsequent primary voting turnout and in the general election.

The first Dem debate this week on NBC only drew 15 million viewers. That is a 60% ratings decline versus the first GOP debate the last election cycle.

This tells me there is not much enthusiasm among Dem voters or the general public for their candidates. This can be confirmed by Joe Biden rallies that struggle to get 400 voters to show up versus Trump rallies where thousands are turned away.

Admittedly it is early, but voter intensity appears to be much stronger on the GOP side again this election cycle. And yes there is tremendous anger at Trump from the far Left, but it does not seem to be translating to enthusiasm for the Dem candidates on offer.

NBC debate ratings: More than 15 million viewers tuned into the first Democratic debate - CNN



Of course, Hillary Clinton won the Election in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, when looking at the national popular vote. It was only a FLUKE, Trump scraping the barrel in the states of PA, Wisc, and Michigan where Trump barley eaked out victories by a combined 77,000 votes across those three states. Tiny margins! That allowed Trump to achieve an electoral college victory despite losing the popular vote by 3 million votes.

Over 90% of the time, the winner of the popular vote wins the electoral college. There have only been 5 elections in U.S. history where the loser of the popular vote has won the electoral college. No sitting President has EVER been re-elected without winning the popular vote. Trump does not appear capable of winning the popular vote in 2020. He is less popular than he was in November 2016. He will likely be defeated by large margins in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan in 2020. Those are the only three States Democrats need to send Trump home in 2020.

"Of course, Hillary Clinton won the Election in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, ...."

In America we don't count the votes of the illegal aliens that Hussein told to go and vote...."when you vote, you are a citizen yourself..."

And guess what?

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

oIllegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Looking for the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the world? Look no further than Fiesta Broadway in Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of people come out for food, music and crafts in a celebration of Hispanic heritage.
What is the lowest value of paper money without the portrait of a U.S. president?
As I said way back in March 2016, the Dems were in big trouble with the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election. I said this when most pollsters had Hillary with a 90% chance or higher of winning the election. You can see my comments here.

Hillary Is Losing the Black Vote

Since only roughly half of the electorate actually votes polls mean very little. What is important is who shows up on election day. There was a marked enthusiasm gap between the GOP and Dem voters in 2016. Specifically, 40% less Dem voters showed up to vote in their primaries versus Republicans. As I said in my post, in every election since 1992 the party with the higher primary turnout won the election.

So that brings us to the 2020 election. The first GOP debate in 2016 drew over 24 million viewers on Fox News. There was a tremendous enthusiasm to see GOP Candidates and that manifested in the subsequent primary voting turnout and in the general election.

The first Dem debate this week on NBC only drew 15 million viewers. That is a 60% ratings decline versus the first GOP debate the last election cycle.

This tells me there is not much enthusiasm among Dem voters or the general public for their candidates. This can be confirmed by Joe Biden rallies that struggle to get 400 voters to show up versus Trump rallies where thousands are turned away.

Admittedly it is early, but voter intensity appears to be much stronger on the GOP side again this election cycle. And yes there is tremendous anger at Trump from the far Left, but it does not seem to be translating to enthusiasm for the Dem candidates on offer.

NBC debate ratings: More than 15 million viewers tuned into the first Democratic debate - CNN



The major flaw in your analysis is attempting to equate 2019 with 2016. These are not the same electoral environments. Furthermore, your claim that polls mean very little is a right wing fantasy contrived from the 2016 election when many pollsters got that one presidential race wrong on election night. You'll notice that last year the pollsters very accurately predicted the Republicans were going to get throttled in the midterms and they did. They even managed to pinpoint specific Republicans in very red districts who were going to lose their long held seats in places like Texas and Georgia.

I will say this. If the Democrats continue to pursue this radical agenda of free shit for everyone and free healthcare for illegals they will hand Trump his second term. The American people aren't going to embrace that.

It appears you are agreeing with what you claimed to disagree with.

"major flaw" turns out not to be that major, huh?
As I said way back in March 2016, the Dems were in big trouble with the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election. I said this when most pollsters had Hillary with a 90% chance or higher of winning the election. You can see my comments here.

Hillary Is Losing the Black Vote

Since only roughly half of the electorate actually votes polls mean very little. What is important is who shows up on election day. There was a marked enthusiasm gap between the GOP and Dem voters in 2016. Specifically, 40% less Dem voters showed up to vote in their primaries versus Republicans. As I said in my post, in every election since 1992 the party with the higher primary turnout won the election.

So that brings us to the 2020 election. The first GOP debate in 2016 drew over 24 million viewers on Fox News. There was a tremendous enthusiasm to see GOP Candidates and that manifested in the subsequent primary voting turnout and in the general election.

The first Dem debate this week on NBC only drew 15 million viewers. That is a 60% ratings decline versus the first GOP debate the last election cycle.

This tells me there is not much enthusiasm among Dem voters or the general public for their candidates. This can be confirmed by Joe Biden rallies that struggle to get 400 voters to show up versus Trump rallies where thousands are turned away.

Admittedly it is early, but voter intensity appears to be much stronger on the GOP side again this election cycle. And yes there is tremendous anger at Trump from the far Left, but it does not seem to be translating to enthusiasm for the Dem candidates on offer.

NBC debate ratings: More than 15 million viewers tuned into the first Democratic debate - CNN



Of course, Hillary Clinton won the Election in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, when looking at the national popular vote. It was only a FLUKE, Trump scraping the barrel in the states of PA, Wisc, and Michigan where Trump barley eaked out victories by a combined 77,000 votes across those three states. Tiny margins! That allowed Trump to achieve an electoral college victory despite losing the popular vote by 3 million votes.

Over 90% of the time, the winner of the popular vote wins the electoral college. There have only been 5 elections in U.S. history where the loser of the popular vote has won the electoral college. No sitting President has EVER been re-elected without winning the popular vote. Trump does not appear capable of winning the popular vote in 2020. He is less popular than he was in November 2016. He will likely be defeated by large margins in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan in 2020. Those are the only three States Democrats need to send Trump home in 2020.

You sound seriously butt hurt. :D Popular vote isn't how the score is kept in Presidential Elections. Sad. :(
As I said way back in March 2016, the Dems were in big trouble with the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election. I said this when most pollsters had Hillary with a 90% chance or higher of winning the election. You can see my comments here.

Hillary Is Losing the Black Vote

Since only roughly half of the electorate actually votes polls mean very little. What is important is who shows up on election day. There was a marked enthusiasm gap between the GOP and Dem voters in 2016. Specifically, 40% less Dem voters showed up to vote in their primaries versus Republicans. As I said in my post, in every election since 1992 the party with the higher primary turnout won the election.

So that brings us to the 2020 election. The first GOP debate in 2016 drew over 24 million viewers on Fox News. There was a tremendous enthusiasm to see GOP Candidates and that manifested in the subsequent primary voting turnout and in the general election.

The first Dem debate this week on NBC only drew 15 million viewers. That is a 60% ratings decline versus the first GOP debate the last election cycle.

This tells me there is not much enthusiasm among Dem voters or the general public for their candidates. This can be confirmed by Joe Biden rallies that struggle to get 400 voters to show up versus Trump rallies where thousands are turned away.

Admittedly it is early, but voter intensity appears to be much stronger on the GOP side again this election cycle. And yes there is tremendous anger at Trump from the far Left, but it does not seem to be translating to enthusiasm for the Dem candidates on offer.

NBC debate ratings: More than 15 million viewers tuned into the first Democratic debate - CNN



The major flaw in your analysis is attempting to equate 2019 with 2016. These are not the same electoral environments. Furthermore, your claim that polls mean very little is a right wing fantasy contrived from the 2016 election when many pollsters got that one presidential race wrong on election night. You'll notice that last year the pollsters very accurately predicted the Republicans were going to get throttled in the midterms and they did. They even managed to pinpoint specific Republicans in very red districts who were going to lose their long held seats in places like Texas and Georgia.

I will say this. If the Democrats continue to pursue this radical agenda of free shit for everyone and free healthcare for illegals they will hand Trump his second term. The American people aren't going to embrace that.

It appears you are agreeing with what you claimed to disagree with.

"major flaw" turns out not to be that major, huh?

"... wouldn’t it be great to hear a little good news? Well, I’ve got some - not from polls, but from political betting aggregator website The site, which uses millions of betting dollars worldwide to provide market trends, also specializes in U.S. politics and who wagerers think will win at any given time.

Political betting is currently illegal in the U.S., but is alive and well in other markets. In fact, predicted via press release Tuesday that over $100 million will be spent in the 2020 race, “making it the biggest non-sports betting event of all time.”

The front runner for Democrats, no nobody’s surprise, is Joe Biden, with a 16.4 percent chance of becoming president. This is double Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg’s 8.2 percent. Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders come in at 6 percent, and O’Rourke leads the also-rans at 2.2 percent.

Interestingly, President Trump has a 45.2 percent chance of winning a second term, US-Bookies says. I wondered if this statistic had something to do with the fact that Trump is already the de facto GOP nominee, and a company spokesperson told me that yes, indeed, that was the case. However, even in a straight-up battle with Biden, Trump still enjoys 51.2 to 48.8 percent lead over the former vice president, the rep told me."
The Polls Show Trump Lagging Behind Biden And Everyone Else, But The Betting Market Tells A Whole Other Story
Actually, the entire country won because of the Dem's debate.

Because it exposed how wacky and out of touch the Democrat leadership has become. ... :cool:

I hope you saw this in the Democrat debate.....
Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,” abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion

"Of course, Hillary Clinton won the Election in 2016 by nearly 3 million votes, ...."

In America we don't count the votes of the illegal aliens that Hussein told to go and vote...."when you vote, you are a citizen yourself..."

Yawn, still waiting for you guys to prove - not from a crazy right wing website - that there was any significant voting by undocumented immigrants.

Trump caught the electorate by surprise because no one actually thought he could win... now people understand the flaws in the system... and they won't make that mistake again.

Also with the economy slowing down and the scandals of his concentration camps being exposed, Trump is toast.


TRUMP 2020!
Actually, the entire country won because of the Dem's debate.

Because it exposed how wacky and out of touch the Democrat leadership has become. ... :cool:

I hope you saw this in the Democrat debate.....
Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,” abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion
Nobody ever accused Castro of being brilliant.

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