Dems/libs opinions on voter ID laws most likely to depend on their racial attitudes


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Voter ID and Race

Wilson, the center’s coordinator of public opinion initiatives and an expert on race and public opinion, said, “Who votes in America has always been controversial; so much so that the U.S. constitution has been amended a number of times to protect voting eligibility and rights. It comes as no surprise that Republicans support these laws more than Democrats; but, what is surprising is the level at which Democrats and liberals also support the laws.”

Here, CPC researchers found an interesting pattern in the data: it is Democrats and liberals whose opinions on voter ID laws are most likely to depend on their racial attitudes. Republicans and conservatives overwhelmingly support voter ID laws regardless of how much “racial resentment” they express. In contrast, Democrats and liberals with the highest “racial resentment” express much more support for voter ID laws than those with the least resentment.
According to this survey...
  • Republicans support for voter ID is higher, regardless of their racial attitudes.
  • Democrats and liberals support for voter ID laws is most likely to depend on their racial attitudes.
What a bunch of bullshit. The real question is why would so many minorities have trouble with something as simple as obtaining a legal ID? There is no reason that this issue would be limited to any one group, at least not any group of citizens. Obamacare will require government issued IDs, yet nary a complaint about that. If people don't get an ID, why would they go through the trouble of registering and voting? Makes no sense at all.

I believe the IDs will prevent many of the illegal aliens from voting and I think that is the real issue here and no matter how the left tries to spin it, it won't change the facts. They can't exactly be honest about the millions of illegal votes they need, so this is the only explanation they can come up with. And they are the racists for insinuating that minorities are less able to function in society and get something as simple as an ID.

I saw a video where people on the street were asked about the voter ID law. The majority agreed and many were minorities. How can we explain people being for this when they themselves are minorities? Racism doesn't always work and this is one of those times.
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Other findings from the study:

People who resent African Americans tended to support voter ID.

Republicans were more likely to resent African Americans than were Independents than were Democrats.
What do you think this means? You offered it up without any kind of conclusion on your part.
Other findings from the study:

People who resent African Americans tended to support voter ID.
The majority of blacks favor voter ID...Guess they resent themselves, huh?

That conclusion does not follow from either the study or from my statement. If I'm reading the study correctly, the racial resentment score was not assessed for African American respondents at all.
What you're reading is what you want to read.

Truth is that the majority of blacks favor voter ID, your race baiting bullshit poll notwithstanding.
What you're reading is what you want to read.

Truth is that the majority of blacks favor voter ID, your race baiting bullshit poll notwithstanding.

I was merely describing the main conclusion of the study (titled "National Survey Shows Support for Voter ID Laws Strongest Among Those with Negative Attitudes Toward African Americans") which Conservative introduced. Do you object to discussing every part of the study, or only its main conclusion?
I prefer to pick and choose form base numbers, rather from what some pointy-headed spinmeister decides to define as "racial resentment".

Fact remains that the majority of blacks favor voter ID, regardless of their alleged resentments.
I prefer to pick and choose form base numbers, rather from what some pointy-headed spinmeister decides to define as "racial resentment".

Fact remains that the majority of blacks favor voter ID, regardless of their alleged resentments.

It seems then that you object to the dissemination of this study at all. Why then have you criticized me three times for commenting in the thread, but not to Conservative for starting the thread? Doing so might lead a reader to conclude that you object to certain conclusions rather than to the study as a whole.
Other findings from the study:

People who resent African Americans tended to support voter ID.

Republicans were more likely to resent African Americans than were Independents than were Democrats.

People who resent election fraud surprisingly support voter ID Laws as well.
I prefer to pick and choose form base numbers, rather from what some pointy-headed spinmeister decides to define as "racial resentment".

Fact remains that the majority of blacks favor voter ID, regardless of their alleged resentments.

It seems then that you object to the dissemination of this study at all. Why then have you criticized me three times for commenting in the thread, but not to Conservative for starting the thread? Doing so might lead a reader to conclude that you object to certain conclusions rather than to the study as a whole.
You bet I object to any time that certain groups are plucked out and screened for what the biased pollster defines as "resentment".

I was born at night, but not last night.
I prefer to pick and choose form base numbers, rather from what some pointy-headed spinmeister decides to define as "racial resentment".

Fact remains that the majority of blacks favor voter ID, regardless of their alleged resentments.

It seems then that you object to the dissemination of this study at all. Why then have you criticized me three times for commenting in the thread, but not to Conservative for starting the thread? Doing so might lead a reader to conclude that you object to certain conclusions rather than to the study as a whole.

you use the word conclude, so it's not scientific and who cares, most people with a brain back ID, easy to get and helps weed out the bs
Other findings from the study:

People who resent African Americans tended to support voter ID.
The majority of blacks favor voter ID...Guess they resent themselves, huh?

The race card gets played automatically and they don't think first. I think people who want to make sure illegals don't vote support voter ID, but the left can't very well admit they need those votes and playing the race card is their pat answer to everything.

I think those who claim that minorities can't obtain ID are the real racists. How dare they even suggest that minorities are less able to do simple tasks. What the hell are they thinking?
Other findings from the study:

People who resent African Americans tended to support voter ID.
The majority of blacks favor voter ID...Guess they resent themselves, huh?

The race card gets played automatically and they don't think first. I think people who want to make sure illegals don't vote support voter ID, but the left can't very well admit they need those votes and playing the race card is their pat answer to everything.

I think those who claim that minorities can't obtain ID are the real racists. How dare they even suggest that minorities are less able to do simple tasks. What the hell are they thinking?

yea they dont want them wandering off the liberal plantation of groupthink
The majority of blacks favor voter ID...Guess they resent themselves, huh?

The race card gets played automatically and they don't think first. I think people who want to make sure illegals don't vote support voter ID, but the left can't very well admit they need those votes and playing the race card is their pat answer to everything.

I think those who claim that minorities can't obtain ID are the real racists. How dare they even suggest that minorities are less able to do simple tasks. What the hell are they thinking?

yea they dont want them wandering off the liberal plantation of groupthink

They keep repeating the same talking point claiming that minorities don't have what it takes to get ID or function like others in society. There isn't a shred of proof that minorities are less able to do simple things because it's bullshit. It's a lame excuse for keeping illegals on the voter rolls and casting votes. Period. They've done all this pandering with granting amnesty and recently working with the Mexican government to make sure illegals here in the states know they can apply for their own EBT card. All that will be in vain if those folks can't vote for them. What a damn shame!
for me...i could really care less what anyone's race is.

I DO care that they are citizens if they want to vote.

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