Dems still own Obamacare. Good for midterms

Feel free to post where they cut them for 2014, I'll wait.

I guess I misunderstood your post, cut no, just didn't pay.
The state of the ACA's risk corridors

Tried to copy and past article several times, would not let me. Anyway there's the link.

You analysis is WRONG, maybe you should read ALL of the articles related to the subject Including where the OSHITASS DOJ tried to freeze lawsuits by insurers on the basis that the insurers were not entitled to payment until the END of the program. They were trying to hold the payment until the program ended and BANKRUPT the companies so they could tank oshitcare and go to single payer before the dogshit left office. Either you are complicit in these peoples attempt to make this country another France or Venezuela or you are too stupid to realize what is happening. IF the damn republican holdouts do not get on board, they will lose any chance of resetting the bar to the level it will take to rebuild the destruction of the last eight years.

I guess you haven't read the news today, repeal is also dead.

REPEAL and replace are dead until the chicken shit republicans in the senate and the house put the bill on the desk. Just like all of the other bills they sent oshitass , They are afraid to send the bills to Trump because he will do as he said he would and sign them into law. It is just an accounting of the number of chicken shit republicans that really should be in the dimshit party. And I don't give a damn what the news says today, there is always tomorrow to let them all know they will be gone if they do not do what they were sent there for. The idea that you can send people from 10 dimshit states to disrupt the town halls of republican senators that they will never vote for can be stopped too just like BLM is about to be stopped with any luck and intelligent lawyers to bring the racist violent murderers to their knees AND or financial ruin whichever or both. That will set precedent for all liberal activist terrorist to be sued successfully and their sponsors especially soros to be financially stripped.

Well there might be a small glimmer of hope. I just read the hill and moderate dems and repubs have been meeting on and off but now are discussing how to fix this. Even shummy reached out to McConnell today, so far McConnell hasn't accepted.
I think republicans will try a straight repeal with a 2 year start date. That would allow them to campaign on a promise fulfill, now send me back and we'll create a great healthcare law. The problem of course is many congressmen are going to see this as just kicking the can down road. After a try at a repeal only with a 2 year start date, republicans will be open to a bipartisan bill, something both parties should have done.

He is there to repeal it all they have to do is put it on his desk, so what's funny igmo bull shit? besides you!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You can talk all the shit you want to but given the legislation he WAS promised by the chickenshit republicans, HE will clear the slate on his agenda the day they lay all of the bills on his desk. SO WE are laughing at YOU, and all who are against him as they lose their seats next election.

Only rubes think failure is success!


Only idiots think complete destruction of a viable system and replacing it with a complete FAILURE is anything but stupidity.
Trump has not failed, the republican congress has failed SO far igmo toro. That does not mean a thing. It will only be a failure if the chicken shit republicans let the dimshit scum retake the two houses by not doing their jobs. Trump will repeal it and he may not even replace it with a government program he may jus set standards for PRIVATE insurers to follow. Man you liberals are way ahead of yourselves with your gloating. With the DEAD, shit especially. Trump said today that he will just let the aca fail and crash on it's own HE can do that all he has to do is say I won't sign any bill you send to me unless you do this!! and go as usual to the TWEETERY and tell all of the world what he is doing and why. If he does that there will be NO healthcare for anyone except what a private company will sell. and the dimshitscum will be the one who are responsible for it all. Then if they send a single payer plan to his desk all he has to do is veto it. ANY republicans who vote to override will be history, and many dimshits will too.

Trump supported single payer at one time, who's to say he still doesn't?

Conservative columnist: Trump once backed single-payer health care
There's a better chance Trump will stop dying his hair orange once a week and promise never to lie again than him going for single payer.
It makes too much sense and we all know common sense is not his strong suit.
I'll say one thing for the Dems! They stick together, march in lockstep, and all speak the same talking points. The Republicans have too many rhinos.
Do you think they've learned anything here? Like a little compromise is better than looking foolish and incompetent?.
What kind of compromise?
Anything that averts the party from looking foolish and incompetent. Anything that is some kind of win instead of a principled loss. Which is worthless.
You got to keep obamacare. A win for takers a major loss for the makers. It's unaffordable but you got it. Hooray!
How does it feel to know your party had 8 years to come up with a valid HC bill and they failed miserably?
God knows you'd never be honest enough to admit THAT!!!!!!


The Solution is getting govt civil servants out of healthcare........
I guess I misunderstood your post, cut no, just didn't pay.
The state of the ACA's risk corridors

Tried to copy and past article several times, would not let me. Anyway there's the link.

You analysis is WRONG, maybe you should read ALL of the articles related to the subject Including where the OSHITASS DOJ tried to freeze lawsuits by insurers on the basis that the insurers were not entitled to payment until the END of the program. They were trying to hold the payment until the program ended and BANKRUPT the companies so they could tank oshitcare and go to single payer before the dogshit left office. Either you are complicit in these peoples attempt to make this country another France or Venezuela or you are too stupid to realize what is happening. IF the damn republican holdouts do not get on board, they will lose any chance of resetting the bar to the level it will take to rebuild the destruction of the last eight years.

I guess you haven't read the news today, repeal is also dead.

REPEAL and replace are dead until the chicken shit republicans in the senate and the house put the bill on the desk. Just like all of the other bills they sent oshitass , They are afraid to send the bills to Trump because he will do as he said he would and sign them into law. It is just an accounting of the number of chicken shit republicans that really should be in the dimshit party. And I don't give a damn what the news says today, there is always tomorrow to let them all know they will be gone if they do not do what they were sent there for. The idea that you can send people from 10 dimshit states to disrupt the town halls of republican senators that they will never vote for can be stopped too just like BLM is about to be stopped with any luck and intelligent lawyers to bring the racist violent murderers to their knees AND or financial ruin whichever or both. That will set precedent for all liberal activist terrorist to be sued successfully and their sponsors especially soros to be financially stripped.

Well there might be a small glimmer of hope. I just read the hill and moderate dems and repubs have been meeting on and off but now are discussing how to fix this. Even shummy reached out to McConnell today, so far McConnell hasn't accepted.
I think republicans will try a straight repeal with a 2 year start date. That would allow them to campaign on a promise fulfill, now send me back and we'll create a great healthcare law. The problem of course is many congressmen are going to see this as just kicking the can down road. After a try at a repeal only with a 2 year start date, republicans will be open to a bipartisan bill, something both parties should have done.

They already said that was dead today, 4 will not go along with full repeal.
Do you think they've learned anything here? Like a little compromise is better than looking foolish and incompetent?.
What kind of compromise?
Anything that averts the party from looking foolish and incompetent. Anything that is some kind of win instead of a principled loss. Which is worthless.
You got to keep obamacare. A win for takers a major loss for the makers. It's unaffordable but you got it. Hooray!
How does it feel to know your party had 8 years to come up with a valid HC bill and they failed miserably?
God knows you'd never be honest enough to admit THAT!!!!!!


The Solution is getting govt civil servants out of healthcare........
Wrong? Lol
The GOP didn't have 8 years to come up with a workable HC plan?
Thanks for proving me right that you don't have the guts to admit it.
The President should have said we will sit back and continue to watch commiecare "succeed" all on its
The problem folks like you have is that you assume that because you don't have any integrity nobody else does either. It helped a select few who happened to benefit/qualify for both subsidies and cost sharing. THAT however was a very select few. Without that folks (most folks) were forced into a Bronze plan that didn't help them at all.
It also helped middle class people with pre existing conditions who didn't need subsidies but just needed coverage. Right?

As I said, they were forced into Bronze Plans that carried with (at the time) a $6600 ded. That didn't help them. Now that ded is $7150. Coverage that simply says "you're covered" doesn't help anyone. The argument then becomes "well it's better than nothing", no, because in actuality it IS nothing. They can't afford that either.
The average deductible is no where near $7150. You are quoting the amount for individual insurance which only 14% of Americans have. The average deductible is $1,478 annually for covered workers. At small firms, the average deductibles now tops $2,000.

LOL, I never claimed otherwise, did I? The people MOST affected by the ACA were the folks on individual plans.
I agree. I've bought individual plans for years before Obamacare. They have always been expensive with rather high deductibles, exclusions, and very selective as to who they insure. Removing pre-existing conditions, exclusions, yearly limits, and lifetime limits sent the cost through the roof because they are now providing additional coverage to the sickest people in the country. The ACA effect on group plans has been minimal, with yearly average premium increases of 3% to 4%, just a bit more than the yearly increase in healthcare costs.

IMHO, the only thing that needs to change to fix Obamacare is the cost in the individual insurance market.

The FACT, all of the plans of oshitcare are a lot more expensive than any plan before was, and even if you pay the higher premium, you wont get to use it unless you pay an exorbitant amount out of pocket or you pay a superinflated premium. It was and is designed to completely drain the insurance companies trust funds and make it impossible for them to sell insurance. THE WHOLE IDEA IS COMMUNIST INSURANCE BY THE GOVERNMENT,, DUMBASSES! That means the ruling class gets to decide who gets healthcare and benefits and who dies or does not get treatments. That was designed to be during the clinton first term, along with the complete destruction of the private energy industry by government regulation. That is exactly how it is in Russia and the rest of the communist countries now. There is no Real Democrat party, and there is very little remaining Republican Party. There is the democratic socialist party ( American communist party) and a fragmented republican communist party-republican centrist party-republican constitutionalist party. There is also the centrist American Majority who are tired of both and voted Trump in. We are tired of the squabbling and shit and the little fringe scum constantly in our face, and WE will get what WE want if it means all of the screwed up liberals communist, and socialist pet groups have to be crushed. SO just keep on keepin on till the day of ENOUGH comes and things get UGLYYYY. It won't be long coming there are about 5000 liberal terrorist cells in this country planning a wide open assault on mainstream America. BUT mainstream America is more than ready!! HAHAAHAHAAHA you schizoid liberals over estimate your worth in every situation. You are worthless at anything but throwing shitballs. Nothing you have ever done has worked or been sustainable.
Trump : Let Obamacare fail.
What he's really saying is " Let people die. My hate for any legislation with Obama's name on it is first and foremost.. more important than any citizen's well being.."

Yes this guy really is that callous and that much a revolting human being.

Absolutely incredible.
Trump is not just willing to let Obamacare fail, he's trying his best to make sure it fails. He's sabotaging the law administratively by refusing to guarantee the payment of cost-sharing subsidies to insurers and by sending mixed signals about whether it would enforce the mandate that people buy insurance or pay a tax penalty. Making matters worse, congress is sending mixed signals about legislation and how dramatic changes will be.

The result is companies are pulling out of the individual market leaving some areas of the country with no insurers. If republican pass a repeal with a 2 year start date, insurers in both the individual and group market will bail out because they have to know details of the law at least 1 to 2 years in advance. This is why Obamacare phased in changes over a 4 year period.
What kind of compromise?
Anything that averts the party from looking foolish and incompetent. Anything that is some kind of win instead of a principled loss. Which is worthless.
You got to keep obamacare. A win for takers a major loss for the makers. It's unaffordable but you got it. Hooray!
How does it feel to know your party had 8 years to come up with a valid HC bill and they failed miserably?
God knows you'd never be honest enough to admit THAT!!!!!!


The Solution is getting govt civil servants out of healthcare........
Wrong? Lol
The GOP didn't have 8 years to come up with a workable HC plan?
Thanks for proving me right that you don't have the guts to admit it.

Didn't prove shit about not having a bill, they sent a dozen bills to oshitasses desk !!, IT just proves they are too chicken shit to let Trump get it on his desk. They knew oshitass wouldn't sign it, They KNOW Trump will sign anything that kills the march to communisim, and the ability of the ruling class to choose who lives and who dies like the UK healthcare system is for a child there, just a little extension of abortion and that murder is okay with liberals Just like the murder of 70 women and children at Mt Carmel, after all they were Christians!!!
Health insurance, any insurance is a joke, always has been. The whole concept of paying into pool is fraud to begin with.
There is no reason to force people to pay for something they do not want and will never use… Fact
Yet it is the system that we have and medical cost are way too high for the vast majority of people to afford. I'm all for a system that can work without the uses of a middleman, but it would need to be implemented in a responsible way. You don't just cut the cord
The repeal was supposed to be implemented over a 2 year period so that wouldn't happen, but the RINO's owned by big insurance money couldn't even to that.

That's the most perfect example of "THE DEEP STATE" I can point to.
Rustic was talking about no insurance at all. That's what I meant by pull the chord. As for the repeal... it is just a cheap way to buy more time for a group of people who just proved to be incompetent of developing a replacement that will be better for the American people. It is an underserved and irresponsible proposition
The problem is, it would appear that the majority of republicans are bought and paid for shills addicted to big lobbyist money, aside from a few that will still think of the nation before their own personal gains, namely one Sen. Rand Paul and a few others. Thank God for them.
I agree, that is a problem on both sides. Gotta start looking at campaign finance reform
Start by single term limits...
Trump : Let Obamacare fail.
What he's really saying is " Let people die. My hate for any legislation with Obama's name on it is first and foremost.. more important than any citizen's well being.."

Yes this guy really is that callous and that much a revolting human being.

Absolutely incredible.
Trump is not just willing to let Obamacare fail, he's trying his best to make sure it fails. He's sabotaging the law administratively by refusing to guarantee the payment of cost-sharing subsidies to insurers and by sending mixed signals about whether it would enforce the mandate that people buy insurance or pay a tax penalty. Making matters worse, congress is sending mixed signals about legislation and how dramatic changes will be.

The result is companies are pulling out of the individual market leaving some areas of the country with no insurers. If republican pass a repeal with a 2 year start date, insurers in both the individual and group market will bail out because they have to know details of the law at least 1 to 2 years in advance. This is why Obamacare phased in changes over a 4 year period.
He should, millions of people that cannot afford Obamacare, will never use Obamacare and do not want Obamacare were forced into the bullshit.
Obama care is too fucked up to fix… fact
Trump : Let Obamacare fail.
What he's really saying is " Let people die. My hate for any legislation with Obama's name on it is first and foremost.. more important than any citizen's well being.."

Yes this guy really is that callous and that much a revolting human being.

Absolutely incredible.
Trump is not just willing to let Obamacare fail, he's trying his best to make sure it fails. He's sabotaging the law administratively by refusing to guarantee the payment of cost-sharing subsidies to insurers and by sending mixed signals about whether it would enforce the mandate that people buy insurance or pay a tax penalty.

The result is companies are pulling out of the individual market leaving some areas of the country with no insurers in the individual market. If republican pass a repeal with a 2 year start date, insurers in both the individual and group market will bail out because they have to know details of the law at least 1 to 2 years in advance. This is why Obamacare phased in changes over a 4 year period.

HE doesn't have to do anything, Apparently you don't read much unless it is a liberal talking point, If you read the bill and have even a half brain you will understand that it is designed to be dead by the end of the next two years. If shitbitch had been president, you would have single payer complete government insurance and ruling class control of energy by the end of her term. Then the next and final DICTATOR would return. Welcome to communist control. It is absolutely true that the people who vote for dimshits are complete fools and of very low IQ. Barrak Obama, communist, his mother communist, his real father communist, his stated father communist, his grandmother and grandfather communist, his closest friends and mentors communist, his first campaign manager communist as were his parents. >>>>>>> and you think the healthcare plan he signed was not drafted to be a communist version of healthcare CONTROL, and therefore of LIFE CONTROL, Damn you are dumb.
Repeal and rates go up close to 100% for 2018
And just how do you know that?

You think for one minute insurance companies are going to insure pre x without getting anything in return? That is why the rates have steadily gone up because repubs keep cutting the risk corridors a little more each year and wham they'll be gone soon.
Paying into any sort of insurance pool is pure fraud... fact
I'm not skirting anything, you just aren't getting the answers you want so you think that by discounting them out of hand helps you "win". You're wrong. Again, the ultimate goal was/is/ always has been Single Payer and that's what the ACA was designed to do, collapse the system and force the Nation into it. THAT'S what's working.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
/----/ Yes I do and I also admit Hitler got the trains to run on time. Now consider the entire picture on Obzocare...........
All things considered, both sides need to stop the partisan posturing and work together to fix the areas of the ACA that are inflating costs. The protections the ACA provides should stay, it appears most people would agree

Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.
See that's the problem, people should not be forced to pay for other peoples shit...
run early and often on Obamacare!
The people are supporting Obamacare more and more as the GOP butchers their Repeal/Replace plan. Throwing in the towel for repeal only isn't going to help things. Just displays that they don't know what to do.

You can't honestly be implying the Republicans should run with an anti Obamacare message during the midterms after haveing two years with a majority to fix or replace!!! That makes no sense

I know it is supported by those getting the freebies! Those paying for the freebies? Not so much.
There's much more in there than freebies. The people who were most impacted by Obamacare are those who had preexisting conditions. That's the heart of the ACA. It was formed to prevent insurance companies from weeding out the sick so they can cover as many "healthy" people as possible to increase profits. They did also expand Medicaid, you may think it a better idea to let those in poverty to not have health insurance. They end up going to the ER anyways where hospitals eat the costs and then care costs rise. Either way, I'm not hearing any good solutions coming from the GOP. All they are doing is spiking insecurity with all the demonization of Ocare and no unity on productive solutions. The result is increasing the popularity of Obamacare
Obamacare is destroying millions of people's lives, because it only suits progressives. It is not in the best interest of the rest of the country. Fact
The ACA has made life tougher for some and better for others, i'm not going to argue that it is a perfect plan. It has failed on an affordability level and needs many tweaks. But it has shown success and saved lifes for those who are the most vulnerable... those with pre-existing conditions and those in poverty. So do I type "Fact" now to prove this is a true statement? Is that how it works?
I agree with one exception. It failed to provide affordable insurance in the individual market. In the group market, prexisting conditions was not a problem and most of the essential services were already covered, thus there has not been major cost increases like we have seen in the individual market. If you eliminate the affordability problem in the individual market, Obamacare has been fairly successful at meeting most of it's goals.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
/----/ Yes I do and I also admit Hitler got the trains to run on time. Now consider the entire picture on Obzocare...........
All things considered, both sides need to stop the partisan posturing and work together to fix the areas of the ACA that are inflating costs. The protections the ACA provides should stay, it appears most people would agree

Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.
See that's the problem, people should not be forced to pay for other peoples shit...
Sorry to burst your bubble but thats what government is, thats what taxation is... It's fine if you want to live in Anarchy, but its not realistic in this country.
/----/ Yes I do and I also admit Hitler got the trains to run on time. Now consider the entire picture on Obzocare...........
All things considered, both sides need to stop the partisan posturing and work together to fix the areas of the ACA that are inflating costs. The protections the ACA provides should stay, it appears most people would agree

Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.
See that's the problem, people should not be forced to pay for other peoples shit...
Sorry to burst your bubble but thats what government is, thats what taxation is... It's fine if you want to live in Anarchy, but its not realistic in this country.
That's why socialism can never work, it feeds off of the prosperous and successful…
Fraud is encouraged in the collective.
Anything that averts the party from looking foolish and incompetent. Anything that is some kind of win instead of a principled loss. Which is worthless.
You got to keep obamacare. A win for takers a major loss for the makers. It's unaffordable but you got it. Hooray!
I don't like the ACA. That didn't answer my question.
You did not answer mine either! What compromise do you wish to make with democrats? Remember them? They fucked up the entire medical care in this country!
I wasn't talking about compromise with the Democrats.

I was talking about compromise with OTHER REPUBLICANS.

They couldn't even do THAT.

If you don't have an answer, that's okay.
So I misunderstood your question. So what compromise would you make with the dissenting Republicans? Like Collins who wants to fund PP? Or the ones who wanted to keep the mandates and taxes? Which of those are acceptable to you? Funding murder? Mandates? Or taxing the shit out of the middle class?

Collins was the one who could read that taking 22 million people off Health Insurance so that Billionaires could get a tax break doesn't make sense...

You are not here to discuss.. You are already indoctrinated into the group think... Well done to those Republicans who got past the cloud and put Americans ahead of Team Red. That new health bill would have sent US well down the international health rankings...
The people are supporting Obamacare more and more as the GOP butchers their Repeal/Replace plan. Throwing in the towel for repeal only isn't going to help things. Just displays that they don't know what to do.

You can't honestly be implying the Republicans should run with an anti Obamacare message during the midterms after haveing two years with a majority to fix or replace!!! That makes no sense

I know it is supported by those getting the freebies! Those paying for the freebies? Not so much.
There's much more in there than freebies. The people who were most impacted by Obamacare are those who had preexisting conditions. That's the heart of the ACA. It was formed to prevent insurance companies from weeding out the sick so they can cover as many "healthy" people as possible to increase profits. They did also expand Medicaid, you may think it a better idea to let those in poverty to not have health insurance. They end up going to the ER anyways where hospitals eat the costs and then care costs rise. Either way, I'm not hearing any good solutions coming from the GOP. All they are doing is spiking insecurity with all the demonization of Ocare and no unity on productive solutions. The result is increasing the popularity of Obamacare
Obamacare is destroying millions of people's lives, because it only suits progressives. It is not in the best interest of the rest of the country. Fact
The ACA has made life tougher for some and better for others, i'm not going to argue that it is a perfect plan. It has failed on an affordability level and needs many tweaks. But it has shown success and saved lifes for those who are the most vulnerable... those with pre-existing conditions and those in poverty. So do I type "Fact" now to prove this is a true statement? Is that how it works?
I agree with one exception. It failed to provide affordable insurance in the individual market. In the group market, prexisting conditions was not a problem and most of the essential services were already covered, thus there has not been major cost increases like we have seen in the individual market. If you eliminate the affordability problem in the individual market, Obamacare has been fairly successful at meeting most of it's goals.
I've been in the individual market my whole life as I have always been self employed and I didn't notice any difference over the life of the ACA. Of course that is just me, I've heard stories from others that have had a different experience. Like I said, I'm open and would very much like to see a bipartisan effort to work these cost issues out. There have been plenty of good ideas that can help drive costs down but we need to get on the same page on a fundamental level which seems to be were the problems are coming from. We need to increase enrollements and reduce the amount of uninsured in the this country. We need to increase transparency and accountability as far as what is being charged for healthcare. We need to increase competition. We can look at deregulating areas that are causing unnecessary burdens. All of these will help drive costs down and they should be attractive to both sides of the aisle.

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