Dems silent on Iran protests as demonstrators blame regime, not Trump, for plane crash

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Democratic congressional leaders and presidential candidates who were unsparing in their criticism of President Trump for the escalation with Iran over the past two weeks largely have gone silent now that the protests on the streets of Tehran and beyond have turned their rage toward the regime — and not the Trump White House.

Even as videos emerged online Monday that purportedly show Iranian police and security forces firing live ammunition to disperse protestors, so far among the 2020 Democratic candidates only former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., have spoken out in support of the people.

Journalist Yashar Ali, who is of Iranian descent and has friends and family there, called out the left for being silent when it comes to the protests, in a viral Twitter thread about the situation.

“I've gone through some of the most active and prominent liberal Twitter accounts and none of them mentioned the Iran protests today,” Ali tweeted Sunday. “These same people were actively tweeting about wanting to avoid war and attacking Trump for his decision.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The forces of evil are the same whether in Iran or in the USA.

They oppose the President whose rallying calls are "Make America Great!" and "In God We Trust!"

It requires true courage to oppose the evil that has seized control of Iran.

It also requires courage to oppose the evil that has seized control of the Democrat Party, the news media, academia, and much of the electorate in the USA--though not as much courage as required in Iran, it's true, as the DEAD BODIES of their young start to pile up!

It's dangerous in America to wear a MAGA hat or teeshirt.

Imagine that!

Dangerous--in the United States--to wear a hat that says "Make America Great Again!"

Evil is powerful, insidious, and ubiquitous. It has seized control of roughly a third of the USA! That third of the US electorate supports the DemonRAT Party, which has proven time and Time again throughout its history that it is the Party of Hate, Violence, and Evil, and why I call them the party of INFANTICIDE!
This along with the defection of the woman Olympian is good news, it's unfortunate trump can't keep his mouth shut and stay off twitter. As Iranian people seek a democratic government, trump supporters fear it and seek to reelect their authoritarian dictator for four more years.
This along with the defection of the woman Olympian is good news, it's unfortunate trump can't keep his mouth shut and stay off twitter. As Iranian people seek a democratic government, trump supporters fear it and seek to reelect their authoritarian dictator for four more years.

You obviously have no clue what it would be like to live under a true authortarian dictatorship.
This along with the defection of the woman Olympian is good news, it's unfortunate trump can't keep his mouth shut and stay off twitter. As Iranian people seek a democratic government, trump supporters fear it and seek to reelect their authoritarian dictator for four more years.

You obviously have no clue what it would be like to live under a true authortarian dictatorship.

True, but I'm learning every time trump tweets and speaks at rallies and press conferences.
This along with the defection of the woman Olympian is good news, it's unfortunate trump can't keep his mouth shut and stay off twitter. As Iranian people seek a democratic government, trump supporters fear it and seek to reelect their authoritarian dictator for four more years.

You obviously have no clue what it would be like to live under a true authortarian dictatorship.

True, but I'm learning every time trump tweets and speaks at rallies and press conferences.

Aw Bull! and your tongue in cheek crap here is an insult to those around the world who have to actually live in those regimes....You should be ashamed.
Democratic congressional leaders and presidential candidates who were unsparing in their criticism of President Trump for the escalation with Iran over the past two weeks largely have gone silent now that the protests on the streets of Tehran and beyond have turned their rage toward the regime — and not the Trump White House.

Even as videos emerged online Monday that purportedly show Iranian police and security forces firing live ammunition to disperse protestors, so far among the 2020 Democratic candidates only former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., have spoken out in support of the people.

Journalist Yashar Ali, who is of Iranian descent and has friends and family there, called out the left for being silent when it comes to the protests, in a viral Twitter thread about the situation.

“I've gone through some of the most active and prominent liberal Twitter accounts and none of them mentioned the Iran protests today,” Ali tweeted Sunday. “These same people were actively tweeting about wanting to avoid war and attacking Trump for his decision.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The forces of evil are the same whether in Iran or in the USA.

They oppose the President whose rallying calls are "Make America Great!" and "In God We Trust!"

It requires true courage to oppose the evil that has seized control of Iran.

It also requires courage to oppose the evil that has seized control of the Democrat Party, the news media, academia, and much of the electorate in the USA--though not as much courage as required in Iran, it's true, as the DEAD BODIES of their young start to pile up!

It's dangerous in America to wear a MAGA hat or teeshirt.

Imagine that!

Dangerous--in the United States--to wear a hat that says "Make America Great Again!"

Evil is powerful, insidious, and ubiquitous. It has seized control of roughly a third of the USA! That third of the US electorate supports the DemonRAT Party, which has proven time and Time again throughout its history that it is the Party of Hate, Violence, and Evil, and why I call them the party of INFANTICIDE!
I hate to break your little snot bubble but I care nothing about the protesters and I`m a Dem. Keep spewing your nonsense like an idiot if it makes you happy. DemonRAT? That`s clever.... for an 8 year old.
When they rioted in Iran when the Surrender Monkey was president and he wouldn't stand with DEMOCRACY....THAT was when the Iranian Radicals started to shit all over the Halfrican, took our men and naval ship and got a BOUNTY from the Obomanation for that...Need links?
Democratic congressional leaders and presidential candidates who were unsparing in their criticism of President Trump for the escalation with Iran over the past two weeks largely have gone silent now that the protests on the streets of Tehran and beyond have turned their rage toward the regime — and not the Trump White House.

Even as videos emerged online Monday that purportedly show Iranian police and security forces firing live ammunition to disperse protestors, so far among the 2020 Democratic candidates only former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., have spoken out in support of the people.

Journalist Yashar Ali, who is of Iranian descent and has friends and family there, called out the left for being silent when it comes to the protests, in a viral Twitter thread about the situation.

“I've gone through some of the most active and prominent liberal Twitter accounts and none of them mentioned the Iran protests today,” Ali tweeted Sunday. “These same people were actively tweeting about wanting to avoid war and attacking Trump for his decision.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The forces of evil are the same whether in Iran or in the USA.

They oppose the President whose rallying calls are "Make America Great!" and "In God We Trust!"

It requires true courage to oppose the evil that has seized control of Iran.

It also requires courage to oppose the evil that has seized control of the Democrat Party, the news media, academia, and much of the electorate in the USA--though not as much courage as required in Iran, it's true, as the DEAD BODIES of their young start to pile up!

It's dangerous in America to wear a MAGA hat or teeshirt.

Imagine that!

Dangerous--in the United States--to wear a hat that says "Make America Great Again!"

Evil is powerful, insidious, and ubiquitous. It has seized control of roughly a third of the USA! That third of the US electorate supports the DemonRAT Party, which has proven time and Time again throughout its history that it is the Party of Hate, Violence, and Evil, and why I call them the party of INFANTICIDE!
I hate to break your little snot bubble but I care nothing about the protesters and I`m a Dem. Keep spewing your nonsense like an idiot if it makes you happy. DemonRAT? That`s clever.... for an 8 year old.



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