Dems Scramble To Make Midterms About Conservative USSC Justices Ending Abortions....

I'd not be too concerned, they might be a majority but the ones that vote in greater numbers are older women that won't be fooled by dem hyperbole.

From what I understand the older a woman gets the less they support abortion.....Generally speaking.
We shall see. Mom was hardcore personally anti-abortion but also hardcore against "old Baptist bastards" telling women what to do.
If it didn't have you terrified, you wouldn't be so hysterial about it.

You can knock the 'projecting' bullshit off, snowflake.

What, are you stupid?

What part of 'even Democrats are admitting NO ONE gives a shit about their deranged 'We hate Trump' circle-jerk' do you not understand?



I didn't say you were projecting, dumbass.

I said you were _revealing_. That's an entirely different thing.

English, try learning it.

Have you always been this f*ing stupid, or do you and Joe share his one and only living brain cell?

Your reading Comprehension level is lower than your IQ, which is saying a lot.

Begone, lil' snowflake.

The GOP still has it's Russian patsies. Such treason is another thing we'll focus on.
Meh, face facts, everything you people have touched has turned to shit.....So be it, now you are reaping the whirlwind of your actions and we're just getting goin' good. ;)
The Dems will be able raise $millions$ in campaign donations from this issue.
That will have an effect.
Agreed. The GOP is doing everything it can to energize the Dems and turn off independents. An example of 'be careful what you wish for'.
Silly. We're also making it about your support of Jan 6 treason, as that's a huge winning issue as well.
Nobody cares about your Jan 6 fantasies. Hell, I think Nazi Piglosi's TV show about it is about to be cancelled.
Reps: Dems gave you sky high gas and food prices, out of control inflation, out of control drug deaths, shortages, recession.

Dems: Reps made it harder for you to kill your baby.
As we see Leftists jumping on today's Court decision to try to use it politically, NOTE CLEARLY that they base their campaign on a LIE. A Lie.

The Court did not outlaw abortions. The court did not destroy a Constitutional right. What the Court did was eminently DEMOCRATIC: they took the decision out of the hands of un-elected justices and put it into the hands of the Peoples' representatives in the State legislatures.

EVERYTHING the Leftists are saying about this decision is a LIE.

Leftists are evil. Never forget it.

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