Dems still own Obamacare. Good for midterms

You are not making a complete argument. You've been skirting away from acknowledging that the bill has helped many with Pre-existing conditions get coverage. I'll assume that you agree with that unless you state otherwise. I acknowledge that premiums and deductibles have gone up for many people as well making it much harder to pay for their care. If we are going to have a fair discussion about it we need to understand the numbers and choose the best approach. If covering those with PreCons is driving up costs then do we want to drop them so prices can come back down? Can we find a way to offset those costs so they still get coverage and affordable plans can be available for the healthy? These items are what we should be discussing.

I'm not skirting anything, you just aren't getting the answers you want so you think that by discounting them out of hand helps you "win". You're wrong. Again, the ultimate goal was/is/ always has been Single Payer and that's what the ACA was designed to do, collapse the system and force the Nation into it. THAT'S what's working.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
/----/ Yes I do and I also admit Hitler got the trains to run on time. Now consider the entire picture on Obzocare...........
All things considered, both sides need to stop the partisan posturing and work together to fix the areas of the ACA that are inflating costs. The protections the ACA provides should stay, it appears most people would agree

Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.
I'm not skirting anything, you just aren't getting the answers you want so you think that by discounting them out of hand helps you "win". You're wrong. Again, the ultimate goal was/is/ always has been Single Payer and that's what the ACA was designed to do, collapse the system and force the Nation into it. THAT'S what's working.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
/----/ Yes I do and I also admit Hitler got the trains to run on time. Now consider the entire picture on Obzocare...........
All things considered, both sides need to stop the partisan posturing and work together to fix the areas of the ACA that are inflating costs. The protections the ACA provides should stay, it appears most people would agree

Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.

And force others to pay for it.

you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?
And you missed my entire point! At what cost? And, is it fair to pay quadruple to help others?
I was the one making the point that you ignored. I even stated that there were cost issues that we could discuss after you answered my question. You obviously could not answer it and wanted to just right to your narrative... So why should I waste my time engaging with you?
Okay! Then do not engage with me. Your option.
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
Unfeasable medicare requires it's recipients to pay into the system their entire working lives! Shall we pull insurance premium s out of all income? Even welfare checks?

Not true. It takes 40 quarters. Yes we need to pull from day 1 of anyone's working career.
We will also need to pull from all welfare checks.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
It is also destroying millions of people's lives, you do realize that It suits only progressives. The rest of America is forced to pay for something they cannot afford, they do not want and will never use… Fact
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.

It helps a small minority that are likely gaming the system and have fucked up priorities.

What are you talking about? Are you just making stuff up to try and sound like you're in the know? How about less assumptions and more facts. It makes for a stronger argument.

If you can't afford a shiny new Honda, your shit out of luck. Same thing for a new big screen TV. I'm all for the government providing loans to those in need, who can't afford to pay for healthcare. Kind of like student loans nobody is paying back

Damn, that's strike three for ya. You're on a roll. Healthcare is not a commodity like a new Honda or a big TV. We are talking about the health and wellness of the people of our Nation. Remember that inalienable right to LIFE? We don't let people get sick and die on the street, we take care of them. The free market system works off principles of supply and demand and optimizing profit margins. For insurance to optimize profits they need to increase the healthy people in their system and reduce the amount of sick people they cover. This is why we saw them denying claims and pricing out people with pre-existing conditions prior to the ACA. Do yourself a favor and don't compare the health of our people to driving around in a new sports car. It doesn't make you look like you know what you're talking about.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
/----/ Yes I do and I also admit Hitler got the trains to run on time. Now consider the entire picture on Obzocare...........
All things considered, both sides need to stop the partisan posturing and work together to fix the areas of the ACA that are inflating costs. The protections the ACA provides should stay, it appears most people would agree

Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.

And force others to pay for it.

Yes, like our military, our roads, and our presidents golf trips... I think the health of our citizens is of equal importance as those 3, wouldn't you agree?
It is also destroying millions of people's lives, you do realize that It suits only progressives. The rest of America is forced to pay for something they cannot afford, they do not want and will never use… Fact
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.

It helps a small minority that are likely gaming the system and have fucked up priorities.

What are you talking about? Are you just making stuff up to try and sound like you're in the know? How about less assumptions and more facts. It makes for a stronger argument.

If you can't afford a shiny new Honda, your shit out of luck. Same thing for a new big screen TV. I'm all for the government providing loans to those in need, who can't afford to pay for healthcare. Kind of like student loans nobody is paying back

Damn, that's strike three for ya. You're on a roll. Healthcare is not a commodity like a new Honda or a big TV. We are talking about the health and wellness of the people of our Nation. Remember that inalienable right to LIFE? We don't let people get sick and die on the street, we take care of them. The free market system works off principles of supply and demand and optimizing profit margins. For insurance to optimize profits they need to increase the healthy people in their system and reduce the amount of sick people they cover. This is why we saw them denying claims and pricing out people with pre-existing conditions prior to the ACA. Do yourself a favor and don't compare the health of our people to driving around in a new sports car. It doesn't make you look like you know what you're talking about.

I know what I'm talking about. Forcing people to pay for a service they don't want is BS. If people worked hard, and lived within their means, they would be able to pay for their healthcare just like I do, and did pre-ACA. The problem is, many do not make healthcare a priority until AFTER they need it. Then since they scatted for years, then got sick, it is only right that I pay for it?

Again, I am for the government providing loans to those who can't pay. Just like college

Otherwise, BS

They're own their own

/----/ Yes I do and I also admit Hitler got the trains to run on time. Now consider the entire picture on Obzocare...........
All things considered, both sides need to stop the partisan posturing and work together to fix the areas of the ACA that are inflating costs. The protections the ACA provides should stay, it appears most people would agree

Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.

And force others to pay for it.

Yes, like our military, our roads, and our presidents golf trips... I think the health of our citizens is of equal importance as those 3, wouldn't you agree?

Of course not. Not if said citizen does not prioritize HC. It's their call

It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.

It helps a small minority that are likely gaming the system and have fucked up priorities.

What are you talking about? Are you just making stuff up to try and sound like you're in the know? How about less assumptions and more facts. It makes for a stronger argument.

If you can't afford a shiny new Honda, your shit out of luck. Same thing for a new big screen TV. I'm all for the government providing loans to those in need, who can't afford to pay for healthcare. Kind of like student loans nobody is paying back

Damn, that's strike three for ya. You're on a roll. Healthcare is not a commodity like a new Honda or a big TV. We are talking about the health and wellness of the people of our Nation. Remember that inalienable right to LIFE? We don't let people get sick and die on the street, we take care of them. The free market system works off principles of supply and demand and optimizing profit margins. For insurance to optimize profits they need to increase the healthy people in their system and reduce the amount of sick people they cover. This is why we saw them denying claims and pricing out people with pre-existing conditions prior to the ACA. Do yourself a favor and don't compare the health of our people to driving around in a new sports car. It doesn't make you look like you know what you're talking about.

I know what I'm talking about. Forcing people to pay for a service they don't want is BS. If people worked hard, and lived within their means, they would be able to pay for their healthcare just like I do, and did pre-ACA. The problem is, many do not make healthcare a priority until AFTER they need it. Then since they scatted for years, then got sick, it is only right that I pay for it?

Again, I am for the government providing loans to those who can't pay. Just like college

Otherwise, BS

They're own their own

The libtards want to work you to death so they can give your earnings to their voters!
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.

It helps a small minority that are likely gaming the system and have fucked up priorities.

What are you talking about? Are you just making stuff up to try and sound like you're in the know? How about less assumptions and more facts. It makes for a stronger argument.

If you can't afford a shiny new Honda, your shit out of luck. Same thing for a new big screen TV. I'm all for the government providing loans to those in need, who can't afford to pay for healthcare. Kind of like student loans nobody is paying back

Damn, that's strike three for ya. You're on a roll. Healthcare is not a commodity like a new Honda or a big TV. We are talking about the health and wellness of the people of our Nation. Remember that inalienable right to LIFE? We don't let people get sick and die on the street, we take care of them. The free market system works off principles of supply and demand and optimizing profit margins. For insurance to optimize profits they need to increase the healthy people in their system and reduce the amount of sick people they cover. This is why we saw them denying claims and pricing out people with pre-existing conditions prior to the ACA. Do yourself a favor and don't compare the health of our people to driving around in a new sports car. It doesn't make you look like you know what you're talking about.

I know what I'm talking about. Forcing people to pay for a service they don't want is BS. If people worked hard, and lived within their means, they would be able to pay for their healthcare just like I do, and did pre-ACA. The problem is, many do not make healthcare a priority until AFTER they need it. Then since they scatted for years, then got sick, it is only right that I pay for it?

Again, I am for the government providing loans to those who can't pay. Just like college

Otherwise, BS

They're own their own

Thats fine, I respect your right to have that opinion, I just don't agree. I think there is a better way to set up our system that deals with the actual situation rather than simply supporting good principles that not everybody follows.
All things considered, both sides need to stop the partisan posturing and work together to fix the areas of the ACA that are inflating costs. The protections the ACA provides should stay, it appears most people would agree

Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.

And force others to pay for it.

Yes, like our military, our roads, and our presidents golf trips... I think the health of our citizens is of equal importance as those 3, wouldn't you agree?

Of course not. Not if said citizen does not prioritize HC. It's their call

Ok, i get it now... I own about a dozen guns and i'm fine defending myself and my family. Maybe I should just opt out of the portion of my taxes that goes to our Military.

Fact of the matter is, when people don't have insurance and they get sick it effects all of us. Healthcare costs go up, people go bankrupt, businesses go under, poverty spreads, etc etc. I know you think you are looking at the big picture, but it sure doesn't sound that way.
As I have posted before the chicken shit republicans don't have the balls to do what they know is right. It is time for every republican holdout to the trump agenda to be replaced and have their congressional pensin and retirement revoked. Same for the dimshit scum who think they are a royal genre. Time to put the shit on the street with NOTHING. Drop funding for the oshit communist library, and the damn clintons pensions too along with every member of the oshit regime.
Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.

And force others to pay for it.

Yes, like our military, our roads, and our presidents golf trips... I think the health of our citizens is of equal importance as those 3, wouldn't you agree?

Of course not. Not if said citizen does not prioritize HC. It's their call

Ok, i get it now... I own about a dozen guns and i'm fine defending myself and my family. Maybe I should just opt out of the portion of my taxes that goes to our Military.

Fact of the matter is, when people don't have insurance and they get sick it effects all of us. Healthcare costs go up, people go bankrupt, businesses go under, poverty spreads, etc etc. I know you think you are looking at the big picture, but it sure doesn't sound that way.

I disagree. My healthcare was X prior to ACA. Post ACA, my policy increased (X) x 26%. Again, I expect all citizens to be as dedicated as I am in ensuring their needs are met. It takes commitment and sacrifice

/----/ Yes I do and I also admit Hitler got the trains to run on time. Now consider the entire picture on Obzocare...........
All things considered, both sides need to stop the partisan posturing and work together to fix the areas of the ACA that are inflating costs. The protections the ACA provides should stay, it appears most people would agree

Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.

And force others to pay for it.

Yes, like our military, our roads, and our presidents golf trips... I think the health of our citizens is of equal importance as those 3, wouldn't you agree?

What the fuck does golf trips have to do with it?
oshitass had his GD trips, even cuntholsi had her own plane that cost more than any golf trip Trump has taken.
The roads are shit because of liberal mayors & governors and their theft schemes. State road program funds went to oshitasses FRIENDLY areas.
THE MILITARY is government funded daily provided healthcare for every man woman and child in this country, if you don't realize that you are a real dumbass.

The oshitass dimshit communist liberals are exactly like hitler, they use exactly the same methods and have exactly the same agenda.
It wouldn't have been if the republicans hadn't cut the risk corridors and fucked the health insurance companies. This is why insurance companies are pulling out. Rates were stabilizing for 2018 but without funding this will be dead. Don't come screaming oh my taxes pay for this, did anyone's taxes go up unless they made more money? NO, they didn't.

Did you lose your doctor's because of Obama, NO, you lost them because of network changes that happen all the gd time.

Get over your talking points, no more than 12% of ANY of the promised monies EVER came through the risk corridors.

I knew that they cut them the first year and why do you think (besides people with prex) the rates went up so high and will continue to go up.

Go ahead and cite a source that says they cut them in 2013. Otherwise just back away.

I don't see where I said 2013 since we didn't start selling until Nov 2013 for an effective date of 1/1/14.

Feel free to post where they cut them for 2014, I'll wait.

I guess I misunderstood your post, cut no, just didn't pay.
The state of the ACA's risk corridors

Tried to copy and past article several times, would not let me. Anyway there's the link.
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
I agree with you. Basic coverage should be provided to all via a single payer system and the insurance industry can focus on supplemental care for more targeted needs.
Then we must have a system that collects federal taxes from everyone. A flat tax.

Well I could agree with that. You know there are 26 medicinal marijuana states and 5 or 6 legal marijuana states, to my knowledge they don't pay federal taxes on sales only state taxes. Legalize it nationwide collect fed taxes and put it towards Medicare for all or something else that would satisfy a majority. Online gambling is illegal here in the states, legalize it and collect fed taxes. You know an addict is going to be an addict whether or not either is legalized.
As I have posted before the chicken shit republicans don't have the balls to do what they know is right. It is time for every republican holdout to the trump agenda to be replaced and have their congressional pensin and retirement revoked. Same for the dimshit scum who think they are a royal genre. Time to put the shit on the street with NOTHING. Drop funding for the oshit communist library, and the damn clintons pensions too along with every member of the oshit regime.
If America agrees with you then you will have your chance in 2018. I wouldn't hold your breath though
Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.

And force others to pay for it.

Yes, like our military, our roads, and our presidents golf trips... I think the health of our citizens is of equal importance as those 3, wouldn't you agree?

Of course not. Not if said citizen does not prioritize HC. It's their call

Ok, i get it now... I own about a dozen guns and i'm fine defending myself and my family. Maybe I should just opt out of the portion of my taxes that goes to our Military.

Fact of the matter is, when people don't have insurance and they get sick it effects all of us. Healthcare costs go up, people go bankrupt, businesses go under, poverty spreads, etc etc. I know you think you are looking at the big picture, but it sure doesn't sound that way.

I disagree. My healthcare was X prior to ACA. Post ACA, my policy increased (X) x 26%. Again, I expect all citizens to be as dedicated as I am in ensuring their needs are met. It takes commitment and sacrifice

What did X equal in 2003?

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