Dems still own Obamacare. Good for midterms

Anything that averts the party from looking foolish and incompetent. Anything that is some kind of win instead of a principled loss. Which is worthless.
You got to keep obamacare. A win for takers a major loss for the makers. It's unaffordable but you got it. Hooray!
I don't like the ACA. That didn't answer my question.
You did not answer mine either! What compromise do you wish to make with democrats? Remember them? They fucked up the entire medical care in this country!
I wasn't talking about compromise with the Democrats.

I was talking about compromise with OTHER REPUBLICANS.

They couldn't even do THAT.

If you don't have an answer, that's okay.
So I misunderstood your question. So what compromise would you make with the dissenting Republicans? Like Collins who wants to fund PP? Or the ones who wanted to keep the mandates and taxes? Which of those are acceptable to you? Funding murder? Mandates? Or taxing the shit out of the middle class?

Fund the fucking risk corridors, insurers will come back.

No one has paid more taxes because of this unless you make more money.
You got to keep obamacare. A win for takers a major loss for the makers. It's unaffordable but you got it. Hooray!
I don't like the ACA. That didn't answer my question.
You did not answer mine either! What compromise do you wish to make with democrats? Remember them? They fucked up the entire medical care in this country!
I wasn't talking about compromise with the Democrats.

I was talking about compromise with OTHER REPUBLICANS.

They couldn't even do THAT.

If you don't have an answer, that's okay.
So I misunderstood your question. So what compromise would you make with the dissenting Republicans? Like Collins who wants to fund PP? Or the ones who wanted to keep the mandates and taxes? Which of those are acceptable to you? Funding murder? Mandates? Or taxing the shit out of the middle class?
I have no idea. I'm not a Republican. I'd rather see us expand the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system to all.

I think I have my answer. I don't think this debacle has taught the GOP a thing.

My thoughts exactly.
Anything that's forced on people that don't want it and will never use it is a failure… Fact
In other words, YES i'm wasting my time explaining this to you. Your mind is closed and you are just fine staying ignorant. FACT
Health insurance, any insurance is a joke, always has been. The whole concept of paying into pool is fraud to begin with.
There is no reason to force people to pay for something they do not want and will never use… Fact
Yet it is the system that we have and medical cost are way too high for the vast majority of people to afford. I'm all for a system that can work without the uses of a middleman, but it would need to be implemented in a responsible way. You don't just cut the cord
The repeal was supposed to be implemented over a 2 year period so that wouldn't happen, but the RINO's owned by big insurance money couldn't even to that.

That's the most perfect example of "THE DEEP STATE" I can point to.
Rustic was talking about no insurance at all. That's what I meant by pull the chord. As for the repeal... it is just a cheap way to buy more time for a group of people who just proved to be incompetent of developing a replacement that will be better for the American people. It is an underserved and irresponsible proposition
The problem is, it would appear that the majority of republicans are bought and paid for shills addicted to big lobbyist money, aside from a few that will still think of the nation before their own personal gains, namely one Sen. Rand Paul and a few others. Thank God for them.

Thus why I registered as an independent about 10 years ago.
In other words, YES i'm wasting my time explaining this to you. Your mind is closed and you are just fine staying ignorant. FACT
Health insurance, any insurance is a joke, always has been. The whole concept of paying into pool is fraud to begin with.
There is no reason to force people to pay for something they do not want and will never use… Fact
Yet it is the system that we have and medical cost are way too high for the vast majority of people to afford. I'm all for a system that can work without the uses of a middleman, but it would need to be implemented in a responsible way. You don't just cut the cord
The repeal was supposed to be implemented over a 2 year period so that wouldn't happen, but the RINO's owned by big insurance money couldn't even to that.

That's the most perfect example of "THE DEEP STATE" I can point to.
Rustic was talking about no insurance at all. That's what I meant by pull the chord. As for the repeal... it is just a cheap way to buy more time for a group of people who just proved to be incompetent of developing a replacement that will be better for the American people. It is an underserved and irresponsible proposition
The problem is, it would appear that the majority of republicans are bought and paid for shills addicted to big lobbyist money, aside from a few that will still think of the nation before their own personal gains, namely one Sen. Rand Paul and a few others. Thank God for them.
I agree, that is a problem on both sides. Gotta start looking at campaign finance reform
Health insurance, any insurance is a joke, always has been. The whole concept of paying into pool is fraud to begin with.
There is no reason to force people to pay for something they do not want and will never use… Fact
Yet it is the system that we have and medical cost are way too high for the vast majority of people to afford. I'm all for a system that can work without the uses of a middleman, but it would need to be implemented in a responsible way. You don't just cut the cord
The repeal was supposed to be implemented over a 2 year period so that wouldn't happen, but the RINO's owned by big insurance money couldn't even to that.

That's the most perfect example of "THE DEEP STATE" I can point to.
Rustic was talking about no insurance at all. That's what I meant by pull the chord. As for the repeal... it is just a cheap way to buy more time for a group of people who just proved to be incompetent of developing a replacement that will be better for the American people. It is an underserved and irresponsible proposition
The problem is, it would appear that the majority of republicans are bought and paid for shills addicted to big lobbyist money, aside from a few that will still think of the nation before their own personal gains, namely one Sen. Rand Paul and a few others. Thank God for them.
I agree, that is a problem on both sides. Gotta start looking at campaign finance reform
Lobbying... (buying politicians), should be illegal, period.
What kind of compromise?
Anything that averts the party from looking foolish and incompetent. Anything that is some kind of win instead of a principled loss. Which is worthless.
You got to keep obamacare. A win for takers a major loss for the makers. It's unaffordable but you got it. Hooray!
How does it feel to know your party had 8 years to come up with a valid HC bill and they failed miserably?
God knows you'd never be honest enough to admit THAT!!!!!!
have you admitted the ACA is a failure, yet?

It wouldn't have been if the republicans hadn't cut the risk corridors and fucked the health insurance companies. This is why insurance companies are pulling out. Rates were stabilizing for 2018 but without funding this will be dead. Don't come screaming oh my taxes pay for this, did anyone's taxes go up unless they made more money? NO, they didn't.

Did you lose your doctor's because of Obama, NO, you lost them because of network changes that happen all the gd time.

Get over your talking points, no more than 12% of ANY of the promised monies EVER came through the risk corridors.
Anything that averts the party from looking foolish and incompetent. Anything that is some kind of win instead of a principled loss. Which is worthless.
You got to keep obamacare. A win for takers a major loss for the makers. It's unaffordable but you got it. Hooray!
How does it feel to know your party had 8 years to come up with a valid HC bill and they failed miserably?
God knows you'd never be honest enough to admit THAT!!!!!!
have you admitted the ACA is a failure, yet?

It wouldn't have been if the republicans hadn't cut the risk corridors and fucked the health insurance companies. This is why insurance companies are pulling out. Rates were stabilizing for 2018 but without funding this will be dead. Don't come screaming oh my taxes pay for this, did anyone's taxes go up unless they made more money? NO, they didn't.

Did you lose your doctor's because of Obama, NO, you lost them because of network changes that happen all the gd time.

Get over your talking points, no more than 12% of ANY of the promised monies EVER came through the risk corridors.

I knew that they cut them the first year and why do you think (besides people with prex) the rates went up so high and will continue to go up.
You got to keep obamacare. A win for takers a major loss for the makers. It's unaffordable but you got it. Hooray!
How does it feel to know your party had 8 years to come up with a valid HC bill and they failed miserably?
God knows you'd never be honest enough to admit THAT!!!!!!
have you admitted the ACA is a failure, yet?

It wouldn't have been if the republicans hadn't cut the risk corridors and fucked the health insurance companies. This is why insurance companies are pulling out. Rates were stabilizing for 2018 but without funding this will be dead. Don't come screaming oh my taxes pay for this, did anyone's taxes go up unless they made more money? NO, they didn't.

Did you lose your doctor's because of Obama, NO, you lost them because of network changes that happen all the gd time.

Get over your talking points, no more than 12% of ANY of the promised monies EVER came through the risk corridors.

I knew that they cut them the first year and why do you think (besides people with prex) the rates went up so high and will continue to go up.

Go ahead and cite a source that says they cut them in 2013. Otherwise just back away.
How does it feel to know your party had 8 years to come up with a valid HC bill and they failed miserably?
God knows you'd never be honest enough to admit THAT!!!!!!
have you admitted the ACA is a failure, yet?

It wouldn't have been if the republicans hadn't cut the risk corridors and fucked the health insurance companies. This is why insurance companies are pulling out. Rates were stabilizing for 2018 but without funding this will be dead. Don't come screaming oh my taxes pay for this, did anyone's taxes go up unless they made more money? NO, they didn't.

Did you lose your doctor's because of Obama, NO, you lost them because of network changes that happen all the gd time.

Get over your talking points, no more than 12% of ANY of the promised monies EVER came through the risk corridors.

I knew that they cut them the first year and why do you think (besides people with prex) the rates went up so high and will continue to go up.

Go ahead and cite a source that says they cut them in 2013. Otherwise just back away.

I don't see where I said 2013 since we didn't start selling until Nov 2013 for an effective date of 1/1/14.
I'm not skirting anything, you just aren't getting the answers you want so you think that by discounting them out of hand helps you "win". You're wrong. Again, the ultimate goal was/is/ always has been Single Payer and that's what the ACA was designed to do, collapse the system and force the Nation into it. THAT'S what's working.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
It is also destroying millions of people's lives, you do realize that It suits only progressives. The rest of America is forced to pay for something they cannot afford, they do not want and will never use… Fact
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
What kind of compromise?
Anything that averts the party from looking foolish and incompetent. Anything that is some kind of win instead of a principled loss. Which is worthless.
You got to keep obamacare. A win for takers a major loss for the makers. It's unaffordable but you got it. Hooray!
How does it feel to know your party had 8 years to come up with a valid HC bill and they failed miserably?
God knows you'd never be honest enough to admit THAT!!!!!!
It feels disappointing! How does it feel to have produced the most fucked up healthcare bill ever aka Obamacare?

Life is what you make of it. If repub voters hadn't followed like lemmings and sat in front of fox news this could have been great.
What in the hell are yew even talking about?
Republicans should have brought in moderate Democrats like Manchin and Heitkamp. A repeal would hurt people in West Virginia who receive subsidies and rural areas like the one Heitkamp represents.
I don't think the Republicans are even allowed to LOOK in the GENERAL DIRECTION of Democrats, otherwise they're in danger of being called Marxist pinko commies.
have you admitted the ACA is a failure, yet?

It wouldn't have been if the republicans hadn't cut the risk corridors and fucked the health insurance companies. This is why insurance companies are pulling out. Rates were stabilizing for 2018 but without funding this will be dead. Don't come screaming oh my taxes pay for this, did anyone's taxes go up unless they made more money? NO, they didn't.

Did you lose your doctor's because of Obama, NO, you lost them because of network changes that happen all the gd time.

Get over your talking points, no more than 12% of ANY of the promised monies EVER came through the risk corridors.

I knew that they cut them the first year and why do you think (besides people with prex) the rates went up so high and will continue to go up.

Go ahead and cite a source that says they cut them in 2013. Otherwise just back away.

I don't see where I said 2013 since we didn't start selling until Nov 2013 for an effective date of 1/1/14.

Feel free to post where they cut them for 2014, I'll wait.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
It is also destroying millions of people's lives, you do realize that It suits only progressives. The rest of America is forced to pay for something they cannot afford, they do not want and will never use… Fact
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?
It is also destroying millions of people's lives, you do realize that It suits only progressives. The rest of America is forced to pay for something they cannot afford, they do not want and will never use… Fact
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.

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