Dems set to cut food stamps AGAIN for Michelle "no one can eat cake" Obama?

Corporate lobbyists pretty much run our government.

Corporate lobbyists pretty much run our government.

You left out Unions & NGO's.

Democrats think we should give these fuckers more power & control

That's what pisses me off the most about Obama. Ok I KNEW what some of his ideas were and hey ok if most Americans want to go that route, that's the government process we live in; but he ran on a campaign of change, of doing things different, and the only thing different is the name of the companies who are calling the shots. And his supporters are too blind, or ignorant , to see. Or maybe they are just too dishonest to admit it, I haven't decided yet.
Idiots like you would defend Obama no matter what asinine shit he pulled.

For me, there's always a reason for "defending" him and that's because there is always cause and effect. While I almost always support his cause, I often disagree with the effect (i.e., the way health care reform was structured).

Some of us actually take the time to do critical analysis, preferring to address the substance rather than just the poison headline before spouting off.

Critical analysis is not what you do.

How would you even know? :doubt:
For me, there's always a reason for "defending" him and that's because there is always cause and effect. While I almost always support his cause, I often disagree with the effect (i.e., the way health care reform was structured).

Some of us actually take the time to do critical analysis, preferring to address the substance rather than just the poison headline before spouting off.

Critical analysis is not what you do.

How would you even know? :doubt:

You prove it every time you post.
what would the outrage be from the left if the republicans tried to cut food stamps to pay for any project?

wasn't it howard dean who said, "the difference between republicans and democrats is that we don't want our children going to bed hungry at night"
cry us a river, we are entitled, we endured blind Bush hatred for ten years and counting. Hypocrite.

My hatred was fueled by the fact that it wasn't George W. Bush who actually ran the agenda. It was Cheney and his neocons.

And you're insane if you think Obama is actually running "his" agenda. President are puppets.

Then I wonder why it's only the real "liberals" who don't like him anymore? He campaigned on a set of principles, which the liberals Democrats thought would mean more government control, i.e., a real tilt toward socialism. But although he has tried to fulfill his campaign promises, he also didn't promise the liberals how he would go about it. Obama would have been another triangulator, like Clinton, but unfortunately he had a hostile bunch of Republicans in no mood for compromise at all. The result has been a health care reform bill that looks like it was designed by Dr. Frankenstein with parts glued together just to get it done. Same with financial reform.

And by the way, the second half of any first term almost always sees post resignations, so look for changes in the ones who have been "puppeteers" the first 2 years.
I suppose Maggie makes an interesting point. A poor showing in November will probably lead to many "resignations" and outright, under the bus tossing. Let the carnage begin!
Corporate lobbyists pretty much run our government.

Corporate lobbyists pretty much run our government.

You left out Unions & NGO's.

Democrats think we should give these fuckers more power & control

That's what pisses me off the most about Obama. Ok I KNEW what some of his ideas were and hey ok if most Americans want to go that route, that's the government process we live in; but he ran on a campaign of change, of doing things different, and the only thing different is the name of the companies who are calling the shots. And his supporters are too blind, or ignorant , to see. Or maybe they are just too dishonest to admit it, I haven't decided yet.

You can't outlaw lobbyists. It's that pesky first amendment thing. Plus, I wouldn't blame the office of the president for kowtowing to lobbyists when it's the congress critters that they want to spend time with and peddle their special interests.
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what would the outrage be from the left if the republicans tried to cut food stamps to pay for any project?

wasn't it howard dean who said, "the difference between republicans and democrats is that we don't want our children going to bed hungry at night"

There's outrage because it's proposed by certain Dems. It would help if you'd read the article.
I suppose Maggie makes an interesting point. A poor showing in November will probably lead to many "resignations" and outright, under the bus tossing. Let the carnage begin!

Although I see many changes, and possible Republican control of the House, I also see a lot of disgruntled voters in the months following November who will be wondering what they were thinking. The Republicans are offering zero by way of solving any of the more serious problems, such as jobs, which they have been DEMANDING Obama provide. How much time do you think will now be allowed by voters of a newly elected bunch of inexperienced, and in some cases downright dumb Republicans? The same anxious people won't be in any better mood for all the partisan bullshit that is sure to occur.
Wrongo. I think Obama is a pretty sucky president.
I do not think he has the balls to do what is needed for the best longterm interests of America.
He like most politicians started campaining for re-election the day he got elected the first time.

Then why do you defend him so vigorously? Or are you just defending the Democratic party?

Commenting on the blind obama hatred of you and your cronies in politics is not defending obama.
It is pointing our your stupid little sheeple closed minds.

show where I defended obama in this thread.

I have only defended obama on a couple of issues since he became president.

Give us an example of blind hatred of obama. Surely you must have an idea as to why we hate him.
I suppose Maggie makes an interesting point. A poor showing in November will probably lead to many "resignations" and outright, under the bus tossing. Let the carnage begin!

Although I see many changes, and possible Republican control of the House, I also see a lot of disgruntled voters in the months following November who will be wondering what they were thinking. The Republicans are offering zero by way of solving any of the more serious problems, such as jobs, which they have been DEMANDING Obama provide. How much time do you think will now be allowed by voters of a newly elected bunch of inexperienced, and in some cases downright dumb Republicans? The same anxious people won't be in any better mood for all the partisan bullshit that is sure to occur.

Dumb Republicans? I don't think Alvin Greene is a republican.
I have had enough of the Rebutlickens and the demoncrats.

But Ron Paul is an unrealistic pipe dreaming joke as president.

Doubt you could give 5 reasons why RP would make a bad president and back it up with any amount of facts... Facts that are not made up.
Okay folks, here is what I see.

The Democrats are shifting money from a program that is over funded. Point for not wasting money.

The program being funded can save money by improving the health of youth. Sounds good to me.

Am I losing my conservative edge?

No, you don't get it.

Liberals have POUNDED US OVER THE HEAD FOR DECADES that these programs were VITAL to feed the poor.

ANY SUGGESTION of tax payers keeping more of what they earn was MET WITH HYSTERIA AND DERISION!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember when Republicans (didn't even cut) raised school lunches 2% (in the 90s) and the Democrat controlled liberal media told us it was a "cut" because Democrats supposedly wanted a 5% hike?

We heard for YEARS that Republicans cut school lunches when the truth was they raised it!

Now they blithely cut MILLIONS out of the Food Stamp program TO FUND UNIONS AND MICHELLE'S PET PROJECT??????

This is PROOF POSTIVE that these programs were never about feeding the poor, but DEMOCRAT POWER and once they think that power doesn't rest so much with the food stamp program but with unions et al, look what they do!!!!!!!

It's extremely telling and screams liberal hypocrisy and phoniness.
Are Democrats like TRYING to look like phonies just before the election??? Are they that desperate to lose? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Democrats who reluctantly slashed a food stamp program to fund a state aid bill may have to do so again to pay for a top priority of first lady Michelle Obama.

The House will soon consider an $8 billion child nutrition bill that’s at the center of the first lady’s “Let’s Move” initiative. Before leaving for the summer recess, the Senate passed a smaller version of the legislation that is paid for by trimming the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps.

The proposed cuts would come on top of a 13.6 percent food stamp reduction in the $26 billion Medicaid and education state funding bill that President Obama signed this week.

Food stamps have made multiple appearances on the fiscal chopping block because Democrats have few other places to turn to offset the cost of legislation.

Party leaders raided the budget to find off-setting tax increases and spending cuts to pay for their top legislative priorities, including the roughly $900 billion healthcare law. Congressional pay-as-you-go rules require lawmakers to offset all non-emergency spending.

First, "Michelle's" nutrition bill hasn't gone anywhere yet, so there you go jumping to conclusions again. At least the article cited was honest.

Second, I find it hilarious that an uber right-winger is suddenly defending the uber left-wing (who want both programs in place and find the funding somewhere else).

Instead of repeating myself, I'm just going to cut and paste what I just told save liberty.

It's not my fault if you are aren't astute in the political implications.

Cut and paste:

No, you don't get it.

Liberals have POUNDED US OVER THE HEAD FOR DECADES that these programs were VITAL to feed the poor.

ANY SUGGESTION of tax payers keeping more of what they earn was MET WITH HYSTERIA AND DERISION!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember when Republicans (didn't even cut) raised school lunches 2% (in the 90s) and the Democrat controlled liberal media told us it was a "cut" because Democrats supposedly wanted a 5% hike?

We heard for YEARS that Republicans cut school lunches when the truth was they raised it!

Now they blithely cut MILLIONS out of the Food Stamp program TO FUND UNIONS AND MICHELLE'S PET PROJECT??????

This is PROOF POSTIVE that these programs were never about feeding the poor, but DEMOCRAT POWER and once they think that power doesn't rest so much with the food stamp program but with unions et al, look what they do!!!!!!!

It's extremely telling and screams liberal hypocrisy and phoniness.
Righties would bitch about Obama if he ended welfare. One of their orgasmic level dreams.

Idiots like you would defend Obama no matter what asinine shit he pulled.

For me, there's always a reason for "defending" him and that's because there is always cause and effect. While I almost always support his cause, I often disagree with the effect (i.e., the way health care reform was structured).

Some of us actually take the time to do critical analysis, preferring to address the substance rather than just the poison headline before spouting off.

Okay, that is absolutely idiotic.

What you are telling me is CLASSIC LIBERALISM.

In other words you support the "good intentions" but don't like the fact those fantasy good intentions don't work in reality!

"I support the cause but I often disagree with the effect!" :lol: :lol::lol:

What? Did you think that sounded "uber intelligent" or something? That we all would be impressed with your political acumen? :lol::lol::lol:

That was dumb as hell!

That is EXACTLY what I (and Rush Limbaugh) has been saying for decades. Liberals want you to only judge their programs by the "good intentions" and ignore the REALITY which is the consequences.

Psst! Here's a clue! That's the PROBLEM. Those good intentions NEVER WORK, they always are a cluster *uckup when applied and those are those "effects" in which you think you are completely innocent.

Sorry you don't get that free pass. You supported the "cause" you can't divorce yourself and pretend you aren't EQUALLY AS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSQUENCES. They ALWAYS GO AWRY!!!!!!!!

Nice try!


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