Dems rename eugenics as "fertility management". Demand it to fight global warming.

I wonder what he would think if people suggested he put up or shut up. Would he be willing to have his children and grandchildren sterilized so that the world's curse, the Gores, be ended with this last generation?

Somehow I doubt he would agree to that.

Note: I do not support the idea, but he is the one that is suggesting genocide, not me.

thats not what he is saying

The hell it isn't.

"Fertility management"? You can't define it any other way... Sterilization, forced abortion, one child per family. Insane rantings of Margaret Sanger, Al Gore style.

He sure as hell is not talking about increasing human fertility.
so you decided to go 0-to insane i see.
its about being responsibly with things and not pumping out 20 kids because the odds half will make it.
Its about educating people on the idea that you need to consider things before having kids. These are 3rd world nations for the most part. These children are being born into horrible situations. We have limited resources as well and people should consider this.
thats not what he is saying

The hell it isn't.

"Fertility management"? You can't define it any other way... Sterilization, forced abortion, one child per family. Insane rantings of Margaret Sanger, Al Gore style.

He sure as hell is not talking about increasing human fertility.
so you decided to go 0-to insane i see.
its about being responsibly with things and not pumping out 20 kids because the odds half will make it.
Its about educating people on the idea that you need to consider things before having kids. These are 3rd world nations for the most part. These children are being born into horrible situations. We have limited resources as well and people should consider this.

Is that a direct quote from Margaret Sanger?

Code words for genocide is all that crap is, PB. Who the hell are you to decide how many children a woman in Africa can give birth to? Funny Gore speaks about African women. I have to wonder if it is not because of their color that he dares speak like that.

By your own words, you are stating exactly what I said; Sterilization, abortion and one child per couple laws. I would say that it is strange that liberals who believe themselves so compassionate and loving of the poor would dare promote such barbaric policies but then it is nothing new. What is strange is that the poor actually worship these people.
Look at the conservative pervs here, all pleasuring themselves over thoughts of forced abortions.

That's the moral to take from this thread, that most hardcore pro-lifers are prone to such sick, violent fantasies.
Look at all the death cultists here, pleasuring themselves at the thought of forced abortions and the idea of an African continent sans native residents in just a few years' time...
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More room for lions, then...more water for elephants...less disease for the people who come on vacations to check them out.
The hell it isn't.

"Fertility management"? You can't define it any other way... Sterilization, forced abortion, one child per family. Insane rantings of Margaret Sanger, Al Gore style.

He sure as hell is not talking about increasing human fertility.
so you decided to go 0-to insane i see.
its about being responsibly with things and not pumping out 20 kids because the odds half will make it.
Its about educating people on the idea that you need to consider things before having kids. These are 3rd world nations for the most part. These children are being born into horrible situations. We have limited resources as well and people should consider this.

Is that a direct quote from Margaret Sanger?

Code words for genocide is all that crap is, PB. Who the hell are you to decide how many children a woman in Africa can give birth to? Funny Gore speaks about African women. I have to wonder if it is not because of their color that he dares speak like that.

By your own words, you are stating exactly what I said; Sterilization, abortion and one child per couple laws. I would say that it is strange that liberals who believe themselves so compassionate and loving of the poor would dare promote such barbaric policies but then it is nothing new. What is strange is that the poor actually worship these people.

code words? are you kidding me? i dont use "code words". Fucking stupid Sanger garbage.
Who am i? I am an american who is saying that the African nations need to start looking at education and other services so they can bring up their quality of life, thus reducing the number of babies being born via education. I am a human being saying that we have a limited amount of resources, and we need to consider this.

No i am not, you are now putting words in my mouth. You want to act like a moronic hack i will now treat you like a moronic hack.

There color? Fuck you, fuck you and your motherfucking stupidity. All people should be mindful of these things. Fuck that for trying to call me a racist.

Now had i said " i think people like you should be sterilized because you are too motherfucking stupid, that society will never receive any value from you at all."

Then yah sure maybe you could try this argument.

Useless sack of shit making the world that much dumber.
they (Democrats/progressives/liberals) are heading the way of communist China every day folks

maybe you'll wake up before it's too late
They're already running things, and once they are at the helm, the only way to get rid of them is to oust them. They won't leave willingly and if we aren't willing to move them forcibly, they'll stay.

Cuz that's how progressive fascists work.

Shut up, you affirmative action baby. Have you learned how to tell time yet? HAHA. Anyway, africa needs us a lot more than we need them.

Lets see if you can make me shut up. :cool: Anyway the memo says the US needs Africa more than Africa need the US. Africa has all the resources and no need to deal with the US.

And africa is not gonna stop selling their oil and minerals. They really need that money. THINK, you america-hating afirmative acion idiot. How are those multiplication flash cards going for you. HAHAHAHA
You got it backwards as usual. The Nazis and their descendants, particularly here in the US, are right wing progressives wanting to use big government to eliminate multiculturalism and return to a 1950s style of white America. Can't happen, of course, and it is funny to watch them run around in circles.

It can happen and it will happen. The days when america was white and capitalist were our golden age. Then you affirmative acton blacks and your 75ish IQs drug us down into your sewer!!!
like Al Gore?

not at all surprised - leftist progressives have always been eugenics.

You got it backwards as usual. The Nazis and their descendants, particularly here in the US, are right wing progressives wanting to use big government to eliminate multiculturalism and return to a 1950s style of white America. Can't happen, of course, and it is funny to watch them run around in circles.

thanks for confirmation - as I said - leftard progressives have always been eugenics :D

Yup, you right wing progressives have exposed yourselves, once again.
You got it backwards as usual. The Nazis and their descendants, particularly here in the US, are right wing progressives wanting to use big government to eliminate multiculturalism and return to a 1950s style of white America. Can't happen, of course, and it is funny to watch them run around in circles.

It can happen and it will happen. The days when america was white and capitalist were our golden age. Then you affirmative acton blacks and your 75ish IQs drug us down into your sewer!!!

You are talking about the white sewer rats from the rural areas, you mean.
You got it backwards as usual. The Nazis and their descendants, particularly here in the US, are right wing progressives wanting to use big government to eliminate multiculturalism and return to a 1950s style of white America. Can't happen, of course, and it is funny to watch them run around in circles.

thanks for confirmation - as I said - leftard progressives have always been eugenics :D

Yup, you right wing progressives have exposed yourselves, once again.

Anyway, africa needs us a lot more than we need them.

Oh? You enjoying that shiny smartphone in your pocket?

Hey stupid. In the first place, i have never used a cell phone. In the second place, africa doesn't make cellphones or smartphones or cars or computers or anything. All their smartphones were actually made in white countries.

Where do the white folk get their shiny smartphone metals?
Let's just end all aid to africa. The more food we send them, the more babies the stupid africans produce.

Al Gore suggests 'fertility management' to fight global warming | The Daily Caller

9:55 PM 01/27/2014

Former Vice President Al Gore raised eyebrows last week when he suggested that “fertility management” was the key to fighting global warming and promoting economic development in poor countries. Gore’s comments drew criticism from free-marketeers who said his remarks amount to “eco-imperialism.”

“Gore’s agenda for saving the world from global warming has always included population control,” Myron Ebell, director of global warming and international environmental policy at the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Advocating population control specifically for Africa is just another form of imperialism. Gore’s eco-imperialism is uncomfortably close to the original racist goals of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who advocated population control in order to control the number of black and brown people in the world.”

The world is expected to have more than 9 billion people by 2075, with much of that growth coming from developing countries in Africa. This is alarming to environmental activists like Gore, who argues that “fertility management” is needed to address a whole slew of global development issues, including mitigating global warming.

Daily Caller??

Not really current event, just partisan editorial.
Al Gore should fully support genocidal war in Africa then. It falls right in line with his aspirations.

Africa is a beautiful country. Imagine if it just had several millions fewer people. Say, just enough to provide service for the wealthy. It could become the playground of the world's royalty.

they are killing themselves quite fine without anyone elses help.

lol, yeah, you mean other than our corporations selling weapons to both sides?
thanks for confirmation - as I said - leftard progressives have always been eugenics :D

Yup, you right wing progressives have exposed yourselves, once again.


Yup, DOMA was a progressive Republican right wing bill forced on Clinton.

Progressivism is a big government movement with liberal, and centrist, and conservative wings.

Racism and sexism and classism are also historically integral to the movement.

It has been used for good (Mann, FDA, Meat Act, etc) and bad (Prohibition, DOMA, etc).

Shut up, you affirmative action baby. Have you learned how to tell time yet? HAHA. Anyway, africa needs us a lot more than we need them.

Lets see if you can make me shut up. :cool: Anyway the memo says the US needs Africa more than Africa need the US. Africa has all the resources and no need to deal with the US.

And africa is not gonna stop selling their oil and minerals. They really need that money. THINK, you america-hating afirmative acion idiot. How are those multiplication flash cards going for you. HAHAHAHA

Even if they needed the money the US is not the only country that pays for resources. The US is just looking for a way to reduce the population as I pointed out in that memo so they can go in and exploit their resources. From what I understand all aid comes with the condition they cut down on the population. Why is birth control tied to aid? How are your legos doing you test tube reject?
Let's just end all aid to africa. The more food we send them, the more babies the stupid africans produce.

Al Gore suggests 'fertility management' to fight global warming | The Daily Caller

9:55 PM 01/27/2014

Former Vice President Al Gore raised eyebrows last week when he suggested that “fertility management” was the key to fighting global warming and promoting economic development in poor countries. Gore’s comments drew criticism from free-marketeers who said his remarks amount to “eco-imperialism.”

“Gore’s agenda for saving the world from global warming has always included population control,” Myron Ebell, director of global warming and international environmental policy at the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Advocating population control specifically for Africa is just another form of imperialism. Gore’s eco-imperialism is uncomfortably close to the original racist goals of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who advocated population control in order to control the number of black and brown people in the world.”

The world is expected to have more than 9 billion people by 2075, with much of that growth coming from developing countries in Africa. This is alarming to environmental activists like Gore, who argues that “fertility management” is needed to address a whole slew of global development issues, including mitigating global warming.
Al Gore is a blooming idiot.

That obvious observation aside, all you need to get to zero population growth is a modern industrial society. But that is the absolute bane of the global warming nutters.

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