Dems lose again. Anti Cop picture to be removed PERMANENTLY!

Speaker Ryan called the painting “disgusting” and “not befitting the Capitol on Friday, January 13, 2017 and said that he was confident that it would come down

^ This dick would never had said that without the Godemperor in command.
Don't act like you lefties give a shit about censorship. If this was some picture depicting blacks as violent criminals or monkeys you would be screaming for it to be removed. It actually violates the ESTABLISHED rules if you would read the link you would know that.
Don't act like you lefties give a shit about censorship. If this was some picture depicting blacks as violent criminals or monkeys you would be screaming for it to be removed. It actually violates the ESTABLISHED rules if you would read the link you would know that.
Highly debatable.
Which part? Here is another link. Its established rules and the democrats should have known it violated them. Anti-Police Painting to Be Removed Permanently From Capitol Tunnel
Don't act like you lefties give a shit about censorship. If this was some picture depicting blacks as violent criminals or monkeys you would be screaming for it to be removed. It actually violates the ESTABLISHED rules if you would read the link you would know that.
Highly debatable.
Which part? Here is another link. Its established rules and the democrats should have known it violated them. Anti-Police Painting to Be Removed Permanently From Capitol Tunnel
Highly debatable.
Seemed inappropriate for the setting. I don't know how it was allowed in the first place. Too divisive and confrontational.

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