Dems still own Obamacare. Good for midterms

It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
I agree with you. Basic coverage should be provided to all via a single payer system and the insurance industry can focus on supplemental care for more targeted needs.
It is also destroying millions of people's lives, you do realize that It suits only progressives. The rest of America is forced to pay for something they cannot afford, they do not want and will never use… Fact
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?
And you missed my entire point! At what cost? And, is it fair to pay quadruple to help others?
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
I agree with you. Basic coverage should be provided to all via a single payer system and the insurance industry can focus on supplemental care for more targeted needs.
Then we must have a system that collects federal taxes from everyone. A flat tax.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
I agree with you. Basic coverage should be provided to all via a single payer system and the insurance industry can focus on supplemental care for more targeted needs.

I am not a Republican. I used to be but I discovered that they are closet Democrats. I also discovered that we are simply bit players in a semi-interactive ele
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?
And you missed my entire point! At what cost? And, is it fair to pay quadruple to help others?

"Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00?"

In fairness this is no longer true. At first the Deds were aggregate, they aren't any longer. It's a small thing but it matters to some.
It wouldn't have been if the republicans hadn't cut the risk corridors and fucked the health insurance companies. This is why insurance companies are pulling out. Rates were stabilizing for 2018 but without funding this will be dead. Don't come screaming oh my taxes pay for this, did anyone's taxes go up unless they made more money? NO, they didn't.

Did you lose your doctor's because of Obama, NO, you lost them because of network changes that happen all the gd time.

Get over your talking points, no more than 12% of ANY of the promised monies EVER came through the risk corridors.

I knew that they cut them the first year and why do you think (besides people with prex) the rates went up so high and will continue to go up.

Go ahead and cite a source that says they cut them in 2013. Otherwise just back away.

I don't see where I said 2013 since we didn't start selling until Nov 2013 for an effective date of 1/1/14.

Feel free to post where they cut them for 2014, I'll wait.

Blue Cross sues feds for ACA payments

Blue Cross and Blue Shield joined a growing roster of health insurers Thursday that are suing the federal government to collect millions of dollars the companies say they are owed under the Affordable Care Act.

In a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, Blue Cross says it’s owed $130 million in financial assistance for 2014, the first year that Americans were required to buy health insurance under the health care law. Blue Cross said it expects to be owed $175 million for its losses in 2015.

The Chapel Hill insurer is seeking to collect payments under the ACA’s risk corridor program, which was established by Congress to compensate insurers for financial losses in the first years of the ACA. In 2014, Blue Cross took a $50.6 million operating loss, its first loss in 15 years, due to losses in its ACA business.

The Department of Health and Human Services has been unable to fully compensate health insurers because Congress has refused to appropriate the funds for risk corridors. For 2014, Blue Cross received $18 million and is still owed $130 million, according to the lawsuit.

“The federal government’s failure to honor its legal obligations contributed significantly to our ACA losses in 2014 and 2015 and makes it more challenging for our company to continue selling ACA products to our customers,” said Blue Cross CEO Brad Wilson in a statement.

The Obama Administration had planned to rely on other funds to pay insurers, but Republican leaders in Congress who oppose the ACA enacted a provision forbidding the use of other funds for risk corridors, claiming that the risk corridor program constitute a “bail out” of insurers, said Mark Hall, a health law professor at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem.

The ACA’s three-year risk corridor program, which expires this year, is one of three financial aid mechanisms created by the ACA to compensate insurers who agreed to sell subsidized health insurance.

Blue Cross says it lost $405 million on ACA customers in 2014 and 2015, and that’s after it was paid $313 million from the three ACA assistance programs. As a result of the losses, Blue Cross raised rates by an average 32.5 percent this year and is seeking an 18.8 percent increase for 2017.

In addition for refunding insurers for their losses, the risk corridor program requires insurers to pay into a federal insurance pool if they report a surplus on their ACA business, Blue Cross noted in its lawsuit.

Blue Cross is now reevaluating its commitment to the ACA and might withdraw from some counties or potentially stop offering ACA plans altogether. It will announce its decision in August regarding ACA coverage in North Carolina.

Blue Cross’s decision to offer ACA plans in all 100 counties in the state helped push North Carolina to the fourth-highest ACA enrollment in the nation. This year, for example, Blue Cross covers more than half of the 610,000-plus residents insured under the federal health care law.

Only one of many articles where insurance companies got stiffed. Now show me where we sold Obamacare for 2013 effective dates.
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
I agree with you. Basic coverage should be provided to all via a single payer system and the insurance industry can focus on supplemental care for more targeted needs.
Then we must have a system that collects federal taxes from everyone. A flat tax.

It pains me to say this, but yes we do. The truth is that we ARE our brother's keeper and that we are only as good as we treat the least of us.
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
Unfeasable medicare requires it's recipients to pay into the system their entire working lives! Shall we pull insurance premium s out of all income? Even welfare checks?
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
I agree with you. Basic coverage should be provided to all via a single payer system and the insurance industry can focus on supplemental care for more targeted needs.
Then we must have a system that collects federal taxes from everyone. A flat tax.
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?
And you missed my entire point! At what cost? And, is it fair to pay quadruple to help others?

No it's not fair.
Get over your talking points, no more than 12% of ANY of the promised monies EVER came through the risk corridors.

I knew that they cut them the first year and why do you think (besides people with prex) the rates went up so high and will continue to go up.

Go ahead and cite a source that says they cut them in 2013. Otherwise just back away.

I don't see where I said 2013 since we didn't start selling until Nov 2013 for an effective date of 1/1/14.

Feel free to post where they cut them for 2014, I'll wait.

Blue Cross sues feds for ACA payments

Blue Cross and Blue Shield joined a growing roster of health insurers Thursday that are suing the federal government to collect millions of dollars the companies say they are owed under the Affordable Care Act.

In a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, Blue Cross says it’s owed $130 million in financial assistance for 2014, the first year that Americans were required to buy health insurance under the health care law. Blue Cross said it expects to be owed $175 million for its losses in 2015.

The Chapel Hill insurer is seeking to collect payments under the ACA’s risk corridor program, which was established by Congress to compensate insurers for financial losses in the first years of the ACA. In 2014, Blue Cross took a $50.6 million operating loss, its first loss in 15 years, due to losses in its ACA business.

The Department of Health and Human Services has been unable to fully compensate health insurers because Congress has refused to appropriate the funds for risk corridors. For 2014, Blue Cross received $18 million and is still owed $130 million, according to the lawsuit.

“The federal government’s failure to honor its legal obligations contributed significantly to our ACA losses in 2014 and 2015 and makes it more challenging for our company to continue selling ACA products to our customers,” said Blue Cross CEO Brad Wilson in a statement.

The Obama Administration had planned to rely on other funds to pay insurers, but Republican leaders in Congress who oppose the ACA enacted a provision forbidding the use of other funds for risk corridors, claiming that the risk corridor program constitute a “bail out” of insurers, said Mark Hall, a health law professor at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem.

The ACA’s three-year risk corridor program, which expires this year, is one of three financial aid mechanisms created by the ACA to compensate insurers who agreed to sell subsidized health insurance.

Blue Cross says it lost $405 million on ACA customers in 2014 and 2015, and that’s after it was paid $313 million from the three ACA assistance programs. As a result of the losses, Blue Cross raised rates by an average 32.5 percent this year and is seeking an 18.8 percent increase for 2017.

In addition for refunding insurers for their losses, the risk corridor program requires insurers to pay into a federal insurance pool if they report a surplus on their ACA business, Blue Cross noted in its lawsuit.

Blue Cross is now reevaluating its commitment to the ACA and might withdraw from some counties or potentially stop offering ACA plans altogether. It will announce its decision in August regarding ACA coverage in North Carolina.

Blue Cross’s decision to offer ACA plans in all 100 counties in the state helped push North Carolina to the fourth-highest ACA enrollment in the nation. This year, for example, Blue Cross covers more than half of the 610,000-plus residents insured under the federal health care law.

Only one of many articles where insurance companies got stiffed. Now show me where we sold Obamacare for 2013 effective dates.

Two things.

1) I worked for BCBS at the time.
2) Look at the date of your article.

Lastly, it took 18 months to even get the first Subsidy payments.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
Unfeasable medicare requires it's recipients to pay into the system their entire working lives! Shall we pull insurance premium s out of all income? Even welfare checks?

Not true. It takes 40 quarters. Yes we need to pull from day 1 of anyone's working career.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
Unfeasable medicare requires it's recipients to pay into the system their entire working lives! Shall we pull insurance premium s out of all income? Even welfare checks?

It is feasible, ask an actuary. But then again you left and right actuaries, ask one that is independent. Used to work with one back in 2003 he worked numbers out at that time.
I knew that they cut them the first year and why do you think (besides people with prex) the rates went up so high and will continue to go up.

Go ahead and cite a source that says they cut them in 2013. Otherwise just back away.

I don't see where I said 2013 since we didn't start selling until Nov 2013 for an effective date of 1/1/14.

Feel free to post where they cut them for 2014, I'll wait.

Blue Cross sues feds for ACA payments

Blue Cross and Blue Shield joined a growing roster of health insurers Thursday that are suing the federal government to collect millions of dollars the companies say they are owed under the Affordable Care Act.

In a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, Blue Cross says it’s owed $130 million in financial assistance for 2014, the first year that Americans were required to buy health insurance under the health care law. Blue Cross said it expects to be owed $175 million for its losses in 2015.

The Chapel Hill insurer is seeking to collect payments under the ACA’s risk corridor program, which was established by Congress to compensate insurers for financial losses in the first years of the ACA. In 2014, Blue Cross took a $50.6 million operating loss, its first loss in 15 years, due to losses in its ACA business.

The Department of Health and Human Services has been unable to fully compensate health insurers because Congress has refused to appropriate the funds for risk corridors. For 2014, Blue Cross received $18 million and is still owed $130 million, according to the lawsuit.

“The federal government’s failure to honor its legal obligations contributed significantly to our ACA losses in 2014 and 2015 and makes it more challenging for our company to continue selling ACA products to our customers,” said Blue Cross CEO Brad Wilson in a statement.

The Obama Administration had planned to rely on other funds to pay insurers, but Republican leaders in Congress who oppose the ACA enacted a provision forbidding the use of other funds for risk corridors, claiming that the risk corridor program constitute a “bail out” of insurers, said Mark Hall, a health law professor at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem.

The ACA’s three-year risk corridor program, which expires this year, is one of three financial aid mechanisms created by the ACA to compensate insurers who agreed to sell subsidized health insurance.

Blue Cross says it lost $405 million on ACA customers in 2014 and 2015, and that’s after it was paid $313 million from the three ACA assistance programs. As a result of the losses, Blue Cross raised rates by an average 32.5 percent this year and is seeking an 18.8 percent increase for 2017.

In addition for refunding insurers for their losses, the risk corridor program requires insurers to pay into a federal insurance pool if they report a surplus on their ACA business, Blue Cross noted in its lawsuit.

Blue Cross is now reevaluating its commitment to the ACA and might withdraw from some counties or potentially stop offering ACA plans altogether. It will announce its decision in August regarding ACA coverage in North Carolina.

Blue Cross’s decision to offer ACA plans in all 100 counties in the state helped push North Carolina to the fourth-highest ACA enrollment in the nation. This year, for example, Blue Cross covers more than half of the 610,000-plus residents insured under the federal health care law.

Only one of many articles where insurance companies got stiffed. Now show me where we sold Obamacare for 2013 effective dates.

Two things.

1) I worked for BCBS at the time.
2) Look at the date of your article.

Lastly, it took 18 months to even get the first Subsidy payments.

Blue Cross of NC or California? Read the article they were suing for 2014 first year.
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
Unfeasable medicare requires it's recipients to pay into the system their entire working lives! Shall we pull insurance premium s out of all income? Even welfare checks?

It is feasible, ask an actuary. But then again you left and right actuaries, ask one that is independent. Used to work with one back in 2003 he worked numbers out at that time.

"Feasibility" is relative. It should also be irrelevant. We have to take care of our own.
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.
you cannot debate because you never answer questions or even acknowledge that one has been asked!
Are you high? Get a mirror. I directly addressed both of his points on progressives and costs. Reread the discussion. Now go back to our discussion when I asked you to answer a very direct question and you completely avoided it to bring up new subjects that better suited your narratives.
No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?
And you missed my entire point! At what cost? And, is it fair to pay quadruple to help others?
I was the one making the point that you ignored. I even stated that there were cost issues that we could discuss after you answered my question. You obviously could not answer it and wanted to just right to your narrative... So why should I waste my time engaging with you?
You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
LOL, I never claimed otherwise, did I? The people MOST affected by the ACA were the folks on individual plans.
You are not making a complete argument. You've been skirting away from acknowledging that the bill has helped many with Pre-existing conditions get coverage. I'll assume that you agree with that unless you state otherwise. I acknowledge that premiums and deductibles have gone up for many people as well making it much harder to pay for their care. If we are going to have a fair discussion about it we need to understand the numbers and choose the best approach. If covering those with PreCons is driving up costs then do we want to drop them so prices can come back down? Can we find a way to offset those costs so they still get coverage and affordable plans can be available for the healthy? These items are what we should be discussing.

I'm not skirting anything, you just aren't getting the answers you want so you think that by discounting them out of hand helps you "win". You're wrong. Again, the ultimate goal was/is/ always has been Single Payer and that's what the ACA was designed to do, collapse the system and force the Nation into it. THAT'S what's working.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
It is also destroying millions of people's lives, you do realize that It suits only progressives. The rest of America is forced to pay for something they cannot afford, they do not want and will never use… Fact
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.

It helps a small minority that are likely gaming the system and have fucked up priorities.

You are not making a complete argument. You've been skirting away from acknowledging that the bill has helped many with Pre-existing conditions get coverage. I'll assume that you agree with that unless you state otherwise. I acknowledge that premiums and deductibles have gone up for many people as well making it much harder to pay for their care. If we are going to have a fair discussion about it we need to understand the numbers and choose the best approach. If covering those with PreCons is driving up costs then do we want to drop them so prices can come back down? Can we find a way to offset those costs so they still get coverage and affordable plans can be available for the healthy? These items are what we should be discussing.

I'm not skirting anything, you just aren't getting the answers you want so you think that by discounting them out of hand helps you "win". You're wrong. Again, the ultimate goal was/is/ always has been Single Payer and that's what the ACA was designed to do, collapse the system and force the Nation into it. THAT'S what's working.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
It is also destroying millions of people's lives, you do realize that It suits only progressives. The rest of America is forced to pay for something they cannot afford, they do not want and will never use… Fact
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.

It helps a small minority that are likely gaming the system and have fucked up priorities.

What are you talking about? Are you just making stuff up to try and sound like you're in the know? How about less assumptions and more facts. It makes for a stronger argument.
LOL, I never claimed otherwise, did I? The people MOST affected by the ACA were the folks on individual plans.
You are not making a complete argument. You've been skirting away from acknowledging that the bill has helped many with Pre-existing conditions get coverage. I'll assume that you agree with that unless you state otherwise. I acknowledge that premiums and deductibles have gone up for many people as well making it much harder to pay for their care. If we are going to have a fair discussion about it we need to understand the numbers and choose the best approach. If covering those with PreCons is driving up costs then do we want to drop them so prices can come back down? Can we find a way to offset those costs so they still get coverage and affordable plans can be available for the healthy? These items are what we should be discussing.

I'm not skirting anything, you just aren't getting the answers you want so you think that by discounting them out of hand helps you "win". You're wrong. Again, the ultimate goal was/is/ always has been Single Payer and that's what the ACA was designed to do, collapse the system and force the Nation into it. THAT'S what's working.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
/----/ Yes I do and I also admit Hitler got the trains to run on time. Now consider the entire picture on Obzocare...........
All things considered, both sides need to stop the partisan posturing and work together to fix the areas of the ACA that are inflating costs. The protections the ACA provides should stay, it appears most people would agree

Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

I'm not skirting anything, you just aren't getting the answers you want so you think that by discounting them out of hand helps you "win". You're wrong. Again, the ultimate goal was/is/ always has been Single Payer and that's what the ACA was designed to do, collapse the system and force the Nation into it. THAT'S what's working.
I'm not trying to win anything, just trying to have an honest discussion. So let me just ask very simply, do you recognize that Obamacare has provided some provisions that have helped many millions of people? Direct answer please
It is also destroying millions of people's lives, you do realize that It suits only progressives. The rest of America is forced to pay for something they cannot afford, they do not want and will never use… Fact
It has nothing to do with "progressives" it benefits, the sick, women, and the poor. It has raised prices for many as well. All of these factors need to be included in our discussions. If you can't acknowledge how it helps people then you can't really have a fair debate. Just like somebody who can't acknowledge who has been hurt by the ACA can't have an honest debate.

It helps a small minority that are likely gaming the system and have fucked up priorities.

What are you talking about? Are you just making stuff up to try and sound like you're in the know? How about less assumptions and more facts. It makes for a stronger argument.

If you can't afford a shiny new Honda, your shit out of luck. Same thing for a new big screen TV. I'm all for the government providing loans to those in need, who can't afford to pay for healthcare. Kind of like student loans nobody is paying back


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